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Miles Sj carolds and upward Claiming June C 110 Index Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt i StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish SUN HATHOR b g 4 103 By Sun Briar Hathor by Meddler MeddlerTrainer Trainer E L Fitzgerald Owner W S Kilmer Breeder W S Kilmer 0177G CD 170145 ft 215 111 2 4 41 4i W Garner 8 DryMoon 111 Corinth 112 SpaiiishRofe 102 01570 CD 1 116 l47ift 18 107 a 1 1 m 1 W Garner 8 Eager 107 Phidias 108 Black Crackle 98 00450 Tarn 1 l54hy 81 110 1 7 7 71 C V Swansn 7 Hullo 107Jibc 102JohnSMosby 103 00224 Tarn 1 116 l4Ssl 13 97 3 4 4 4 4099G7 S Hebert G Squarson lOSBargainDay 103FireBoy 104 099G7 Tarn 170 l44f t 7 107 3 3 Z 31 3 1 J Dillea S Squarson lOOlatsman lOOlMadltoy 100 99833 Tani 51 f 113 hyl310 111 3 3 I 1i J Dillea 8 HdOr 93NtBxprs lOOJGenIScth 110 09608 Tarn 5 f lOSft 2 113 8 4 I1 I1 J McCoy 9 FccsJaue lIOGenlSeth HSBagdad 104 00510 Tani 51 f l09J ft 17 107 8 8 7 1 5 1 J Weshoff 8 Rocking HOUPriestess HOBunbury 110 GORGET b g 5 100 100Trainer 10 By Helmet Badinage by Cunard Cunardoerner Trainer C Koerner Owner C Koerner oerner Breeder H H Hewitt HewittIl 00082 Tarn 51 f 107 ft 145 109 2 1 Il lt C Allen S GenlSeth 99QnaMario 105Hidalgo 112 02323 Haw 34 l13ft 12 107 6 8 7 55i S Veale 9 Chemrie 109DrGlcn HGRaclielPotr 112 01558 Haw 1 11G l47ft 8 103 1 2 li 3 S Veale G RaGreener 93EUasOlllRnRouge 113 01445 Haw 34 114 gd 15 116 2 6 65 G S Veale 7 ElizK99WHeatlier 112JG Denny 122 01224 Haw 34 l13 ft 20 11G 4 3 4 9 S Veale 12 Statler 120Keegan llOGeoGroom 104 89545 CD 1 116 l47 ft 8 105 5 3 3 3i 41 S Vealo 6 BeanKing lOlDdybrush 103BrGrass 110 89483 CD 6i f l13ift 9 108 6 7 7J 3 L Keal 10 Despard HSStatler 113QueenChming 108 FOREST LORE ch s 6 107 7 By Campfire Ma Wee Dear by Love Wisely Trainer T Lynn Owner E K Bryson Breeder R T Wilson WilsonC 01515 Pirn 34114 ft 17 122 G C i 5T1 J Leyland 7 GoldRock 112 ProfPower 121Lcmnos 110 01328 Pirn 24 l13 ft 27 103 7 73 77i J Leyland 7 DizzyBlonde lOGLemnos 93 Roland 112 00990 IMG 51 f lOC ift G5 DC 5 7 7 L Edwrds 7 RockMan 112MrPepp HSBontaud 107 87536 Mia 51 f lOGft 29 107 5 5803G1 S S10 J Maiben S FinnLag 105SandyIlatch HSBallGee 100 803G1 Dor 1 116 147 gd S 103 1 31 2 = 1 B MriRclIi 5 SpotCasli 128Exterminator linDigit 108 80093 BB 1 1S l lu u isl 31 105 1 32 2 = 1 S Bullman 7 Spot Cash 12GOpperman lOSDTliought 108 LEE ADRIN b m 5 104 By Royal II Mandy Hamilton by John oGaunt Trainer G Nugent Owner Nugent Bros Sreeder H P Headier 02230 FP 1 141 gd 10 10D 2 2 2 = O Laidley 8 PShay 112 IsldFairy 9G MMattie 107 107I1 02 1 G7 FP l70133m 3 105 5 I1 I2 O Lafdley 7 IsldFairy lOOWilliesMd OSMissMgic 93 9S97G JP 1 116 147 ft 15 104 3 7 63i L Pichon 8 ThcLeopad 1011ostman 110BlWand 110 11045i 99845 JP 118158 hy3I10 101 2 45i 4 1 L Pichoii 7 KentLllGMElIenOlOSRunnsFox 111 99745 JP 170 l47sl 1910 101 5 4 451 L Pichon 9 Outlawed HOGreystone 101EliztIiK104 99520 JP 1 1S l537ift 71 100 6 51 45i L Pichon 7 Quotan 105Fantoche lOjWilkesBre IOC 99361 JP 1 116 145 ft 28 104 4 5 o L Pichon S Pecora S9Mingale 103KofFtune 108 98661 FG 1 315 2C27ift 42 101 1 7 1 7 K Horvtli 9 EdGray lOSGeoDeMar HCMarjorieC99 98578 FG 1 1S l33 igd 31 102 3 9 910l L Pichon 10 GeoDeMar 114MarJoricC9SFJretuia 110 PAYMAN ch B 5 104 By Superman Fair Pay by Fair Play PlayTrainer Trainer A G Woodmsn Owner S Cowan flreedcr H T Oznard 02021 CD 1 116 l477ift 1310 10S 6 1 1 1 R Finnerty G Lady Von 97 Eager 109 Widgeon 107 01913 CD 1 116 l47 ft 5 107 6 4 2 2 R Fin erty 9 Cockney 104Longclianmps lllSpRose 102 01613 CD 1 116 l47 4ft 7 103 5 3 Ill R Finnerty 12 Widgeon 110 MacOBoy 103 Chiva 103 99831 Mia 1 116 l47 ft 4310 110 2 3 2 ° 1 V Stott o Claudius 104Winnipeg 115 Maclean 115 99759 Mia 1 11G l4G ft 1 103 132 lk V Stott 8 OverFire 109MargarctStL108MaryB88 99643 Mia llSl51Hft 9 109 1 2 4 4 i V Stott C Trcasr 113Vulnad lllDof theValley 114 114992G9 992G9 Mia 34 113 ft 163 110 4 3 1 J Callahanll Thunderbolt 103YApril 105NShade 104 99073 Mia 34 l1314ft 127 107 3 8 8 6 i S Barrett 10 Wellfcr 112M getStLlllChtfbrk 112 99027 Mia 51 f lOGl ft 4710f 109 11 11 121 12l H Barrett 13 DustUp 109GreckFriar 112BBrown 118 BLARNEY STONE b s 8 101 By Berrilldon Top Rock by Rockton RocktonTrainer Trainer J Reed Owner Harned Bros Breeder W L Garth 02347 FP 1 116 l4S l4Ssft = sft 95 110 7 55i 31 R Chtham 7 Talequa lOoWillsMaid 94OpenIIand 103 02126 FP 1 116 l49ft 910 109 8 4J lh R Cheham 9 Alard 108J Billy Mann 101 Yorick 105 01961 CD ll12OSVsft 2 103 1 1 I5 V Garner 8 MacOBoy 103 Flames 108 Openlland 93 01875 CD 131620mft 61 104 1 4J 45 R Chham 8 LorettaBrooks 103LadyVon 951hidias 107 01772 CD ll16147ift 12f 10610 7 5 i 6 1 R Chehaml2 Eager lOOResourcefl 102Pyltician 101 94405 CI 1 316 15S ft 5s S i G Johnson 7 Guelph 109 Lighter 107Sveepstakes 110 1 18 l51 4ft 61 102 7 7 5 i 54i L Geving 7 Lonfjchamps 102 Kit 97Denizcn 97 93520 CI 1 316 l59Hft 31 103 6 4 4 4 4i i G John Johnson G BlackWand lOGKit 9GLongcbamps 109 93371 CI 1 14 219 by 135 99 C 3 2 41 G John JohnELIAS Johnson G Spstakes 103BlueStone HOReelFoot 104 ELIAS O ch g 7 104 By ByTrainer Short Grass Mary Powell by Star Shoot ShootC Trainer W C Weant Owner W C Weanf Breeder Short Grass Stud 02232 FP 1 11G l4SV gdI 10 110 1 2 2 2l l ink v E Pool 7 Talequa 105Ramkin HOFirth ofTay 110 01772 CD 1 11G l47 4ft 32 106 6 9 S i R JoneiOIC13 Jones 12 Eager lOOResourcefl 102PyPtician 101 OIC13 CD 1 l16147 ft S 11011 11 G G Gl 2 S Griff Griffin 12 Payman 103 Widgeon 110 MacOBoy 103 01504 CD 1 116 l4S igd 15 112 G 4 53 31 K Noe 12 PatCalhoun 102 Andry 90 QnAgnet 99 97236 FP lllCl47 f 11320 115 3 3 3l 31 M Can Garner G Maximac 113DonnaSanta 104SixPce 110 97119 FP l70141Vift 32 109 3 2 2l I M Gar Garner 7 JSMosby lOGCupoTca 102P ceTiiTli 107 97051 FP 170 l15 ft 185 103 3 E 31 21 R Cost Costello 7 CupoTca 94SlxPcnce lOSFausto 103 96922 FP 1 115 l19 sl 233 109 1 5 5i 41 F J Baker 8 HerbyColes 107iSixPence 107Rackct IOC RAMA ch S 8 106 106Trainer 6 By Ballot Jamma by Delhi Trainer A Gaieasrd Ownar C A Covle Covle9909C Breeder G Starr Starr45i 9909C FG 1 1S l5G ft 22G IOC 2 G 45i 31 W 1 Harvey 9 Future lOlToaTray lOlAnnicLylc lOt 98981 FG 1 1S l34Sjft S5 110 4 4 5 G C C9873G Lang 6 DayTrap 1131ccora 91jHiimorcttc 101 9873G FG 1 116 l47ft 7 108 11 9 7 71 1 4 J Colen 11 Shark lOGltowdsRcquest lOSTalequa 106 98661 FG 13lC202ft 17 107 7 G 6 63 3 GJ J Colen 9 EdGray lOSGcoDeMar 116MarjorieC99 116MarjorieC9955J 98578 FG 1 1S l35gd H 10710 8 5J 5 J JD8370 Colen 10 GeoDeMar 101 MarjorieC DSFireta 110 D8370 FG lllCllSft 58 107 8 8 8 C J Colen 8 Nassau 112ialeqtia lOlSquarsou 112 98286 FG 1 11G l50hy 12 105 S 8 81 S J JCHAMPIGNOL Colen 8 GrgelJeMar lOGSquarson 107Foolscap 102 CHAMPIGNOL b p 4 105 5 By Great BritatnrShoo Fly by Meddler Meddleritable Trainer W Simi Owner Pueblo Stable Breeder E Rucker Rucker2J 02270 FP 1116151 m 21 107 4 4 2J 31 D Tyler 5 DanelngKool HOFlretoma 103 Pequot 101 02171 FP 170 l52m 11 no 3 3 5 1 5 D Tyler 7 Firctoma 110 Foolscap 107 Denizen 110 07798 JP 1 1 2J44hy 14 105 G 6 6076G7 5 5 D Tyler 6 Firctoma lOSThePoet lOSGuclph 113 113E 076G7 JP 1 18 l59V by 11 104 4 5 E GJ D Tyler 6 Scratch 102Duckweed 110MyEllcnO104 07639 JP ll8153Hft 12 104 7 2 31 4s D Tyler 9 Romany lOOOceanCurrent 1041iat n 100 100I010 07506 JP 1 11G 147 ft 34 102 10 10 I010 = F Lee 10 BolrBond lOGFrightfnl 103Ilumorte 108 1081i 06810 Kmp 1 ISl55ftlMO 112 4 1 19G371 1i 2 k H Thurber 7 Thimble 110 Warfare HOWishlWin 102 9G371 Jam 1 18 l53 ift 1G5 103 G 2 2 1 H Thurber 6 Viburnum llSRomany lOSPrJamcs 111 95813 Jam 170 l45 = ft 15 113 8 s 3 J 2 H nichrda 8 RowlcndslSct lOSRodco HOSandrae 115 MISS MAGGIE b f 3 3Trainer 9G 3y Short Grass Mary Belle by Ballot BallotWhalen Trainer J Koefo Owner Whalen Randazzo SrepHcr Slmrt Grass Stufl 02167 FP l70153m G S5 4 M McGgle T LeeAdriii lOSJisldFairy 10rtVillicNMM 9i 9iS 01374 Col 34 llC5sft 20 S S = G Young S Unionville HOltcikyXiu KllXcrcM IDS IDSS 01081 Col GS lOl lt 27 S i S15 P Cogan 8 Coral Rppf 112Finday 10K lmon 1OO 00465 Mob ab34 123 hy 15 3 35 H Garner 5 Glib 103ChickUp 112GcttyslnirK 11 00429 Mob ab58 I03 ihy2910 5 ° 5 C Phillips 5 Remnant lllAnnipLylo il2HcllcIIlll 00330 Mob ab34 l23 hy 215 1 3 3 G Mangan C Unlucky llGChieklTp 121Xcrtiil 11 00266 Mob ab5S l01hy 175 2 2 II Garner 5 PSeth IKtPetirBnish 114BaloGart 103 00031 JP 34 116 m 11 5 i 52 D Dubois 8 PtodeOro 115StIJonard 113nLynii 104 OVER FIRE ch g 5 110 110Trainer By Under Fire Silvey Shapiro by Bannockburn BannockburnWick Trainer R McKnever Owner W Wick Breeder P Dunne Dunne3i 02130 FP l70145ft 7 109 1 1 3l u 55i F J Baker 0 DrCdcns 110 FiretMr OS EightSty 105 01034 HdG 1 1S l53ift 14 1051 1 G 653 3 553 B Thpson 7 Duckwd 103WarAIan lOGDrOMara 10 00908 HdG 1 1S l552ft 15 103 4 5 46i I 2 S HicUs 8 EduGray lliKanduit lOGPandosto 111 1112i 00812 HdG 111G 149 ft 7f 101 5 3 2 2i 5 S Hicks 11 GnBillows lOOEGray 112DrOMara lOGi lOGili 99759 Mia 1 11C l4G ft 95 109 3 2 I1 2 2PRETTY out B Thpson 8 Payman 103MargaretStL lOSMaryB 88 PRETTY POLITICIAN ch m 5 100 By Ballot Maifou by Hastings Trainer K Pitt Owner K Pitt Breeder D B Knoz 02230 FP 1 141 gd 4 107 8 G53 5 G Philpot 8 FaulaShay 112 LocAdrin 109 IsldFairy 9 I 01772 CD 1 116 l47ift 10 101 4 34 Z R Finnertyl2 Eager lOGReseeful 102BlickGraikle 101 01710 CD 1116 l47tt 10 103 G 752 S l R Finnertyll 1reciousLula 109 Xtra 96 Waterflagl07 01505 CD 34 l14 l14sgd = sgd G6 104 11 3 = 1 5 J R Finnertyl5 McdMattic lOGBricrllill lUTalequa 107 90551 Aur 1 l47hy 7 103 1 4J 7 H Long 7 Ladylnez 103AnnieLyle lOllTrapnet 106 90236 Aur 1 116 l30jsl 135 10S 3 5 3 J H Long 8 RPotter lOSWilrtheWd 107Sequel 111 80403 MH 1116145 ft 145 10G1 2 ol 45 II Long 7 Ferguson lfOBlkWand 97Llewellyn 103 80440 MH 1 l3S ft 1 IOC 4 4DENIZEN 51 4 H Lone 7 GrassMaid 107PiratcGold lOSMValet 108 DENIZEN br g 4 By Whisk Broom II Dendera by Rabelais Trainer A Goldblatt Owner B Gentry Breeder H P Whitney 02171 FP 170 l32 m 9 110 7 3 3s S ODnell 7 Firctoma 110 Foolscap 107 Pequot 110 01811 CD ll16147ft 10 101 5 C C1S R Finnerty 7 Lncer 109 Lgchmps 112 MnightRsel02 01737 CD 1116147 ft 36 110 4 498G91 611 C S ODnell flDustyMy 102FrRowena 102Chittagjj 109 98G91 FG ll8154ft IS 103 2 62i V Moore 9 Georgie 109Harlan lOlHilary 102 98606 FG ll16147ift 8 99 4 11 Ih V Moore 10 Georgic 103Frignte 102IIellCat 91 98460 FG ll1614S gd 12 108 3 1s 1J V Mooro 8 Talequa 103TlieSpa IKJCatesby 10S 98329 FG 1 116 l4S gd3110 96 2 1 I2 1 G JohnsonlO Tulalip lOOBadLuck 108SIeivebloom 100