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LAST DAY AT THORNCLIFFE Best Meeting Ever Held at That Track Comes to End Tliistle Handicap to Robert Maxwell In Run ¬ away Style Jean Crest Easy Winner of Hallucination Handcap TORONTO Ont June 7 With the run nni of todays card the best meeting ever held at Thorncliffe since that course was constructed a few years back came to a close Another large gathering was on hand and some good racing was witnessed There were two handicaps offered as attractions the Thistle Handicap 1500 at threequar ¬ ters and the Hallucination Handicap 2000 at one mile The Nevada Stock Farms Thistlewood was made favorite for the This ¬ tle but he failed to make good The winner turned up in Robert Maxwell which scored a runaway victory when he beat Lieutenant II by two lengths and a half Robert Max ¬ well held command of the situation all the way Taking the lead at tie start he raced Thistlewood and then Lieutenant II into defeat and at the finish was going away Lieutenant II had a bit of bad luck in the race when he was blocked at the halfmile jK st Smith attempted to go through on the inside at this stage but was cut off by Thistlewood Arno was never a dangerous factor finishing fourth fourthThe The Hallucination Handicap called for horses bred in Canada The Seagram Stable scratched Beau of the West and depended upon Kings Court Erickson attempted to outrun Jean Crest in the early stages and the result was that he finished last of hi field Jean Crest was an easy winner Be ¬ ginning fast on the outside she outran her rivals to the first turn and Abel let her race right along On the back stretch she shook off Kings Court and after racing into an easy lead was taken in hand and for the remainder of the way was under slight re ¬ straint At the finish sne led Royal Pearl by two lengths and the latter was a length In front of Fairbank Then came Forecast II beaten a length and a half for third thirdCOLORED COLORED GIRL 3IAKES GOOD GOODColored Colored Gal finally made good after sev ¬ eral disappointments Mooney waited with her after being shuffled back when the start came and never made a move until they were straightened put in the home stretch AVhen called on Colored Gal closed with a rush on the outside of the leaders and fin ¬ ishing full of courage won going away at the end Kamakani and Heartache fought itrotitfor second place and they finished as named noses part Kamakani vras well fan ¬ cied and made a desperate effort entering the home stretch where she went to the leader with a rush but after getting to the front he tired Knight of Merci II was the winner in the second He was a bitfractious at the barrier and was moved over to the outside rail When the start came he left with the leaders but was outrun in the early stages and Smith took him back Working his way around the leaders entering the home stretch Knight of Merci II dashed to the front and after shaking off Mabel 1C was taken in hand and won with a bit in reserve Mabel K was a tiring second After showing plenty early speed and making the pace for a bit over a half mile Blacksmith despite his heavy impost found strong support He was off slowly and outrun the first half mile but in the stretch run he closed in resolute fashion in the middle of the track and in another stride past the winning mark was in front of Mabel K Wraith had no chance from where he got off There was a lot of shuf ¬ fling directly after the start and Wraith was right in the middle of it and Bourassa was forced to pull up PROVES LOSING COMBINATION Sport Royal and Thompson proved a los ¬ ing combination in the third race for which the Salmon racer was an oddson favorite The talent figured that this horse would sprint into a long lead in the early stages but Thompson elected to rate him under slight restraint hoping no doubt that he would have something left for the final quarter Sport Royal failed miserably under these tactics He rated along about a length in front of his opponents to the stretch turn and when Ensile made her bid collapsed The Burkhart mare then drew away but at the end had to be hard ridden to outlast Cliff The latter was gaining on the leaders at the end Peternel could do nothing with Talladega This colt kept trying to bear over to the inside rail all through the home stretch He is evidently a rail runner and needs a stronger rider to make him do his best Sport Royal dropped out of the picture the last eighth and was beaten by a length and a half for the short end of the purse purseThe The best finish of the meeting came with the running of the sixth race when the first four horses finished in a compact bunch Noses separated the first three and a head the third and fourth The winner was Sea Fairy Bourassa rode n desperate finish on her and she just did last long enough to beat l ampus by a nose Then came Betsy Bacon Altissimo was served up as a real good thing in this race and heavy commissions from out of town poured in on him What ¬ ever chance he had was ruined going to the first turn where he was shuffled back and out of it Clear View was another that had a rough journey He was in a pocket from the start and never had a chance