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Honest Bona Fide Reliable Information InformationCOL COL RICHARD MITCHELL MITCHELLPurveyor Purveyor of Sensational Turf Information InformationTERMS TERMS AND CONDITIONS ONE HORSE A DAY FOR SIX DAYS FOR THE NOMINAL SUM OF 10 SIX WINNING DAYS FOR 10 And once again my army of followers won Are you now satisfied that I can make you win My advice to every player is to play one horse a day and make your layer pay YESTERDAYS ONE HORSE HORSEDISCIPLE DISCIPLE 2640 Won WonTODAY TODAY 40 FOR 2 OR BETTER TODAY YOU MUST WIN YOU MUST WIN WINThere There is a horse going today that is of such exceptional caliber that every race player should take advantage of it This horse has be n primad for this bis event today My connections have informed me that they have never come in contact with a better thing than this horse going today and it is up to every player not to overlook this golden opportunity opportunityMjr Mjr previous transactions and notice th caliber of my information informationSATURDAYS SATURDAYS ONE HORSE HORSEBELPRE BELPRE 5455 Won WonWEDNESDAYS WEDNESDAYS ONE HORSE HORSEKAMAKAXI KAMAKAXI 2118 Won WonTUESDAYS TUESDAYS ONE HORSE HORSEMERRIMAC MERRIMAC 1 35 Won WonMONDAYS MONDAYS ONE HORSE HORSELIEUTENANT LIEUTENANT II Won WonSATURDAYS SATURDAYS ONE HORSE HORSEMOREHEAD MOREHEAD W3i Won WonFRIDAYS FRIDAYS ONE HORSE TALLEY LIGHT 3340 14M 2n l lTHURSDAYS THURSDAYS ONE HORSE HORSEMARY MARY 0 9 Won WonIf If yon desire this service if out f town wire ten dollars by Western Union or Postal Telegraph or if in city come up to my office open 936 a m to 4 p m mRICHARD RICHARD MITCHELL Room 1218 1480 Broadway New York City