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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesAURORA AURORA TUESDAY JUNE 8 8WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK PAST The firures under the beading Eec in the entries below show the best time of each hcrse at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was mode on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 3SBS7 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1926 Racing starts ct 213 m Chicago daylight ravin time 0 Superior mud runner y Good mini runner Fiir mud runner M Maidens Apprentiie allowance allowanceThe The following ililtroviit ions arc used to designate I met at which time records shown in entries rrrc made Akron Kins Edward AqueductAurora Aqueduct Lagoon Aurora Latonia AuroraBelmsnt Belmsnt Park ParkBlno Laurel Blno Binncts BinnctsBlue Lexington Blue Grass GrassBow Lex Colored Fair FairLong Bow i iBrooklyn Long Branch Brooklyn BrooklynChurchill Maple Heights Churchill Downs Marlboro ClarksburgColtunbas Clarksburg Miami Coltunbas Mobile ColtunbasColwood Colwood Park ParkConey Mount Royal Coney Island IslandConcaught Niagara Falls Concaught Park ParkDado Orlando Dado Park ParkDcloriraier Omaha Dcloriraier Park ParkEeioushire Phoenix Eeioushire Pimlico EeioushireDorval Dorval DorvalDuff Raceland Duff aria Park ParkEmpi Reao EmpiErlanster Empi Salt Lake ErlansterFair Erlanster Saratoga Fair Grounds GroundsFairmont Tampa Fairmont Park ParkFort Tanf oran Fort Erie ErieHamilton Thistledown Hamilton HamiltonHavre Thornchf fe Havre de Grace Tijuana Havana Timocinm HavanaHawthorne Hawthorne Toledo HawthorneHuntington Huntington HuntingtonJamaica United Hunts HuntsWheeling JamaicaJefferson Jamaica Wheeling Jefferson Park ParkJuarez Willows Park ParkWindsor Juarez Windsor JuarezKempton Kempton Park ParkKenil Woodbine Kenil worth Youngstown Aurora Mile Track TrackFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse SOO 4venrolds and upward Claiming Track record June 23 1925 112 3 108 108Todays Todays TodaysIn1 In1 IIorsotPoMPfK AVt Itee AAVtHan 02261 Gay Boy H lltsc 113 l13 i G 117X725 02242 Move On Sell 3 DP 109 113 5 117X720 5166 Double T S JP IOS 114 5 IOS 71 02220 Klaik Deer 4 Hav 107 1125 7 112 710 j 0226S3 Melvina 5 Mia 107 l13i 5 112X705 1 02343 Greek Friar M I 2 Mia 120 1135 4 113 700 700OOT22 OOT22 Overtake 7 DP 114 113 H3X 95 0244 llena 11 Htu lOit 11G G 109 0951 02182 Xivlag 12 CI IOS 114 5 109XG95 01764 Ac uitled iOma HV4 1 14s 5 117X61 t 02262 Mclntosh Mia 109 l14s 113X690 02337 Mauua Loa 10 Haw 109 114 S S 113X 9i 02261 Mi AJI 13 4 103XG90 02261 Little Hetty 14 FI 99 115 4 103 KH 02263 Attorney Muir 15 11 109 090 090Second Second Race 34 Mile SO3 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 23 1925 112 3 108 02168 Kerry Girl 1JP 07 114 = 5 5 107X725 02263 Red G MII 114 114 10 113X720 02075 St Xicholas SAtir 104 l13i 4 117X715 01868 Firth of Forth 10 DP 10G l13 s 4 103X710 02263 = Intake it DP 09 114 4 107X705 107X7058C854J 8C854J Aoorgold 3 5 108 700 02337 Ink 4 Aur 10 120 5 103XG95 02337 Iarnell Lad 5Htn 103 113 4 113XG90 02221 Pol Roger 7Sar 10T 115 4 117XG90 02340s Despard 13 JP 115 113 5 113xGX rilKnis 2 G 104G85 02017 King 15 11 7 104 683 02197 Fairlight 14FP 112 115 5 5 109XG85 02490 Fun Maker 15MIa 112 115 4 108 683 02262 Kelle VM d l DP 104 113 4 t 9CSO i Third Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 800 3yearohls Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sept 22 1923 103 1 112 02219 = Smoky Day OAur 102 107 102X7 ° 01298 Deadfall 2 Hav 104 1OG 110 7 02491 = Gilmorc 14 Anr 102 107 109 713 02193 = Queen of Allah G Aur 95 108 110 710 3SS Miss Ida Ilrown 1 JI 101 1OS 105X703 02266 = Oreen Hills SJI 103 107 110 700 02339 Income 11 DI 113 1 OSlf 112 695 01867 Aristotle 7 Hav 110 10815 112 C90 02193 Breakers Ahead AheadL L Mia 110 109 1I2G90 97274 1angold 3 Lat 110 1 12m 115XOS5 02219 Cracc Johnston JohnstonM M 4 Aur 83 109 100 OS5 01901 Babe Garrett 311 103 1OS 105X S5 02260 Marius M 10 Aur 114 109 112 685 685024S1 024S1 Sanguine M 13 Aur 105 109 110 GS5 02491 His Queen 15Aur lOt 108 112X683 112X683Fourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Sept 22 1925 105 A 11 02337 = Adele W Aur 105 l07s 3 92X725 02337 P T liarnum 4 DP 112 1OG 8 113 720 02220 Miss Bmmert 5 MII 111 10613 4 105X715 02014 The Abbot HHav 111 107 4 105X710 02337 Boomerang 15MH 108 l06 l06a a 5 105X705 02077 Kosman 12 Tij 110 107 Js 4 118X700 02443 Polo Star GT1J 113 107 4 110X693 0233S Lady Allen 14 Haw 110 109 3100X680 02442 = Flov Lillie 17DP J S 108 4 103C90 99637 = Polycarp 1 Mia 115 107 5 105 685 02222 Pop Shot 2 Tij 107 l09sy 4 1050685 003201 Scarlet Bugler 3 G 110X685 02240 May Buddy 7JP 112 107 G 113X685 02075 = Barberry 8 MII 107 107 J 5 113 683 02260 Stars and Stripes StripesM M 10 Aur 114 109 3 97 683 99186 Venus 13 Mia 101 l07f 5 105 685 02192 Pelion 10 Anr 104 100 = 5 6 110X685 110X685Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 22 1925 58 1 115 02339 = BATHILDE SBTH 5 Tij 103 100 s 105X725 105X72502443s 02443s Xorcross 3 Tij 102 100 IOC 715 02260 Downcast 6 Haw 115 100 116 710 02222 Tom P 4 Haw 113 101 118X703 02260 Kings Court II IIM M 7 105 700 95545 Slumbersong 2 100X693 02193 Kna 1 100X690 100X690Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 1003 3yearolds Maidens Claiming Track record Sept 22 1923 140 3 110 02060 = High Card 1 Aur 105 145 101 725 725C2219 C2219 Ziicca 3 Aur 11G 146 101 720 02219 Ninon 7 Tij 95 145 99 715 02265 Seven Sixty 2Aur 105 14G 99 710 02493 Clownette 6 Aur 100 145 104X703 02339 Sally dOr 4 Aur 105 l46 i 96 700 01184 Dr A Lowenthal Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1000 3vearolds md upward Claiming Track record May 31 1926 145 3 101 02122 = Wilracr the theWizard Wizard 10 Tij 103 l4G l4Gs s 5 110X725 02266 Stevens MII 110 140 5 110X720 02197 Polly Atwell 12 Tij 95 l4Ss 3 97 713 022243 Ous It 13FG 112 150 4 113 710 710022C2 022C2 Aslibmton 4MH 115 l49i f 107X703 02343 Padlock 5 FG 103 152 4 113x710 02342 John Finn 11 Lat 98 1463 7 110X690 02343 Slanderer 8 MII 108 140 G 110 690 W936 Mildred Shearer 1 UdG 90 151 3 94 083 02445 Gentry 2 Aur 100 150 3 104 683 02442 Had Luck 3FG 85 147 4 112X691 1 02014 Lighter G Tij 111 149 7 112X6S5 i 02197 Geo Dover M 7 Aur 100 153 3 996S3 j