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FAIR MOUNT PARK COLLINSVTLLE. ILL., TUESDAY. JUNE 15. 1926. Fairmount Park 1 Mile. Fifteenth day. Fair-mount Jockey Club. Spring meeting of .12 days. Weather cloudy. Stewards. T. C. McDowell. C. W. Hay and A. T Spivey. Judges, It. Berry man. B. S. Shelley, J. G. Reeder and P. C. Galliger. Starter, W. Snyder. Racing Secretary, J. O. Reeder. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time. 3:00 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. l9fiQA FIRST RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 3. 1925—1:06—5—108. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds ■ "OJjO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt V* C. str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 02497?HIGH JOY w 3 95 4 2 1- 1* 1» 1 C. Philpot S Louis 80-100 02725*011 SETH w 3 101 7 1 6J 4i M 2| L Edwrds O Tortell 115-100 02720 TlltNKR w I 104 2 8 8 6* 6« 3 R Jones O A Kintz 2185-100 02581 HIDDEN .IKWELwii 10 11! 6 4 31 35 4and 41" W Rausser P Heffernan 55-100 02591 DOROTHY G. w 3 100 8 7 M 5V,5h 5» I, WhrtVre F A Wehle 4S0C 100 02815 ELEANOR W. w 4 101 I 6 71 71 I1 W R Che h im H T Batchler L5;:-100 02586 JUDOI DAILEY w 3 100 1 5 5* 8 I 71 T Hexham J H Limbird FS-3M 02729 RUNMIC w 8 114 5 3 2 2* 2* 8 J Smith Pierce and Miles 703-100 Time. :23V :47V 1:00V 1:07V Track fast. certificates earned High Joy, .60 straight. .00 place, .70 show; Odd Seth, .10 place, .!K show; Turner. .20 show. Equivalent Iwoking— High Joy. 80 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Odd Seth, 155 to 100 place. 95 to 100 show; Turner, M0 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f. by High Noon Iady Joy. by Nasturtium trained by J. L. Burttschell; bred" by Mr. .1. M.K. Bowman. Went to nos-t at 1:50. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driOng. II Kill JOY. showing fine s| eed. raced into :■ long lead at once and never left the result in doubt. ODD SETH raced in improved form and BMM fast i:i I lie stretch, to finish gamely. TURN KB was far back for the first half mile, then closed an immense gap in the last eighth. HIDDEN JEWEL had no mishaps and drop|M*d Iwck after running a good half mile. JlIKiE DAILEY was far back from the start. ELEANOK W. ran poorly. Scratched 02834 Fore lady, 95. ■19fiQr7 SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. June 10, 1926—1:01—2—116. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. VMOtl 0 Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt *4 -i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 02345* SHASTA LOVK will 2 2 4« 2* Ill* R Jones J C McUill • 265-100 02839KOYAL RALLY w 114 6 1 2" 3* t* 2s R Cheham Harned Bros 630-100 02667,SVKKPOVKR w 106 4 3 ll l« 2l 3» I Philpot Chula Vista Stable 100-100 »9»12*Hl"yi:iNCH w 114 3 5 3» 41 4* 4* D FrogUe Penthorn Stable 730-100 02667VSHASTA ROCK w 106 1 4 5* 54 a* 3* J Oates Brn Ssta Stk Fm Sta 243J-100 McCOMAS w 118 56 6666J Mclnte M Lowenstein 18:3-100 Time. :23V :48. 1:01 equals tra k record. Track fast. -ertificates earned— Shasta Love, .:t0 straight. 80 place, .30 show: Royal Rally, .00 place. .70 show: Swecpover. .40 show. Equivalent booking Shasta Love. 265 to 100 straight. 140 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Royal Raly. 250 to 100 place, ."55 to 100 show: Swecpover. 20 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Harmonique Loveliest, by Allumeur trained by H. Inna; bred by Mr. H. D. Brown i . Went lo post at 2:24. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SHASTA LOVE followed SWEEPOVEK until in the last eighth, where she took the lead with a rush and won going away. ROYAL BALLY ran well and made a game finish. IWIIFOTII showed fine speed and set a fast pace, but began tiring badly when reaching the last eighth. HUQUINCtl had no mi.shap«. SHASTA ROCK ran i oorly. Met DMAS Iwgun badly. ■~Z I A9fiQfi THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 3. 1925—1:06—5—108. Puise ,000. 3-year-olds VMUt/O and upward. Claiming. Net value lo winner ; second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt V4 Mt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 02724»STAY ON wb 4 109 $ J 2* 2« ll - O Philpot J W Riley- 410-100 tllOTTHI IMI DOCTOR w 5 109 7 8 1 D 2- 2 f, Collins Whalen and Randezzo 515-100 02834*AL STKHLKR w 6 114 6 I 5» 6* 41 31 L Simon C C Wright 200-10C 02586*Ql"ANAH ■ n 7 113 9 4 3* 3 3l 4 R Jones W K Bacon 475-1JO 02665 L1TTLK GIPSY w 4 109 3 5 6* 51 6 5* L C.eving S A Cowan 475-100 02726 SHASTA BOX wb 3 103 1 7 7* 9 8 6* J dates Brn Ssta Stk Fm Sta 4W0-100 025S8 CONWAY w 5 114 4 6 4 4» 5»« 7" N Burner S W Grant 1790-10C SON OF FORTCNKw 4 114 3 8 9 S« 7* 8» D FrogUe Mrs L M Holmes 8900-1* 02591 RKVEILLON wb 4 114 3 9 8 7» 9 9 ■ Fator R Newman 7115-100 Time. :23V :48V 1:00V 1:07%. Track fast. certificates earned Stay On. 0.20 straight. .10 place, .J0 show; Lester Doctor, .50 place .30 fliuw: Al Stebl-r. ftandM show. Equ valent booking Stay On. 410 to 10: straight. 155 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Lester Doctor, 225 to 100 place, 65 to 100 show; Al Stebler, 25 to 100 stuw Winner h. c. by Ormondale or St. Bock Play Toy. by Star Shoot trained by P. Nicholson-Jjred by Mr. E E MarshalM. Went to po«t at 2:54. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. STAY ON raced closest up under an energetic ride to the stretch, then passed LKSTKIt DOCTOR and won going away. LKSTEB DOCTOR set a fast pace and tired, but nude a game finish. AL KTEBLKK came gamely under hard riding in the stretch. QIIANAIi had no mishaps and tired slightly In the last sixteentli. LIITIJ-: MPSY was always outrun ONWAY tired m the last quarter. Overweight — Shasta Box, 5 pounds. H9SQQ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 12. 1926 — 1:11% — 4—124. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds "mO*lF«l7 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; thud. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % g Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 02774# ;Lo. OROOM wb 4 110 3 3 21 1* || lh D Tyler J B Partridge 1265 100 02452,PAn.A SHAY WBC102 7 10 8 6 13 V T Hexham H C Kaiasl 2-!5 100 M1tt*TIXil wb 2 93 1 4 1 2« 2* 3« R Jones I K Clark 745-100 OD2065*S1LVKB BPCR w 3 93 5 5 5 3» 4l 41 . Philpot T C MiDowell 160-100 02349*ROMP w 4 112 6 2 3" 4" I* 5 J P-t/. C Ko-rner 4310 100 02451 BBADS TONEY w 6 110 4 $ 10 71 7* 6- ■ ODonll B Gentry 730-100 02774LONG POINT » 5 111 I 7 6» P CI 7* J II Burl e G P Fought XI, 100 89055 BKVKKWYCK w b 6 104 3 1 4* 9« 8* 8» F Whiter J L Burttschell 26S40-100 00186*1 I.KYA w 4 1J4 ». 9 9* 10 91 9* T Roberts J C McGill 9.-3o I* 0012»*Lrrn.E TRUMP wb: 94UO 6 7i S* 10 10 I Casey P Stanton S615-100 Time. :t4. :4«V 1:13%. Track fast. certificates earned— Geo. ;ruom. 7.:WJ straight. 0 80 place, show; Paula Shay, .:;0 place. .30 ►bow Texas. .10 show Kqui vale lit liooking- leo. Groom. 1265 to 100 straight. 140 to 100 place. 205 to 100 show; Paula Bhay. 115 to 100 place. 115 to 100 »how . Texas, 105 to 100 show. Winner— It. g. by Torch bearer Anna Hastings, by Hastings trained by J. B. Partridge; bred br Mr. I. C Durrett. Went to post at 3:27. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third th« same. UEORfJE GROOM, after following TEXAS closest up. raced into the lead and. holding it gamely, : oi.Ktayed PAILA SHAY. The latter was away slowly and had to come around the others, but came With a nrak in the strvti-h. and finished fastest of all. TEXAS tired after showing the most early speed. SlIvVLlt SPCR raced sluggishly and had to be ridden hard for nearly the entire race. ROMP gave way ■ in the last eighth. BRADLEY S TONKY c dosed a gap. ■era* bed -02501 Granite Ware. 107; 02U06»Flag Lieutenant. 112; 02272Kia. 112; 02665 DoctOC ; .lenn. ill. Overweights long Point. 1 pound: Freya. 4: Little Trump. 3%. ■1/Qilil FIFTH RACE— 1 Kile and 70 Yards. June 5. 1926—1:43—4—129. State Highway Patrol "■•"vf Purse. Purse ,200. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; seconi. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt, -.. •", Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Book. Strt 02546COCRT LADY w 4 107 1 1 2 3- 35 1= 1 J Howard T C McDowell 370-100 02548-KDWARr GRAY wb I 109 6 I 4 J 21 1 2- 2J D Frogtte H G Patterson M0-M8 02270 DANCING FOOL w 5 116 2 I 6l 6J 4» M 3* J McTgUe D L Rice 270-100 •tMI**MOUVAM BOND w 4 105 I 3 7 7 6= 5l 4J D Tyler Pu-blo Slablo 1155-10« 02I52«SPAMSH NAMK w 4 101 7 7 53 f| B" 4 " 5 W Rausser M Louis Stable 3805-100 02726 »NKATNKSS W I 97 5 4 D 1 2J 6* 6J R .Ion«s C W Moor- 1145-100 02772- FIRE LNDER wb 5 102 4 2 .:" 5; 7 7 7 R Cheham Harn-il Bros 815-100 Timo. :23%. :48. 1:13. 1:40. 1:44%. Track fast. certificates earned— Court lady. ;::.W straight. .J0 place. .40 show; Edward Cray. $."..50 place. $."..20 show; Darning Fool. .00 show. Equivalent booking » ouit lady. .!70 to 100 straight. 2D5 to 100 place. 170 to 100 show; Edward Gray. 7". to lk plaee. i;i to 100 show; Dancing Fool. 100 to 100 show. Winner- B. f. by Manager Waite— Kings Daughter, by Ornament trained bv S. Chenatilt; bred by Mr. Thomas C. McDowell. Went to tiost at :t:52. At pot 2 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. "OIRT LADY taced close to the leaders in the early running, and passed EDWARD CRAY in the stietch. hut had to be reused lin near the end to hold the lead. EDWARD CRAY raced prominently 1 f n m the start, and took tie lead, but In-gan tiring in the last sixteenth. DANCING FOOL began slowly mmt was far back for the first half mile, then came fast and finished gamely. BOLIVAR BOND also began slowly and closed a big gap. NEATNESS quit badly. FIRK CNDER was beaten off after going tnree oiinrteis. ovet weights — Bolivar Itond. I*£ pounds; Spanish Name. 3. /OQf|-g SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 3. 1925—1:06 — 5— 108.* Purse ,000. 3-year-olds Jmi*Jj M. and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. lnde-x Horses AWtPPSt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 02588«ILSF: FACK w 4 109 6 I 2« 2t 1= 1* D Tyler Pueblo Stable 370-100 02499*PHYLLIS GENTRYw 4 104 4 1 1 1 5= 2« D Lynch D McCooker 224C-100 02724*IH KF.DOM wb 4 113 7 8 7" 6 4 3 W Rausser J R Pevic 55 DO 027J4D"S H. JOHNSTNw 4 103 5 7 i3 5l 31 4» R Jones Mrs J Larson 6765-100 02725 SHINING GOLD w 5 109 3 2 3J.;* 2J 5l J Smith Mrs W Phillips 1:5-100 02724 K1NGSCLKRK w 6 114 1 4 4* 4i 65 6* H Elston C Graffagini KM-MI 02268 GENERAL SETH w I 105 8 6 8 7 7 71 L Wilson K ■ Major 1290-Hi OtSM RED LAMP w 3 100 2 5 5" 8 8 8 G PhiP.ot T C Nester VVM-: M Time. :23%. :48. 1:01. 1:07%. Track fast. certificates earned — False Face. straight, ..H place, . CO show; Thyllis Gentry. 7.30 place. show; Dukedom, f.4.00 show. Equivalent booking-False Fa e. .",70 to 100 straight. 165 to 100 place. l."0 to 100 show; Phyllis Gentry. 765 to 100 place. 355 to 100 show: Dukedom. 145 to 100 show. Winner- Br. g. by Sweep — Masque, by Disguise trained by W. Sims; bred by Mr. Gifford A. Cochran. Went to post at 4:13. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; se ond and third driving. FALSK FACE raced into the lead when PHYLLIS GENT:|" liolted, and won going away fast. PHYLLIS GENTRY showed the mont speed, but liolted just liefore reaching the stretch, then cam- 111 the last eighth. DCKEDOM was away iyiorly and closed an immense gap. DOCGI.ASS II. JOHNSTON, showing much improved form, finished with a rush. SHINING COLD was given a weak ride. GENERAL sV.TH ran poorly. Scratched— 01 986 Golden Maiden. 95; 02588 RelD Fay. 104. A9QA9 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. Oct. 21. 1925— 1:40%— 4— 114. ,100 Added. 3-year-olds and VllIU £i upward. Claiming. Net value to winner £800: second. 24: third. 116. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Rook. Strt 02774 iOIT BEARER wb 4 108 1 1 3 3.J 3"» D 1» G Philpot M Lowenstein U.K. 02546 MEDDLG MATTIEw 5 106 3 3 !•» f" V 2* 2» I Frogtte Mrs L M Holmes JJi l 02668* •RKAFFITL ADIEw I 100 2 2 4* 4*1 4a 4! 31 1 Lynch J J Greeley 435 100 02726WILLIES MAID w I 88 6 6 6i 5J 5« 5« 4 R Jones W S Trevey 1110-100 02665*HAPPY BOB wb I 99 7 7 ll 1* 21 .T» 5 T Hexham C W Moore MS-IM 01875 BATTLE FIELD w 4 109 5 4 7 7 7 6-i 6 » L ;evin S A Cowan 2770-!:0 99096 RAMA w 8 107 4 I 51 6 6- 7 7 E Fator C A Coy!-» 17L-100 Time. :24%. :49%. 1:15. 1:40% equals track record. Track fast. certificates earned Cup Bearer. .50 straight, $."..20 place, .70 show; Meddling Mattie, $.;.S0 place. $:t.00 show; Beautiful Addie, .70 show. Equivalent booking— Cup Bearer, 125 to 100 straight. 60 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show ; Meddling Mattie. *.0 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show: Beautiful Addie. .T to HH show. Winner — Ch. g. by The Finn Mae Taft. by Yankee Gun trained by M. Lowenstein: bred by Mr. B. P. Eubanks. Went to post at 4:44. At post 1 minute. Start. goo I and slow. Won drivin;: second and third the same. CUP BEARER was saved close up for the first three quarters, hut forced to race wide, then came rapidly in the stretch and got up to win in the last stride. MEDDLING MAPTIE raced forwardly and gamely under a hard ride for the entire race. BF.AITIFCL ADDIE ran a go.-d race. HAFPJk." BOB set the early pace, but began tiring in the last eighth. Toe others were always outrun. Scratched 02775-I.athrop. 10!; 02S35 Nintrod. HKt; 02H6S Chemiserie. 102; 021PM Pequot. 104. Overweights — Beautiful Addie, 1 pound; Happy Bob. 4.