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.1 ■ —■— — OAIOf RACING FORM AQUEDUCT Copyright. 1926, by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. NEW YORK. N. Y.. TUESDAY. JUNE 15. 1926.— Aqueduct lit Miles, 51 Feet. I Mi .lay. QHM D uuty Jockey Club. Spring BMttag of 20 days. Weather clear. Steward Representing the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association, P. S. Von Stadt . BtCWuSs of Meeting. O. II. Hull, G. A. Cochran and W. S. Yoshurgh. Judges, E. C. Smith and C OmmUm, Starter. Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary. F. Rehberger. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 P. m. W indicates whip. S spurs. R blinkers Fig-tires in parentheses following the d stance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance . A966Q FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Sept. 25. 1922— :57S— 2— 107. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. U.sasOOO Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner $",00: second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses A Vt 1M St K Str Fin JockeyB Owners O II C P S 02213SV1CTRIX w 117 3 1 ll lJ 1J T McTarjtJ p McCovern 0-5 2 13-10 1-2 1-4 02710TIPPERARY MARY w 1 4 4 6 P 41 21 P Fisher Mirasol Stable :: 6 fi 21 6-5 02710 "LASK A w 107 10 4 2» 3* 3« E Fewell p H Faulcoxier 4 8 7 21 7-5 02489 NEGOTIATOR wb 112 17 4 1 2* 41 J CallahanK E Hitt 15 15 15 6 I 02716ARSACID w 107 5 I 5* 5* 5» Q Arnold Greentree Stable 20 20 20 8 4 02716 GNOMES I. ASS w 109 7 S 7» 81 8s F Stevens H W Maxwell t8 10 10 4 8-5 02654 FUNNY BUNNY wb 112 JI1 10* 7* 7» D McAftepu de St Phlets 10 10 4 S-5 02484 LlFIAN* w 109 8 8 91 91 8" E Barnes S Ross 30 30 20 8 4 01576 PRTO REIiO GOLDwb 112 9 10 S1 10» 91 R J FisherW A Read 10 10 7 3 7-5 02484 PHYLLIS WOOD w 112 6 2 6 1 61 10s R Carter R Hyams 10 15 15 I I LANGOlR w 109 l| 9 U O H J ChlmersH P Whitney 10 15 15 G 3 TCoupled as H. W. Maxwell and Fal de Saint Phalle entry. Time, 1:01 Vs. Track fast. Winner— Ch. f, hy Yind«x — The lost Rird. by Oiseau tiained by M. I. Cremen: bred by Mr. F. W. Annstnngi. W.nt to post at 2:33. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. VICTRIX. away fast and well ridden, raced into a clear lead under restraint, but ran out elightv at the end and had to be hard ridden. TIlPERARY MARY ran ■ good race ail the way and finish. 4 m 11. I.ASKA. on the outside of the leaders throughout, ran well and_ finished gamely. NK GOT1ATOR saved ground on the turns and ran a good race. ARSAC1D ran well. Scratched 02484 Shoplifter, 114; Reth Stanley, 109. overweight — Victrix. 1 pound. AQOO 4 SECOND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Sept. 25. 1922— 1:17%— 4— 121. Purse ,000. 3-year -Ua004 olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtFPSt i y» Str Fin Jcckeys Owners O II C P S 02440 iNKDANA wb 4 122 9 7 2 l1 l1 l1 L Fator Rancocas Sta 1 6-5 9-10 1-3 out 01067 LOVED ONE w 4 114 11 3* 3» 31 2" E Sande Xalapa Fm Sta 8 15 12 3 6-5 01195 GENlINE w 3 113 6 4 11 2* 21 31 A JohnsonA H Morris 5 6 5 7-5 1-2 02257s POWHATAN wb I lio" 4 3 41 44 4» 4» J Maiben W J Salmon 2 3 13-5 3-5 1-4 01497 HUT ET BON wb 4 109 8 9 7« 71 5» 5l A Schugerll S Bowns 30 50 50 2. S 02537 WAR LORD wb 3 105 5 6 6l 5» 61 6s K HorvathGlen Riddle F S 30 50 50 20 S HIOH BALL. w I 100 2 2 5i 6 i 72 7J G Arnold Ascot Stable 31 60 60 20 10 0, »59 GlILLERET w 3 105 7 8 8* 81 8* 8» R Hoade Quincy Stable 60 60 60 N 10 98633 IMITATOR W3 109 35 9 9 9 9 L McDottMrs P J Lavin 00 60 60 20 10 Time. :23%. :46*». 1:12%, 1:19%. Track fast. Winner — Br. f. by Negofol — Adana, by Adam trained by S. C. Hildreth: bred by Mr. Edward F. Si rn in - Went to post at 3:02. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. NKDANA worked her way up fast on the outside and. passing the leader when entering the stretch, drew away into a clear lead and won by a safe margin. I/tVED ONE met with interference while rounding the far turn and came again at the end. GENlINE began fast and set the early pace. but tired and swerved over sharply at the end. POWHATAN ran a good race all the way. HAFT ET BON closed up some ground. Scratched 021t?.laSabine. 110; 01730 Euclid, 115; 01704;Sepoy, 110; 02715 Son Ami. 110; 027111 Melmor. 114: 0243G Shady Sadie. 114. # Overweights — Genuine, 31-.. pounds; Guilleret, 5; Imitator. 4. •TOOQK THIRD RACE — 3-4 Mile. June 20, 1924 — 1:10%— 3 — 118. Twenty-Fifth Running VFOOtJ ROCKAWAY CLAIMING STAKES. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net vaiue to winner ,150: second, 00; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 02333 TESTER wit 5 127 5 4 Ink l1 l1 l1 E Sande G C Winfrey 4 41 3 7-5 7-10 02216 APPLECROSS w I 110 1 1 4 k 61 4° 2»k G Fields Sage Stable ft 18-5 16-5 7-5 7-10 99801VOLANTE wb 4 122 4 2 31 31 21 3n K HorvathW A Wollman 6 10 10 4 I 02487GENTRIFLGAL W I 114 3 9 8" 5n 61 4* A Lacaste Flamingo Fm StS 8 7 21 6-5 02210MAYNE W I 105 11 13 111111 91 51 P Fisher F E Brown 15 20 15 6 I 96962 SPLINTERS wn I 106 8 6 2s 21 31 6» H ThurberC A Stoneham 20 25 25 10 5 00054 i KIT CARSON V 4 116 7 5 71 41 51 71 G Arnold Mrs P J Lavin 30 30 30 12 6 9 7517 KILTER wb 3 108 10 8 91 V ~l 81 T Burns J F Richar dson.JO 30 15 6 I 02537-. ►AFTON ntMnn 101 10 S* 9* J CallahnOak Ridge St 15 20 12 5 2J 02440ETHEREAI. wb I 100 B 15 13= 13= 10 10h R HavandR T Wilson Jr J3 4 4 S-5 4-5 02532 INSTIUCTRESS wn 2 103 6 10 61 SI 121 ll1 A MtensnW Ziegler Jr 20 25 25 10 5 02537 -CM.! MET wb S Mi 14 It 121 12l 131 12»k H RichdsC Buxton 20 25 25 10 5 02009 NACONDA w I 112 12 7 51 91 ll1 13ll F Weiner Mrs A Brown ft 18-5 16-5 7-5 7-10 01944 TRAVELLER wb 3 107 2 3 141 14 14= 14= J Maiben W J Salmon H 4 4 S-5 4-5 02653 BBC xvn 3 105 9 14 15 15 15 15 W Banks L Rosenberg 20 25 25 10 5 tCoupled a Sage Stable and Mrs. A. Brown entry. JR. T. Wilson and W. J. Salmon entry. Time, :23%, :47%, 1:13%. Track fast. Winner R. g. by Peter Pan — First Flight, by Thrush trained by G. C. Winfrey: bred by Mr. Harry layne Whitney. Went to post at 3:33. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. TESTER carried his high weight well and, setting a fast pace, saved ground where possible and lielii AlILECROSS safe at the end. The latter was away well and came with a rush through the stretch. YOLANTE showed much si eed throughout, but tired badly in the final drive. CENTRIFUGAL b-gau from the outside and ran a good race. KILTER ran well throughout. SPLINTERS showed early speed. Scratched 02714,Roland. 117: 02573 Kathleen Crosby. 110; 01513 Saratoga Maje. 115: S»7 17:: Forward Pa-s. 115. Overweights Splinters. 1% pounds: Instructress, 3: Calumet, 3. aflOQQaQ FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 25, 1921—1:36 — 4—127. Olambala Handicap. ,500 U9uO Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,275; second, 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % H % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 02715 -c VRTOONIST w 6 115 5 1 1 P P 1* lh C Turner Fud Fisher 2 2 S-5 1-2 1-6 02488 iSANFORD W 4 115 2 2 2n 3l 31 2» 2» L Fator Rosedale Stable 3 41 4 M 1-1 02573MOTHERS SON wb 5 110 1 4 4« 4l 4= 4« 3= W HarveyCarlton Stable 3 5 5 S-5 3-5 02535 SUN8PERO wb 5 122 4 5 3nk 2= 2s 31 4» E Sande La Brae Stable 2i 13-5 2 2-5 1-4 02576 LIANE fllQIH 5 5 5 5 J CallahnFal de St Phle20 30 30 S 3 Time. :24. :47%. 1:13%, 1:39. Track fast. Winner — Ch. g. by Celt — Honey Bee, by Hamburg trained by A. B. Cordon: bred by Mrs. Louise Viau. Went to post at 4;00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and tliird the -ame. CARTOONIST set a fast pace all the way and. racing SINSlKRO into defeat, outgamed SANER1 at the end. The latter was close up from the start and. coming with a rush through the stretch, was wearing the winner down. MOTHERS SON ran a good race. SlNSPERO was eased up when be tired on the stretch turn. Scratched 02824 Son of John. 119. Overweight — Liane. 2 -j pounds. A9GCT FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 25, 1921—1:36-4—127. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and up-j£00 4 ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtIPSt 4 Vs % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 02573,KATHL,N CROSBY 4 107 1 3 31 2» 1 1» 1» W Banks Mrs M L Byers 3 3113-5 1 1-2 01865 MARGAKT ST. L. 3 107 4 2 l1 V 2» 21 2 C Zoeller F Glassen S 8 7 UJ 6-0 02649 -PAPA BLINKS wb 4 117 5 1 7» 5 51 41 3« J SweeneyJ Whalen 10 10 8 I 8-5 02537*/.EOl 3 102 7 5 5nk 6" 4" 3 4l J Mercler W J Cremen S 10 10 4 2 02573ilP.IGATE w 8 112 I 4 41 71 6h 5* 5« II GotrupG C Winfrey S-5 11-5 11-5 1 2-5 02649S,KIVI wb 3 102 S 7 64 4" 31 6= 6 C HnstelnLilane Stable 3 41 4 2 1 025371 CASANOVA w I 107 6 6 2h 3" 7» 71 71 J KTnbardW J DatMrty 50 60 ■ 20 10 02537 OSAGE w I 117 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 E Gorman M Colford 10 15 12 5 21 Time. :23%. :47%, 1:14, 1:41. Track fast. Winner — B. f. by Sir John Johnson Crepe de Chine, by Textile trained by M. L. Byers; bred by Mr. D. w. t. Went to post at 4 20. At |.ost 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving KAIHLKKN tROSRY. ctaac up from the start, passed MARGARET ST. L. when calld ,,n. and drew away to win in I canter. MAK iARKT ST. L. set a fast early pace and raced w« !l all the way PAPA RLINKS came fast in the stretch. ZEOI ran well all the way. FRUiATE was crowded while rounding the last turn. CASANOVA showed early speed. Scratched 02577 Bagdad. MS. A9CCC SIXTH RACE— b-S Mile. Sept. 25. 1922— : 57%— 2— 107. Purse ,000. 2-vear-olds VFilOOO Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt ll % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o II C p s 02713 rCANTANKBNOUfl w 116 3 2 2»1 2J 1* I, McAtee Greentree sta 5 5 44 S-5 4-6 01586 ilUGNCS vv 113 4 1 1» ll 2i R Carter AC Bostwick 2 I | 6-5 3-5 0218H 1PILL0TTA w 112 6 4 4= 31 3» J Weiner Goodestone Sta 4 4 3 6-5 3-5 02574 -CRYSTAL DOMINO wilt 13 51 51 4= fj ThurberH T Archibald 3 4 4 S-5 4-5 01365 iMI P./.1M wb lit 7 5 31 4= P J Maiben WJ Salmon 5 5 4 8-5 4-5 02256 MASTER WILIA.M v 116 9 % t.J 6" 6 T McTag*tA J Ga.l-k 10 12 12 5 21 01916 HI D BUD ■ IM 8 6 7l 7» 7» L Fator Bud Fisher 10 15 15 6 3 SIN SWEEPER w 1"8 2 7 S« 8» S10 E AmbrseW S Kilmer +20 30 20 S 4 SCN FORWARD w 1091 5 9 ? 9 9 F HstingsVV S Kilmer fJO M 20 8 4 : . uplid as . s Kilmer entry. Time. :59%. Track faat. Winner R. c. by SvMMMttefe Virago, by Fair Play trained by V. Powers: bred bv GfteatfM St.iblel. Wein to post at 4:4S. At lost 4 minuies. Start giwid and slow for all but SIN FORWARD Won easily: second and third driving. A NTA NKRROIS. closest up from the start, jiassed DUiMS when called .rn ami won going away DIGMS showed the most -iM-ed to the last eighth and tired. PII-LOTI A ,-ain.-.i siea.lily and fini-bed fast CRYSTAL DOMINO was always outrun. Ml RZIM tired. Scratch. d •1SM| Ifa. k Panther. 114; 0175N Jim row. 114. tJ.-c! Height- Mm Kweeper, 2 pound*; Sun Forward, 1%. flaV