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OMAHA OMAHA. NEB.. TUESDAY. JUNE 15. 1926.— 1 1 Mile. Eleventh day. Ak-Sar-Ben Exposition Co. Spring meeting of 28 days. Weather cloudy. Stewards Representing Nebraska State Racing Commission. N. .1. Ronin. Presiding Judge. Dr. F. W. Ashe. Associate Judges, P. Reed and C. L. Trimble. Starter. J. Donovan. Racing Secretary, C. I.. Trimble. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time. 3:15 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. AOQI -T FIRST RACE — 5-8 Mile. June 27. 1925 — 1:00 — 5 — 110.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up-UmvX 4 ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80: second. 5: third. 5. Index Horses AWtlPSt % %. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 02747 i ANTILLES w 8 102 9 1 «* 3i 3 In F Tavlor C G Kindle M0-MH 02562 GOLDEN RED W 11 113 8 2 3J 21 1" 2« J Garritv Griffin and Edwards K0-JM 02608MARY DEAR w 4 101 10 4 1« 1» 2» 3* R Jackson C E Brown MN-1M «2750,LEMON SETH w i 114 6 I 7 » 6= 7.- 4s H West E W Fouts .,i 1 - 02318 WHIRLWIND w B 6 105 7 9 4= 43 i- 5* C Corbett Mrs W T Hunt 23M-M 02685 = •TIMES UP w 5 106 I S S= S1 6* 6» V Wallis H M c00k Mop..! 02793 IT-STAGE w 5 103 11 0 5s Ci 8 7b C Grwd W F Chiry +1310 10. 87891 GUVNOR w 8 111 3 7 8s 7* 7J SJ G Urv J W Hani ood H80-MI 02747 DICKS SETH wb 3 107 4 3 2J 93 10 9 G Young F Harnett r. ,. 10 904 72 SERVICE FLAG w 10 106 110 10 M 9b 10 J Sehaelr C L Helm t 025I91JOB TAG w S 112 5 Left at post. C Ralls R Jones 390 100 tMutuel field. Time. :24%. :49%. 1:032-,. Track heavy. mutuels paid -Antilles, 3.20 straight. .80 place. |4J M show; iolden Red, .20 place. .40 show: Mary Dear, .60 show. Equivalent booking odds Antilles. ;,60 to 100 straight. 190 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Golden Red. 200 to 100 place, 170 to 10O show; Mary Dear. 230 to 100 show. Winner Ill, m, by Rapid Water -Maria l .. by Vankee Gun 1 trained bv J. Kindle- bred bv Mr G. W. J. Bissell. Went to p St at 2:19. At post 7 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ANTILIJCS raced into t Bird place on the stretch turn and. finishing fast, held GOLDKN KKD safe in a driving finish. The latter was close up from the start and finished gamely after holding t In-lead briefly. MARY DEAR showed the most early speed, but tired slightly. LEMON SETH made up round- WHIRLWIND acted badly at the post, but raced well. JOE TA«; refused to go. Scratched 027475Cresceiit. 107: K9M Nolaun. 103: Daniel R. Anthony Jr.. 107; 90155 Poco Antes 93. 02745 Rebe Flowers, 98; W H Link of Gold. 103: 00703 Finis Gloriosus. 104. Overweights — Guvnor, 4 pounds: Service Flag, 3; Dicks Seth, 4; Goldeu Red, 2; Whirlwind. 2: Upstage, 1. AOQI Q SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. June 27. 1925—1:00—5—110.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up-UlulO ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80: second. 5: third. 5. Index norses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockejs Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 02748 STAMP w 7 109 6 1 4 P- W V It Pngton Fort Garrv Stable 550-lfH 99174 CLEG w 4 105 5 2 2* 2J 2i 2" T Buell J S Tvreo MV-1M 02609 «KARONGA WB 4 1M 4 3 lb lb p. z- O Mazoue C P Sneed M-Km 02611,KBKMLIN wb 7 109 9 7 6J 5« 5» 4 F Tavlor Mrs V Kindle SW-Mi 02748 •PORTER ELLA WSB 5 102 3 4 3 4h 4 5 W Lamon C E Davis ,n 45I.-1O0 !5585»PINECHKST w 8 105 7 8 R« 71 7i 63 V Wallis J L Walker "Otd-ioc, 95883 .MB. KBITER w 10 106 16 7» 6» CJ 7* J Sehafr-T J C Philpot 2M0-M* 01597-C iiH WHIP vv4 95 2 5 6J 8 8« 86 P Emerv J W. strip- H. Kr, 99855 MISS SINGLETONwb ?. 93 8 9 I 9 9 9 R Ja. ks,,n 1* Mur-av 20W-10H Time. :24%. :4935. 1:03. Track heavy. mutuels paid Stamp, 3.00 straiglt. .60 place, .60 show; Cleg, 0.80 place, $.", su s|,,,„ ■ Karonga .40 bhow. Equivalent iMKiking odds stamp. 5."* to 101 straight. ISO t" Kmi place, 80 to 100 show; ]. » 440 to KKt place. 190 to 100 show ; Karonga. 70 to 100 show. Winner P.. g, by Ormoiidah- Post Mark, by Star Shoot trained bv W Billings- bred |, Mr Jol.r. K. Madden. Went to [xist at 2:56. At |K st .". minutes. Start good ami nlnv. Won easily; second and third driving STAMP passed the leaders .11 U„. stretch and was being eased up at the end. CLKi. raced forward ly and finished fairly well. KARONGA Mt a g M d pace, but was m;p h used in ra.ii- » th OH anil tir.-d slightly. KREMLIN could BTVCt get to the leaders. PORTKR KLLA tired Ncra-rhcd 1 02745 My Gracie. 10«.: rWMS Baleful!, 114: 102501 Brow n Trout. 109: MIX Ri.a.iway 107: 02O63 Indianola. «Jh; 01344 Take All, 103; 01939 SLady Brook, 100; 94850 Melbourne M2 11-750 ."•eths Ak Sar Ben. 107. »»eiw« ighls— Cleg, 3 pounds; Mr. Kruter, 3; Porter Ella. L A9Q1 Q THIRD RACE— 1 MU». Sept. 20. 1924—1:38—5—106.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and un-"■■• * •* ward. Claimimj. Net value to winner 80; second, 5; third, 5. — mJcl_1Ior8PS AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odd- Str* 02685 3« HENCE w 5 108 3 5 1» 1» 1* 1* 1* O Mazoue W J Hayes 12 1-100 ZZZH •WLKNCE w S 106 4 3 4»J 45 3h Z 2J W Imig W H Walker 870-100 0. ,99 LITTLE HOPE w 6 101 1 1 2 2 2J. 2b 31 R Jackson C E Brown 880-100 02564* P.I LSEROSE w 3 99 7 6 33 3J 45 4» 4» V Wallis E E Shepherd 1280-100 93494 ■ .loWY OVONNELLw s 116 6 7 61 51 5» 53 54 C McEwen H R Rash 980-100 02523 EI.LA WOOD w 8 116 2 2 7 6 61 6 P C Grnw d E I Slavin 470-100 02565 R06KFMLD w 10 106 5 4 51 7 7 7 7 C Ralls T B Waters 710-100 Tiom. :26i. :50%. 1:17%. 1:46. Track heavy. S_ miituels paid-Hence. .40 straight. .40 place. .00 show; Silence, .60 place. 00 -how; Little Hoik. .20 show. Equiialont boking odds— Hence. 120 to 101 straight. 70 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show: Sien.e, ISO to 100 place. 100 to KMI show: Little Hope. 110 to 100 show. Winner B. g. by Flotsam III.— Snawr. by Bryn Mawr trained bv W. J. Haves; "bred Iv Mr. John S. Wiggins I. Went to post at 3:31. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second ami third driving. HF.NCK raced into a long lead after going a half, and held it to the end. SILKNCK passed LITLE HOP! in the stretch and was being eased up at the end. LITTLE HOPE showed speed, but tired. BULSEROSE showed a little early speed. Scratched— OIOI.S Son of Tromp, 111: 02559 Alcatraz. 100; 02857 Bess Welch, .... 101; 02519 G;ev Rock, Hi Overweight — Bulserose. 4 pounds. fkOQOfk FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 3. 1924— 1:11%— 4— 103. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and J*d*y+dJ upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 02611 BARN DOLLAR w 5 111 1 1 5 4l 35 1° E Tavlor J W Marchbank 340-100 02687*or-EN CATHTNEwb 5 108 4 5 43 D l3 2 E Neal Rosebud Stable 640-100 02687 SWEETGRASS w 4 103 2 2 3b 31 43 3n H West B Creech 990-100 02796-BLACK PRINCE w 9 114 3 4 l1 23 21 4» V Wallis N Tiller 1DO-100 02687 RED HEAD w 5 101 5 3 2» 5 5 5 C Ralls R L Baker JlO-100 Time. :24%. :49%. 1:15%. Track heavy. mutuels paid- Barn Dollar. .80 straight, .80 place, .80 show; Oueen Catherine. .10 place, ?3.40 show: Sweetgrass. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds— Barn Dollar. 340 to 100 straight. 140 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show: Queen Catherine. 170 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show: Sweetgrass, 80 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. c. by Omar Khayyam — Mousse des Bois, by Ajax trained bv J. McBride; bred by Belair Stud. Went to post at 4:04. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second ami third the same. BARN DOLLAR raced fast through the stretch and headed QUEEN CATHERINE when twenty yards out. but was driving hard to win. QUEEN CATHERINE touk the lead after entering the stretch and responded gamely when challenged. SWEETGRASS outganied BLACK PRINCE. The latter tired. RED HEAD was done after going a quarter. A9Q91 FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 3. 1924— 1:11%— 4— 103. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up-J+d%J £-* ■_ ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80: second. 5; third, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 02611PUBLISHER w 4 115 8 5 4J 41 I1 I* W Imig AY Mikel and Sons 140-100 02859" RAMBLE wb 4 106 7 8 31 2l 33 2J G Mthews G F Jenkins 510-100 016933C.LASSFULL w 4 117 9 9 8ls 6= 51 3i E Cpenter Mrs R Doritv 1190-100 02796 VIOLA BURTON w 5 112 5 1 5= 51 6 4* V Wallis Mrs C B Irwin 1450-100 02291 : REDSKIN w 5 110 6 2 UU 2J 5« O Mazoue T Gauglian 770-100 02610 TRAPROE w 3 100 3 3 2 3h 4h 6n* H West B Creech 980-100 02794 PICNIC wb 7 112 4 6 7h 7» 7» 71 W Mclnf Mrs W Mclntyre 1110-100 02610 DON K. w 3 102 2 7 9 9 8* S« R Jackson Mrs A Neal 1680-100 02796 FOLLOW ME w 5 111 1 4 l* 81 9 9 W Lamon C E Davison 2090-100 Time. :24. :48%, 1:15%. Track heavy. mutuels paid Publisher, . SO straight, .40 place, .20 show; Ramble, .80 pla.e, .20 show: Glassful!. .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Publisher. 140 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Ramble, 90 to 100 place. 60 to 100 show : Glassfull. 90 to 100 show. Winner — B. c. by War Cry — Simonda, by St. Avonicus trained by J. D. Mikel; bred by Mr. Rudolph Spreckels. Went to post at 4:37. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. PUBLISHER saved ground on the stretch turn and. taking the lead, held the race safe to the end. RAMBIJ: finished gamely. GLASSFULL gained steadily and finished fast. YIOLA BURTON ran fairly well. REDSKIN set a good pace, but tired. DON K. stumbled and almost fell soon after the start. TRAPROE quit. Scratched -02750= Remnant. 102. — ,i A9Q99 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Sept. 20. 1924—1:38—5—106. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up-"jmitJII ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80: second, 5; third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. odds Strt 026863*jOSIE M. w 6 103 10 6 lb l3 D l5 1* D Emery B Johnson 350-100 «2689 BET HEM STEEL w 5 106 7 3 3a 3= 3- 3ll 2h H We:t J C Studcbaker 2130-100 02747*LADY FINNELL w 4 101 6 7 2= 23 2- 2 J- F Taylor G F Jenkins 230-100 02689 ZANZIBAR wsb 5 111 9 11 11 10 71 5b 43 A Roach J E Miller 1040-100 02565LENA R. w 3 90 8 9 73 5 4h 61 P W Imig C A Cook +1660-100 02686 WOOD LADY wb 5 108 1 8 81 7h 6ll 41 63 C Ralls R Emmet t 620-100 02559 S-ROCK FLOWER w 8 111 2 4 103 91 9* 73 7* E Taylor M Sanders 2380-100 02795 MUCHOBLIGE W T 106 f S 5* 41 5b 8« S» Y Wallis W H Plourd 2320-100 02857 •BITTERN w 7 107 3 5 61 S»l 81 93 9= G Young H E Cassity 2680-100 02799«RED ARROW w 6 111 4 1 4h 6 10 10 10 L Pngton Mrs W J Potter 5S0-1OO 02291 CHARLNAT wn 1 106 11 10 9- Puled up. O Mazoue t Gaughan f tMutuel field. Time. :26%. :50%. 1:17, 1:45%. Track heavy. mutuels paid -Josie M.. .00 straight. .00 plan. .40 show; Bethlehem Steel. 4.60 place, .40 show: Lady Finnell. .80 show. Equivalent booking odds— Josie M.. 350 to 100 straight. 170 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Bethlehem Steel. 630 to 100 place. 320 to 100 show: Lady Finnell. 90 to 100 show. Winner — -B. m, by Ralph -Ameeras. by Florist trained by B. Johnson: bred by Mr. George .1. Wer.t to jK st at 5:11. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. J»S1E M. soon took the lead and held sway to the end. BETHLEHEM STEEL finished gamely and headed LADY FINNELL near the end. The latter was prominent all the way. ZANZIBAR closed a big gap and finished gamely. WOOD LADY tired. RED ARROW quit. CHARLNAT fell lame after going a quarter. H9Q9Q SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. Sept. 20. 1924—1:38—5—106. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and J*d*J*dnj upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second. 6: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 02798 P.UCKHORN II. wn 9 111 5 3 41 4» S« 2i 1" H West B Creech 260-100 02 795 SWEET AND I.OWw 6 103 7 9 73 3h lh i» 2« O Mazoue P A CornwoR 550-100 02790THE WIT ws 9 113 2 7 5 1 6= 5= 4* 31 V Wallis Mrs C B Irwin 270-100 02795 MY ROSE wb 8 106 6 8 9 8 71 6b 4% C Corbett J White 1000-10.1 t.2565 CHET w 6 113 9 5 l3 1= 2* 33 51 J Gerritv G C Coakley 1270-100 02795 DUSTMAN wsB 5 113 3 4 3« 2h 4h 5b fiij E Cpenter T M Bri.le 890-100 02799 WHIPSAW wsB 5 111 4 1 8b 71 8« 8« 73 L Mills J R Porte,- "120-100 02689 olEN MAZOMA w 6 106 1 2 2b 51 61 7» 8» A Anrson W R Hall - "000-100 02607 CONSOLATION wsb « 106 8 6 6h 9 9 9 9 F Taylor Glover and Mines 1650-100 Time. :24%. :50%. 1:15%. 1:44%. Track heavy. mutuels paid— Buckhorn II.. .20 straight, . CO place. .20 show; Sweet and Low °0 place $::.G0 show: The Wit. .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Buckhorn IT.. 260 to 100 straight. 1M to 100 place, 60 to MO show-Sweet and a . 100 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show: The Wit. 40 to 100 show. * Winuer— P.. g. by Buckhorn Bertie Y., by Sempronius trained by B. Creech: bred by Mr. Hal Price Hoadloyi. Went to post at 5:45. At post 1 n.innte. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BUCKHORN II.. close up in the early running, raced gamely through the stretch ;:nd got up to win in the last stride. SWEET AND LOW moved up with a rush on the back stretch and. taking the lead, stayed gamely in the final drive. TIIE WIT finished fast. MY ROSE made up ground. CHET set a good pace, but tired. Scratchtr. 0274-S Frontiersman. 111: 02747 Midnight Stories. 106. Overweights Chct. 2 jKiunds: Dustman. 2. • Additional charts on eighteenth page