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WW * W IT Wl IT A HJ| W% r% W Honest, Bona Fide Information HARVEY AMES, Inc. cm pini ard MITCHELL EAKLEBI.OU. BROADWAY AT 52D NEW YORK CITY yUo 111 lyi 1 f| f]| |%| XfsIA JL V/JL M WlAIAmA T — — — — — — — — —— — — — — Purveyor of Sensational Turf Information 3L7/"|1J f SPECIAL NEW TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ▼ ▼ AI • OE HORSE A DAT FOR THE NOMINAL SUM OF 0.00 * ihonli make yon a winner of 00.00 at the end of your «ix day. subscription. mmm———m—mm——am 1 ALSO RELEASE A 0.00 DAILY SPECIAL. Yesterdays "HARVEY TRANSACTION," M and the Only horse ad- These specials are of exceptional value and should be taken advantage of by every race player vised, won easily at very good odds and of course was not the favorite. who ■ "■*■■■ ««pt»»»»y rood winning information. For good and sufficient reasons the previous "HARVEY TRANSAC- mJ? £ ZSSJTSSJL. * *-***«•**•»* TION" was postponed until yesterday with the above result. After «"cheix-b advisement,. yesterday horse the sixth race at Aqueduct was official yesterday, this office was ORTLIEB 4.60, .80, 2nd notified of the starting of another yesterdays ten dollar special result unknown at presstime iV TODAY— WILL BE A GALA DAY— TODAY • •II ww A . If III? 1/ rw,w TO A * m- AW A * f i It A rw, Ti 111 wv A a «r V S4000 for S20° is ths Price we «P«t today on m7 weakly service. Never was there a better M il K V P I I K I I lj II I 111 | 111 1/1 ¥ Pr°P°slt:on offered to the rscins public than the one that I have got to offer vou today. And romcm- I | /"HI fill | ll/millJlmlj I llf ll 1 1 Fl# f*l I bel" Kr- Player that if you fail to tak= advantage of it you will regret it as long as you live. *** *** W «i A M. A*A Ai ll* *W » » VA ■ M V»/*» M, My previous transactions and notice the caliber of mv information: TUESDAYS ONE HORSE: r% • a-*rnnn • j l i i- • i - A Subscription, 00.00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. mixxa hu, v m — __ _ _ _ _ MONDAY S ONE HORSE: As in the case of yesterday, no attention should be paid to past THE JAXITOR Saturdays one horse: Third performances. Early subscription is strongly advised. barcolo i««wm v J and J _J_ FRIDAYS ONE HORSE: percussion W°B TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591-2592-2593-5749-1434-1435 Thursday s one horse: f"°° LADY BRAXTED 3.90, Won , WEDNESDAYS ONE HORSE: ~ SHASTA BITTE 4.60, Won 1 An |x «v /» TUESDAYS ONE HORSE. fSSrt-rfVFT PP7r Fl ll /_■ GEO. GROOM 7.00, Won W I lal I H hWii WklM *A ■ I I k / w. O 1*117 iirAtlt" MONDAYS ONE HORSE: liW IjIlllB I1"J tDlrJ d 1/d.V lUll. CUPBEARER «.20. Won I ra/w BlHifl lllllf 1 •/ W*»* If you desire this service, if out of town wire ten dollars by Western Union or Postal Telegraph, or Uff MBll ||bI|I IB.ll.l if in clty come UP t0 r°y office, open 9:30 a. m. to 4 p. m. =ob=* fB!»JBIm]*l*AgAlgll i RICHARD MITCHELL, Room 1218, 1480 Broadway, New York City — on tne 1 OCCASIONAXS. A WINNER tZZiZcZ ever™ »™» LEE HANLEY TONiA-iHa.Pa.hrch-nora. at FairmOMlt SPECIAL TERMSI-NOTICE !-SPECI AL TERMS! and THEYRE SHOOTING today. I I 50° F0R 15 PARLAYS -*m ffAm | I ■ B1 »v Hf J% If r* • I Results for June 23 not known at time this ad * *" i Ul I I I ll || f w« written. Daily play of the EVERWIN Room 316, 117 Xorth Dearborn Mrfft Chicago, 111. sl II I II II V I METHOD is being fHed with the RACING FORM YESTERADYS PARLAY ||ll | 111 III 1 We started filing Jone 14. The net result for the FLORIDA SOLD 4.60,VYon Mr TLLOCII .",.40, Won MMLJ A 1LJ J | • first eight days, on races of FAIRMOUNT. is _ _ __ _ __ _ __ ___ __ _ ____ _ __— ____ STZt XrthinacJYo5; Idwu. sent »U out of town client, at 9 a. m. City clients receive the two A . WWW 11T tMsVvatem hor** P»rlay Whan they CttU- We * bi* «taff of clerks t0 handl8 out of town k %Vm/ m#m/ clients so that there is no delay in sending wires. » ,n " V% YY YY UI1 NO money needed for copy oe system |p TUESDAYS PARLAY* YESTERDAY S OCCASIONAL Just »hoot along: your name and address by mail ROSETTA STONE 9.60, Won EllHRASIA C60, Won ___ or wire. You will recei»« by return mail the MONDAYS PARLAY: fl Cf d*1 O AA III complete EVERWIN SYSTEM, just like the copy PICEOX WING II $ 9.40, Won CANJJY STAR 9.60, Won I iHriAIT l V I II I l/VAtl m«and with the FORM. You wiU get the SYSTEM SATURDAYS PARLAY: llnllllfiV »ll 1 ll.llll. f if f till V*» ITSELF not a sales letter or circular asking for a KNOT GRASS 9.60. Won SIXTY hB.,.60. Won VltUlUVJ ; yiVtVVl fe- or d t you wiU be under no oWifatioll t0 FRIDAYS PARLAY: _ , us. You do not have to buy anything. REALIZE 5.89, Won YOOHOO $ 8.20, Won Again we SMASHED OVER another Occasional. THURSDAYS PARLAY: _ _ Play of the EVERWIN can be made at or away MIGHTY 3.20, Won SMOKY DAY $ 9.40, Won IfV |pk | VT1A from tracks. You dont need to know scratches. WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: || III tk If /L. jockeys, pneet. or track condit.ons. Do all your SPORTY 3IcGEE 3.20, Won TAM.AItA fli.40, Won I I ll I ff| V k business at noon. Collect the next day. TUESDAYS PARLAY: I llll M I if Head the system at oneethen watch the winnings MA8MLLO* ttAS PAT $ will prove intensely interesting t» you. Each *nd e»«ry one of the abovo horses are legitimate winners. Occasional-6th Race Reiiance publisliiiig Co. | 5 to win parlay today at Latonia comes EXTRA STF.0NG and is O RELEASED TO OUT OF TOWN AND CITY SUBSCRIBERS m m f* m *:07 SHERIDAN ROAD CHICAGO. ILL. Two winnel.g today. Bona fide information. No guesswork. Subscribe today for these two re- |" I ■ ■ I ■ leases. D» not miss this big limit win parlay under any consideration. Parlay released to all out of A Vt%|A/ l||M/V I /|l| town »nd city subscribers. No waiting, no delay. OmdMlIIIg UIU WEEKLY I PARLAY released to everybody I especially PREPPED for this race. Under NO con- 1 _ sideraton whaterer FALL to get this OCCASIONAL. jv « /"If |TV /TT1TT* Subscribe to this office. Receive a fair and square deal. Fifteen dollars 5.00 pays for fifteen Ask your newsdealer for the MM f M f |V#_ f -I If f I rl parlays a losing parlay does not count. Prompt and courteous service to everybody. If in city, call in M , pi 1 7 An A * 1 Jl/lvJif vJ J KJ MMJLd person; if out of town, remit 5.00, via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Office open 9 a. m. to IrlaSier UOCKerS UCCdSlOnai * P m A PiCT0KIAL of THE TURF LEE HANLEY, Room 316, m M«tt Dearborn Street, fhiearo, 111. For sale at ALL NEWSSTANDS PUBLISHEDVJ:KY F*IDAY.t , • Bargain Offer— Both Occasional and Sheet WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly on its _ . ,_ . . _ _ —- ■ tent one week 0 merits as a publication that picks the winners. Its 440 S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO. ILL. cONS." LOCKMBPmIK" BEST A QiQClCI A TI7 ltl XI TDC DTTDI7ATT DETROIT-For Sale: ERKKi. PiSSSSLiSmSS: AooUVxlA 1 LalJ 1 UKT DUKLAU Triangle News.tand-Griswold and L.fayett, Blvd. •■"«*£ WmSmSSSP 10.00 WEEKLY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY Family Theater Ne wsstands-Cadillac Square. WmMgggmUrtmmgX. OTHER CITIES 10R andALL: _ TlTfiNTl Atrnnr Parr1nr lr KtanH ST. LOUIS-Wm. Laser. 711 Market Street.!j*tai SCw tor. Subscribe - to a bureau that is composed of honest and reliable men. We release ST LOUIS— Foster Book Co.. 410 Washington St. . strictly two horses each day to all out of town and city subscribers. The same two tart FRIF-Stirtir Drive Half OMAHA Neb. Myer Coren. 1411 Farnum St. rva.i. jmir. v »e a. horses released to everybody. These two horses advertised regardless of whether tbey CLEVELAND. O— O. Schroeder. 212 E. Superior St. IITPPf/f 17 fl i /IIT/ !"»¥ IIFnl" win or lose- Honest advertising. Prompt and courteous servica. INDIANAPOLIS— Marcus. N. E. Corner Illinois and: l«|4|4 K | V K jX I ||||, |.|| |H — — — — -— — — — — — — — —————————— TILililYLiI IVnWllU UVIULj »MirTTeTnv , mL Wednesday s strictly two horses ■ n W » «.. raSTiUt ShJ!!i!J%MM» 25 Cents a Copy McCULLOCH 5.40, Won GAFFNEY 8.00, Won KANSAS CITY— Ricksecker. Ninth and Walnut Sti. _--. n.MkM _, . . _._ , TUESDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: w «a*u 55SSS NN:wSsfandSrca,nore St DA,LY RAPifJ,G111CART, ,nC* ROSETTA STONE. 9.60, Won ISLAND FAIRY. .. 5.20, Won ... _ J.LL, MONDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: , , * last ,a„ 32nd s,r"1 ew k„w v.,l lorL w N- v T CHICAGO— FOR SALE KNOT GRASS 9.60, Won EUPHRASIA 6.60, Won ARCADE NEWS STORE— «4 W. Madison St. SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: NEWSTANDWilson Ave. """ SUtion, evenings. D ARTf! fi 1 ftfl Wnn • 6.80, Won SIXTY 5.60, Won DHIIV/ULU WWUII DRUG STORE— Randolph and Clark Sts. *IJ,yu TODAY TWO WINNERS— NO FAVORITES— TODAY BALL Newsstand. Quincy and State Sts. .00 XX SPE- . , .... HIGH and loser last Saturdays — a were ™«. v _,_£ •„ ■. j - -- - .t NEWSSTANDS-Corner. of Madison and Clark Sts. CTALS. We hive only misied two Saturdays since „ The ff ** *™ *ll »«»• *** should win without the least opposition Neither of these BRUNO _ _ 8 A MIKES NEWSSTANDS-St.te and they . * opened • at Lexington this spring. Cant be ti!, winners, uood Pof odds. 7.°" * ° «thdrawn several times awaiting todays spots. Twe • • ••» iu» j ii ■» * NEWBSTANI -4,th NJwB6TAHD_47th and and Indian. inewna St. 6ts. _. °* "y C° " * Ci clients ™* cal1 in P"son- New York office °Pen from 9 »• » to 4 p. «. Out of town »1J clients, remit ten dollars via Western Union Postal p|pir|ii pni P| eft It/ or Telegraph service. AND ALL OTHER NEWSSTANDS I" LU« I U A UULU . . . 3 I f.OU, WOII AOOUOIA ACCAriATPn I tU TIIDP I UKt~ DIIDFAII bUKC.AU w»* yesterday s ONE HORSE DAILY WIRE. This _________ makes five long priced winners out of last nine. 1476 Broadway corner 42nd Street, Room 502 New York City tir% , ••*_ _ „J i_l„-« 0«.M»«. Terms for this service. .00 for six days. GOOd Figures and HOrSe bense Twenty years doing business every day under — the umi name and management. I ran beat the ruees. We ha»e the figures. TODAY 8 CODE SPECIAL: - ■■siwvbsiwj _ . . Octobcr-Apple-14-17-59-23 I - - BBMsgnaiiiiB SCHUYLER FLOYD si.sw*s« -m * Kooni 2i«, 244 S. Dearborn St„ Chlearo, 111. 408. 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago. 111. ; - j ===============- C5 Wal1 Street New York City SUPREME FLASH nriSrRflEnnSKninS "Schuyler Investments Are in a Class by Themselves Tiinr 11/ C C V I V ■.•■■.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■sB WEDNESDAY— MY FAIRMOUNT INVESTMENT I Ulir- W ttMT KUM KALESSI 0.50, Won pbiishcd wekiy 35 cnu p r Copy Single Inn, 85 Cen*s 10 We.ks. Ten . Snbscrlpti n .00 MY LATONIA INVESTMENT Sold at all Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODE: FLORIDA LW GOLD 4 60 Won --- •,»wu ■■UM LATONIAJune-7-2 U-14. Queen-21-3 . T-i • AQUEDUCT— ~ - - a,Z Tuesday s Investment: Mondays Investment: AQUEDucT-juiy AQUEDUCT— Julv-7-2-11-14 i4. fort mst ERiE-Queen-4.19 FS!r 4 U SUPERFRANK ....80, Won PIGEON WING II.. .40, Won 39 WINNERS 0UT 0F sr 52 ADVISED INVESTMENTS Petie j6 C0 Won DAILY RACING GUIHF Pat niikim ff TV* TTh * ■■■■il " tU The .ixt thre* "8cauyler Investments TAKE PLACE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SAT- Mond*- °Be Best. Next Best URDAY AT LATONIA. were r"en and LI AC TUC VA/IMHirOO HAb I Mt WINNtKS r¥aJeOrty0UT.»piJecneurtt Bidg .. caglin. Terms— 0.00, in Advance, for These Three Investments sm .»»■ — Dont miss them: telegTaph your subscription at once. SPECIAL NOTICE — I have no agents or representatives anywhere. DEAL DIRECT WITH ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■LsssssssflHIHHBBMiMBLssssH THIS office and you will unnecessary SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" ARE LIKE "STERLING" ON SILVER— THE STAMP _ __ 0F DI8TINCTI0N l a l • .rv »i r« • r* For Results Advertise m Daily Racing Form _ ilHHHBBH5!9BHMHillHHiilHHHiBHHHBaiHHV Subscribe for Monthly Form Book and insure its prompt receipt.