untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-25


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LEE HANLEY TW0 H0RSES DAILY 0 A DAY SPECIAL TERMS!— NOTICE!— SPECIAL TERMS! W% ¥ T f ¥T £ A ■% W% ¥ C £ IT 99" 5.00 FOR 15 PARLAYS -g I K I I I 1% 1| /I K K I 1 I 111 Room 316. 117 North Dearborn SIrrrt Chit-ago, 111. « »T # JL A k»# X ItAlA aJLm X 1 YESTERADY S PARLAY CHICK YV 4.2*. Wob SI K BKRRY flO.tt, Won _ Telegrams seat all oat of town client* at 9 a. m. City clients receive the two I Tho worlds DretTlier tlirf information Hitrihlltor I "° WUI IU ■ Pr«""e» «-»■ mTOrmailOn OlSTriDUTOr. I hone parlay when they call. We have a big staff of clerks to handle out of town dienu so that there is no delay in seadiar wires. I Turf information of supreme quality I WEDNESDAY 8 P AKX AT : -*w "■■MsMssMsHsn..MMsMssMisMHsMHBsMMsswHsMHHsswHMJi FLORIDA flOLD Ili.te, Won Mr TLLOCII .4t, Won n3KT ANNOUNCEMENT-ANNOUNCEMENT SBSRama rosetta stone lit* Wb. MONDAYS PARLAY PIGEON WING II. $ 9.48, Won CAN1IY STAR 9.69, Won X ■*■ ke** Pleasure in announcing to raee- players that I am again ettablirhod to serve race player* SATURDAY S PARLAY: _ ***« the caliber of information I have previously served them. After an absence of one year. I havn KNOT GRASS 9*rIDAY6 PARLAY- •*•* Won returned and am prepared to break the worlds record of twenty-seven win parlays that I have es- REALIZE 3.89, Won YOOHOO $ S.29, Won t*01**" in Detroit. Michigan, in the year 1983, from which city I have been ordered to leave for THURSDAY S PARLAY: creating: too much commotion. I am better equipped to beat that record than at any time in my career, ■ M HT Y * 4* OU f°r * ***** made connections with wraNFKDAY «; SpTrLAYDAY »• e*rouP •» turfmen, WHOSE OPERATIONS CANNOT BE EQUALLED. Won This is what I released and filed: SPORTYMcCEE 3.20, Won TANGAHA *40, TUESDAYS PA HT.AY ■ massji.lon 8.90, Won atossa $ »o, won 765 CLIENTS AND ALL THE CLIENTS I HAD ON MY BOOKS Each and every one of the above horses are legitimate winners. RECEIVED 0 TO WIN PARLAY TODAY yesterdays two horses: RELEASED TO OUT OF TOWN AND CITY SUBSCRIBERS Mfl 1 7 W I tfO A Osf» WJ Two winners today. Bona fide information. No guesswoik. Subscribe today for these two re- IWIIllf C KQ 1117 I—. W l_ r I all sftsfl leases. Do not miss this bis limit win parlay under any consideration. Parlay released to all out of I f 1 ill ill - mJUmi W- •llaT £au WW 1111 town and c:ty subscribers. No waiting, no delay. • ■■■■■#■■ W «f / %|/shnf *••*■€ V J I f VIA PARLAY RELEASED TO EVERYBODY fTllplj Iff! f A 1A WaTI Subscribe to this office. Receive a fair and square deal. Fifteen dollars 5.00 pays for fifteen /1I1vI» vU* tl/sCaf Ja« X /« Iff Vfll parlays a losing parlay does not count. Prompt and courteous service to everybody. If in city, call in * * person ; if out of town, remit 5.00, via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Office open 9 a. m. to ■"™™""™™«mi™™» Mb—— —__ LEE II A ME Y, Room 31$, 117 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. Right off the gO I Smacked OVer a win parlay. I ======== am all started and ready to produce a string of win parlays that will astound the entire racing world Wm l w£ If M ¥ § I VI wi iTlaO Do not be left behind. Bs a Buck Garrison WINNING PLAYER. Get in on this wonderful winr.ine I I r II W I . I h If I I || la* information. Subscribe immediately, and ride with Buck Garrison, the premier information distributor, II 11 It 1 JsHsl A 1 A 1TJL JLwi j *% MLmm J% " *■ 70S will laugh at your bookmaker, and for today I am going to give you another demonstration / of what real information is. EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52D ST. MEW YORK CITY -— — — _____«_______ __ZZZZIZIZ__I 50 TO 1 WIN PARLAY GOES TODAY Y tf *%WT f Theso two horses that I am going to release today have been prepped for one of the biggest sensa- yfyf % 11 0 tions in the hlst "T of the American turf. I know that a surer proposition than this one has never before been offered to the racing1 pnblic. I am net making this statement to ensnare you or to entrap ™""" "™~~~™,",~"™"""" JO". »■* I •■ telling you candidly, through the public press, that I have the roods today. Yesterdays "HARVEY TRANSACTION," and the Only horse ad- *»*»» your subscription fee at once, and enjoy the fruits of Buck Garrisons winninj information. vised, won easily at good odds. Attention is drawn to the fact that u yoB desire tod"ys p*rUy wir« ten AM*n t0 this horse had not won a race in seven previous starts. It takes money ■ 1 f • and plenty of it to know WHEN. IjllCK VlSLrif ISOll "II A D VEV TD A WC A fTI AM" Tilfl A V 157 West Forty second street New York City 1 Mil f 1, I I lrllll/v/ 1 lvfl I 1 #l/l J ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS BY WESTERN UNION OR POSTAL TELEGRAPH Subscription, 00.00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. -. _._, , , r J and r r „ Honest, Bona Fide Information Past performances should be ignored again today. The result /"*/W TY/ITY % V TV HfmAlfffflff W should never be in doubt after the rise of the barrier. I III |ll||| il |ll| 11/11 III LI I TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591-2592-2593-5749-1434-1435 vV/lie lVlV/lllllVl/ ITU 1 t,il II il jl J ~" ~ Purveyor of Sensational Turf Information ASSOCIATED TURF _ BUREAU SPECIAL NEW TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 0NE H0RSE A DAY F0K THE H0,nNAL mu or 00° 0.00 WEEKLY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY _ J ALS0 BELEASE A 0.00 DAILY SPECIAL. _ — _ .... Subscribe to a bureau that is composed of honest and reliable men. We release These specials are of exceptional value and should be taken advantage of by every race player strictly two horses to all out of town and city suubscribers. The same two who i» seeking exceptionally good winning- information. horses released to everybody. These two horses advertised regardless of whether they ,. win or lose. Honest jtl advertising. 6 Prompt v and courteous service. Rf.t*T i„f-__„t;,_ ■»»■■ "■■ ;. "taking ♦„.; the *vt- entire country v by storm. — Race pUyers * from every part of ,,~, the United States are clamoring to obtain my wonderful winning information. Such is the caliber of COLONEL — — — ■— — — ■ — MITCHELLS advisements. THURSDAYS 8TRICTLY TWO HORSES: ~. . M... . . . . ]H VCKS BABY 4.20, Won SlE BKRRY .0.14997 Won "nee again my clients bombarded their bookmakers. As I said to you before, do not allow one loser . .**!!"*""—***— _ . . -**— "— t0 discourage you, as one good winner makes up for all your losses. «... Wednesdays Strictly Two Horses: Tuesdays Strictly Two Horses: lc TLLOt H fli.40. Won ROSETTA STONE 9.«0, Won LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! " «v. WHAT "»« I I Mil GATE II MY UHU1B LIENTS YFSTFRD IOTEIMI I Y iAFFNFY 8.00, Won FIPHRASIA 6.00, U on . .. ,. YESTERDAY HORSE. — — ..— .— — Strictly Two Horses: Saturdays Strictly Two Horses: Mondays PHI I FriTH * -I rkrk ki ISLAND FAIRY .20. Won KNOT CRASS 9.60, Won fr"1- ■- V-» $ /.OO, Won HEAP * ••»•» Von SIXTY «.1926.sh, Won 50-1— TWO BIG WINNERS TODAY— 50-1 And thls is not a11 by any me*J». »* I am in a position now to break all former records. Stop l0"nff y°Ur KOod money- Do n°t °e baffled. Do not be misled. There is one service vou can depend ~_ Two winners • todav a at ii„i. limit aa. odds -in will k- be r«l—.-J released ♦„ to *ll all *»,„«- these m*. who subscribe «„k«. ♦-j— todav. T Two - • ■ good ~a ,„.„_ v. _;W „* ,- a. »„__ things" which should romp home easily. Remember, folks, that all statements made here are based UP°»— "oscnbe for COLONEL MITCHELLS INFORMATION and you will obtain the best that money on facts. No misleading statements. No guesswork. Subscribe to an honest and legitimate turf bureau. can ba7- City clients may call in person. New York office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Out of town —— clients remit ten dollars via Western Union or Postal Telegraph service. ™"™""""™ ™™"| ASSOCIATED TURF BUREAU Today--0.00 for .00 Is What Is Expected— Today | 1476 Broadway corner 42nd Street, Room 502 New York City "■■■■■■■■■■■■■■imhbI The horse that I am going to release today comes to me with a recommendation such as I have — never received before and from what I know this horse is one of the best things that ever faced a IIrrrF/f T iBsMiiBBBBBBsBBHBBBBBBMBBBBwBBK barrier- Under no consideration should you fail to obtain todays information, for if you do you will 1/1/ Iv §4 tC M — — reeret it as long as you live. Rush your subscription fee at once. My previous transactions and notice the caliber of my information: D A fIKT/** ff risTUT Wednesdays One Horse: Fridays One Horse: If A LJiftl VI UiLfCt ORTL1FB « •• «4-80 inA PERCCSSION 2.00, Won IV .1 1 • /I • 1 llrslUr DaaimK tmmmAsx Tne«lays One Horse : Thursday s One Horse: A PICTORIAL OF THE TDHF I J Hi IV ll/rillU IllllflP M X X A DEEX 7.10, Won LADY BRAXTED 3.90, Won PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY mflARMJ IIUVUIand VIUIUV Mondays One Horse: Wednesdays One Horse- WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly on its THE JANITOR Third SHASTA BlTTE 4.60, Won merit, as a publication t£"t_|,«k» "."vSo %."■ Flf*Qt fTk 0" "©15 Sf r* t** attf « lA7lf VVllIl m Vl Saturdays One Horse: Tuesdays One Horse: SELECTIONS" SSS SPECIALS BEST * ■■* BARCOLO 3.80, Won GEO. OROOM 7.60, Won £"?«"« 2LSn*i2KSSt 2Zand22. Entries ***»-» and » Past ***»•• ., , If T desire thi: serTice;,if out of I0:: wire tea 1 ollars by Western Union or Postal TelegTapb-cr ON SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS wT J" lf ln cltyt up to my offlce open 930 a. m. t0 4 p. m Aftocr-stewlitrrht-MHrndiiy PertorilianCeS RICHARD MITCHELL, Room 1218, 1480 Broadway, ; New York Citv Z_ LATONIA— Steward -Bit -Start ■ FAIRMOUNT— Jockey -Blinker-Handily W*1**Ck I II ■ Ante ~™— "— — — ,"-~ — — ~~ — "— — — — — —-— -— — — — — FORT ERIE— Handicapper-Paddock -Breeze g. I LK*2 X V V/ClllO WEEKLY RACING GUIDEj QrHI TV1 FP FI HVn I 25 Cents a Copy ■HHHHMHK JV/ilU I JLIZjIY 1 LjJ I J DAILY RACING CHART. Inc. " " street 65 w.n New York City IMI1I.ISHFRS "MHIVI.KK I N V FS T 1 I NTS ARE IN A LASS BY TIIEMSM ■■■■Mil V FS ks IN East 32n«J Street New York, K. . w y wsv jm* «- w g~ THURSDAY: N. ROGERS SUE BERRY 10-60 w™ -wk - * ■• XaASa 40 WINNERS OUT OF LAST 53 ADVISED INVESTMENTS — — — 1 sWWWwWPMsWWWWel TIRF WFFKI Y Th° two "8chuyler Invt: tments take place friday and Saturday at ISLJ3|SMBHKBUIiki||BBB 36 Cents Per Copy 10 Weeks, .00 IN M VK. TODAYS FREE CODE: Dont miss them: telegraph jour subscription at once. PUBLISHED WEEKLY FAIRMOUNT— Asia- Rope -Milk SPECIAL NOTICE— I have no agents or representatives anywhere. DEAL DIRECT WITH ,. : _ LATONIA— Tolodo-Flower-Selt THIS OFFICE AND YOU WILL AVOID UNNECESSARY LOSSES. 13 00 Tph Tprt, r *» 35 „ Cents ien eeks a Copy " SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS ARE LIKE STERLING" ON SILVER— THE STAMP 7 ... TODAYS FREE CODE: — OF DISTINCTION FORT ERIE— Heart -20-3 Euphrasia 6.00, Wan I I MM— ■———■*— —J . . Kin* Gorin II. . .20. Won Malcolm B. Jr 2nd • . -i j ■ «: ■ 1 * were given Tuesday. One Beat. Next Best and ■ ■ , mmmm mmm Subscribe for Daily Racing Form iSJrHjTSSi «t., •cicU-.S: follow daily racing guide— first with the latest

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926062501/drf1926062501_19_1
Local Identifier: drf1926062501_19_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800