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1 j I i i I I MMMMMMMWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMl The Monthly Form Book FOR MARCH Now on Sale THE MONTHLY FORM BOOK is issued during the first week of each month, with complete charts of the previous months racing in North America. Each issue now carries an index showing each and every start of all horses in training, with firsts, seconds, thirds and track conditions designated. By means of this arrangement it is possible for the user of the MONTHLY FORM BOOK to instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired, as shown in the fol-I lowing examples: ACCOMPLISH, b. f, 2, by PolymeUan— Finis, by McGee. C. Leroy King »i9MI22 ■I9S72« ■ ,99028 0,99219 "K99J52 01203* 011,90" O1S05* fflS3ft6a ?05589 OOOOtsy *073S3 h0?99ii ACCOUNT, b. c. 2. by Allumeur — Contessina, by Count Schomberg. . .cH. K. Bliss •■0J0.VJ H1141 iOS276 iUSTZlm H85L,7m J08073 A. LESTER, ch. g. 5, by Semprolus — Betula, by Rey del Sierras W. Dalton ® 98130s 9S47S .0171 0 580Ry » 01036 "01788 0238= E02390 C03015 E031L» ; r03380:h C03944* 104088 E00090 00241 h *0r.8«H ■07459 J07778 t07887h r0S922s "08050 S09004 "09191 09J33 •BUCEPHALUS, b. c, 2, by Buchan— Zefa, by Orme W, J. Salmon sOlTsy «08109 BUCK. ch. g, 5, by Blond Buddy — Beaming Beauty, by Sweep G. F. Croissant..* P9855G P19S598 P08S56 P99120» "992*0 P99453 P0tit9 "01581 "02023s "02462 P03163 104636* »0472« JOSOlti 108128 P08304 CORNFLOWER, ch. g, 5, by Peter Quince— Stick Pin. by McGee.. Mrs. E. J. Looper x Ji9S3«m J9S411 19S948 199517 J99616:s "99689m "9976S JiJOMlih J99952 iK031m r00388:h C00429h 100873 JOlllOh MI11761 ►01252s »01520 r01655 103173 "03411* O3530» 03729 "04512 •O50.T7h a"»580 J05943 "06081s J06353 "06590s J06S07sy "07007 J0718Sli 108500 J0S»3 "09022 09066 ESPANOL, blk. g, 3. by Escoba— Ella n.. by Yankee... F. J. Keams X "98482 "98572* 98725 198852 198911* J990742 P99122* P99:i83 P99C.031 99753 100706 "00789 «0090» J01490 "01575 »01896» ■02111* 02945 »03769 104104 "06705J »06875 ■08973* -074029 •07510 P0S168 ESPINO. br. c, 3, by Negofol — Rose Leaves, by Ballot. . . W. Zeigler, Jr. * "01091* 01189* "01394 0iSJ9 »019iS» ttCSsy »033S8is »03S05» J05690*m ««8«8s .06109 "fl«57* Index numbers in parentheses indicate winning races, seconds and thirds are designated by superior figures and the conditions of the track is shown by the designations following the index numbers as follows: "s" for slow, "sy" for sloppy, "m" for muddy and "h" for heavy. When not otherwise designated, fast or good track conditions prevail. S indicates that the horse has run in steeplechase and hurdle races. *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ®Superior mud runner. Imported. Disqualified. Index figures in italic face type ««»*9h indicate stake race. Before each race number in the index below an alphabetical sign is prefixed, which shows the distance at which the race so numbered has been run. The key to these distances is given below: 1-4 and 8-8 Mile A 1 Mile N 8 1-2 Forlongs B From 1 Mile £• Yards to 1 Mile 1-2 Mile D Ml Yards O 4 1-2 Furlongs F 1 1-16 Miles P 5-8 3Ille O 1 1-8 Miles Q • 1-2 Furlongs H 1 3-16, 1 1-4 and 1 5-14 Miles It 8-4 Mile J 1 8-8 and 1 1-8 Miles S t 1-8 Furlongs K 1 5-8 and 1 8-4 Miles T J-8 Mile L 2 to 3 Miles U 7 1-8 Furlongs M 8 to 4 Miles V = = In addition to the complete charts of all races run on North American tracks during the month, comprehensively ; and correctly indexed, the MARCH book contains the fol- j lowing Useful New Features: j Complete Index to Stakes Run Since January 1, 1926 Stake Dates for April Alphabetically Arranged. Thirty Leading Owners Since January 1, 1926 Thirty Leading Horses Since January 1, 1926 Calendar Table of April Racing Dates. Track Records for All Distances Price, Per Copy, .50 If by mail, 10 cents additional Single copies by mail must be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of TEN CENTS for registration. The publishers are in nowise responsible for books sent by mail without registration. I DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT -- CBsTCaVQO, H-L. 157-159 EAST THIRTY-SECOND STREET ----- NEW YORK. N. Y. 50 RICHM OND STREET, EAST - - TORONTO. NT. j 305-307 DECATUR STREET _-_- NEW ORLEANS. LA. 2014 MIAMI "ll,1i~","Bi!i!SB COURT, N. W. MIAMI. PLA. ;~