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EIL RACING FORM • JEFFERSON PARK » HEW ORLEANS. LA.. SATURDAY. APRIL 2. 1927. — Jefferson Park 1 Mile. Twenty-eighth and last . day. Jefferson Parish Fair Association. Spring meeting of 28 days. Weather clear. • to Stewards. C. W. Hay and T. O. Bradley. Judges, J. M I-ennan, R. A. Leigh and J. Carey. Starter W. Hamilton. Ka«-ing Secretary, J. McLennan. Racing sUrts at 2:13 p. m. Chicago time. 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. s ■I OOAO FIRST RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Guest of Honor. March 17. 1926— 1:44*— 6— 109. Purse r JLOUO ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 75; third, 00: fourth, 5. ~ Index Horses AWtPPSt* * IMrVk Jockeys Owner* Equiv. Book. Strt . 12235*KIYI vc 4 109 1 1 21 31 11 I 11 W Watson M Eatoplnal and Sons 250-100 - 1*266* DELPHI w 4 106 7 4 41 41 Z- 2" 2« M McGgle Midway Stable 1720-100 12223*B iR SPALDING w * 104 3 6 31 li 2«| V 31 N Chi.cutt J T Buckley 6I°t!!S ~ 12149HRKY B wn 10 111 5 3 5= 6J 45 4* 4= R Zcchini Four Oaks Stk Fm Sta 1430- 1 H 1 12266 GRABBLING wis 6 101 2 2 7 71 51 5 5 J Mazoue J G McDonnell 2MJJ J 12132*OMNIV w 4 103 4 f a* 21 6» P 61 P Hebert Caibaric and Hall 1190-100 1 12231 Sill RALPH w I 111 8 9 91 101 71 7» 71 J DUlea M Cox 121°~!!S ! 12264 TEA TRAY wn 5 104 9 7 12 12 102 8* 8* M Hum A J Heffernan 2160-100 1 12264*H -HORRY wn 6 104 10 8 10 9ill» 10* 94 0 I-andolt J B Payne tl900-100 1 12248*MAYR BERMANwb 3 96 1 10 S1 8l 8h 9s 10» H Hutton C A Bernhardt t 12167 PASSPORT wb 6 101 12 11 6 5"» 9» ll1 11" S Trench-d W A l avis 2560-101 12060 HITRCMP wn 6 110i 6 12 llh ll1 12 12 12 J Butler P Romer t * tField. Time. :24S- =48*. 1:14*. 1:41*. 1:48*. Track fast. certificates earned .00 straight, $."..20 place. .00 show: Delphi, 9.80 place. 0.40 1 ■how: Boli Spalding. .20 show. _ _. F. iuivalent Inx.king- 250 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Delphi. 890 s to 100 pla e. 420 to 100 show: Bob Spalding. 10 to 100 show. Winner Br. g. by Omar Khayyam— The Marchioness, by Sain trained by M. Estopinal; bred by Mr. Arthur I". Hancock I. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:18. AT POST — 4 minutes. f Start zood and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. « a K1V1 awav fast suffered from interference when following the early pace, but took a clear lead r in the stretch and. although swerving out badly, held DEI. IM I safe. The latter raced close up from the start and saved much ground on the stretch turn and. finishing gamely, was wearing the winner 1 down BOB SPALDING ra.ed into the lead after going the first quarter, but began tiring when nearing : the stretch ItAKKY B. finished gamelv under hard riding. BABBLING was shuffled back soon after the start and had little I toll II OMNIA and PASSPOItT showed early speed. SIK RALPH finished fast. Scratched— 11917 Live Live. 109: 12229 Kumonin, 111; 11995 Bar Light, 111; 12266Eight Sixty, 101: 12149 Tim Itooney. 95: 12249 M ssidor. 103. Overweights— Bob Spalding. 1 pound: Tea Tray. 1; no-IIorry. 1: Hitrump, 2*4. "iOOafl/l SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Tangara. Dec. 12. 1925— 1:11*— 3— 115. Ohio Purse. XjbbiOvF~BC Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 75: third. 00; fourth. 5. J Index Horses AWtPPSt * * Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Book. Strt 12850* THE VIXTXEK wb G 119 11 2 3* 1*1 tr" l5 W Watson F W Barlow 520-100 J 12018* I« LLY BU w 4 112 5 1 45 5* 4h 21" M Hum Lone Star Stable 910-100 ItlM ROORIOO w 4 112 7 9 IIP 10« 71 3" R Zcchini J B Buffington 290-100 l»-»50:* BILLY WITT w 4 115 16 fr ff 8l 4» P Hebert P Reuter 590-100 11125 BAOR w 7 112 10 10 9 T" 5* J Dillea Mrs L M Holmea 1710-100 11942 MTIX HANEYwb 6 110 3 11 11s 11* 11* 61 N Burger S W Grant 11230-100 12830 = DRY TOAST wb I 97 2 I : J| J" 71 S Cooper D Higgins 620-100 l»265*REl"NSWICK w 9 111 8 4 11 lh 2 8 M McGgle J Lowensteln 1020-100 12248 ITORKKNCi: w 3 109 12 3 6" 61 61 9 F Chvetta Mrs A R I-awson 2940-100 |ttM*OOT wit 3 106 6 7 51 4 101 10» R Barnett Nugent Bros t 12084* ; »SSOOX wb 4 113 9 8 7- 91! 54 11* C Healy Wild Rose Farm Stable 3120-100 ; 12197*THi: OOOOOM WB4 100 4 12 12 12 12 12 L Craver R A Schiro t -Field Time. :23*. :47*. 1:14*. Track fast. certificates earned -The Yintner. 2.40 straight, .20 place, .80 show; Dolly Bay. .00 place, .00 show: Podrigo. 80 show. . Equivalent booking The Yintner. 520 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place, 140 to 100 show; Dolly Bay. 350 to 1011 place. 250 lo 100 show: Kodrigo. 140 to 100 show. Winner Br. z. by Omar Khayyam— Mary Maud, by lri»h Lad trained by C. Turner; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock I. Winner entered to be claimed for J3..J00 WENT TO POST— 2 49. AT POST— 9 minutes. Stert good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. TUB YINTNEK. showing vastly improved form under a competent rider, took the lead and came away in the stretch to win as his" rid« r peased. DOLLY BAY suffered from some interference and bad to race wide on the turns, but finished well. ROBRIGO came from far back in the stretch. BILLY • WITT iHgan slowly and rtme with a rush near the end. BRUNSWICK set a fast early pace and tired. COY stitfered from interference. Scratched 122«5illats Pp. Ill: 12120 Orestes II.. 115: llGSSSt. Charles, 109; 12265*Bobs Best. 108; 12250 Ceo. Groom. 113: 10771 King Colin, 110. 0erweight Torrcnce. 2 pounds. i OOAtr THIRD RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Guest of Honor. March 17. 1926 — 1:44* — 6—109. Purs* J.«uUD ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner $"00; second, 75; third. 00; fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt * * % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equi v. Book. Strt . 12235= BLlE TORCH w 4 112 11 7 5 31 42 3- l"k W Watson E McCown 310-100 12266*DEI.Hl BOY wb 4 113 2 6 41 2i 1«| lh 2 F Chvetta B Pomeroy 710-100 ftSSSSI •BURNT W 4 115 I 3 6 61 2* 2= 3* R Barnett J Russell 490-100 12236FRENCH LADY W •"• 108 I S 7 7* 6» 41 4= N Chilcutt H H Chopin 2910-100 18836*Ll"CY KATE V 9 108 4 1 91 9* 8* 61 5» M Hum G F Hum 790-100 122"«1RKKlLLON* wb t 111 6 9 8» 8 7s 5« 6* R Zcchini Miss M Kelly 1020-100 12017,SWKi:i NKT w 4 110 1 2 3" 4 ■ 71 7* P Hebert V Reuter 790-100 12285 BCAMPAWAT wb 4 114 9 I 11 1= P 8« 81 0 OMney K H Von Roehm 1230-100 12270BATSMAN" wb 6 106 8 1111 11 11 10* 91 S Trench/d Kirwin Bros tl320-li0 12270*1. ITKV BBQOAR wb 4 106 10 10 10« 10 10! 9" 10=° I, Craver L Higgins • 20C0100 12270*J CK KNIGHT wb 4 108 7 4 2J 5 91 11 11 H Hutton Xugent Bros t rfftoU Time. :24*. :48*. 1:14*. 1:41*. 1:48*. Track fast. certificates earned -Blue Torch. .20 straight, .00 place. .00 show. Delhi Boy, .60 place, . SO show: Burnt. . CO show. Equivalent Injoking Blue Torch. 310 to 100 straight, 150 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show; Delhi Boy. ISO to 100 pla.e. !K to 100 show: Burnt. 100 to 100 show. Winner— Br. g. by Torchliearer— Blue Danube II.. by Yoter trained by E. McCown; bred by | Hinnar Studi. Winner entered to lie claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:25. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start uood and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BLIE TORCH came rapidly in the last quarter and headed the leaders in the last seventy yards. IiKI.Hl BOY ran a good race and. saving much ground on the turns, finished fast. BURNT lost ground in the early running, but raced into second place in the stretch and tired near the end. FRENCH LADY ran well. Ll CY KATK closed a gap. SCAMPAWAY tired when reaching the stretch. JACK KNIGHT quit. Scratched 12223 I annie. 107: 122V4rPeter J.. 112; 12132 Billiken, 109; 12269 Tippenir, 99; 122311 Fausto. 113; 12235 l.eisch. 108: 12248 Billy K.. 105. -g AQAn FOURTH RACE — 1-2 Mile. Navigator. March 13. 1925 — :47— 2 — 112. Kentucky _|_OvFO Purse. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 75; third. 00: fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt * Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equi v. Book. Strt 122253r.oMATIC 115 7 4 21 11 11 R Zcchini Mrs C Garrigau 630-100 lttZS 8KVKNTKKN SIXTY 115 11 :■ ? * K Chvetta H P Gardner 150-100 |tM7H2UIC*KKlC H2 2 2 5» 3« 3* C Healy Wild Rose Farm Stable 680-100 12267 WATSON 120 4 5 t 4 41 W Watson K S Cleveland 2960-100 1*267 KTHKL SHKRI.OCK 107 3 3 6 5 5» J Jones J J Coughlin 4280-100 12131 OiL. BOB H5 5 6 4k 6 6 R Barnett P. L Baker 240 100 l,,-84 MKDDLBSOME MAIli 107 6 7 Fell. S Holecko Mrs F Farrar 1720-100 Time. :23*. :48*. Track fast. certificates earned Aromatic, 4.00 straight, . SO place, .00 show; Seventeen Sixty, . CO place. $;.« show: Quicken. .00 show. Kquivalent looking - Aromatii-. BB to 100 straight. 190 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show; Seventeen Sixty, 80 to 1IH place. 80 to 100 show; Quicken, 80 to 100 show. Winner — Blk. g. by Tryster Aroma, by Santry trained by C. Jarrigan: bred by Mr. Hal Price IK-adlevl. WENT TO POST— 3:56. AT POST — 1 minute. Start :;.iod and slow. Won driving: second and tiiird the same. AROMATIC, after swerving over sharply on the first turn, raced into the lead when reaching the stretch and outstayed SEVENTEEN SIXTY under superior riding. SK KNTKKN SIXTY was away well, but suffered from vim- interference and made a game finish. QCICKEN ran a good race and ■ suffered frcm early interference. WAISON tired in the stretch and was forced back in the first quarter, ill.. Itllli quit. MKDDLESClML MAID was badly crowded and fell. Scratched 121983 Elevate. 112. ~t QOArT FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Tangara. Dec. 12. 1925— 1:11*— 3— 115. Maryland Handi-I £t »" a 1 1 4 cap. Purse S1.2C0. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 00: fourth. 0. Index Horses AVYtlISt *f % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equi v. Book. Strt ■BBVHUMTBMAM w 4 VIS 6 2 5" 4 2S ln* M Hum 0 Wi.ssinger Mju-lOO 12200:S1U PBTBR w i 116 5 3 21 11 P 2J R Z echini M Ooldblatt 2SI-1IH 12252 TBMPBST w 4 104 3 6 6= 61 $• 3°k P Hebert Huntington Stable 710-100 122." 21SII. I-l: SiNC, w 4 106 7 1 31 2s 4h R Barnett Mrs 0 Garrigan llOu-lOO 12152 ;KNI. II AI.I KMN"w :: lJ6 I 5 11 31 4 5= li Frogtte Kenton Farm Stable 690-100 ItlUFLORNCB MILLSwn 4 112 4 4 4" 51 6 6J F Chvetta O iau 910-100 I 225i » M Aand8I 1. 1. IN wb 4 102 1 7 7» 7» 7 7* L Craver Wild Rose Farm Stable 2540-100 I"200»i|.l SLIP vmSSB S 8 8 8 8 8 J Jones G Collins 290-100 Time. :23«and. :47*. 1:12*. Track fast. hBJ c.-rt.f ;c.itcs earned Huntsuian, 2.40 straight, .40 place. .00 show; Sir Peter. .20 place. H show Teni|Mst. 20 -how. Equivalent I**. kin- Huntsman. 1020 to 100 straight. 370 to 100 place. 130 to 100 show; Sir Peter, |M to 100 place. ;, |, 1UO show: Tempest. 110 to 100 show. Winner It. c. bj Johren Sylvan, by Disguise trained by M. J. Bcauchamp; bred by Mr. Harry 1*S" ne Wli;tne i. WENT TO POST — 4:25. AT POST — 3 minutes. Start good and slow Won driving: second and Ihird the same. HlNTSMAN. rlow up from the start, sawd much ground on he stretch turn and. moving up steadily in the last eighth, gamely outf unshed SIK PETEK. SIK IElEK raced into the lead on the last turn, hut ra.ed a trifle wide into the stretch and tired. IK-MPLSI- .-ame fast in the last eighth. MASSII.LON ran poorly QBNERAL IIALDEMAN showed the most early s| eed. but tired in the stretch. BLB SLIP ran poorly. Scratched 12227I»sid I... HW. 12039 yclops, 100 12154 All Baba, 96; 10016 Rival, 96. Overweight Ot-neral Ualdcuiau, 1 pound. . • to s r . - ~ 1 J 1 ! 1 1 * 1 s f « a r 1 : ■■*m*m*m*m*m*m*-~*,*m*m*— - — ■* 19QAQ SIXTH RACE— 1 Mil*. Sun Altos, Nov. 26. 1925— 1:38%— 4— 112. Illinois Pr-so. IsYUVO Purse ,200. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net valuo to winner 50; second, - ; third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt * * * Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 12202 PORRIPGK w 110 7 5 4« 3» 2* l1 l1 J Jones I. Rlbes 240-100 12135JACK H ORG AN wb 110 5 6 5» 5* 5 3» 2» 0 Phillipa Mrs W F Meehan 610-100 12268SCOTLAND wb 109 2 3 11 l1 1« 21 31 F Chvetta J S Taylor 120-100 12268 COMRAOK wn 112 1 1 3 4 41 4* 4* J Mazoue Shoo String Stable 1280-100 12040 BLACK Off WIHTEwb 110 6 7 61 6» 6« 61 51 J I M Ilea Pueblo Stable 1190-100 12227 ARKGAL w 107 3 4 7 7 7 7 61 L Craver Wild Rose Farm Stable 3950-100 12268-Bi:sT FRIEND w 102 4 2 2« 21 3" 5h 7 M Hum A F Reinhardt 2960-100 Time. 23*. :47*. 1:13*. 1:39*. Track fast. certificates earned — Porridge, .S0 straight, .60 place, .80 show; Jack Horgan. .20 place, 00 show; Scotland. . CO show. Kquivalent booking— Porridge. 240 to 100 straight. 80 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Jack Uorgan, 160 UN place. 50 to 100 show; S otland. 30 to 100 show. Winner -B. g. by Theo. Cook — Sweet Blossom, by Florist trained by M. J. Reauchamp: bred by Messrs. John I. Carr and Bro. . WENT TO POST— 4:53. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PORRIDGE raced close up in the early running and. taking the lead with a rush when SCOTLAND raced wide, held JACK HORtLVN safe. The latter saved much ground on the turns and finished gamely. SCOTLAND showed the most early speed, but raced wide on the stretch turn and tired. COMRADE raced wide on most of the turns. BEST FRIEND tired. BLACK ON WHITE ran poorly. Overweights — Scotland. 2 pounds: Best Friend, 2. ~1 9QAQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-2 Miles. Richelieu. Dec. 17. 1924—2:34—7—105. Omaha -LjBs0"e7 Purse. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 75; third. 00: fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt * * 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 12236CHIEF TIERNEY vv 5 100 4 2 l4 l1 1« V If P Hebert F Rose 220-100 1225.VMARENGO w 4 109 6 3 4« 5J 5« 2* 2nk J Penrod Pueblo Stable 490-100 12236 LONGCHAMPS wb 5 102 5 4 5» 4J 31 3 3J J Mazoue J T Looney 760-100 12186- CORPOSANT w 4 108 1 5 3 21 2* 41 41 R Harnett W R Sallee 220-100 12285*TRY AGAIN w 5 104 3 1 2*1 3* 41 V h- T Snow Miss M Kelly 1430-100 121993RADIO w9 110 266 6 6 6 6 C Phillips Mrs W F Meehan 920-100 Time. 24*. 49*. 1:15. 1:43. 2:08*. 2:36. Track fast. ?2 certificates earned — Chief Tierney, .40 straight. .60 plase, .80 show; Marengo. .60 place, .60 show: I ongi -hemps. .60 show. Equivalent booking — Chief Tierney, 220 to 100 straight. 80 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Marengo. 180 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Longchamps. 80 to 100 show. Winner— B. g. by Chief Ebo — .risello, by Hrey Leg trained by P. Reuter: bred by Mr. H. L. Smith. Winner entered to lie claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:27. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. CHIEF TIERNEY rushed into a good lead quickly and easily held it to the end. MARENCO was far back for the first mile, but came fast through the stretch. LONOCHAMPS was cut off after going mile, but finished well. CORPOSANT tired badly in the last eighth. RADIO began slowly and raced far back. Scratched— 12203 Stoneage. 102; 12236Good Night, 105; 12283Hank Monk, 95: 12266 Bosh. 95; 12266 Tick lock. 100.