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t • Post Position and Workout Index — Aurora I . P.«-kW will b«-- found the indf-x to the previous workouts of the horst-s entered in the various raiis at Aurora, together with their post positions, for Friday: FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. P.P Ind. Horse. P.P Ind. Horse. 1 123 Jim Bethel 10 Broadview 2 122 Noko 11 85 Servitor ft Nevertheless 12 Levulose 4 Basha 13 115 Charles Whitney ft 120 Ferrash 14 113 Polycarp 6 123 Sir Lawnfal IS 28 Famine 7 Jagger 16 Carpenter • 123 Meddling Beth 17 Miss Nar.tura t 122 Make Up SECOND RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. 1 85 Hesitation 8 77 Question Mark % 91 Fair Legion 9 Sweeping Ray % 121 Honeynook 10 Mat Hunter 4 61 Bill Seth 11 Jane B rocker ft Philomela 12 Teddy ban • Master Rock 13 125 Lady in Blue 7 tl Peggy Taylor THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 1 First Call 7 El Cid t 121 Silent King • 123 Halu 1 117 Citiaen 9 Gay Boy II. 4 120 Hyperion 10 120 Diagram ft 113 Mart Buncb 11 Little Blare j 123 GUmore 12 124 Peggy 0. ■ ji ; FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 1 121 Best Friend 7 Beauty Star 2 123 Sturdy Stella 8 Montello 3 123 Seth s Hope 9 88 Sureshot 4 125 Riot 10 117 Far Over 6 Sunlotus 11 Cjntella 6 111 Billy Baughn 12 119 Shasta Gold FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1 120 Sanola 7 124 Florence Mills 2 90 Traveller 8 125 Pigeon Wing II. 3 Anaconda 9 121 Silver Song 4 125 Captain Donan 10 118 Orestes II. 5 Jack Alexander 11 123 Bolton 6 117 Hot Time SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 1 113 Bosh 8 Hands Up 2 My Destination 9 115 Scissors 3 83 Kumomn 10 Bad Luck 4 125 Clownette 11 96 Ouroida 5 123 Lucy Kate 12 74 Private Seth 6 67 Jack Knight 13 Snow Maiden 7 Anmerode SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 1 50 Bally Nuisance 8 Lucy 2 Clapper 8 Huey 3 72 Ossie H. 9 125 Gunsight 4 War Idol 10 Sea Green 6 115 Yellow Pine 11 Isaman 6 64 Fairlight 12 Barb Wre 7 125 Murray 13 Nestle