Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1927-06-23

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173 . , HOMEWOOD, 111., June 22. Todays train- tog gallops here included the -following : -WASHINGTON PARK. 1 Weather clear ; track muddy "dogs up" 3-8 MILE. 316 Adventuress :40b 171 Jonn T. D... :45 b 171 Applccross .. :40 b 169 Keeping Time :39b , 151 All Rishtic. :44b 167 Negoport ... :40 b Bis C.eorse.. :40b 164 Sun Fairy... :40b 170 Captivate ... :40Vb 168 Smoky Day.. :42b 170 Colonel Drage :39 b 172 Sun Rancer.. :42 b 170 Ida ODay.., :43 b 170 Wacker Drive :45 b 1.2 HUE. Glenview ... :5Titf.h 172 Olympic :53b 144Isostasy :.r25h 163 Pics of Eht :58u 1-ady. Lura... :"5u 167 Rondelle :$ b My Ally....." :.r8andu 166 Uncle Joe :56 h 158 Old Bill..... :56 h 170 Winifred :52b 6- 8 MILE. 171 Angry Mood. 1:11 h 168 Mday M,incl:08b 170 Joe Adams. ..1:11 h 171 WVm Tell II.l:08b 164 Myrtle Belle. 1:06 b 3-4 MILE. 165 Flag I.ieut..l:21 b 171 Prevail l:24b 172 Flagstaff ...l:20b 171 Pl Wdel 11.1:24 b 171 Laddie Buck.l:20b 169 Updike 1:29 h 118 Mrs. Finley..l:24 h 7- 8 MILE. 16CSorlinc .....1:35 b Angry Mood and Joe Adams went handily together. Monday Morning seemed sore and was dnv- lug all the way. Pieces of Eight and My Ally were under stout restraint all the way. Flag Lieutenant showed early speed. The track was a sea of mud. LATONIA, Ky., June 22. Todays training jallops here included the following: LATONIA. "Weather clear ; track muddy 3-8 MILE. 169 A. B. Bsger :39 b 168 Moody Mary. :39h 167 Broad Silk... 89 b 148 OU Suzanna.. :39 b 168 Cuascaway . :39U 168 Rocky Cliff.. :39b 119 Heavy Date.. :39b 165 Royal Omar.. :37U 170Kublai Khun. :37b 160 Thelma O :39 b 158Kelnot :39h - Tulsaa :38h - 1-2 MILE. 331 Asor Charley :.r2b 169 Roger . :53 b Betty B -tflMili 141 Red Banner.. :54b 168 Charlev J. S. 50 b 165 Red Grange.. :51h Gdea Daniel :52b 172 Rock Slide... :53 b 168 Georgia W. . . :53 b 164 Stintson :51h 170 Hazel Spears. :52b 164 Sleepy Dick.. :53 h ICS Happy Time :56 b 170 Squire Parks. :52 h 166 Isac L :53 b 171 Tea Barry :52h 167 Jane C... :52b 151 Turnover .... :52b 164 Iisville Lou :53b 112 The Rove :52andb 170Moultry :53b liOWingins :59h 170 Osman :53h 5-8 MILE. 170 Azure l:02h 167 Miss Miles... l:07b 163 Billy 1:06 b 330 Shady Brook.l:07 h M6 Cornwall l:06h 171 Vginia Buty.l:08 b Indiana 1:05 h 162 Wons Bok...l:08b 3fi9Lr Breeches. 1:07 b . S-4. MILE. 379 Apopka l:18h 160 Fire Chief... 1:26 h 3U9 Berry Pickerl:20U 173 Frenchburg .1:23 h llarabassa ...l:02h 160 Genial Host..l:22b 146 Bobbie Shea. 1:20 h 140 Odd Seth l:26h 172 B. of Kentkyl:19h 169 Peekaboo l:20b UCJCmas Morn;gl:18iib. 157 Peter Prim.. 1:24 h Dry Mobn....l:21b 169 Qn of Sbeba.l:28 b 170 B. of TinwlilSlib 1 MILE. 169BUlie Burke. l:495h 169 Fnsilecr l:52b 165 Bright Shawl.l:49 b 161 Gd Shepherdl:46b 172 Bonaire 1 :49b 163 McComas ...l:49b 172 Comrade l:54b 170 Mary Jane.. .1:54 b 171 Duenna l:50b 163 Profiteer ...l:5ab Dinwiddic ...1:50 b 1 1-2 MILES. 172 Buddy Baner.2:44Vandh Buddy Bauer did his Derby trial, handily. Azure went an excellent five-eighths. Christmas Morning worked well. Good Shepherds mile was good. COLLINSVILLE, 111., June 22. Todays training gallops here included the following: FAIRMOUNT PARK. Weather clear; track fast 3-8 MILE. 164 Bray Annie.. :3Sandb 171 Overstep :39 h 157 Char Iidy... :38andb 171 Red Leather. :39 b 171 Iw Gear :36h 165 RusT Gardner :37 h 167 Mary Iaycock :3S b Soriee :384b 165 Micky Free... :37 h 169 Watchword .. :37 h Minna Dean.. :37u 161 Xalovian :37h 1-2 MILE. Arrow Hawk. :54b 150 Pocket Mouse :50Hib 167 Battle On... :!"0andh 168 Priccmaker .. :53 h 170 Blazes :55 b 169 Pearl Madelc :52Ah 171 Barbara Palr :50li 160 Polymel ..... :49h 122 Chesterbrook, :53 b Sarko :53b 167 Good Night.. :53 b 156 Strs a. Stpea :55 b 169 Home dOr... :54b 162 Willies Maid :52H;b 1 5-8 MILE. 161 Brown Silk. .1:03 h 109 Outing l:04andh 169Cleo l:06andh 168 Sister Ship. . .l:04h 162 Coney Island. 1:09 b 169 Sister Maggiel:03Vb 167Maybcrry ...1:00 li 171 Trevis 1:04 h 170Mystce l:0Ch 3-4 MILE. 163 Candy Brkbdl:16 h 118 Ford Brent. . .l:19andb 171 Candy Fox. ..1 :16Mjd 172 Fire Boy l:16h 172 Colonel Winnl:21 b 169 Macedonian .l:17h 61 Croatau .....l:16h 167Sir Maurice. .l;19Mih 170 Dw of Virgal;18h 170 Studt Prince.l:18 h 170 Dle Eiitendrel:21 h 1 MILE. 171 Cdy T. Greatl:45h 170 Loyal H l:40Hih 172 Cllipie l:44andb Clique ran well. Candy Fox and Candy Blackbird were in company. - Fred Jr. is training fine again. Helens Babe and Cotlogomar unloaded in good shape. NEW YORK, N. Y., June 22. Todays training gallops over the local course included the following: AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy; track fast 3-3 MILE. 107.Diavolo . ... :3G h Patriarch ... :37b 107 Golden Gloss. 171 Polyphemus . :38b 171 Morgold :37b 103 Strong Policy :371 Morcrystal .. :37b Zonite :30 h 1-2 MILE. 167 Aragon :50 b Lady June... :50t31i 105Agefi :51b 148 Le Voyant... :"ilb 103 Bird of Prey. :53 b 107 Miss Fayette :53 1. 102 Cockney :54 b 160 Myra M :50h ,168 Distraction . :50 b 172 Priceman ... :48h 57 Fine :50 li Xray :50 d 166 Jack of Clubs :W1 b , 1 , 3-4 MILE. 168Amberjack ..llSd The Beginncrl:25 b 167 Baldpate ....l:18h - 7-8 MILE; 165 False Pride.. 1:34 h 158 Mariner 1:35 b 1 MILE. 171 Wishg Stonel:43h JAMAICA. Weather cloudy; track fast 3-8 MILE. 171 Boyard :40 b Clavichord . . . :38 b 167 Colored Girl.. :37h 171 Pr. of Bourn :36h 1-2 MILE. 171 Doctor Wilson :43 d 172 Flying Sweep. :54b 6- 8 MILE. 164 Af ton 1:0354b 169 Lucky Play. .1:01 h 169 Bedford Qunl:03h 171 Metzles Buyl:01d 169 Foxy , Peter. . .l:04b 3-4 MILE. 169 Grand Bey...l:18b 152 Pop Bell 1:24 b 163 Heatherwine .1:26 b 7- 8 MILE. 169 Horologe ....l:31b 1 MILE. 166 Fainnan 1:45 h 172 Rockhawk. ...l:45h 172 Irish Stew 1:44 h Metzies Buddy went well. Lucky Play did a good speed test. Doctor Wilson is in good condition. Horologe was in hand all the way. BELMONT PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast 3-8 yrrr.n, 172 Astronomy .. :30b 160 Pan :36b Be SOU :36 h 162 Polydor :35h 162 Camp Star... :37b 164 Post Maid. . :36b 168 Camp Light.. :37b 109 Roalyn :36b 171 Carloman ... :37b Rigoletta ... :37b 171 Dark Eyes... :36 h Shining Mark :37b 171 Dunbeath ... :37b 169 Twty Mtes. :37 b 171 Falconry :35h Thymen :36b 129 Inca :37b Topper :375feb 159 Kind Man... :36h 154 Union Jack.. :36h 1621ghing Lady :36b White Gown. :37b 171Brn Fairy.. :37b 1-2 MILE. 171 Argus :49h Hoggarty ... :49h 169 Black Curl... :48Vfeh Itinerant :50h 172 Bunny kins .. :48h 170 Jfldis Kiosk.. :49h 171 Brn Wisdom. :48 h 168 Kiev :48b 168 Brown Flash. :48 h 168 Osmand :48h 170 Brown Study :48 h 168 Omujous .... :54b 168 Brown Chief. :50 h PenacoU .... :52b 164 Broomotta .. :54 b 171Pandy :49h Bob Rihan... :49h 171 Rnrik :49h 158 Catch Him.. :52 b 171 Redcliffe .... :49 h 163 Compensation. :52b 162 Revolver .... :51b 162 Comus :51b 168 Rip Bap :54b 168 Cartoonist .. :47h 169 Seventh Son. :50 h 172 Candy Hog.. :48U 150 Stretcher ... :49 h 170 Celidon :48Vh 157 Valkyr :55 b 171 Florian :49 h 109 Wee Burn... :53b 166 Fse Modesty. :51 h 164 Washakie ... :49h Grl Bullard. :48h Wavy :50 h 5-8 MILE. Broom Whiskl:03h Mint Spray.. 1:05 b 168 Black Gal l:01h 172 Reproduce ...1:05 b 168 Elfin 1:02 h Spectacular .l:06b 169 Flechita 1:05 b 127 Sweet Polly.l:04 b 159Frat Girl 1:04 b Sweepstick ..1:02 h 107 Half Pint 1:06 b Uncle Hood. .1:11 b 171 Linger 1:02 h 3-4 MILE. 171 Bizarre 1:19 b 165 Montferrat ..l:14b Boast 1:17 b 167 Navigator ...1:17 b 157 Doomsday ...1:21 b 163 Odd Trick.. .1:20 b 172 Dorado l:15h 171 Premier 1:23 b 168 Gun Royal... l:16b 168 Sonato l:15h 158 Groucher l:15b 169 Selene 1:18 b 169Hayward 1:19 b 16C Vocalion .--...1:18 b 167 Kw Me Gmel:20 b 7-8 MILE. 171 Triton 1:29 h 1 MILE. 172 Be Fair 1:43 b 171 Gormond l:42andh 170 Botanic 1:47 b 167 Maelstrom ...l:42jfch 168 Caricature ...l:45h 171 Polycrates ..1:45 b 170Calomet 1:47 b 163 Peter Peter. .l:45b 105 Draconis 1:55 b 162 War Path l:41h 1 1-8 MILES. 172 Cranco Shot.l:53h 168 Peanuts l:56b 1 1-4 MILES. 172Espino 2:10 b MONTREAL, Que., June 22. Todays training gallops included the following: BLUE BONNETS. Weather clear; track fast 3-8 MILE. 169 Dream Maker :38e 142 Lombardo . . . :38e 83 High Seas... :38 h 164 Nimrod :39 d King Wrack. :38 h Sabret :37 h 171 Lady Classen :37 b Snuffy ...... :38 d 1-2 MILE. 171 Edisto :53 e Rundale :51 d 139 Forest Lore.. :53 h Successor ... :52e 169 Omars Dble. :52 h Simony :51 d 169 0Turk . :52 h . 6-8 . MILE. 169 Eiderbard ...1:04 d Signola .....1:08 e . 14G Meerschaum .1:05 -e - 3-4 MILE. 1 171 Blacksmith . .1:24 h 159 Danger Signall:20 h 1 MILE. 171 Glance 1:49 e 139 Marial Bartonl:52 h

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