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GREAT AUSTRALIAN HORSE Melbourne Cup Winner Trivalve Expected to Reach 00,000 Mark in Winnings. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. SYDNEY, Australia. Trivalve is little more than half way through his three-year-old season, and has put together 29,180 for six firsts, two seconds and three thirds. With his other stake engagements at Flemington and the St. Leger at Randwick to assist, it is fairly certain he will start as a four-year-old with 50,000 to his credit. He should be good for at least a couple of more seasons in addition to the current one, and even if he does not pass Gloamings 15,500, weight-for-age races alone will give him an excellent chance of reach the 00,000 mark. Trivalve is. a great colt, his Melbourne Cup win entitling him to be rated one of the best of his age this country has produced, and it is easy to understand J. Scobies regret that he Scobie is not younger, and with time to spare to take him to England to oppose that countrys cracks. When Scobie and C. T. Godby returned from England they said they had seen nothing sup?rior to such horses as Windbag, Heroic and Manfred. Last year was so barren of really high class stayers that it is probable Trivalve and Limerick, in their form of last spring, would be equal to holding their own asrainst the old countrys best if it were possible to race them there this year. *