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■.Lgaumin.1 ■ 1 11 hi— — 1» — irrmrr"" i»j» MOUNT ROYAL PARK MONTREAL, Que., Tuesday, May 22. 1928.— Mount Royal Park 1 mile. Third day. Hack River Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Stewards. W. W. Lyles, Capt. R. C. Hayes, E. C. St. Iere and A. Laberge. Presiding .Uulgc, Dr. F. W. Aslie. Associate Judge, T. E. Quinn. Starter, G. Iamer. Racing Se. ret.iry. Dr. F. W. Ashe. Kaeiag starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. mi. OA 808 EIR3T RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Nellie _ _ D • Au=- 23. 1910—1:06—3—107. Purse 00. 4-yaar-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 5; fourth, 5. En. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 2 1697 First Day 112 1"" W McCabe f3371-100 2 1752 Balsam LakellO 9» N Foden 110-100 24617 Vil ge of Hit 110 31 F Kiniry 1010-100 2!752 = Puff Ball 112 4 J Duggan 370-100 24697 Rock;; sta 107 3- R C.lea.son t S4379 Jasscr 105 CJ l„ Brown 2240-10r. 19952*Heretr!x 100 71 F Silas f 20170Mker of Tble 100 8i H Darnley 8S50-100 24697 PolygaU 103 9- II Gibson 1010-100 18!.", 5 Lady Sphere 105 107 F Bryson 2420-100 99611 Musca 113 11 E Sn-.allwd 3S60-100 tMutuel field. Time. 1:16%. Track muddy. mntiii Is paM — First Day. field. .75 straight, .40 place, 92.83 show: BaNam Lake. .10 place, .90 show -: Village of Hit. .75 show. Eouivalent booking odds — First Day. field, 337 :o 103 straight. 70 to 199 place. 42 to 100 show: Ealsam Lake. 55 to 100 place, 43 to 100 show; Village of Hit. 137 to 100 show. Winner — F. Adams eh. f. 4, by First Sight — Hampton Dame, hy Inferno trained by C. F. Brant: bred by Mr. M. It. Da vies. Winner entered to be claimed for ;00. Went to post — 2:13. At pott — 10 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched— 24752 Flora. 110: 19991 Soubrette II.. 110: 24C97 Primed. 105; 07439 Magic La-istone, 102; 17494 Candora. 110. Overweights— First Day. 2 pound.-; Musca, 3. Corrected weight — Village of Hit, 110. 24809 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Ischsabib- ble, Aug. 25. 1916— 1:13 — 4 — !03. Purse f500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 5; fourth, 5. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 24106 High Art 110 1J F Silas 1055-100 24391*Little Tiump 112 2= G Williams 2850-100 23455= Intermission 91 3« I Bellini 840-100 20769 Camphor Ball 119 4" II Gibson 170-100 24671 Sporting Life 111 53 W Booker 2390-100 24439Marvin 119 6= L Brown 500-100 24699 Starmatia 109 7: W Parfgton 1940-100 24700 Arabella 113 S« R McAlaney 240-100 12983*Foundation 107 9 R Kapps 1730-100 Time. 1:26%. Track muddy. mutuels paid— High Art, 1.10 straight. 8.40 place. .05 show; Little Trump, 1.00 place, .20 show; Intermission, .15 show. Equivalent booking odds — High Art, 1953 to 100 straight. 820 to 100 place, 152 to 100 show; Little Trump, 950 to 100 place, 310 to 100 show; Intermission, 107 to 100 show. Winner— II. E. Brown Stock Farm Stables b. f, 4. by High Tim" — Artful Art, by Peep o Day trained by J. Harmond: bred by Mr. B. B. Jones. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. Went to post — 3:34. At post — 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched— 177S5 Column, 119: 24033 Pompous, 112; 24700 Eleanor W., 117; 23989 Recoup, 117; 19337 Booster, 119. Corrected weight — Sporting Life. 114. 24810 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Ischgabibble. Aug. 25. 1916—1:13—4—103. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 5; fourth, 5. Eq. Odds Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 16900 Queen Bee 110 1" J lmggan 2085-100 24753Jes B. BrownllO 2- W McCabe 120-100 21137*Uranus 114 3l A Carevv 2120-100 24753 Jonathan 119 45 II Gibson 720-1C0 19477 Uncle Velo 119 5« R Pinchon 2640-100 19649 Star Cudgel 122 63 W Booker 410-100 18894 Sea Sand 119 7 G Taylor 630-100 24699 Racing Star 119 L.R.E Smvvod 700-100 Time, 1:25%. Track muddy. mutuels paid— Queen Bee, 3.70 straight. 0.20 place. .00 show; James B. Brown, .13 place, .70 show: Uranus. .55 show. Equivalent booking odds — Queen Bee. 20.85 to 100 straight, 410 to 100 place, 150 to 100 show; James B. Brown. 72 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Uranus, 177 to 100 show. Winner — J. Armstrongs b. f, 4, by Berrilldon — Bu2Z Around, by Cunard trained by J. Hughes: bred by Mr. James Arthur. Winner entered to b? claimed for CO. Went to post — 4:07. At post — 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third easily. Scratched— 24733 May Bar, 115; 24754 Arenilal. 119; 240973Fear Not. 114; 23123 Sentiment. 117; 23247 Durherville. 101; 24753 Bobby Dean, 102. Corrected weight — Racing Star, 119. 24811 FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Nel- lie B., Aug. 23. 1916—1:03—3—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 5; fourth, 5. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 24678" Sam Slick 113 l1 E Smalhvd 590-100 ■ I1IMIIBM ne — — — 1 23699 Taganctta 113 23 W Booker 350 100 18521 King Wrack 98 31 F Silas 610-100 23842»Plymth Belle 102 4-1 R Kan* 1690-100 24C98 Moreiystal 111 f.J L Brown 1740-100 23407 = * Broad Silk 102 6= ; Williams 620-100 24098 = Fidelity House 107 7 I Bellini 160-100 Time. 1:17%. Track muddy. mutuels paid— Sam Slick. 919.99 straight. .15 place, .40 show; Paganctta. .10 place, .10 show: King Wrack, 99.99 show. Equivalent booking odds- Sam 4Mek, 590 to 100 straight, 207 to 100 place, 70 to KM show; Paganctta. 155 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show ; King Wrack, 07 to 100 show. Winner -Miss G. Allens br. g. 3. by Onome — Divil -to-Pay. by Celt trained by A. AM.n: bred by Mr. A. M. Chichester, Jr.. Winner entered to be 1 •laim.vl for 91,299. Went to post — 4:39. At port— 1 minute. Start good and -slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Overweights— Paganetta. 2 lounds: I.road Silk, 1. Coitc. tc.l Weights— Sam Slick, 113; MorcrystaL 111. 2812 tFIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Courser. July 14, 1927— 1:39— C— 93. Purse 00. C-y:ar-oldl; and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 5; fourth. 15. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jo.key. Straight. 24«993*M:s !-M,.pi ]10 !" R Glemaon 185-100 23980 Ibby 105 •»! R Bryson 1670-100 24433 Bullet Proof 105 3- P Sihu 1300-100 24792*Tipy Witchet 10; 4- ; Williams 240-100 2470 J : Menimac 107 5- R Kappa C10-100 24700 = Elkcrest 115 C L Brown 320-100 Time. 1:58. Trick muddy. nni-inK paid- Mississippi, .70 straight, .90 pla.-o, 99.10 shew; Ihhy, 2.70 peace, 94-59 show; Proof. ?3.*J0 show. Equ.valc nt broking MMH MlaaTailppi, 1S5 to 100 straight, i!5 to M0 ptaee, 53 to 1W -how: lbby, 535 to 100 place, 125 to loo show; Ballet Proof, 95 to 10 -how. W.niKr— J. n. Carpenters eh. g. B, by Sir Bar-to:; — Cerira. by .Meddler trainul ly F. II. Carpenter: bn-d 1 y Messrs. Moatforl .. B. it. Jones. Win-n-r !:t r.-d to be 1 ISlail 1 for 9999. Went to post — 5:10. At poc*. — 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the nsssr Si;d— 24755-Senor. 112: 24729 Kinsman, 107. Corrected weight — Bullet Proof, 105. fSeat out in entries as Sixth Race. 2 813 tSIXTH RACE— 1 Milc Courser, July 14. 1927— 1:39%— £— C8. Purso 00. 3-year-c!ds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; th;rd, 5; fourth, 5. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jc key. Straight. 24392 Whitcfoot 112 V R Mc-Alaney 297J-100 24702»aliant 107 22 F Silas 1300-100 20215 Byng Boy 113 3- H GRmob 450-100 24702 Leprechaun 110 4-1 R I uggan 780-100 24433 Royal S. 112 5" L Brown 2C40-10O 23862 Super King 112 C= R Glcason 550-100 24702 Henry Fox 112 71 W McCabe 600-100 24700 Jlsnger 112 S° 1. j. nkias fio-ioo 24 7 54 Toiler 112 9 AV Booker 1580 100 Time. 2:0C%. Track muddy. mutuels paid— Whitcfoot. .1:5 straight, .20 place, .00 show; Valiant, JS.GO place, 95 show; Ryng Boy, .40 fchaw. Equivalent booking odds— Wiiit-foot. 297* to 100 straight. 210 to 100 place, ion to KMi ihnr; Tall— t. 330 to 100 place, 97J to 100 show; Bvng Boy, 70 to 100 show. AV inner— E. Davis eh. g. 3. by Colonel Aennie — Princess Eathleen, by Sain lialaed by I, llinphy; bred by Jlr. Jerome B. Respess. AVinner entered to be claimed for 00. Went to Tost — 5:45. At pest — 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. S. ratched— 1S899 S-ths Lemon, 112; 2475S Bo-danzky, 112. Corrected weights — AVbitefoot, 112; Toiler, 112. tSent out in entries as Seventh Race. 2 481 A. " tSEVENTH RACE— 3-4 MihT Ischgal bibble. Aug. £5. 1913—1:13 — 4—103. Bremen Puree. Purse 09. 3-ycrr-clds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 5; fourth, 5. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jo. key. Straight. 2 4435:Ti.s.iple 112 11 F Kiniry 2971-100 24055-i Inlaid 100 23 F Silas 1050-100 20384 Hijo 112 3-1 II Glhaoa 580-100 94799 -Runolathe 112 4J I. Brown J320-100 23872 -McNamee 99 5* R Knpps 480-100 24218 Shasta King 112 9*| H I-afferty X 24756Jonah 117 7-1 N Foden 330-100 2387 7 Accokeek 115 8 e; Taylor 2760-100 JCoupled as Strife .V: Aalentine entry. Time. 1:21%. Track muddy. m-.ititels paid— Disciple. .95 straight. .50 place, ¥3.00 show; Inlaid. 1.20 place, .80 show; Hijo. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds— Disciple. 2971 to 100 straight. 225 to 100 place. 60 to 100 s!iow:: Inlaid. 400 to 100 place, 140 to 100 show; Uijo, 100 to 100 show. Winner- Miss L. Hardners b. g, .". by Peter Quince — Discipline, by tJrcenan trained by J. Connors: bred hy Mr. Johnson N. Canuh-n. Went to post — 6:19. At post — 1 minute. Start good and slow. AAon driving; second and third the same. Scratched — 24125 Sun de Hear, 199: 20827 Duckling. 110; 21224 Rose Stark, 107; 24390 Safeguard. 199. tCoupl-d as Strife and Aalentine entry. Overweights— Shasta King. :i pounds; Accokeek, X Corrected weight — Jonah, 117. tSent out in entries as Fifth Race.