untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-05-30


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*p TURFfHi SECRETS From the Stables and the Paddock PUBLISHED WEEKLY Sold on all Newsstands Price, New Issue Out Now If its winners you want, then you will find It in tlie new issue of Turf Secrets. This i»sue to chockful of information from every racing center in the country and was compiled from the reports of the best trackmen that were ever engaged for this specific kind of work. Get Turf Secrets for winners. TODAYS FREE CODE: WASHINGTON PARK— Florida-Has-Jar. This one is well worth a bet, so hop aboard. Should have no trouble in winning today. BIG INVESTMENT PARLAY TODAY Get todays two horses if you want winners. Both horses are fit and ready and we know that the stables are trying. Get them and have a good bet down. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER As a special introductory offer to acquaint readers with our parlay service we are offering this proposition. To all clients who remit for six issues of Turf Secrets, we will give free six consecutive investment parlays, beginning with the date of your subscription Take advantage of this offer at once. Remit to Turf Secrets 506 SOUTH WABASH. SUITE 310, CHICAGO, ILL. JOCKEY Johnny Merimee Yesterdays Merimee Release: COY 4.46, Won Your attention is called to the fact that the past performances on the above horse showed absolutely nothing, yet the information we had was of such a positive nature that a limit play was advised. Another Merimee Release Today We consider ourselves extremely fortunate in obtaining the advice on todays Merimee release. The advice on this horse comes to us from a clique of operators who seldom make mistakes, and we are assured that todays affair is of the best they have ever participated in. Clients who can read between the lines will take advantage of this opportunity. City clients who can call at the office, please do so, as much can be said that cannot be printed. TERMS, 0 DAILY— ONE HORSE DAILY— 0 WEEKLY Make your remittances by wire or in person. JOHNNY MERIMEE 180 West Washington Street, Suite 1000 Chicago, III. Office open 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. B. HEWITT and SONS -DAILY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES— DAILY Strictly Two Horses Each Day Released to Each and Every One of Our Subscribers These two horses are advertised in this publication win or lose. Honest, legitimate turf information. Washington Park information exclusively. Subscribe. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: GRENADIER GUARD $ 5.68, Won JOHN JOHNSON JR Lost We Advertise Our Horses Every Day — Win or Lose Honesty is the best policy. That has been, and always will be. our motto. BIG PARLAY GOES TODAY ADVERTISED PARLAY WIRED ALL CLIENTS PROMPTLY Regardless of how small or big a bettor you may be. you cannot afford to miss todays big probable limit purl.-iy. Both horses should win easily. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. Subscribe I Subscribe! Subscribe! BP* Do Not Miss Todays Big Probable Limit Parlay *VB BOTH HORSES SHOULD WIN UNEXTENDED AND PAY LIMIT ODDS Subscribe Today. Do Not Pass Up These Two Big Probable Winners CHICAGO PLAYERS— NOTICE— CHICAGO PLAYERS! Dont go to the race track today unless you receive our big parlay at Washington Park. Two probable winners. TERMS— DAILY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES A DAY Wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Our New York office open from 9 a. m. to 5 p m Telegrams sent early each morning. SETHIS IS A LEGITIMATE AND REPUTABLE TURF AGENCY- "*" Duly registered under the laws of the State of Isew York, County of New York. B. HEWITT and SONS, 200 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York City ■ _ , T ■ 1 1 Braxted Brothers 202 Broadway, Room 1518 New York City HS DAILY— TWO HORSES— -« Our terms are very reasonable, considering the information that we release. You will never regret doing business with Braxted Brothers. A reliable turf bureau, organized for the benefit of the small as well as big bettors. YESTERDAYS TWO-HORSH PARLAY: HENGIST Lost SENATOR SETH Withdrawn If you want to receive honest, legitimate turf information, subscribe to this office. We state nothing but farts. Our word is our bond. Subscribe today. Dont wait until tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. iJSr BIG PROBABLE WIN PARLAY GOES TODAY -« Advertised two-horse parlay released to ah out-of-town clients immediately. No vaitin» for service. No delay whatever. Prompt and courteous service to everybody. Honesty — Truthfulness — A Square Deal to Everybody THAT HAS BEEN. AND ALWAYS WILL BE, OUR MOTTO There is no double meaning, no half truth, no false note in any statement appearing in this advertisement. Information from Fairmount and Washington. Honest-to-Goodness Information. No Handicapping 3«r SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR THIS BIG PARLAY -« An honest, square and fair deal is assured all our clients. Everybody is treated alike No partiality, no discrimination. Bona fide, legitimate turf information. No gues.-work or handicapping Remit 1929.sh via Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive the advertised two lories SWT DAILY— TWO HORSES DAILY— -*■ Everybody receives the same two horses. Our parlays are released to clients at 10 a m each morning by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Remit and receive todays big parlay BRAXTED BROTHERS, 202 Broadway, Room 1518, New York City ,000 TO ,000 Yearly can be made playing the horses with only 5 starting capital. My NEW RACING SECRET picked 95 winners during April. May 1 to 28 it picked 140 winners. This wonderful NEW RACING SECRET can bo hud FREE. Write me ; its worth a stamp. RICH WILLIS - - DAYTON. KY. DOUBLE 0., 5.50, Won EAIRDALE, 2.42, Won Just a sample of what you get in the Old Reliable STANDARD, 35c at all newsstands. Todays Code: No. 414, Book 1149. STANDARD TURF GUIDE, 22 W. Quincy Street, Chicago, 111. SUPREME FLASH 35 cents per copy: 10 weeks, TODAYS FREE CODE: FAIRMOUNT— Feb. -18-19-10-5. _a RACING COMMISSIONER Published weekly, per copy at all newsstand*. TODAYS FREE CODE: CHURCHILL— Bed-25-9-3-25.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929053001/drf1929053001_22_1
Local Identifier: drf1929053001_22_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800