untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-05-30


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■ — I _ — — — — — — , 1 Liberty Turf Guide inFrSFTWS Published Weekly, a Copy Sold at All Newsstands |S M I flBl | Bt I E| CONTRACT CLOSED S BP I FH !■ EBM,ftk.J yesterday -with the best This combination ia beaded by Jl JOHN J. SLOANE, JR. M M I |1 M ▼ J rJ N | I**; and six associates, whose names be divulged in public press due to their standing on the turf. At flE Bl fiv B m B Bfil B Ti afl BB Bfl k 1 I I I expense to this to I 3 H flS B I ■ B aV afl BJI WW L* H BtvH Bh t ONE HORSE A DAY i»S»»»B»B»B»»»»»B»»»»»»»»»»»»»»B»»aB»a»a»Ba»»»aa»»»»a*»»»a»»»»»B»B»»»»»B»»B BBhIm BBBBflfll BBBflflBBBBBBBBBBflfllEBBfl starting today. This service will be released to LIBERTY TUKF GUIDE FOLLOWERS ABSOLUTELY FREE Sold on all Newsstands Price, NOTHING IN ADVANCE. All that is necessary Is to telegraph your name and address Immediately "" "THREEDOLLARSTRA.GHTPLAY MCW ICCIIC flllT TAMY immediately after bor6e wins. ITere is your opportunity. Take advantage of It. X 1 ft jl r_r rVr J * * Jf J A JL P f Mm A TUESDAYS FREE CODE: CLEORA 4.14, Won Get your copy of The Ring Turf Weekly today. Get it before they are sold ont. For winning codes you must follow LIBERTY TURF GUIDE for we have given more FREE CODE The demand for this booklet has reached enormous proportions and the supply will "WINNERS than any organization in the history of turfdom. Do yon know we put over be limited. By all means, dont get shut out. Go to your dealer at once and get FOURTEEN STRAIGHT FREE CODE WINNERS 1 this new issue. "T8. ?*? «— *» — coDE: HEARTACHE . . 5.60, Won FRENCH LASS 2.00, Won "TJ* O I AND WE ARE CERTAIN WE WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS FEATURE AGAIN. So, bv all means, B 1 aB BB 4W BaJaa sT LTfe M RsT W ttJT get a copy of LIBERTY TUKF , I IDE— sold at your newsJealcrs, the copy— lor BIG WINNINGS. M ■ Aj g ■ B_-.B~ B ||| Bfm. TODAYS HOLIDAY FREE CODE: *Bl ™ %»»•» A A m0* W9ttWm9mW dmm « WAA FAIRMOUNT-Jack-16-15. OFFICE OPEN TODAY 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. mfu% B *m JL fc m M TWO-HORSE PARLAY TODAY T|M I ZL VV fill will be released to all LIBERTY TURF GUIDE FOLLOWERS and, when the result of these two races %mmT Lnfr # w aJL J»B W W 1lj*1 M are official, we will have plenty of cash, for those two horses shonld win easily today. p W " If yon want to win yourself a bankroll, get this parlay today and our parlaya for the next five days. Subscribe to thU ! Tuesdays Free Code: DrlLCiAL. CPPriAI nPFPR UrrhK , TEA CRACKER 4.56, Won All clients subscribing to six weeks copies of LIBERTY TURF GUIDE, at the special terma of [ Mondava EYe* Code- . Saturday Ii «» Code • . jnonaay s *Tee coae fcaturaay s jnree coae 96, will receive free, six advertised parlays. City clients, call. Out-of-town clients, wire . USTO 6-02 Won 0WL $ 8/l0 Won LIBERTY TURF GUIDE , EAKLE BUILDING, BOOM 315, 62ND ST. AND BROADWAY HEW YORK CITY j IkDs. at the abore winners. We pay thousands for this Information. These Free I Code horses have become the sensation among turf followers, and each and every ~"""" """"— """" """""" reader should get this advice every day. B V 4k W TODAYS FREE CODE: Hfir?p ./Vitips Inc. *m**n***** *■■»«* «BsV mwmLm ▼ ■s* Jr •■■ •*■ wbjs*** * s»A faVbaW pay no attention to past performances. This horse will show sudden improve- mw ment today. And the odds will aatisfy the most exacting of our clients. Flay to 1674 BROADWAY, CORNER 52ND ST. NEW YORK, N. Y.| w " °"17 t™»t, - *™ sr™ r=i Bar None, 1.62, 9.46, 2nd WON ▼ T A I Tuesdays 00 Ring Special : U CLEORA 4.14, Won Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction," and the only horse advised, won easily, as we were Mondays 00 Ring Special: Saturdays 00 Ring Special: .onfident it would, at excellent odds. . KEy g Wm BL,K QN WH|TE .1 .04, Won Special Event Memorial Day BIG 00 RING SPECIAL Although it is contrary to our policy to release information on this day, contracts were «loRt l and all arrangements made for this transaction. It is one of the safest investments TT AxW W. A mV 7 that we have had in some time, and we are, therefore, deviating from our custom and are m ■ I ■ WW kf releasing this transaction today. IV III Ll W Our subscription fee of 00 should be wired early, as this office will be closed at p " We want all our followers to get this big release today. We have gone to a We believe the result of this race to be a foregone conclusion. tremendous expense in obtaining these releases, and clients can show their apprecia- tion by getting them. They are free to alL Read our wonderful offer below: Telephone Numbers: Columbus 2415, 2422, 2428, 6760. 0995 SPECIAL OFFER ~ All players who subscribe for six issues of The Ring Turf Weekly for will receive absolutely FREE for six consecutive days, the 00 RING SPECIAL. This I III W X L A "12 "Cri C WL" offer is for a limited time only, so take advantage of this opportunity at once, DiB A X a #™/Jiiiii3 THE R,NG publish,ng c°- KACJlBlCj tiUIjLI£ 35 Soutn Dearborn Street, Suite 412 Chicago, III. KELLYS Vaitytode ,========= WORLDS GREATEST RACING WEEKLY A Bk *W TB ""BF *W CODE BOOK NO. 405 NOW ON SALE iT A lj I 1 f =rSTll il 1 1 TWO GREAT FREE INFORMA- loU- %| j f JSLa-J.1 KBIXYS CODE FOR THURSDAY: TION SERVICES "" J Wk B St Mf Ri IMjv- fg BELMOST-I-5C-13-5-16. CAEMAC8 CODE HOUSES WEDNESDAYS last MINUTE SPECIAL: Always Winner on a Flat Play. ___... * , , _ , ,a%# ..„. . TODAY— THAT RECORD HOLIDAY DOUBLE! jimmy JIMMY moran MUKAIM .y, S4 94 Won won 1 SECRET SOCIETY ! SPECIAL today --- -mm Nineteen Ont of the Last Twenty-Six I ADVEETISE MY HOESE8 EVEEY DAY— WTN OK LOSE WIDSIaiUi » cuuk „„„„ nuikhB. Have Won X Yo" D Eqaarc— Now Yon. Call Honest Old Andy thls code 1 MISS ROSEDALE "~~ ..50 Won .For ■*•• ■" Chicago or Cin- einnati KACINO RECORD. YESTERDAYS DOUBLE: A new "3ook with new rone published ever ■bbbbb f%f.-.r tt*+ a a *% h, CARMACS SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY: 1 IJY M 4h VVfn Thursday. Price, one dollar. FAIRMOUNT— Three-37-10 *v-r a . «p J. T.T V», VT «Jlt Sold by your dealer, or direct from CAmMjUTB WeJnEdIy0 RELEASE- FRANCES ROCK $ 9.14, Woil LACE Won Tuesday s Double: Mondays Double: William Rnrkp Kp lv °Be H°rM a 0" *BS Americ" 0reftU,, DUMPY 19-92« w™ keehan 0.12, won lfI5Md.ll DUIliC RCliy ASA POWELL ATOI 0.08, Won LISTO 6.02, Won ASA POWELLS SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY: a «»Crr MBAaaaa eT„B„T ■ EAST COAORESS STBEET CHURCHILL-Seven-ie Jf YOU CANT BUY REPUTATIONS "Bfl For Code Buy Issue of May 25 CHICAGO. ILL. ... Reputations are earned. Please remember that I haTe been before the public when most of you • 1 1 r* *"*» • » Yv CCklV KRCinP* tilllfl were ■*••••* The fact tnat l am 6tiI1 on tlie J11* ■*■■ others come and bo— aud I still hand out the — === x.«b.*j a%uvuig VJU1UC most wmner8 pius a square deal— has formed me a reputation of HONEST OLD ANDY. Ask dad. He TURF TflPiP "■ 8°- WABASH AVE. OIHCAOO, ILL. knows. I Ulir lUTIVsO Worlds Greatest Racing WeeRly TODAYS IUUMT ■ UUUBLt DOllRI F HOI nULIUMY 1DAY HOIIRI UUUBLt F TODAYS chic McManus free CODE: On Sale at All Newsstands FAIRMOUNT Ford-6-12. Price, Twenty-live Cents. I hare been calling yonr attention to it in the public press for a long time. You know a man of _ _ __ ____ __ my standing at the tracks cannot mention names or go into detail, but, boys, dont be scared. The long .---Pf-. •assg mm«im prices wont worry you; just sock it in to -f 17171/1 All CPCE "The Secret of WIN-,000_WIN llr r lilAJL 1 FILL Beating the Races" „mrZrdT nJTT knows *hat dld last I,coration Day but takc !t from me- after today yoa * " I 16-page booklet of real inside information by II ■ a retired turf speculator. No charge. Simply GENUINE. Utnuint, LEGITIMATE UtVJI I IITin I t O STABLE I HDLL INFORMATION HrJTnif I IUH After carefully checking up all turfmen we find mail this ad and your name and address to among them an old-timer who la again going I j | WILLIE 6122 N- W 18th AVE« DIRECT FROM THE TRACK— NO GUESSWORK stronger than ever. He is VjL-liLandMIFLA No waiting for my service. No delay. Service every single day of the week Monday to Saturday, IMWBtwBEandBMiBMHKMWMWHWBWBBBBBI Inclusive. Telegrams s wit out of town rlicnts "at!y each morning. Not one minutes UVuy in reuder- KHOWS FOR HONESTY ing service to clients, regardless of whether you live in the city or out of town. KNOWN FOR SERVICE DON 1 GAMBI ™ F ON THF R Af FS TERMS-ONLY ?3 AND NOTHING ELSE BUT YOUR ADDRESS AND BIGGEST WINNERS p]ay JJ JJ STfSiS ANDY 6 VaHck Street SuIte 1001 NeW City Two may deal with aim with absolute •onfldence capping is simple when yon know how. There is .„ _ . no eicuse for any one not knowing how to handicap. -— — — __ _— —————zZZzI—Z—ZzZ——— 7 e U **t " particulars FREE— no strings attached. Secure IflPlf CV AH A DXI HI C "7 *s.w*.w- — m. ««.., — —— ANDY yoor free c°Py ot "Pick Tonr wn Winners." Learn JUufttT WIAn I INt£ GREEN SHEET !■■■■. ■_■■ *""-•-• to handicap, and be a winner. Write TODAY. • ▼ABICK VI. MEW TOBK E# j BELL TODAYS CODE HORSE: TODAYS FREE CODE: Bead h3m adverti**ment elaowhero. 1 10407 CLIFTON BLVD. CLEVELAND, OHIO CHURCHILL Banner-10-3-1-3, BELMONT Nat-16-62-17-69.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929053001/drf1929053001_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1929053001_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800