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! HIMIM II 1 IHI IMlTl Starting Off With the BIG ONES j "WHEN WE ADVISED, in our advertising, that DAILY TELE- j j GRAPH SELECTORS would Xoint out horses that would win at j j Bowie AT BIG ODDS, it was not idle talk. " j Bocaratone, 9.20, Won j and this biggest odds winner of opening day was BASSETTS I j X SPECIAL. Bocaratone won the Inaugural Handicap and was ! ! another score for Telegraph handicappers in pointing out the win- j j ners of the MAJOR RACES. They have missed remarkably few I I of the big ones. ! j Another opening day winner, ANNAPOLIS, .20, was given ! . the "Follow Horse" column a few days ago in these terms: iin "Theres not a more fit horse at Bowie. Will beat ! good horses at a mile or a little more on a fast track. I I Well handled." I I This is advance information that has proven highly profitable I j for the last two months on the winter tracks. It will continue to j ! prove so in Maryland racing, and will give you an intelligent line j j on many that have not been running during the winter. I . I "FOLLOW THESE HORSES" IN j I 3FJt VI 1 1 ras trer fo rm an c es ICAGO Sft V! lfl i Daily Telegraph J The Pink Sheet, Sold for 15 Cents j