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HI I r for Official Race Results Coded ResultsCoded Lntnes phom wabash 7000 AS i reader ol JJally Racing Form you arc entitled to receive free official race results Results arc given by a number which corresponds to that appearing opposite name of horse In the following coded entries The approximate post time Chicago time for each race Is given below and readers arc requested not to call until at clast five minutes after this time In order to obtain the OFFICIAL results and prices On Saturdays and holidays It Is best to allow an additional five minutes to elapse before seeking results AT AURORA FIRST RACE 34 Mile MilePurse 3yearolds Claiming Purse 800 215 P M MHorse Horse Wt Code CodeGracious Horse Wt Code CodeSolus Gracious Me 103 1 1Calcite Solus 111 10 10Siire Calcite 308 2 2Fire Siire Way 110 11 11Barbara Fire King 103 3 3Groy Barbara Jane 3 04 12 Groy Gull 112 4 4Bunyora BirdieWrack 112 13 13Beekeeper Bunyora 1 10 J Beekeeper 110 14 14Theone Wingo 117 f fllincon Theone 105 15 15Jean llincon 110 7 7Smithcro Jean 107 10 10Bright Smithcro Ill H HGranite Bright Flash 112 17 17Patsy Granite Dust IOC 9 Patsy Lewis 101 IS SECOND RACE 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming Purse 800 245 P M MPrickly Prickly lleat 110 1 Geo Grocm 110 0 0Wood Wood face 97 2 Prospect 105 7 7Favorit Favorit II 115 3 The Abbot 105 8 8Saddle Saddle Skirts 97 4 Gibbons 102 9 9Peter Peter Ruff 110 5 Sandy Hatch 105 10 10THIRD THIRD RACE 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Maidens Purso 900 315 P M MCarolyn Carolyn Barker 112 1 Chohalis 115 7 7Downpour Downpour 115 2 Valedictory 115 8 8Sorry Sorry 112 3 Gibbys Lillian 112 9 9Black Black Stockings 115 4 Miss Joan 112 10 10Red Red Tain 112 5 Wigrose 112 11 11Caracalla Caracalla 115 C CFOURTH FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming Purso 5800 345 P M MIrfancli Irfancli 105 1 Shanty McCarty 107 C CWalter Walter R 110 2 Sir John K 108 7 7Master Master Ace 110 3 Milaria 105 8 8Boodles Boodles 110 4 High Player 115 0 Mcriwick 110 Wolfy 112 10 FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming Purso 900 415 P M Checkmate 111 1 MJ McNulty Jr 1087 Faddy 108 2 Majoe 103 8 Indra 103 3 Sagamook 113 9 Shasta Lady 30 10i 4 Dontados 308 10 10Sporty Sporty McGee 108 5 AVentz 108 11 11Formic Formic 108 C Paul Revere 113 12 12SIXTH SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming Purse 900 445 P M MMary Mary McClain 103 1 Forefather 113 7 7Gold Gold Handle 108 2 Princely 108 8 8Pat Pat Field 108 3 Sue Barker 103 9 9Al Al Livingston 103 4 Alloy 108 10 10Referee Referee 113 5 Flag Lieutenant 11311 11311Fetching Fetching 103 C CSEVENTH SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3year olds and upward Colts Horses and Geldings Claiming Purse 900 515 P M MMalcolm Malcolm 108 1 Ralph Hartenstn 113 7 7Mart Mart Bunch 108 2 King Pal 98 8 8Lancer Lancer 108 3 Marengo 108 9 9Privately Privately 108 4 Finnic Ill 10 10Spanish Spanish Lay 108 5 Rasuli 108 11 11Mat Mat Malioney 08 C Bumpkin 111 12