Pimlico Turf Notes, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-06


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PIMLICO TURF NOTES BALTIMORE Md May 5 5Marshall Marshall Cassidy who officiated at the Agua Caliente nleeting all winter came over from Xew York for Friday afternoons sport Cassidy is on his way to Canada where he will do the starting on the tracks of the Canadian Racing Associations AssociationsT T M Cassidys Crack Brigade a Freak ness candidate was an arrival from New York YorkElmer Elmer Trueman lias revised his plans and instead of making a campaign at one of the summer tracks will rest his horses up at the farm at Laurel He figures that he will have a lot of fresh stock for the long fall cam ¬ paign at the Maryland tracks where there will be fiftyseven days of racing Trueman may send five or six of the cheaper ones to Hagerstown HagerstownJ J C Mergler has signed up with T A Farrell and will accompany the stable when it ships to Canada W Livingston is trainer of this establishment establishmentJockey Jockey J Serio has been fined 50 for conduct detrimental to the best interests of racing by order of the stewards stewardsNewton Newton winner of the second race Fri ¬ day was claimed by Mrs O Chancy for 4500 4500Jockey Jockey S Renick was suspended for the remainder of the meeting for rough riding in the second race Friday FridayLarry Larry Daly was an arrival this morning He is here in search of material for a Mr Griffith a Rochester N Y sports ¬ man who contemplates going into racing Daly has signed up as trainer for the stable Jockey stableJockey F Dougherty has joined forces with the Justa Farm Stable and will ac ¬ company that outfit when they ship to Canda CandaThe The plater Mr Desmond has gone amiss The horse pulled up very lame after a trial over the Pimlico course yesterday morn ¬ ing and will likely have to be thrown out of trainingHarvard training Harvard who was claimed at Havre de Jrace by A V Amberger has been turned over to A Hutchins to train trainKaleidoscope Kaleidoscope the twoyearold in the Mrs W M Jeffords stable has been added to starter Miltons schooling list listA A sale of horses in training will be held in the paddock at Pimlico on Thursday May 8 8Harry Harry G Woods has severed his connection with the Black Dot Stable as trainer of that establishment establishmentDr Dr F W Ashe who acted as one of the stewards at Oriental Park last winter stopped over in Baltimore to take in the race at Pimlico this afternoon Dr Ashe is motoring up from Miami to Xew York YorkS S Freidels plater Intrepid bowed a tendon and was shipped to F Macks farm near Bowie where he will be turned out outThe The R E Pollard stable will ba shipped to St Louis tomorrow Jockey B Hanford will accompany the outfit outfitMose Mose Simons added the plater Fire Opal to the string he contemplates racing on the metropolitan circuit circuitDr Dr Siegel and his wife were clubhouse visitors Dr Siegel is track physician at Fairmount Park and is well known by the horsemen who race at the St Louis track

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930050601/drf1930050601_17_5
Local Identifier: drf1930050601_17_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800