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Key B Breezing D Driving E Easily H Handily 0 All Out U Eased up 124 124AURORA AURORA 111 May 5 Sundays training gallops included the following followingAURORA AURORA AURORAWeather Weather clear track fast 38 MILE MILEAtlil Atlil 39h 120 Royal Bells 37 h hC4 C4 Bright Flash 3Gh 121 Simon Legree 38b 05 Cobra 39b 113 Sawdust 121 Forebee 40h 122 Valence 122Otilla 39 b 122 Willing 113 Royal Tent 30h 12 MILE 54h 122 Lawyer 122Bunme East 53h 110 Little Gyp 49b 121 Chehalis 49h Miss Pearl 53b 121 Carolyn Ber 49h 120 Old Kickapoo 52 h 119 Clolmar 51li 110 Fatsy Lewis 54b 54bChp Chp De Ms 52h 122 Wsn Kght 52d 119 Fluttering 49h 122 Watergap 51b 120 Garnish 49b 58 MILE MILEllOAmn llOAmn ThderlOCb 121 Pat Field lOGh 120 Bridegroom l03b 120 Rainona Sl04h 120 Carin 108 b 120 Tneone 105 h 122 Donna Santa 105 h 114 Waterloo Boyl05h 34 MILE 123 Beau Aspin 128 b 121 Frctwell l17u 120Bon King l18b 115 Goldmark l17h 122 Blue Canopyl18b 121 Hazel Densonl18 h 119 Calcite l17d 120 Oblige l22b 122 Da Vinci ll li 122 Pink BlosmlI7 h 122 Easter l14h 120 Senora 11GU 122 Facility 118 h Superfrank l25b 1 MILE 122 Battle Ax l44u 120 Paul Revere l4Gh l4Gh121Cpn 121Cpn Applekl55b 123 It Hartcnnl45 h 121 Chattering l50b 117 Sagamook 147 h 322 King Pal 145 h hWestern Western Knight was formerly called Gov ¬ ernor Christie Bright Flash and Royal Tent were together LOUISVILLE Ky May 5 Sundays training gallops were as follows CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track good 38 MILE MILE115Bonoby 115Bonoby 38b 121 The Alderman 37b 122 High Foot 30 h 12 MILE 320 Honey Locust 52 d 58 MILE MILE321Amyvale 321Amyvale l02h 119 Mary R l01d l01d119Broomshot 119Broomshot l01d 119 Thats It 102 b 34 MILE MILE117Mindori 117Mindori llGh 118 Royal Julian l175sb l175sb11C 11C Old Callyl18h 120 Winslow llGh 1 MILE 114 Bezonian 143 b 318 Make Haste l45h 319 Canaan 343 h 321 Laddie l45d 321 Chicago 345b 319 Sydney 144 d dMindoro Mindoro and Winslow worked together Broomshot and Mary R worked together High Foot was just breezing COLUMBUS Ohio May 5 Sundays train ¬ ing gallops were as follows followsHEULAH HEULAH PARK Weather clear track fast 38 MILE MILElllBuchon lllBuchon 39b 111 Omen 41 h 112 Copper 7 40 h 121 Renbarg 41 d 70 El Monte 42 b 115 Rube Salson 40 h 123 Gunny Sack 43 b 111 Swift Current 41h 122 Garrison 41d 111 Seminola 39 b 310 Golden Cloud 38 h 119 Unlucky 37h 37hG9 G9 My Vernon 43h Uncle Joe 44h 320 Mint Toddy 39 h 12 MILE 323 Bathing Buty 52 d 113 Lady Edjelo 58h 320 Claprock 53d C8 Lady Assagai 55b 318 Dble Rainbw 53 d 70 Saucy Polly 55h 318 Lena 54 d 121 Salvage 53 h 58 MILE 120 Billy Welch l03d 122 War Man 105 d dVitalize Vitalize 100 h 83 Yachtsman 108 b 34 MILE 120 Cornwall l2G = b 118 Sheriff Sethl19h 119 La Dcntellel29 h 120 Uncle Si l25d 320 Nos Redna 120 h 1 MILE 119 Max Brick l49b NEW YORK N Y May 5 Sundays training gallops over the local courses were as follows followsJAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast 38 MILE 321 Cherry Brook 40 b 101 KaiLo 3S b 117 Chatterway 39 h 111 Traitor 387ib 121 Don Rutledge 3Gh 12 MILE 118 Spantaft 507 h 3G Speedy Shaw 51 b 58 MILE 122 Cornish Lad 107 b 11G Janie G 103 li 1 ° Euclid 107 b S4 Ltle MIuisterlOG h 34 MILE 119 Allege 115 h 121 MyBwdGirl llCh 322 Dim Ray l18h 121 Sullivn Tralll10b 319 Indian Scout 1191 1 MILE 322 Mockery l49h 122 The Froshmnl4Gh Froshmnl4Gh318Stiirpatic 318Stiirpatic l45h 123 Turf Writer l4G7ih 117 Scimitar l41h l41hAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather clear track fast 38 MILE 313 Boom 37 h Morse Code 37h 37hBrookrldge Brookrldge 38 b 322 Rentiva 39 b 322 Calamity 3 75h 122 Silver Canopy 37 h 12 MILE 321 Fire LtncT b 120MissPctc 2b 322 John Cnagh 53 b 111 Windfall l b Haute et Bnl07 b 122 Wood God 103 b 118 Star Flyer 100 b 34 MILE MILEJBegorra JBegorra 110 h 119 Fatigue 118 b b122Dail 122Dail 110 h 121 Judge SchHgl15h 78 MILE 121 Cane Heart l32b 121 Jack Campbll32 b 120 Grand Beyl33h 122 Triskette 137 b 1 MILE MILE122Aler 122Aler l43h 120 Fred Whitml47 b bI I 121 Bob Shannon l47b l47bBob Bob Shannon went an easy half halfDail Dail and Begorra went evenly together togetherJack Jack Campbell and Cane Heart worked together togetherFire Fire Line went handily handilyAlayer Alayer showed a good mile move moveJudge Judge Shilling showed a good move moveFatigue Fatigue is improving improvingCalamity Calamity went easily easilyWood Wood God showed speed and is at the top of his form now nowDELMONT DELMONT PARK Weather clear track fast 38 MILE 121 Capstone 35 h 122 Ladala 3Gh 3GhDippy Dippy 34h 123 Macedon 35h 121 Eddie Ahearn 38 h 111 Sonhelli 35 h 122 Gold Brook 37 i 120 Tetrarchal 35h Gay Knight 37 h The Whip 3Gh 120 Line Up 30li 12 MILE 121 Argonaut 497sh 91 Kensington 51 h 122 Blind Lane 49fh Pants 51 h 120 Black Belt 51 h 119 Storm 49h 119 Blimp 48h 118 Shandagaff 49h 49hDark Dark Veil 52 h 122 Unbelievable 53 h 121 Flying Heels 48Vl 117 Westerner 53 h 58 MILE Blue Law l02feh 121 High Strungl03b 121 Capture l00h 123 Pastle lG3b 122 Canterbury 105 b 119 Sun Shadow 101 b Fly Guy l02h The General l02h 121 Grattan 59li 34 MILE Angry Lassl18b 121 Glden Angerl18h 123 Bird CatcherllGh 122 PeteeWrck llGh 115 Chatford l16b 121 Polydor l17h 121 Enduring l10li 121 Sunny Mornl18b 1 MILE 120 Gone Away 143 b 122 Prce Bouniel50 h Dippy showed great speed speedGrattan Grattan is ready for his best effort PeteeWrack is training well Flying Heels has his speed TORONTO Ont May 5 Sundays training gallops included the following followingWOODBINE WOODBINE PARK Weather clear track fast 38 MILE MILECribbler Cribbler 39 Sweet Annette 37 37Rose Rose Ladr 38 Whale OH1 3C 3CRose Rose Mist 3S 12 MILE MILEAssail Assail 51 Optical 53 53Care Care Free 53 58 MILE Aversion rl05 Marie Gaiety 101 Chimeras Joliul07 Miss Gaiety 11104 34 MILE 110 100 Propus 118 118Siipawaua Honest Boy 118 Siipawaua 117 Mr Gaiety 110 Willingdon 12373 Aymond 149 149Brave Spccl Accountl47 Accountl47Trontlet Brave Alonzol48 Trontlet 151 151Temple Loves Arrow 149 Temple II 147 147Tender Marine il42 il42Pat Tender Bud 149 Pat Gaiety 148 148Quatra Vestip 149 Quatra IrasloO 125 AURORA 111 May 5 Todays training gallops were as follows followsAURORA AURORA AURORAWeather Weather clear track fast 38 MILE 120 Aviator 3J h 100 Jack Up 37h 114 Brushing 38 h Knnawha 38 h 123 Blameless 8b 108 Lancer 38 h hDmond Dmond Glow 37h 120 Prickly Heat 41 b 122 Dolly Polly 5 h SO Lady Emelic 37j h 120 Far Away 37h 120 Nine Dollars 38 h hmFaddy mFaddy 41 h 121 Tafcc a Chcc 39h 119 Geo Groom 42 b Continued on eighteenth page 12 MILE 123 Rig Brother 5L b llJ Marengo 52l 119 Bird Behave 50h 115 Mona S 50h 120 Run Buddy 51d 123 Omrah 50h 119 Command 50b IOC Quibblcr 2 h 122 French Line 50 h 123 Shty McCay 50h 121 Good Friend 49h 122 Snn Boiitn 52 b 70Ieor 51 h 122 Schlaf Wohl 5l h hLactarius Lactarius 53l 120 Violty 53jfcl 121 MJMcNtyJr 527fl 58 MILK 122 Al Garnet 1011 Jagger l07li 72 Beekeeper l0tb 123 Jk Alcxderl04b 123 Bs Prcferredl0r b 12VK o1 th Snal05 h 121 Bngle wood l03h 122 Miss Ramsey 03 h 123 Francis G 103 b 122 Prospect 104 h 111 Grey Oull l03li 34 MILE MILE122Barbara 122Barbara Janel20 U 119 Old Mark l15d 123 Dctor RanUinl17h 124 Simon Legrce14li 114 Forbidden l18h 117 Spanish Lay 118 122 Katherine AVlirh 101 Swt Tidings 117U 78 MILE 121 Everlasting 128 h 122 Roxie AVeidell30 b 57 Formic l29h lift Tamina l31h 1 MILE 119 Flapper Fnnyl15 d Athos ran off two miles this morning Grey Gull and Miss Ramsey worked to ¬ gether getherDoctor Doctor Rankin Englewood and Good Friend worked from the gate COLUMBUS Ohio May 5 Todays train ¬ ing gallops were as follows followsBEULAH BEULAH PARK Weather clear track fast 38 MILE Si Baby Delhi 41d 123 Kalakaua 39h 119 Brownie Sme 42h Midday 42Vb 111 Bear Grass 41d 113 Photograph 40b 120 Doctor T 39d 123 Pauorel 45e 121 Foxy Peter 41d 117 Shasta King 44 b 122 Gotham 43 h 119 St Cecelia 44 d 12 MILE 110 Courier 52 h Jolly Bearcat 53d 120 Cleve Pierce 53h 122 Lady Cterton rGh 117 Daltex 53h 122 Lafayette 54h 121 High Skip 54 h 109 Pickerel 52 d 111 Ilighbridge 53 cl 121 Syrene Boy 52h 121 Impossible 5Gd 58 MILE MILE120DarFur 120DarFur lOCh 117 Kamakani l10h l10hHelen Helen Flint 105 h 119 Sport lOGh 34 MILE 121 Golden Locksl24b 123 Pan l21b 123 Lady Herbertl24 h 1 MILE MILE122Take 122Take l57Vfil 121 Sans Terrel50h Terrel50h123Kublai 123Kublai Klmnl53h 122 The Coach l53 6h TORONTO OnL May 5 Todays trainin gallops included the following followingWOODBINE WOODBINE PARK Weather clear track fast 14 MILE River Edge EdgeAtwood 2Gfe Kay Hedge 2G 38 MILE Atwood 39 Wilkolmina 30 Ichitaro 39 IchitaroAutumn 12 MILE Autumn Fire 57 Kopeck 48 Catchoo 51 Royal Guest 57 Kingsway 51 Vive Canadnc 57 34 MILE Leadgold 118 Table Talk 117 Shorelint 118 ShorelintGranite 1 MILE Granite Hock 150 Top Notch 152 Prince Carol 151 NEW YORK N Y May 5 Todays train ¬ ing gallops over the local courses were as follows JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast 38 MILE 121 Clemence 40 b 123 Prince Toy 38b 83 Chill Wind 3Ch 122 Patsie McKim 37b 123 Fire Belle 37 U 121 Rose Hogan 3Gh 122 Joanne E 37b Swt Verbena 40 b 12S Malaita 3G d 123 Sixty 3Gh 3GhSCMy SCMy Eloise 37b 12 MILE 123 Betty Beau 51 b 121 Spsh Jack 48h 114 Beaumont 50 li 123 Susie Jane 48h 123 Daly 51 h 123 Sa toga Maje 53 h 112 Rasselas 53b 58 MILE 120Anger 107 b 92 Grand Dchessl03 h 122 Comet l05b 122 Merito l03b 125 Dfr Itankinl05b Perception 105 b 123 Flamma 1 OG b 123 Tryou 1 OG b 34 MILE MILECannae Cannae l22b 123 Jolly Pal 117 b 121 Don Routgel14d 73Ies Rozeux 125 b 123 Eager Play 115 d 120 My Cwl Byl22 b 117 Force l17h 112 Wrench 121 b 1 MILE 123 Bosky l48b 122 Itunwy Lassl45 b 121 Grdr Guardl41b 107 Tall Grass l51b 123Pet Sound l48b 1 18 MILES 120 Wu 157 h hWu Wu did his work handily Malaita showed improvement Runaway Lass was well in hand Grenadier Guard worked well Don Routledge is in good condition Jolly Pal was not extended extendedAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather clear track fast 38 MILE 117 Dea 30li 122 Merry Vixen 3 h 103 Hazel L 3Ch 122 Ronald Grey 3Ch 12 MILE 120 Ala Carte 50 h 121 Phlom Cloud 50 b 122 Brucoil 52 b 115 Rose Petal 55 b 114 Flag Day 50 I 123 Sepoy 55 b 118 Cadiilong 51 b 112 Sandy Ford 51 b 123 Hornpipe 50 b 121 Sportress 50 h llorview 50 b 122 Tancred 52 b 119 On Tap 30h 34 MILE 120Biavolo 11G h 102 Nell W 121 b 124 Jn Cavanghl2t b 123 Trysail 118 h hHazel Hazel L showed speed speedDea Dea went handily handilySport Sport Dress and Phantom Cloud went to ¬ gether evenly Ronald Grey and Merry Vixen worked workedevenly evenly evenlyTrysail Trysail showed a good threequarters Flag Day worked an easy halfmile Diavolo is coming around to his best form again againBEL3IONT BEL3IONT PARK Weather clear track fast 38 MILE MILEArtie Artie Kay 37b 111 Quick Step 39 b Annan 37 b 111 Rod Rack 30b 122 Collapse 37b 122 Rinaldo 3C7b 122 Clcrs Boots 3Gh 122 Spearhead 37h 121 Dunnollen 30b Visionary rfC u 123 Mad Career 3 5b 122 Valley 37 h 12 MILE MILEAdamas Adamas 49h 123 Milaria 47 d dBk Bk Feathers 51 b 123 Mordrom 49 h 113 Captain Hook 51 b 122 Melodious 51 b 120 Eddie Baker 52 b 119 Red Russia 4Gb 123 Gasp 48 d 123 Taras Hall 48 d dJoe Joe Engel 51b f Volunteer 53 b 58 MILE 123 Blk Pantherl01 cl 119 Surf Board 101 b 120 Ladder l01h 119 Vander Pool l01h 34 MILE 122 Beam l17b My Trick 110 h 120 Barn Dance 121 b 122 Madrigal IIl2Uu IIl2Uu119Dunsany 119Dunsany 116 b 305 Patrol 122 b 11 Dunlins Son 121 b 122 Pennant Lassl18 b 116 Irish MarinellCh 122 Shannon StarllGh 123 Luggage 121 b 120 Trapmar 120 b 78 MILE 121 Fe DArgentl31 b 120 The Boss 130 h 124 Sonnelll 133 b 1 MILE 120 Camp Meadel40 b 123 Kai Feng 145 h h123Czarist 123Czarist 146 b 123 Kildarc 140 h 118 Deploy 150 b 122 Latif junge 148 li liHOFairfield HOFairfield 150 b 120 Ms Priscillal51 b 109 Infanta 147 b 121 Sir Johrenl43 b b11G 11G Jolly Roger 151 b 118 MILES 124 Gold Brook 155U 124 Tetrarchal 155 h 12i Quarter Deckl h hTetrarchal Tetrarchal and Gold Brook went handily together togetherVander Vander Pool looks to be in fine shape shapeQuarter Quarter Deck is rounding to form formHilaria Hilaria had all her speed speedSir Sir Johren is improving improvingLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Ky May 5 Todays train ¬ ing gallops included the following CHURCHILL DOWNS Weather clear track good 38 MILE 122 Buddy Basil 30b 122 Oark Entry 39h 122 Congo II 39b 117 One Iiifr Hop 40 b 122 Duelist 36b 109 Regal Lady 35 b b112Howtiz 112Howtiz 38b 122 T Southerner 39 h 122 Hamilton 39 b White Legs 3S b 109Lrd Concord 39b 12 MILE 123 Bold Robin 52 b 121 Nellie Lyons 49 h Elizth Kcny 19b 111 Supreme Swt 49h 114 Marys Toy 33b 58 MILE MILElOTAniilcar lOTAniilcar 105 b Josephine Hl05b 122 Bobby Powersl07 b Nettie Belle 105 b 122 Black Danccrl07 b Typhoon 109 b 118 Florida Gold l04b 123 Whiskery l05b 34 MILE MILEBetty Betty Barrettl15d Mighty Cutel17b 122 Blewaway 118 b 122 Misstep 117 h hBack Back Talk 117 d 112 Mcp Marvinl17 b bI2t I2t CM McKennal17 d 119 Myth 116 b 122 Waster Boy 118 b 121 Orator 115 d 115 Fairy Ring 115 b 122 Psc a Poetry 1G h 107 Fcs Milwardl20 b 119 Replevin 115 U ULee Lee Cooper l17li 121 R McDonnlIllGh 122 Lady Brdcastl17b 124 The Aldermanl18 b bMalicious Malicious l175 b 122 United Army 117 b 70 Miss Onnel17d 118 Zoom 115 d dMost Most Unruly l17b 1 MILE 114 Ada M l40b 123 Pigeon Hole 142 b 122 Blackwood l44b 109 Ray Ruddy l49b 123 Busy 144 b 115 Sandy Shore l44b l44bJean Jean Desaiblel48 b 122 Tishybo l47b l47b122Kilkerry 122Kilkerry 143 b 118 Whiskarm 147 b 110 Maudlin l44 b 114 MILES 122 Brdway Ltd2ll d Dixie Drmer2ll d dPigeon Pigeon Hole worked well and acts good goodDixie Dixie Dreamer and Broadway Limited worked in company under mild pressure pressureOrator Orator and Zoom worked evenly through ¬ out outNellie Nellie Lyons showed good speed BALTIMORE Md May S Todays train ¬ ing gallops included the following followingPI3ILICO PI3ILICO Weather clear track fast 38 MILE MILEBehave Behave Cash 37h 123 Judiciary 37 li 114 Bewildered 37 h Minus One 35h 1231 Did Upset 37h 115 Mud 3G h hDisconcert Disconcert 3G h Palm Reader 38 h 123 Dromonette 37 h 109 Sunview 38 h 100 Fair Jack 38h 112 Snow White 37 li 70 Fair Albert 37 h Traumagne 3Gh 3GhGetting Getting Even 37h 12 MILE 101 Bond Slave 52 h 40 Rocket Glare 51h 119 Glidelia 49 h St Tuscan 49b 118 Hot Toddy 51b Symbol 51 h 120 Lieutenant II 53 b 122 Shady Lady 49h 121 Lommeru 52 b Shadowdale 52 b 118 Molasses Jane 50 h 122 Sir Harry 52 b 113 Pocomoke 51h 120 Sunvir 51b 51b10G 10G Pennate 52 b 121 Salisbury 52 h hPeppery Peppery 51h AVllIiam T 49h 58 MILE Abduction l0973b 121 P quipoise 102 122 Bagpiper l01h 122 Honey Grove l02h 105 Rvl Charge 105 b 123 Skirl l02h 120 Cottage Boyl04h 111 Up l02b 121 Dngr Signall05 h 34 MILE 123 Crazy Coot 121 b 2 Muskogee l17h Fallacious 118 b 122 Poinciana 118 b Habs Corpusl19 b Tail Spinl18b 1 MILE MILE123Beacon 123Beacon nilll467sb 120 Rundale 148 b 122 Beelzebub 149 b 121 Sun Hatter l4Gh l4GhCape Cape Fear 145 h 101 Tony Joe 147 b bSO SO Minotaur 143 h 123 Wd of Hnrl50 b 114 Mike Hall 144 h 1 18 MILES 119Swinfield 157 h 114 MILES 121 Irish Morn2lG h hMike Mike Hall went handily in his best form formMinotaur Minotaur did a good trial trialSkirl Skirl and Equipoise went handily together togetherSwinfield Swinfield went easily easilyGlidelia Glidelia has her speed speedMud Mud was under restraint restraintSt St Tuscan went handily