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CHURCHILL DOWNS LOUISVILLE KY MONDAY MAY 12 193 WClinrclim Downs 1 Mile Second day Cliurcliill Downs Inc Spring meeting of 19 days Weather clear Stewards Charles F 1rice T C Kradley S 0 Nuckols and Elijah liogg Judges AV II Shcllej S II McMcekin and S Goodpaster Starter AVilliam Hainiltoii facing Secretary AV II Shelley Racing starts at 200 p in Chicago time 300 p in AV indicates whip S spurs 11 blinkers Fig vres in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horsi and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance A FT A Of FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Miss Joy May 21 1921 52 2 110 New Hop TC f TC dvJ Purse Purse 1 00 2yearolds Maidens Colts and Geldings Allowances Ne JIay1230CD value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses J4 Str Fin Jockeys Eaiiiv Odds Str UPRIGHT w 116 5 1 33 lh I1 Ji Dcperini Valley Lake Stable 23110 47123 MARK ANTHONY w JIG 3 2 1i 21 21 R Clieafm C C G Y Hicatt 30S10 30S104G9GO 4G9GO THE WIDOWER w 11C G 5 4h 3J 31 W Cooler J B Respess 229010 47039 PORTCODINE AV 11G 26 74 4J 4 N Huff 13 B McLean 145710 145710MONKEY MONKEY SHINE w 11G S 7 Ci Cl 5 O Laidley W F Axtoii 21310 21310YOICIC YOICIC w 11G 1 1 S = S1 CJ R Finnrty W A Hangar 485410 46852 SKY HAWK AV 11G 7 0 9 0 1 O Potts A L Ferguson 512C10 512C104C011 4C011 PEACE JIMMY w 11G 43 2h 5h 8 C Meyer Basil Manor Stable 229G10 229G10TWILL TWILL AV 11G 9 8 5s 7s 9 R Yelton J N Camden 213410 213410Time Time 24 48 55 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS UPRIGHT 662 394 346 231 100 97 100 73 100 100MARK MARK ANTHONY 356 358 78 100 79 100 100THE THE WIDOWER 680 240 100 100Winner Winner Ch c by Baby Grand Roxana by War Fame trained by J B Partridge bred by Mr C 0 Smithson SmithsonWENT WENT TO POST 202 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won driving second and third the same sameUPRIGHT UPRIGHT making his first start began well kept close up with a loss of ground on the turn and wearing down MARK ANTHONY got up to win The latter saved ground to the stretch where he swerved and held on fairly well THE WIDOWER in close quarters in the first threesixteenths moved up fast when clear and finished resolutely PORTCODINE held on gamely in the stretch MONKEY SHINE displayed greenness was in close quarters during the early stages and swerved in the Btrctch PEACE JIMMY had early speed speedScratched Scratched 17010 West Virginia 110 451003Jimmie L 11C 4GSS9Jay Walker 11C 4C9SG Tryor 11C 4C011 Nose First 110 47394 Gun Fire 11C Corsicana 11C Empire 110 Booster Twist 115 A F7 A fpF SECOND RACE 6 12 Furlongs Distinction Oct 17 1921 117 4 112 Purso TC m TC W 6 1200 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 900 second secondJIay1230CD JIay1230CD 200 third 100 Claiming price 2500 Index Horses A Wt PP St 34 3 Str Fin Jockeys Eqniv Odds Strt 4G954SPORTG LADY w 4 10S 8 6 4 0 o1 1 ° R Reeves W F Strauss 3530100 445G2ZOOM v4 118 4 7 2 41 3l 21 K Russell H P Whitney 323100 323100O1 4G993SUPRME SWEET w 3 103 11 9 O1 31 2 3h C Legnon O Torrell 320100 320100lOi 40141 BOB KERNAN w 4 118 9 4 lOi II3 S = 4h L Jones Leader Stable fGSO100 3GG5G3PERCENTAGE w 7 IIS 13 1 31 21 lh 5h C Meyer J W Parrish 500100 500100S1 46993DORlTA w 3 100 211 21144991NICIC S1 71 G1 G1 W Ellswh Serenata Stock Fm Sta 1329100 44991NICIC CULLOP w 5 113 G 10 11 = 10i 7i 71 D Bryant II Ncusteter f 43325MACHETE w 4 113 3 12 1243G8G 14 14 32 S5 P Haines Shady Brook Farm Sta CG301CO 43G8G TYROL w G 118 5 5 54G820MI3S 71 S1 O3 9J P Neal F M Grabner 2030100 20301004G820MI3S 4G820MI3S BESS AV 3 103 1 8 121 125 10 10s II Schutte W S Dudley 1722lOC 38744 C M McKENNA AVB 4 US 7 3 1 11 4 lll E Spshiro M Lowcnstein 43410 MYTH w 5 113 14 2 G1 91 14 12 = J Donson B O Hickman t 46923 BOLD ROBIN w 3 110 12 13 131 13s 133 13h W Cooler J B Rcspcss f 46888 JUDGE MURPHY AVB 4 IIS 10 14 9 G1 llh 14 C McCrsn R L Baker 2131100 2131100tMntucl tMntucl field Time 23 47 113 120 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSSPORTING SPORTING LADY 7300 2148 1390 3550 100 974 100 595 100 100ZOOM ZOOM 514 394 157 100 97 100 100SUPREME SUPREME SWEET 422 111 100 100AVinner AVinner Ch f by Sporting Blood Lady Mildred by Dick Welles trained by J M Hukill bred by Mr W F Strauss AVinner entered to be claimed for 3700 3700WENT WENT TO POST 234 AT POST 1A minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon driving second and third the same sameSPOUTING SPOUTING LADY never far hack hut racing wide responded gamely after entering the stretch and finishing fast under a poor ride got up in the final strides ZOOM forced back due to lack of room on the turn responded with good speed under pressure after entering the stretch and gamely wore down the leaders hut just failed to last SUPREME SAVEET a factor from the start lost much ground entering the stretch and tired after getting to the front BOB KERNAN lost ground but ran a good race PERCENTAGE forced the early pace under pressure and gave way slowly after reaching the final eighth DOR1TA was in close quarters C M McKENNA showed speed for half a mile JUDGE MURPHY quit badly badlyScratched Scratched 4040SEstin 113 471 C4 Hidden Thoughts 10S 4Glf8Peace Boy 110 4G345Our Own 313 42412 French Lass 108 4GI557Riug True 105 44023 Moscow US A P7 A G THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles Lady Madcap May 24 1922 144 4 113 Purse 1200 t 4 TC IO 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Claim ClaimHaylJ30GVn HaylJ30GVn ing price 1500 if for less 1 pound allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index Horses A Wt PPSt 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 46890 GOTOlT AVB 103 5 3 11 I3 I3 I5 1 K Russell H P AAHiitney 223100 22310043979ROYAL 43979ROYAL YEOMAN w 105 1 5 G Si 51 3i 21 C Calhan Audley Farm Stable 7 42163 FARM HAND WB 110 2 11 12 10 7h G 31 R Cheatm C C G Y Hieatt G9G1100 G9G1100MONOPLANE MONOPLANE AVB 110 10 10 3 2 2 2 44 F Haines Longridge Stable 732100 73210047085UPSEDAISY 47085UPSEDAISY AVB 112 12 8 S1 Cl 4 = 51 fr L Jones Greentree Stable 272100 47170 JAMESM AVB 117 844 = 3i 3i 4 G3 L Pichon Gallaher Combs 75G100 75G10047085MISS 47085MISS SUDDUTH AV 100 7 7 51 4 G3 73 74 G A Ross L C Ewald t291G100 43502 TOP HATTIE AV 100 G G 10 31 ° 101 91 Sh W Ellswh D Lehan t 44900 SOUTHLND BELLEWB 105 9 12 71 7i 8 10i S J Majestic Mrs F P Letellier 2032100 47128 PANDEAN AV 110 3 2 9i 9h 11s 11J lO D O Hrdy GAVBelknap 12283100 46954 HAMILTON WB 115 4 1 2 91 Sh 11 C McCrsn H P Headley 2433100 42602 ANGELA LAVIN WB 107iH 9 llh 12 12 12 12 R Crees A E Barrett t ttMutuel tMutuel field Time 24 49 115 142 149 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDSt ODDStGOTOIT GOTOIT 646 430 394 223 100 115 100 97 100 100ROYAL ROYAL YEOMAN 746 730 273 100 265 100 100FARM FARM HAND 1850 825 100 100Winner Winner Blk f by Mad Hatter Flyatit by Peter Pan trained by M Goldblatt bred by Mr H P AVhitney AVinner entered to he claimed for 2200 2200WENT WENT TO POST 304 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won easily second and third driving drivingGOTOIT GOTOIT racing in her best form and easily best Avorked her Avay into the lead on the first turn set the pace to the stretch Avliere she drew away to Avin easily ROYAL YEOMAN suffered Bliirht early interference worked her Avay up gradually after reaching the final half mile and finished gamely FARM HAND far back for fiveeighths gained some ground thereafter MONOPLANE under energetic tactics followed closest to the leader for threequarters and tired under hard riding UPSE DAISY carried very wide on the first turn and forced to lose much ground thereafter could not get to the leaders and tired JAMES M tired HAMILTON had early speed speedScratched Scratched 46429 Chicago Lad 105 45618 = Dark Simon 113 4C0703On Trial 105 4G927 Dashaway 300 420G2 Madcap Marvin 130 43921 Little Rumpus 100 100Overweight Overweight Angela Lavin i pounds flJ7fl Q FOURTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs Miss Joy May 21 1921 52 2 110 Blossom t 4 Tbwo Time Purse Purse 1200 2yearolds Fillies Allowances Net value to winner winner5rayl230CB 5rayl230CB 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses J4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 47049 BETTY DERR w 110 G 3 Il lnk lh C McCrsn H P Gardner 246100 2461004G4213PURPLE 4G4213PURPLE LADY w 10S 9 6 23 21 23 R Finnrty A Pelleterl 920100 92010047049VMARY 47049VMARY COBB w 11G 78 51 54 3i K Russell Hupp Judy 343100 47127 = MEXICAN D w 10S 4 5 3 31 41 F Chvetta J Carrick 7SG100 47049 BLE OP BOURBONw 108 1 1 4Z 4 53 R Reeves Lair Parrish 3G42100 3G42100SURLY SURLY IOC 3 7 7 = 76 G1 H Schutte Mrs B O Hickman 1093100 109310047081PAIR 47081PAIR MISSIE w 109 22 G = G3 7 K Hffman Collins Hardy C6S100 C6S100RUTH RUTH MARIE w 10G 5 4 9 9 8 D Dubois W Crump S29S100 S29S10044712NANCY 44712NANCY JANE w 109 S 9 S S 9 W Garner A J Stallings 977100 977100Time Time 23 48 545 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EaUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSBETTY BETTY DERR 692 380 282 246 100 90 100 41 100 100PURPLE PURPLE LADY 900 508 350 100 154 100 100MARY MARY COBB 362 81 100 100AAinncr AAinncr B f by Sir Gallahad HI Uncles Lassie by Uncle trained by C Van Dusen bred by Mr II P Gardner GardnerWENT WENT TO POST 338 AT POST 1J minutes minutesStart Start eood out of machine Won driving second and third the same sameBETTY BETTY DERlt showed the most speed from the start saved ground to the stretch where she bore out but continued stubbornly and outgamed PURPLE LADY in the long drive The latter raced into second place with a rush and lost ground moved up to the winner menacingly after entering the stretch and held on gamely while being forced wide in the drive MARY COBH began slowly and raced sluggishly for a quarter then worked her way up slowly and disposed of MEXICAN D The latter tired after offering a mild challenge in the stretch BELLE OF BOUR110N had no mishaps RUTH MARIE ran out on the turn and showed speed when returned to the inside in the final fivesixteenths fivesixteenthsScratched Scratched 17392 Cazanova IOC Overweights Fair Missie 1 pound Nancy Jane 1 irylOA FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Distinction May 30 1922 111 5 122 Kentucky Hotel t 4 4tOJ Handicap Purse 2000 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1500 1500Hay1230CD Hay1230CD second 325 third 175 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 43857 CAYUGA w 5 113 9 2 I3 I6 1 I3 L Pichon Shady Brook Stable 397100 397100J 4 3540 CAMP BOSS AVB 3 101 8 1 3 3h 2i 21 P Neal J Marsch 2013100 4739G MORSEL AV 3 104 7 5 41 41 3h 3 K Russell Le Mar Stock Fm Sta 793100 793100E 46162 SILVERDALE AV 4 108 2 4 G3 C 4Z 4 ° E Ambrso E B McLean 452100 452100B 43435 AGINCOURT WB 4 107 3 7 51 5h 54 51 H Schutte B O Hickman 494100 494100F 38747 CHICAGO WB 7 110 5 6 1 74 74 C5 W Garner F M Grabner D037100 D037100J 43934 MARTINIQUE WB 5 107 1 8 S S S = 7 R Yelton J N Camden 4271100 4271100A 45970HIGH SCORE AVB 4 115 G 3 2i 2h 0 S1 C Meyer A P Canalo 222300 222300J 9 9 W Ellswh J Doyle 33242100 33242100EQUIV 435413PETER DIXON AVJJ 4 99 4 3 9 9 Time 22 46 112 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS 994 612 420 397 100 206 100 110 100 1170 544 485 100 172 100 w wu wuAVMnner WmRTT T OU AVMnner BLbVTVojVn Wawbeek by Rockton trained by J II Moody bred by Mr E F Whitney WENT TO POST 406 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good out of machine AAon easily second and third driving from HIGH SCORE into a long lead leadand CAYUGA displaying phenomenal speed readily drew away and continuing gamely under energetic riding held sway decisively to the end CAM BObb raceu close up lost ground entering the stretch but finished gamely MORSEf saved considerable ground and outfinishcd SILVERDALE The latter raced wide but ran a good race AGINCOURT taken back shortly after the start and poorly ridden could not reacji contention HIGH SCORE displayed speed for threeeighths then tired badly and was eased up when eliminated Overweights Camp Boss 4 pounds Morsel 2 Peter Dixon 3 6 7i t SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Sands of Pleasure May 19 1921 136 3 104 New Haven Jt 4 arOJL Purse Purso 1600 3yearoUs and upward Claiming Net value to winner Iay12OCI 1200 second 250 third 150 Claiming price 6000 AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeyi Equiv Odds Strt 437003ROYAL JULIAN w G 118 2 4 G 3 3 I1 I1wn C Meyer AV H AAhitehouse AAhitehouseJ 45971D1STURB wn 4 113 3 G 31 2 I1 21 21w J Dell Southland Stable StableD 47391IIEUR1CK w 4 113 4 3 21 lnk 2h 35 35WB D Bryant C E Hamilton HamiltonG 3C970 AVIIISKARM WB 5 113 1 5 1 i 4 4 43 43w 43 G Riley G V Barnes BarnesF 3278100 47121 AYR READY w 3 110 5 2 41 5 51 5U 53 5 = F Chvetta R Carruthers CarruthersK 7192100 47391 MIDSOLEA w 3 105 G 1 o G C G G K Russell J W Bell 249S100 249S100Tims Tims 23 47 113 138 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSROYAL ROYAL JULIAN 474 308 244 137 100 54lDO 22 100 100DISTURB DISTURB 4G6 288 133 100 44 100 100HERRICK HERRICK 244 22 100 100AVinner AVinner Ch h by Royal II Julia L by Harrigan trained by L Johnson bred by Mr J B Respess AVinner entered to be claimed for 7000 7000WENT WENT TO POST 433 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good out of machine AVon easily second and third driving drivingROYAL ROYAL JULIAN close up under restraint for fiveeighths moved up fast when called upon and racing into the lead won in a tauter DISTURB forced the early pace forced HERR1CK back and drawing clear on the stretch turn could not withstand the winner HEURICK gained a short lead under hustling riding after the first quarter suffered interference on the stretch turn and bore in badly during the final drive WHISKAKM began fast but was done after fiveeighths flrrJOO SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles Dr Clark Oct 20 1921 149 4 119 Purso TC 6 rfirO bJ 1200 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 900 second secondlay1230CI lay1230CI 227 third 118 Claiming price 1200 if for less 1 pound allowed for each 100 to 800 Index Horses AWtPPSt 34 sir Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 45719PORT O PLAY WB 4 109 3 2 31 I3 1 I1 I1 D Bryant R C Thatcher 47397 3DOLAN WB G 103 G 5 5 41 3 31 2 G Riley Riley4I095SOUTHLD H C Hatch 4I095SOUTHLD BOY w 5 109 2 1 2 il 2 2 31 J Dell Dell47171FLORHI Mrs P P Letellier 4171 47171FLORHI FLORHI wn 4 104i 3 377 77 7 7 41 4s F Haines C C G Y Hieatt 1912100 46133 CONGO IT w 8 110 7 G Ci Cl Cl o3 5 D Projttc43I08LITTLE Projttc Harned Bros 1420100 142010043408L1TTLE 43I08LITTLE CHIP w 4 110 1 4 I1 3 31 4 7 Gl R Deperinl430313KTY Deperinl C N Lewis 4928100 4928100430313KTY 430313KTY MULLALYw 4 101 10f 4 3 41 5 53 tf G3 7 R Canton C AV Biitwill 2702100 2702100Time Time 25 50 116 142 15 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS PORT 0 PLAY 1440 566 386 620 100 183 ICO 93 100 100DOLAN DOLAN 318 254 59 100 27 100 100SOUTHLAND SOUTHLAND BOY 280 40 100 100AVinner AVinner B g by The Porter By Play by Luke McLuke trained by AV Sims bred by Mr E B McLean Winner entered to be claimed for 2400 2400WENT WENT TO POST 503 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon driving second and third the same samePORT PORT 0 PLAY slipped through in close quarters into the lead after going threeeighths readily drew clear then saved ground to the stretch where he bore out and holding on gamely just lasted DOLAN raced a trifle wide throughout and never far back finished resolutely and was wearing down the winner SOUTHLAND BOY forced most of the pace suffered Avlicn impeded by the Avinner in the stretch and finished gamely in close quarters FIORHI far back for threequarters finished Avith a rush on the extreme outside CONGO II tired badly in the final eighth LITTLE CHIP and KITTY MULLALLY showed early speed speedScratched Scratched 1708G Hold Fast 100 47045 Margate 100 43925 AVhisk Arrow 100 4G9G1 Gold Ridge 110 110Overweights Overweights Florhi 2 pounds Little Chip 5 Kitty Mullally 1