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ord Jamaica purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Noah Mile 3ra 21 19251113120 AWtHan 47301 Bud Broom Jam 105 3 110X725 47302 Keep On Jam 120 113 3111X7201 47220 Justinian Jam 123 112 4125X715 4125X715470GI 470GI Tuskcgce Jam 123 112 5 125X710 125X71043082s 43082s Questionnaire Acju 113 l13m 3 110X705 tnd Horse Wt Rec AWtflan AWtflan4731G 4731G Dunsany MJam 103 113 3 110700 47353 Chlo Boy Pirn 108 113 3 120XG05 47382 Lady CapuletBow 105 111 4 120 095 095470GL 470GL Sun Shadow Jam 120 113 4 125XC90 40842 Panguitch Jam 113 l14s 311GG90 The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record recordDate Date Crs DisTime Tr Cdds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race RaceBud Bud BroOIlI 1 1 C ch c 3 Dy Whisk Broom H Miss Cameo by Dick Wellci WellciLast Last work 131 78 132 ft J 1 O Trainer F E Brown Owner F E Brown May S30Jam 112 ft 185 107 1 4 34 41 CatroncF 7 Maya 109 Capture 113 Sarazenll 123 S liar 530 Jam 3 l12ft 32 114 2 4 5 3l RoseG G EAhearn 109Kharal07TrjppingToe 10G H Ai3030 = Jam 3 l12ft 32 105 1 3 3J I1 KoscG 5 Justinian 123 Okaybcc 108 Labor 111 O Apr2C30 = Jam 3 l13ft 3 114 5 4 2 2l BakcrF 10 Sweep Out 114 Perkins 115 Simba 115 II IIG APr2230Jam 3 l13sl 2 110 3 5 3 3s BaleorF G BrkWcbllSJustinian OTetrarchal 108 A Oct2829sEmp GJ f l05Vift 1G5 122 3 3X 3 = 3JJ KsingerC Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Last year 11 4 1 2 3500 This year 5112 1100 1100Ch Keep On 1 1 I ILast Ch f 3 by Friar Rock Some More by Polymelian Last work 130 58 101 ft Trainer B Creech Owner W R Coe M r S30 = Jam 3 l13Vft 1320 120 2 2 2i i 1 FatorL 13 MemsDearl20Esc tcIieonl20Trysail 120 A M r 230 = Jam 3 113 ft G 103 2 2 2 = 31 SchcnkA1 7 Mordinel2iBckMainmyl08Infinits 113 A Arf2130Jam 3 114 ft 3 108 1 2 2J 2 RoseG3 7 Okaybee 122AlleKe 112SaraIurdon 112 A AOct3029 Oct3029 = Lrl 3 lltsl 95 110 2 1 1 2 InzeloneJ 7 Valenciennes llODoritallOLuscinia 113 M Mn3029 n3029 Aqu g 57ft 40 114 3 3 6 G InzeloneJ 8 TBcasel UOTueSpare ISOltedRag 11G S Hcp2629sAqu g 100 ft 10 107 G 10 10510 SchcnkA 11 BudBroomllGBrdMdowsll3ChaHccllO A JuL 429 Aqu g 1 02f 1 135e 109 410 5 44 GarnerW ll TheSpare 112MkyCIoud 122MadKissllO S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 0 3 1 2050 This year 3 1 1 1 1000 1000Justinian Justinian 1 O PC Bt c Dy Ordinance Panache by Broomstick BroomstickLast Last work 129 34 l13ft J O Trainer T W Murphy Owner Greentree Stable j G30Jam 3 lllft G 7 5i 33i HebcrtH 7 JdgeSchillins 120Lace 11 JChatford 105 S Apr300 = Jam JamApc223UJam 3 l12ft 4 123 2 2 2 2l McAteelA 5 BudBroom 103 Okaybee 108 Lahor 111 C Apc223UJam 3 l13sl 3 120 5 4 2 = 2 FatorL G BrkWchllSBudllrmllOTetrarpIml 108 A Apc223UJamx2529Aqu x2529Aqu x2529AquAns 3 l12ft 6 110 3 3 44 45i MallcyT 5 Nusakan IlSSwpOut 107EddieAhn 100 S Ans G29Sar 1 I39 ft 4 115 1 1 1 1 EllisG G Finite 11G Demigod 111 Sankari 10G U UJuL JuL 329Aqu 1 Ii46ft 165 110 6 6G G McAteeL 7 Frisins 105 Healy 115 Mel Foo 120 I Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Last year 7 2 0 1 2120 This year 3 0 2 1 800 800TuskegCO TuskegCO 1 OPT B h 5 by Black Toney Humanity by Voter VoterLast Last work 129 31 l17ft J Jt t Trainer F E Kraft Owner R Sprockets SprocketsMAT MAT l30 = Jam 3 l12ft 95 123 2 1 I1 2i KelsayW5 C Sfrpatic 117Ciiclavc lOOGonoAway 114 A OcL 129Aqu GJfl19 m 34 12G 2 2 2J 31 BejshakJ 4 Chatford 122EdicAlinl2CUfscomar 111 A Scp21293Aqu I 12G ft 25 121 3 1 1J I BejshakJ 5 SiinMstanllDMVliIIarcllGTlonian 112 A Aas2t29Sar g 128 hy 2i llfi 5 4 2k 2 = FatorL T 8 Bobashela 114Curate HOBaronKing 101 H Jan 529JBel 3 we lllft 7 123 1 2 1 1 FatorL 10 GunUoH GunUotlliOKrfgFirel23JoDMnIII124 OFrtgFlrpl2tJocMnIII124 H Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis Last year 4 4Questionnaire This year 1 0 1 0 200 Questionnaire 1 1 B c 3 by Sting Jliss Puzzle by Disguise JL JL U Trainer A Schuttingcr Owner J Butler Xor 129 Emp ll44sl 4 111 4 4 21 2 = ElstonH 2 5 InCinitus 118 Wu 107 Maybe 110 S SOcL2S29 OcL2S29 Emp 5J f lC5 ft 1 112i 2 1 1 = 1 ElstonH 4 QrfrDfklllrHlBriul22 jriiPlim2lM A Oct25234Emp 5J f 109 ft 95 114 2 2 21 2 KelsayW T 7 ParlI5oiindll lriyPal lOSBarnDVcllH H Oct l295Aqu J 112 m 185 113 2 4 4JJ 4 = ilalbenj G MadHattie 111 Martis 113 Inmsany 110 A 3q 2129Aqu 6JfllSft 8 112 4 2 21 4J MaibenJ 5 DesertLiglit 119 Yarn 115Starpatic 111 II Jull329JEmp B2fl09J ft 5 115 8 8 5s 55i KelsayW 8 Mokatam 127 Maybe 110 Wrestler 115 S JuLlO29 Emp EJflOS ft 34 103 8 6 553 5 KelsayW 9 Best Man 108 Jodhpur 103 Lawyer 107 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 240 3950 3950BunsailT BunsailT 1 1 C n c by Dunboyne Nellie Grey by Book BookLast Last work 127 38 3Gft JLU Trainer R Waldron Owner Mr Pembroke PembrokeMar Mar 930 Jam 3 l12ft 5 117 4 3 4i 4 i SteffcnE 5 Lahor HSCrazvCoot 125 Quickstep 11G n NorlS29Bow 3114 sy310 11G G 3 21 lnt FatorL 13 Starferencc llGScotFrvellGFrtimpcrllG M KoT1229Pim 3 l12ft 2110 114 S 5 DJ G10 SteffenE 4 8 Snowflakcl05IIaccyIIn lSwcci Pic 100 II Octl5235Jam 5 f lOGft 185 110 3 2 2J 2 SteffenE 9 PnnrmUlOImpcrialAirliaISndUrmlia A OcL1229Jam 3 l12ft 25 103 4 4 2l 2 J SteffenE G FIy gIIeelsl231oVKanrsl23Staiiton 112 S 35Jam g 101 ft 115 115 8 7 81 Gs McAffeD 15 Dacite 115 Enduring 113 DonPedro 115 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 This year 1 ClilO Boy 1 OH Ch C 3 7 Dunboyne Chloe D by Ormondalo OrmondaloLast Last work 132 12 50ft 1 Trainer J W Healy Owner Loma Stable May 930Pim 3 113 ft 91 111 1 1 2l 4 = i RobtsnA8 S Colossal 110J St Prisca 107 Zida lai H HMar Mar 5305Pim 3 l12ft GO 103 9 7 S53 7 1 ArnoldG 15 Phillip 110 Ned 0 112 Mucker 110 S SApt30305Pim Apt30305Pim 3 lllft 41 101 3 9 8 711 ArnoldG 9 Balko 117 Jock 119 iii Ilwitlien 117 S SAptlG305HdG AptlG305HdG 3 l13sl 14 103 8 5 41 51 ArnoldG 11 ThcIIeathenllSBalfcolSOOnllcrTocs 115 S Aptl430JHdG 5i l07ft 135 110 8 5 31 3nfc BejshakJ1 8 FtimsyI02JimmyMoran linBtyleatilOO A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonv Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Last year 12 310 2800 This year 6 0 1 1 j 325 325Lady Lady Capulet 1 OfJ B f 4 by Sweep Juliette H by Marco MarcoLast Last work 127 78l29 t J Jv v Trainer Woods Garth Owner S Ross RossMarlO300Pini MarlO300Pini 3113Sft 135 109 3 3 4 = 43J IeBlancN = C Mud 110 Toki 107 Leucite 110 H HNor3029JBow Nor3029JBow g l23i ft 51 105 7 G 5J GH LeischnR 11 EskimolOSPgslridClOIiSunSIiadow 110 A XoT2G29Bow 3 111 ft 6i 105 G 5 4 = 5 5J LeischnR S Balko 113 Sandy 120 Gun Royal 113 A Nor20295Bow 3 l12gd Sf 1071311 SJ 1 LeischnR 14 Gun Royal 115CliiantilOylosssl1ridelOG A Oct 829Lrl 1 l3Sft 5 113 1 6 681 G10 ODonllS G Vanity lOSSIiPpherdess 10SN Stone 103 A AOct Oct 5295Lrl 3 112 ft Wf 105 8 10 91 11 JIcGinisP 13 Finite 115 My Sis 107 Voltcar 109 8 Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 19 223 2225 This year 1 1Suil Suil Shadow 19 Br c 4 by Sun Briar Edwina by Celt CeltLast Last work 132 38 30ft L LitJ itJ Trainer G M Odom Owner Ardan Farms Stable Ma l30Jam 3112ft 10 120 4 4 4s 5 1 McAteeL G Starpatic 117Tuskegee 123Conclave 109 A Apr2C30 = Jam 3 l13ft 5e 1101 9 8 71 55J McAteeLT 10 SwecpOut 114Rudrroomll4 Perkins 115 H KoTSO29Bow g l23 ft 125o 110 1 3 2h 3 ThurbcrH 11 Eskimo 108 PeggsPride 103 MySis 103 A Nor S29sPim l l45 ft 1110 125 7 2 21 21 ThurberH 7 Annapolis 1 23 John B 125 Passing By 119 H Not G29Pim 1 l45ft 9 114 5 4 lnk ln ThurbcrH 7 Electa llSMolassesJaneliriClmtovcr 112 II OcL2C29Emp IT l44ft 15 114 5 6 7 1 6 McAteeL 8 SpinacbllOSuiiMisn IKiStars aBarsl2 H Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 1 1 3 1550 This year 2 2Pailguitcll Pailguitcll 1 1 Z B e 3 Leonardo II Myrtle V by Cavalcadour CavalcadourLast Last work 132 58 l04ft JLJLO Trainer A Dudley Owner A Dudley DudleyApr2330sJam Apr2330sJam 3 l13ft 12 112 1 3 4i G14 SmithF G Infinitus 120StMarcolI5Evrytimc 120 A AAPr2130Jam APr2130Jam 3113 si GO 113 1 1 3 = 4s SmithF 15 PoIyKamsll9GoldUrkliFirstLady 111 A Nor 229UH 3 114 m 15 117 1 2 24 5 SmithF 10 Martis 117DevirsDue 112Enduring 117 A AOct2G29Emp Oct2G29Emp 5J f lOSft 15 113 1 4 4 J1014 ElstonH 12 On Tap 10G Mild 112 Charon lit O OOcL2129JEmp OcL2129JEmp 53 f 110 gd 15 106 2 2 2 = 4 1 SmithF T 9 SinsIrStarllJGayPast 104Stupendsll7 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 This year 2