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JAMAICA NEW YORK N Y MONDAY MAY 12 19SO Jamaica t Mile Nineteenth day Metropolitan Jockey Club Spring mooting of 2t days Weather clear Slevarlrt It A Kairlmirn G II Itill anil J E Cowdin Steward representing The Jockey Club V S Vosburgh Judges E CV Smith and C Cornolilsen Starter George Casaidy Racing Secretary Ii C Pebler Rating strrts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 p mj W indicates whip S spurs U blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each nice indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates 5 pounds allowance 7 pounds 10 pounds Ar7At FIRST RACE 34 Mile Noah May 21 1925 111 3 120 Purso 1000 3year ClaimigI ± 4 rt JL 3 olds Claiming Not value to winner 5700 second 200 third 100 Claimig I Iay1230Jam price 54000 if for less 1 pound allowed for each 5200 to 2000 Index llorses t AWtPPSt Yt JA Str Fiii Jockeys Owners O H C 17032 RUMOR wn 113 9 7 747223BOURBON 21 C3 1 1 J Kaby D McCafferty 6652 45 47223BOURBON MAID vn 117 10 3 1 I1 2 2 F Moon Floridian Sta 758513101214 7585131012143k 472233MY BRTWOD GIRLw 114 5 1 3k 31 31 3V D Lyons Mtalvo Std St 5 G 621 6217i 47203 FLYING START w 113 G C CWB 7i 7 Gi 43 M Knight B G Lewis 10 15 15 G 3 4 7223 STALKY WB 119 7 4 4wn 51 51 41 G L Fator Mrs E Mulrenan 47721 G5 47572 LAGRANGE wn 126 1 2 2WB 41 41 Gnk Ci ji Meyer Mrs A R Lawson 10 12 12 5 2 2G3 15088 GREGORY WB 11C 4 5 5w G3 G 71 73 L McAtee J J Robinson 8 12 12 5 2 16135 FIRE BELLE w 112 8 S Swn 8 8 8 S E KenndyJ P Jones 20 20 15 G 3 1 7 IOC ELEU wn 11G 3 9 9 9 9 910 D McAffeG II Bull 30 CO 50 20 8 17100 HANDYMAN 10 10 10 10 R WkmanR A Fairbairn 12 20 20 8 4 Time 23 47 l135 Track fast fastWinner Winner I g by Ambassador IV Maybe So by Jack Atkin trained by H Goodwin bred by Mr A I Hancock Winner entered to be claimed for 3200 WENT 3200WENT TO POST 232 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start drivingKLMOK good and slow Won easily second and third driving KLMOK close up throughout shook off BOURBON MAID entering the stretch and drew away winning with speed in reserve BOURBON MAID showed high early speed but bore out slightly when turning for lionii and then tired MY RRENTWOOI GIRL well up all the way had no mishaps FLY ING STAUT finished gamely TALKY finished resolutely LAGRANGE lifld no mishaps GREGORY qift at the end endScratched Scratched 47317Mombasa 113 47223 Itoman Blaze 112 17188 Ladala 102 4GOOO Winning Heart 112 47314 Flying Max 110 A rr A A SECOND RACE 34 Mile Noah May 21 1925 111 3 120 Chatham Handicap ib 6 TcJLrfi 1200 Added 3ycarolds and upward Fillies and Mares Net value to winner 3lay1230Jam 5970 second 5200 third 5100 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners i22G3LACE w 5 12G G 1 4 4l 4 1 L McAtce Mendham Sta 8585831215 858583121547192SWEEP 47192SWEEP OUT w 4 122 2 3 11 11 1i 21 J Inzclone W R Coe 21 3 3 91013 472243OKAYBEE WD 4 117 4 4 2 21 21 3 C KsingerMis G Carroll 21 3 115 45 14 43095 454P371 MAD KISS WB 3 10S 1 2 3i 3J 3 4 A RobtsnH P Whitney f5 8 8 2 45 4P371 DUSTEMALL WB 3 118 55 5 51 53 5 R WkmanH P Whitney f5 8 8 1 42104 CROSSCO w G 11G 36 6 6 G 6 W Fronk Wild Rose Fm S 20 30 30 8 4 tCoupled as H P Whitney entry entryTime Time 23 47 113 Track fast fastWinner Winner B m by Bunting Stickling by Broomstick trained by J W May bred by Mr H P Whitney WhitneyWENT WENT TO POST 300 AT POST 7 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLACE LACE was taken under restraint when outrun moved up fast on the outside entering the stretch withstood a drive gamely and outlasted SWEEP OUT in the final drive The latter displayed good speed raced OKAYItEB into defeat drew away in the final eighth but could not withstand the rush of the winner OKAYBEE forced the uarly pace throughout and had no excuses MAI KISS moved up under pressure entering the stretch but uit at the end DUSTEMALL was outrun CltOSSCO lacked early speed but worked out to a mile A FT A t K THIRD RACE 58 Mile Outline May 16 1923 58 2 111 TwentySecond Hun t 6 dtJLO ning GREENFIELD CLAIMING STAKES 52000 Added 2yearolds Net value Jlaj valueJlaj 1230 Jam to winner 4100 second 5500 third 250 Claiming price 8500 if for 8000 allowed 2 pounds then 1 po ad for each 2CO to 56000 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P 45981 FRIAR WB 112 1 1 14G913SIIIEAWAY lnk 1 is 11 J Eaby G D Widener 31 5 5 85 45 4G913SIIIEAWAY WB 114 2 2 247258GRANDMA ii U 2h 2i J McTagtJ P Jones 4 5 41 85 45 47258GRANDMA LAPP WB 112 4 4 4472273TRAITOR 4 3nk 31 33 M Knight Mrs T R Queen 2 135 115 45 25 253at 472273TRAITOR w 110 3 3 3at 4 41 4i F Smith California Sta 3 31 165 65 35 47008 BRANDON SAINT WB 111 7 G 51 G3 9 51 E Barnes Brandon Stable 8 8 7 21 75 75G3 47008 JOANNE E w 110 5 5 G3 5 Gi G3 M Garner J J Robinson 12 12 12 5 21 44855 CHOSA will G 7 7 7 7 7 II ThurberMarshall Field 20 20 13 G 3 Time 23 48 101 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by St James La Religieuse by Polymelus trained by A J Joyner bred by Mr 0 II Berryman Winner entered to be claimed for 7400 7400WENT WENT TO POST 330 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same FRIAR sameFRIAR displayed good speed from the start withstood a long drive and outlasted HIEAWAY at the end The latter a factor throughout made a determined effort in the stretch and was wearing down the winner at the end GRANDMA LAPP in close quarters on the far turn finished well TRAITOR was pinched back slightly entering the stretch BRANDON SAINT was on the outside all the way CHOSA was shuffled back at the start startScratched Scratched ICSllChill Wind 107 47311 Blind Lane 112 A If A If f FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles Sting May 9 1925 142 4 106 Purse 1000 3 TC 4TE JLHF yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 3Iay1230Jam third3Iay1230Jam 5100 Sailing price 2000 if for 1500 allowed 3 pounds Index Horses AWtrPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H 0 L i 47225DIM RAY WB 3 110 7 G 51 4i 1 l k 1 h J Kaby California Sta 95 125 2 45 47037 JODHPUR WB 3 118 3 5 7 2nk 2s 2 J II BurkeWheatiey Sta 7 10 8 3 17203 FRED WHITIIAMwB 5 111 1 3 Ol 3l 4 31 3l 1 J Mona F Williams 47349 ATTAMART w 3 103 879 71 81 51 4h 47228SFRNCIS SEYMR WB 3 112 G 9 S Sk Si 7 S 5 = C Walters M Iolikoff 10 15 12 4 WB 4 US 10 4l G Gi 41 6J C KsingerJ F OBrien 10 12 13 G 47149 DALILA w 4 113 4 2 1 1 11 5 i 7 = 71 A RobtsnMcadowln Fm S 20 20 20 8 4 47149 BONN AGO WB 3 112 5 4 21 2k 31 61 S6 F Catrone A M Mounce 20 30 30 12 G 47149 = FRANK LAKE WB 4 11 2 1 3 9 9 9 9 M Knight L M Shapoff 7 S 8 385 4 0554 BEG IN OVER WB 4 119 9 Lost rider J Bethel W II A Schmitt 12 15 G 3 85 85Time Time 2X 49 115 142 149 Track fast Winner fastWinner Br c by Crimper Fading Star by Sweep trained by C M Cafarelli bred by Mr J S Cosden Winner entered to be claimed for 100 100WENT WENT TO POST 354 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same i samei IM KAY improved his position steadily stood a long drive gamely and outlasted JODHPUR The latter moved up fast on the outside on the far turn made a determined effort in the stretch but tired in the final drive FRED WII1TIIAM saved ground all the way ATTAMART finished fast FRANCIS SEYMOUR finished with a rush DALILIA showed early speed FRANK LAKE showed a flash of early speed DONNACO quit BEGIN OVER lost his rider at the start and galloped along after the others and caused some interference at different stages of the race raceScratched Scratched IG304 Lightswcep 111 FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Outline May 16 1923 58 2 111 Purso 1000 yearolds Maidens Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 aiay1230Jam Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C 47140CHENE 47140CHENEHELIANTIIUS WB 117 1 1 2i 2J ln 11 R WkmanH P Whitney 115 21 2 45 25 25w HELIANTIIUS w 120 33 11 I1 25 2s W ICelsay G A Gochran 5 55 2 45 45w AVARICIOUS w 120 55 51 5J 1s 3 M Garner J Butler 6 G 5 2 1 1w 47259 CYNIC w 120 2 2 3s 3 3l 4 J Maiben Howe Stable 3 31 4 85 710 710wn 710SIUJOHN SIUJOHN ALDEN wn 120 7 7 7 41 5 5 P Walls M L Schwartz 21 1 t3i 31 3 1 12 12w 47102 BACKFIRE w 120 4 4 G 1 7 6 = F Smith California Sta 20 30 30 8 4 BLIXTRA WB 120 G G 5 G1 01 7 G Ellis J II Louchheim 13 20 15 G 3 Tims 237i 48 101 Track fast Winner B t by Dls Done Acorn by Peter Pan trained by F Hopkins bred by Mr H P Whit WhitWENT WENT TO POST 423 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same CIIENE sameCIIENE moved up fast after the start withstood a drive gamely and outlasted HEMANTHUS The latter showed good speed saved ground all the way and held on well AVARICIOUS bumped about in the early stages finished fast at the end CYNIC close up early quit at the end SIR JOHN ALDEN was forced to take up entering the stretch came to the outside and gained some ground BACKFIRE went wide entering the stretch BLIXTRA raced evenlv A f7 A t Q SIXTH RACE 1 13 Miles Mad Play Oct 4 1924 1 95 3 115 Purse 1000 3 Tt 4 TbJLO yearolds and upward Claiming Not value to winner 700 second 200 third aiay1230Jam thirdaiay1230Jam 5100 Claiming price 2000 if for less 2 pounds allowed for each 5250 to 51500 Index Horses AWtPPStVi i Str Fin Jockeys O H C P 47300 GRENR GUARD we 4 126 3 1 3 21 1 is 1 W HarvcyG C Winfrey 3 4 165 75 710 47228 MOCKERY WB 1 112 8 4 2 3 = 33 3 2 A Fermin Mahopac Stable 8 10 10 4 a 47104 STERN CHASER WB 4 118 7 2 1 1 2 21 S F Moon Miss A Nelson 20 30 30 12 6 47207 FIRE OPAL WB 6 116 9 910111 S1 6J 43 S Renick M Simon 15 15 15 G 3 47037 CEYLN PRINCE w 10 115 1 G 91 9J 10 Si 53 M Survey W C Clancy 344 854 47228DISAPPROVED WSB 3 107 5 7 G3 4 4 41 61 II Clemts Mrs A L Denny 15 20 20 8 4 46940 EPIGRAM Av 5 10G Gil V 71 GJ 51 7 V Ghesier R Pospisil 20 30 20 8 4 12 12 10 4 2 47349 TALL GRASS WB S 122 11 10 11 103 7nk 9 9 L Graver M B Pierce 10 10 7 3 75 75 4 7349 LAKELAND wn 3 116 2 3 4 5 9110 10 M Knight L M Shapoff 5 G 5 21 65 65470C5HERB 470C5HERB ASIIBY WB 4 119 10 8 7l S3 11 11 11 J Eaby Mrs M Wiener 787375 Time 24 50 115 142 155 Track fast Winner Br g by Light Brigade Lady Rotha by Golden Maxim trained by G C AVinfrey bred by Mr J N Camden Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 WENT TO POST 446 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third easily GRENADIER GUARD was rated along steadily moved into command on the far turn raced bllHN CHASER into defeat and held MOCKERY safe The latter moved up fast when called upon came around life leader entering the stretch and finished fast STERN CHASER raced well throughout HRh OPAL gained ground CEYLON PRINCE had no mishaps DISAPPROVED raced well HERB ASIIBY was taSC taSCScratched j Scratched 17349 Mysterious 117 47228 Alayer 112 47301 Diistbroom 113 Corrected weight Stern Chaser 118