5th Woodbine, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-22

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5th Woodbine Ili Icau riatc first division 1200 Added 3ycaroIds and uinvard Claiming Edisto 3Iay 27 1926 141 1116 Miles 4 122 KOTK Claiming price 2000 If for less 1 pound allowed for each 100 to 1300 8yearolds 111 pounds older 121 pounds jNouwinuers at the meeting allowed 4 pounds since April 1 G pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHnn 47712 = 2 Voyage Lrl 100 148 4 109X723 47712 1 Seabright FG 110 148 4 112X720 112X72047C791 47C791 4Fair Gold AC 102 l47ii 5105X715 5105X71547G79 47G79 5Star M FG 110 147 3 93 710 477125 STittle Scout Lat 104 l403 4 102X703 47270 10 Lomuieru Pirn 110 14953 4 107X700 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan CLaftar Mia 109 147 4 1041093 8 Signola Bbg 104 140 C 103X093 7 Tony the Clown ClownM M Wdb 119 132 4 109 090 9 Pert ness M 3 88 090 The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Mj2030lWdb lfs l53hy 53Uy 71 H4J 5 1 3U 22 Litttell0 8 MyMcX1 HCLtleSct lOSThymon 113 C Apt29307Pitn 1 l5Gft 5Gft 51 109 1 2 4J G2 TildenR S Homelike 110 Keydet lOoCudgeller 109 C Apc25307HdG ll4Sft 10 103 4 2 U 3 QuiIlcnCli 12 VillagerllOFairThomlOSCorinncStr 114 C AprlG30IldG l ltlO gd 7 103 2 1 211 3s PasseroJ C Aresal 114IricklyIItll4FrArgumtl09 C Ape 530cBow 1J 156 ft 1S5 107 1 1 4 59 PasseroJ 7 FCIassll4GParisinlllChatllochcel02 C Ape 2307Bow 1 l49ft 2310 105 1 1i I1 PasseroJ13 14 CliatoclicclOO3Iainshoetl08HighLifel05 C Mar24305StJ 3 l S sl 4 113 5 4 31 2 PasseroJ3 9 Orestes II 109 Alamae 103 Tinllat 118 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Woii WoiiLast Last year3G 5 82 4840 This year 10 232 197 197Seabright Seabright TIP c by Far Sock Seaside by Ogden OgdenLast Last work 119 34118 ft JJ Trainer P B Codd Owner P B Codd CoddMaj2030 Maj2030 Wdb 1 l53hy 71 119 7 5 5X G5 KtsingcrC7 S MyMcXl 110 Voyage 114iLtleSct 103 C Maj 930 Jam 1 148 ft 21 118 3 4 4C1 Gtl WholeyR3 13 Attamart 104BobShiionll7Lakelnd 117 C Ma 530 ° Jam 17 lI5ft 7 US 4 1 1 2l AbclA 5 TheTattlcrll7Spantaft 104DressShipll3 C CAprSOSOJam AprSOSOJam 1 146 ft 20 122 3 5 5 i 53 KtsingerC7 12 Spantaftl02TheTattlcrl20ScaChart 112 C ipr25COJam lfe l4S ft 920 US 2 2 2 lk EllisG G DimlJay 109OddfeIIovII lllNoIne HOC HOCApt22305Jam Apt22305Jam 17 117 si 4 117 2 1 lh 2i MalleyT3 5 Folamile llCJodhpurllCMsMinlstr 112 C CJIatl3305JP JIatl3305JP IS l53ft 1C 112 5 2 3 4 = RussellK1 7 JackllganllOLanMooarllOUticate 112 C Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 0 0 2 S 200 This year 17 2 2 0 1850 1850Fair Fair Gold 10 B m 5 by Eternal Martigold by Martagon MartagonLast Last work 129 38 39ft JVtl Trainer H G Bedwell Owner H G Bedwell BedwellMajl9307Wdb Majl9307Wdb lfs l53sy 71 10S 1 1 3i 3 = 1 CannonW2 9 Dolan 103 Fire Girt 99J Star 93 C CApc2S30Pini Apc2S30Pini 17 l4Gi4ft 10 112 7 7 G11 G11 CannonW 9 Naylorl07FrcesStL107Shcphdess 114 C Apc25307HdG l lff ff liSfC 71 105 12 3 5s 57i CannonW3 12 VillagerllO FairThornlOo VoyagelOS C Apcl930 HdG 1V l54hy G 101 6 1 2 2 PasseroJ4 9 CgenoylOSOddfwIIlOjRCrsPrcslog C Apnl4307HdG 1 l55ft G 102 4 1 2 2 CannonW8 C IlaztgCclill4lVrieG 1103Mtnt nasl04 C Apcl2305Bovv ljl54ft 24 10G G 5 4 ° 1 4 CannonW 9 IlerbAshby 107F3irCl3ssllGirnsheet 10G C tPlaced third through disqualification Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 22 433 54200 This year 17 134 1475 1475ejar ejar QfT Ch g 3 M by Messenger Margaret Ogden by Ogden OgdenLast Last work 10 ° lml49ft Trainer H Haymaker Owner H Haymaker JbrS30TWdb l53sy 23 98 8 3 1 4BJ Dawdyll 9 Dolan 103 Fire Girl 99J Fair Gold 103 C Mar S307Pim I70 l4S ft 3310 110 2 3 4 = 2 47J QuillenCt S FuIljrsurell5GuntIierl22P1iicsUryl07 C i oioi5Trrlfi I7oi46ift Ci 10G 5 3 431 G ° QuillenC 8 MyScooplOSFrancesStL107Flashg 105 C 1iO 105 13 10 810 G11 QuillcnC5 13 UkdApIe lOOISrokcr 107FnirFolly 103 C CJUcl305J JUcl305J P I1 l52sl 21 1011 3 3 23 23 QuillcnC1 8 MtTSmverlOlBtBarccOOTlieCciilO C 17303JP 17 153 hy 10 I 8 4 4 J 4 i QuHlenC8 8 BbyPowrsl09EvgSkyl02JCliafrlnglOG C 1330eJP 17 14G ft G 103 1 2 21 21 QuillenC 9 irnCortosl07E7gSky lOGMryElise 108 C Staris 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 Tins year 17 0 5 2 800 800TifflA TifflA 5rnnt 1 AO ch S 4 by Sweep On Bend Valley Maid by Everest EverestLas 1 Trainer L Gentry Owner H C Hatch HatchMa20300Wdb Las work 1313 8 39 Sy Ma20300Wdb SlJilVyfrYpS G 7 43 3J RileyG S MyMcXl llG yaBc 1141 Thymon 113 C CA A SOLex ljl33 ft 34 107 1 4 G 6 = 2 RileyG 12 ThtleAriousll2Goodmanl07Baritoncll2 C A 23 0 Lcx 1V l46ft 13 112 G 7 7 7 1 RileyG7 S IliramKelly 112AIcman 112Margate 107 r 20C05IIav l = l35ihy 1 110 3 2 21 I3 RIleyG3 4 SoIreelOrnRouSellOComsIonerDee 112 C CrA1830IIav rA1830IIav 1 l52hy 3 103 7 3 21 I1 RileyG3 i Soiree 104 Wrackecu 113 Fasclste 114 L Lr12306IIav r12306IIav Ift l18s201 201 Bd 3 103 10 10 107i 7 71 Rcy RcyItUlO RilcyG 10 JoeAdamsl07DblcDarcl02IJockC1dy 112 C ItUlO SOHav 1 l47sl 2 107 7 5 2t 2 RileyG1 RileyG1lir lir lj Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 31 3 G 4 39S7 Loin 111 crn crnLast mCh e 4 by Pommern Lanessa by Corcyra Last work 134 34 34SOPlm j irj Trainer E 3 J Salt Owner Soagram Stable SOPlm 3 l14ft 7o 126 G 7 8 i 8 MannF1 NaeBreeksll9JustaPall21UedBrar 121 H ApclS303IIdG 5 l14m 54 11G 8 8 8 8 MannF 8 Montferrit 115 Tokl 10G Cloudy 111 O Nor2129 Bow l le e l49ft 38 114 1 5 51 1 lh AbelA 13 Equation 112SamboG 107IIomelike 107 C NbilStSPirn IJs l48Kft 5310 11G 8 4 55J 01 AbelA 12 Listerine 109 Homelike 103 Uanton 112 C Cf KOT 829Pim 1 147 ft 7t 123 2 1 3J f 41 AbelA 9 Celcrltas i9Bye aPye llSFairBlll 110 H OcL2929Lrl 1 140 ft ftOcU729 25 113 9 4 31 2 F AbelA Ml D natinal03Llonnfrtdll3I5eginOvfr 113 O OS1233 OcU729 Lrl 1 l42sl 29 113 12 11 10IS12 S1233 AbclA 12 Snelboc HSBeginOve 1131nception 113 C CVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 1C 2 2Laftar 5 1 2 2GOO COO This year 2 2B Laftar B g 4 by Trojan Laughter by Fayette FayetteTrainer Trainer 0 E Pons Owner M R Pens Jfa19307Vdb l53sy Gl 1111 G 7 711 7 = ° JlecdW 9 Dolan 108 Fire Girl 99j Fair Gold 103 C Apc21307Vhe 212ft 2 losl 2 I1 11 RccdW1 8 LongJoelOGPetcrPrira 112AdsAple 109 O Apr2230 Who 1J l56ft 13 111 G G 51 3l ReedWT OurJoanl03ISockTraplllSaucyPolly 111 O AprlS30nVho 1f 151 sy sypr2307Who 21 114 4 2 21 21 RccdW 7 Clsrifier 1145Iisnomer HSJongJoe 103 O pr2307Who l lj j l51ft l51ftApr 5 103 4 1 Il 1 = 1 ReedW 7 ScyPMyllOUefcrdumllOCIodonilrlllpS O Apr 030TWho l ° 153 hy hyMae25307StJ 13 10S 2 2 21 21 RccdW1 7 EIfcdaG102Swpstkcsnillefndumll3 C Mae25307StJ I10 143 ft 91 11G 2 4 5i 5 McGinnlsP 11 RnUougelllSvtnSistylOoPrlncelylll C C2nd Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 40 5 5Signola 2 10 50S5 This year 19 232 1480 Signola 1 f p B m 6 by Sir Martin Morsetto by Masetto SignolaApr23307Yhe JLyO Trainer H S Dudley Owner H S Dudley Apr23307Yhe 1 152 ft ftAcl7207IIdG 1C 101 6 5 4si 4 J FutrellJ FutrellJ3S 7 CIodomirlllOSComnGoldlllScyPIylll O Acl7207IIdG lie l53hy l53hyAprl230JBovv 3S 103 11 13 13 13 SerloJ1 13 Realtor 103HishLife 103 LucieAnn 100 C Aprl230JBovv Ijl5iy5ft Ijl5iy5ftApr 30 102 8 8 S 8 RcnickS 9 IIerbAshbyl07IairClassllGMnslieet 10Q C Apr 930JBow IS 157 ft ftApr 39 102 9 3 41 3 FerminA 9 ISelmona ibcCliatliclicelOGFairlUII 111 C Apr 4307Bow 11 l5Sgd l5Sgdjrac2230 llf 102 13 7 G7i 7 RenickS 14 J geCarIyll2Ciriioochecl02IlighLifel07 C jrac2230 StJ 1J 2144sy 2144syHaelS33StJ 30 101 4 7 5S 33 MarcumJ 8 JgeCaverlyllSniancolOSSevnSixty 100 O HaelS33StJ 1J 2ll ift 62 lOt 7 8 S SOS1 ° S11 FcrminA3 8 LouiseWilsonl08IlancolOOParole 11113 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 25 1 1Tony This year 800 Tony the Clown ClownMajl730nVdb 1 rvQ B g 4 M by The Clown May Bonero by Tony Bonero JL U J Trainer J Bosley Jr Owner J Bosley Jr Majl730nVdb lfy 119 J ft ft3iv 14 119 3 7 J 711 SlateF3 7 Companiil07Wckst rl05BilIyBtKhn 115 0 3iv gSOPlm H 157 ft ftKon 47 111 3 4 5 i 43 SlateF 8 Era 103Ieronda lOjTurkeysNecfc 103 C Kon 7294Pim I70 l47Vift l47ViftOcL2929Lrl 88 109110 G 10 10 SlateF 12 Leonardeau 113 Confab 103FauxPas 113 O O48f OcL2929Lrl 1 140 ft 48f 109 3 5 5 5 SlateF 11 Dnatiiial03Lommernll3Lionnearfdll3 O OIDS IDS 118 233 311 ReillyF 8 BayUeautyllSLeRendlirjRpishburn 118 A 242C4 Bcu 5Sl02ft 71 105 5 G 6 G T Thrklll a OncomnCold lOOEIbeelOUfnsAlibi 112 1122nd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 3 0 0Pcrtncss 150 This year 2 2O Pcrtncss O O Ch f 3 M by Parisian Diamond Malapert by Charles PcrtncssLast O Last work 133 118 118Mayl730Wdb 201ft OMalley OMalleyTrainer Trainer J Mee Owner G B Elliott Mayl730Wdb li l57ft RO 110 1 17 17317 = StrcttonS 18 Avmond 117 WhalcOil 117 Ichitaro 133 S S2nd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 4 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930052201/drf1930052201_16_1
Local Identifier: drf1930052201_16_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800