2nd Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-22

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2nd Churchill Downs silvor Iake Farm rrse Pnrsc 1200 2year 2yearff ° Ils Colts and Gelllffs Claiming Itiiddy ff o nA i 58 Mile Light June 2 1923 59 2 112 1123fOTE 3fOTE Claiming price 2800 Weight 11C pounds yonwinners of two races allowed 8 pounds maidens G pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan 47470 12 Harry Kuhns 116 725 47701 7 Flying Cherokee CD 11C l01u 113 720 47571 10 Fudge 113 715 7154701G 4701G 9 Yoick M CD 11G 103 110 710 710470G9 470G9 5 Tea Green CD 113 105 5 m 111X705 47C1G 1 Monkey Shine ShineM M CD 11G 103 110 700 PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 3 Jimuiic L M 110 C95 4 Twill M CD 111 lOGh 110 090 G Flagg PorterM 110 GOO 5 Oslo M 110 GOO 2 Oswego 110 11 Elysium 110 The past performances ol the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DieTlmc Tr Odds WtSt StrFJn Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Rnce Harry KuIlIlS 1 1 C B p 2 by Dunboyne Jou Jou by Von Tromp TrompLast Last work 140 12 52m JJQ Trainer E J OConnell Owner Knebslkamp Morris Mvl330cCD 4J f 55m 2 112 5 1 I1 I3 LamloltC15 12 FlygCherokoclOSLibrtyAcellGFge 108 C MV 130Lcx 4J t 55 ft G5 111 2 3 I1 1 LandoltC1 G LibtyAcell4 GoodJestll2 SuddcnlOO C Apr2630Lex 4J f 54 ft 75 110 4 1 1J I5 LandoltC1 8 WtVginlallOTaGrn HOSirPrize 114 C Apr2330 = Lcx 4Jf tfe ft 7J 114 7 7 3 2J LandoltC8 12 Tack 118 Afrost 109 Fudge 114 C CMaclTSOMP MaclTSOMP 3J f 44hy 16 110 2 8 S51 4 LandoltC 12 TeaGrnll5Allegto 105BnEdMry HOC Mat 430FG g 36ft 2 115 2 10 102 7J LcylandJ1 11 RiKhtNowll5MsCanopylI2Chehalis 115 C Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 7 311 2375 2375Flying Flying Cherokee 11 B c 2 by Cherokec lyins Ma by Dodge DodgeLast Last work 130 3S 38m O Trainer J S Ward Owner V K J 1 Dodge JIij2030CD g 101 liy 5 11C 1 3 3 I1 FlslierH 15 AerialPrince llGBrctt 110Tryor 11C M JIajl330eCD 4J f 55m 42 108 6 4 3 = J 2J DuboisD1 12 HarrvKHinsll2LibertyAcellGFudgc 108 C Apc3030Lex 4J f 55ft 82 113 5 5 6 Ci DuboisD 11 nigIiFruitlIGSveetJoell3CEarlPat 113 C Apr2l30Lex 4J f 35ft 38 112 3 4 5 6 1 DuboisD 7 LertyAcclI2JayWkcrll2MicFlutoll2 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 0 1100 Fudge 1 1 Q Blk c 2 by lee Oi Cotner riTol by Trap Hock HockLast Last work 141 38 3Ssl JJLO Trainer C C Van Meter Owner C C Van Meter MeterMajl630 Majl630 = CD 41 f 33 ft 10 110 3 1 1 I4 ChvettaF 8 CclyBoy 109lTpriglit lOSAVtVfinia 110 C Wajl3301CD 4 f 53m 13 103 1 5 4 4 ChvcttaF 12 HryKnsll2FlygChkcslOSLibyAcollG C Apr23305Lex 4J t 3S ft 5 116 2 4 45J 3 J ChvettaF9 10 Don Leon 11G Leros 11G Swift Pal 11C A rr23SO = Lcx 4 f 6ft 16 114 3 9 G J 44i ChvettaF 12 Tack 118 Harry Kiilins 114 Afrost 109 C Apr2130 = Lex 4 f 53 ft 31 115 4 G G = ChvettaF1 10 BRkIogll5TWampusll5Dcemster 115 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 5 1 01 950 950Yoick Yoick 110 Gr B Z by Royal Canopy intimately byTJltimus byTJltimusLast Last work 141 3S 39 sl JJV Trainer J S Middleton Owner W A Hansar JIayl730CU 5 lOlVfcft IGf 116 4 10 10 = 10J ° FinnertyR 13 Deemster llGPortcodine llCEmpire 11G M JIajl230CD 4J f 55ft 49 116 1 8 S G FinncrtyR1 9 UprightllGMkAntliyllGTWidowerllC A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 2Tea Tea Green 111 Ch c 2 y Atwc11 Easter Bonnet by Boots and Saddle SaddleLast Last work 137 5SlOG = 3ft J Trainer S J Kelley Owner S J Kelley KelleyWaj19SOCD Waj19SOCD g 101 m l5 113 3 9 1011 RusscllK5 15 RedLikrl08BEMaryllOStrJIary 110 C JIaj 130Lex 4J f 55 ft 19 IDS 4 6 G11 6 i EllswhW1 G IIaryKuhnslllLibtyAcell4GdJest 112 C jpr2030Lex 4i f 51iLft 4910 113 7 3 3 J 3 McycrsME S UyKhnsllOWtVginia HOSirPrize 114 C MatUSOJP 3J f 44hy2110 115 7 4 4J J LeBlancX 12 AirgtolOSBnEydMyllOHyKhns 110 C Marl430JP 3S f 41m 165 114 8 7 3J 1 MartinL 12 LittlcPan 1101 Atlas 118 Crooning 111 C Mac 730JP Si 44liy 11 110 9 8 6 21 MartinL 10 Gladelia lOSChehnlis 112AlIegretto 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 13 2 2 1 1550 1550Monkey Monkey Shine 110 Ch e 2 M by Ormont Uelysia by Spur SpurLast Last work 130 12 4S ft LV Trainer W lewis Owner W F Axton AxtonMajrl7305CD Majrl7305CD gl0tft 46 116 9 S 11 1110 LaiOIeyO8 33 Deemster llGPortcodine HGEmpire 11G M May 1230CD 4J I 53ft 123 116 7 6 65i 5 IaidleyOs 9 UprightllCMkAnlhyllGTWidowerllO A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 Jillllllie L 110 Br s 2 by ° an Hysteria by Transvaal TransvaalLast Last work 139 58104m JJV Trainer F P Letellier Owner F P Letellier LetellierJanSl30FG JanSl30FG g 36 gd 7i 118 G 52 3i DellJ 12 Farr 118 Salisbury 118 Broad A 115 M MJ J n 130FG i 37 gd 5 118 4 2 51 DellJ 8 PrinceCloi 118RitNovll8MrHiganll8 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 0 0 1 75 Twill 110 Ch ° 2 M by CrafeanS ° wer Madras by Ben Brush JLJV Trainer D E Stewart Owner JN Camden 11 2030 = 00 101 hy Ut HI 3 8 611 S = SpshireEi 13 FlygClirkecllCAVlPccllCBrctt 11G M MWajl4303CD Wajl4303CD 4J f 564 m 29 11G 5 5 G ° 7 YeltonR 8 SplillayllGEycWliitellGrortcodinellG M 4j f Jsjzift 22 11G 8 5 7C2 91S YcltonR9 9 UprislitllGMkAntliyllGTWidowerllG A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 3Flagg Flagg Porter 1 1 0 Br c 2 M by Tho Porter Last work 140r5Sl073in J J J Trainer J F Schorr Owner E E McLean A onn3Pim j f 51ft 132 113 10 10 12912s HuffN 12 HapnyScot 118 AllHail 113 Totem 113 A AStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1Oslo Oslo 110 TerribleLJU Br B Z M by Sir carence Nenette by Ivan the Terrible LJU Trainer W C Weant Owner Oakland Farm Stable StableJIajlO30CD JIajlO30CD 4J f 54i ft 41c 10G 11 Pulled up GroosP4 11 BlackComet ICOBillMorris llSClmb 10G A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1 1 0 Br C 2 M ty Ch3rokee Centre Shot by Sain k 141 38 3Gsl 4 Trainer S S Combs Owner Gallaber Combs Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdElysium Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonI Elysium 1 1 1Last I B c 2 M by Dis Done Eden by Whisk Broom II IITrainer Last work 137 58i03ft JJ Trainer M Goldblatt Owner H P Whitney Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930052201/drf1930052201_7_4
Local Identifier: drf1930052201_7_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800