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7th Churchill Downs parsc 1200 3ycarolds and upward Claiminff 1 116 Miles Lady Madcap May 24 1922 141 4 113 113NOTE NOTE Claiming price 800 3ycarolds 105 pounds older 112 pounds Winners since May 9 3 pounds extra Xo apprentice allowance Ind PP Horse Wt Hep Hep47G21 AWtHan 47G21 0 Grand DadFG 103 140 7 112X7115 17021 It Woodlot LF 110 14G 4 115x720 47071 18 James 11 Lex 107 147 3 103 715 47700 4 Updike Iat 108 14R 7 112X710 47C71 7 Congo II Lat 110 147 14747G21 8 112X710 47G21 10 Miss LceLF 108 148 r 107 705 47CC8 13 Friend How 107 140 8 1127 10 47510 17 Wood Axton Lex 108 150 3 10570P 47700 My Dan Iat 110148 11014847G21 4 11 47G21 12 St Matthews Haw 112 147 PP Horse Wt Hoc AWtHan 1 One Long Hop 3 1051000 2 Southland Pal CU 105 153 lm 3 105x090 3 Lady Basil CU 107 140 5 107 COO G Call PlayCD 115 150 4 112r 0 8 St IgnatiusLcx 110 149 4 H2XGOO 14 Madcap Marvin CD 105 150 3 tfOxGOO 15 Miss Elizabeth ElizabethSI SI Lex 1021151 3 1 XC90 XC901C 1C Iloni Soil M Iex 112 140 0 112XCOO The past performances of the horses entered in tills race together with latest workout and racing record recordDate Date Crs DisTirae Tr Odds WtSt i StrFIn Jockey PPSta Best Company Class of Race RaceBr Grand Dad 119 Br B 7 7l by Granite Ethel D by Box Last work 120 1ml48V ft J1 Trainsr W Sims Owner R Rliar C Thatcher liar 1730 CD IjV l50sy 4i 107 9 5 22 710 BryantD 11 Woodlot WoodlotIVU1G30AC 112Xevcrmorc 112MissLce 102 C IVU1G30AC la l4Cft 3i 109 3 3 5J J 73 ReddlngJ3 7 Uichu H HlU lOOOthcHo 107KenfkylJabe 103 0 lU 930AC I l25ft 3310 105 3 5 5Ji i 5 Schuttell G Pookanal Pookanaln23307AC Pookanaka HOKnsset 1001arasraph 107 O n23307AC 1e 147 ft 8 105 G 2 1 2 ° SchuttcII 8 Algernon AlgernonJinH300AC lOOUussct 105StarPrince 108 O JinH300AC lie l 3m 95 103 3 4 3J 3 = GrccoA 5 ThrlstJi ThrlstJiJan ThristJanelOSFrGoldl07CtOMail 10J C Jan 730 AC 1fg l51sy 910 103 7 1 I1 1 3 SavagcJ1 7 Th ThristJs ristJanelOGLIeCapfnl07FetchingllO 0 0Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Star StarLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 21 5 8 3 0707 This year 7 0 2 2 S 525 Woodlot 11 Ch e 4l ty Ballot Kosewood by Magneto Magnetoi i Last work 131 12 Ji2uv Trainer W Crump Owner J VJ Parrish I ParrishI Majl730CD 1 l50sy 12 112 7 1 I1 1s PichonL4 11 Ncvermorell2MissLcelO FircIJndsr 107 C CJIarlu303CD JIarlu303CD l lj j 149 si 31 103 G G GrJ G ° CallahanC3 G Myth 103KtuckyAcc 103Her udeen 107 0 0MvlO30TCD MvlO30TCD 1fg 143 ft 14 115 S 3 3J 59J McyerC 10 Crash 110 Irene T 105 Dolan 105 0 t3029TLat 1 l523im 10 105 2 2 3J 2 GrccoA 8 RoxicWdeI103Dragonll2GrandKingll2 0 I Dct2G23TLat 1J 201 hy4310 108 3 1 I1 1 = 1 McCoyJ 8 DonnUon 103DarFurll3BorderChief 111 0 0002323Lat 002323Lat Ijc 103 m 95 108 4 2 2 2 McCoyJ 8 DavidLlOSJocAdamslOSKublaiKhanlOS 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 20 2 JaillCS M 10 B c y iero 3C ucy Churchill by Ralph RalphLast Last work 130 1m l41ft JVt Trainer S B Combs Owner Gallaher Coombs CoombsMvl930lCD Mvl930lCD i 201 m 4 110 2 4 G G5 MeycrC 10 Caramel lOOlclgium lllJkllo JIarl2S03CD lf l49ft i 117 4 3 4 X G = PichoiiL 12 Gotoitl05ny1lYmanl05FannH JIj 330 Lex l l45J ft 1910 113 1 1 I2 I1 PichonL3 10 WoodAxton 108 UnionW 113 1 Apr3030Lcx 1ff l4Sft 11 112 1 2 3 43 PichonL 8 Haramzada 115 Mindoro 112 A r2330Lcx 1 l4Gt ft 2310 103 1 5 5 5 PichonL 8 HiramKelly 112Alcnian 112Mar Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd V Last year 12 This year 7 0 1300 UndikC 119 Cllt s 7 ty Kapid VaterIcaria by Sanders SandersLast Last work 13012 51m Trainer J H Baker Owner R L Baker BakerJfy2030CD Jfy2030CD 3 l17hy 8 115 1 15 1461215 GarncrW 15 WhiskAwllOArliiieCnorllOBonoby 113 C Nor 223Lat 3 l18m 185 115 7 7 a 5 SmithV 0 TurnOvcrll21CrestwdllOWoodsain 1070 OctCO23Lat 3 l17 m 31 106 1 2 2 IJ SmithV i 12 PgyLeelOSCovrPratt lOGStCharleslll O Oct2329 Lat 1 153 m 4 103 5 4 5 6 NealP 8 McCiiIIochlOSIIpyHaiilvl03AdaAdlrllO O OOcL2223 OcL2223 Lat 1 l50m 4310 105 3 4 411 G SmithV S PtieipatelOjBrkTderlOGJColShawlOj 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 3 2 1 S 2500 This year 1 Congo II IILast Ch g 8 by Bachelors Double Roscobio by St Frusquin Last work 129 34 Trainer M S Harncd Ownsr Harned Bros 3Lij1930rCD li 201 m 5 111 5 9 9 73 = DellJ1 10 Caramel 100 Belgium lllJkllorgan 111 0 0MajlG307CD MajlG307CD IJ 155 ft 9 105 7 5 3i 2nk RileyG8 11 ISay Ruddy 103 Irene T 105 Florhi 106 0 0lV1230TciD lV1230TciD li l55 ft 14 110 G G 5 = J 5 i FrogteD 7 PoPlay lOODolan 105SonthliidIoy 100 O OHac29307StJ Hac29307StJ 1J 210ft 30 113 G 5 5 i 5 BolnescT1 10 Spurrier HORockhawk HSFireOn 113 O OjUr2G30JStJ jUr2G30JStJ 1J 211 ft 175 114 7 5 5 = J 43J SmithW5 8 Blanco 101 Ray Ruddy HOMascara 103 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 41 974 J 0312 This year 10 1 1 1 S 7UO MISS LCC LCCLast fn B m 5 by Bunting Patsy Lee by Delhi Last work 133 12 40ft J U I Trainer C W1fs N Lewis Owner C II Lewis JLvi JLvi307CD 307CD 1fs l50sy 9 102 2 3 4 = i 3i CallahanC5 11 Woodlot 112Xevcrmorell2FireUndorl07 C 3layU30 CD 1 153 m 10 IOS 1 3 31 3J BenderC3 10 LadyWitt 107Pomponl03 Upsedaisyl07 0 Kotl529Lat 3 l22m 7 110 9 8 90 S15 CollinsG J12 Estin 108 LadyWitt 102 Crestwood 118 O NoT1329Lat 3 123 m 51 101 5 2 2 2 EllswhW EllswhWlio l 8 MacksUabyl01Estinl07BoysPrTredlOG O NorU297Lat lio i58 hy 21 104 1 3 2 SJ SchuttcII 8 UncleAl 112 Celidon 112 FireUnder 107 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 24 2 This year 2 0 2 200 Frieild 1 1 Q n y Frizzle Grace Cole by Ornament OrnamentList List work 13G 12 51gd A J Trainer A Miller Owner 1 J Collins CollinsJLiTl9303CD JLiTl9303CD 1J lb9V m 12 111 7 G 7 71S LcnnloW 8 RylSptllOMyUobbylllLyXancy 100 0 Nur3029snow lie 149 ft 2Gf 107 3 5 2 4s RenickS J14 Mericharl02Brahmari 107StarFlyer 1031 C Nor2G9Bow 1 l56ft lOf 107 4 8 10IS1019 RenickS J12 Rockslile 112 Blanco 101 Krick 104 O 295Aur IJ 2OCm 8 108 1 3 3J 66J DeperiniR 12 Reveillon 103 Otilla 101 PatField 104 O OcL2529Aur I10 152 hy 135 103 3 2 2s 2 MayT 7 EerPlayl03BbyBasil 100iJohnTD102 O ODct2329Aur Dct2329Aur l15m GJf 112 3 2 2 2J LandoltC 12 LaUerottclOOEthelS lockll4LadyCtkl07 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 0 2 0 421 This year 1 1Wood Wood AxtOIl 1 SweepJVU 0 Br c 3 by Westy Hogan Wasp by Sweep JVU Trainer A S Lewis Owner Serenaia Farm Stable Stablejrayl3307CD jrayl3307CD 1fg l17gd 17 107 12 S S 7 = EllswhW8 12 iringScal05UalYman 105JaIFriar 110 C ilar 330Lcx l45ft 4710 10S 7 2 2 2 EllswthW1 10 JamesM 113 Union W 113 Bano 105 0 Apr3030Lcx liV l49ft 225 103 8 5 5 5 EllswthW1 0 GenCtonllGGoodmaulllPpleSand 10G O Anc2530 Lex 1 l41Vift SJ 112 6 1 13 1 EllswhW 12 DaWeel07EasteiMornll2BoIdIJibonll2 A VSOLex fc 111 ft 52f 107 4 6 5J 4s EllswhW1 12 Winslow 107MissBoss 102 StopGap 107 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 5 0 750 My Dail 119 B g 4 by Porte Drapeau Bud by Leonid LeonidLast Last work 130 lml43ft J Trainer B C Bunbury Owner A B Letellier Mij20SOCD 3 l17hy 14 111 7 9 lO O Anderson A ° 15 WluskAwllOArlincCnorllOBonoby 115 C MaciSSOJP 3 118 m 2S 118 5 G G 5J FronkW 12 GnRsKhanll8MilanolOGWestnLrtl05 0 Fiii2430lFG 1 141gdl710 103 2 4 7 ° 7 RussellK1 11 MccIIaAgneslOOZeta 103LaDcntelle 103 O OctlG29JLat ITS 147 ft 3310 110 7 5 6 GJ HoffmnK 12 HfmKclIyl05LleCapnl05FrceDolani02 O Oct 723 CD g l27ft 10 110 2 1 IJ 1 HuffmnK 12 IJoysPfdl03LIeTorchllOLleCaptnl03 O OcL 329 CD G5fl21 ft lOf 110 2 1 2 2 HoffmnIC 14 Dumpy 115Gideon HOLittlcGuinea 110 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 21 1 5 2050 This year 3 3St St MattllCWS 119 B B 5 ° en Maxm Lady Rochester by Dick PinnelL PinnelLI PinnelListwork I istwork 128 12 51V4ft JLJ Trainer E J OConrell Owner Knebslkairp Morris Morris3L 3L jl730TCD 1fg l50sy 41 112 5 2 7 3 9 = LandoltC 11 Woodlot 112Nevcrmore 112MissLcc 102 O iV1430CD GJ f 124 m 7f 113 10 11 101610 DeperiniR11 13 Scotland 118 Valdosta HOIilaekFlycrllS O ifay l30TLcx 1fe 148 ft 13 112 1 1 4J Gl LandoltC1 0 Monticello 100 Onup 107 Houi Soit 112 C Apr2430JLex I10 l45 ft 2110 112 5 1 2 2 LandoltC 12 UnionW105SueBarkerl07SacySue 100J 0 Al r2230 Lcx 1fg l4Cft SJ 112 1 1 31 4JJ LandoltC G LincnI laiitll2Goodminll2IIlustrisl07 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 23 421 3050 This year 9 1 1 0 850 One Long Hop 1 V C Br g 3 by American Ace Tea Box by Tea Caddy Last work 13G 38 3Gft v vSee O Trainer J J Flanigan Owner Mrs E L Swikard See yesterdays first Aurora chart M jl430CD Gi f 121 m 7f 110 11 9 ll12 = GarnerW 13 Scotland llSValdosta HOBIackFlycrllS 0 Apr2330Lex fc l10ft 15 110 1 3 7SJ 7 i GarnerW 12 MindorollOIIaramzadall5Vicksburg 103 0 AprlS305Lex fc l10ft 20 110 7 7 S S RussellK 0 PatraAnnlOOlirkCloudlll Selection 1120 F 2529JP 3J f 42gd 285 116 5 51 7 ° 1C Kinzer 8 DthyLee 107Jean 113GcnUackson 110 A FcixlS29JP 3J f 44hy 6 i9 4 4 3i 2J 1C Kinscr 10 BrodsBdyllOHades 112AdmiralSetu 112 A Felxl59JP 3J f 44 m GJ 116 1 1 I3 IJ ICICincr 9 Lucile SAngcIBrigbt 113UlSport 11G A AWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7120 5 1075 This year 3 Southland Pal PalLast J A pT Ch g 3 by Hilarious Palladium by Martinet Last work 110 34 34M l20ft JvU Trainer F P Letellier Owner Mrs F P Letellier M jl3307CD l lj j l52ni l52niJturl430CD lit 10S1 7 7 7 = 7 DcllJi 8 Ilerendcen 112 Gotoit 107 Dorita 100 0 Jturl430CD 1ff 152 m mlias 25 105 4 4 3JS EllswhW4 0 DixieLadlllIJyChamplOSMakellastellO 0 lias 430 FG 3 113 ft ft1YK 13 10S 3 7 S J S DellJ4 t CluinbusllSUltinrteVtelOSGrgry 113 O 1YK 330HG 3 114 ft 9 10S 5 5 5 i 5 DclIJ C Whileawy lOCClunibus jl5Vksbg 111 O 9305FG 3 114 ft 13 103 1 4 1 2i DellJ DellJ2nd 8 EilWeir HoVicksburg HSChe Foo 110 O 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1 1 5 1200 This year 6 0 1 1 250 Lady Basil 1 AT B m 5 by Basil Lamp Post by Sweep SweepLast Last work 133 38 40ft V I Trainer W F Poison Owner Basil Manor Stable StableMvll30CD Mvll30CD l l52 m 11 107 S 6 G 5 ° RileyG3 8 AiiiieeGMstlil07HePeM107MsSth 100 O Oiar iar 330Lcx li l52ft G7 107 1 2 2 41 RilcyG1 0 SourMash 112 Baritone 112 Sharon 112 O OApr3030Lcx Apr3030Lcx lt l49ft 43 106 2 G 71 71 RilcyG3 0 GenCtonllGGoodmanlllPpleSand IOC 0 0Apr2430Lox Apr2430Lox I l15ft 33 107 4 12 12 11 DubolsD 12 UnIoiiW103StMfwsll2SticBakcr 107 C CApeSISOLox ApeSISOLox 1 IMOVift 31 107 G 9 652 GJ McycrsME 11 YourIyll2GottaGonowl02LhJane lOlj 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 2 1 2 19SD This year 0 0flll flll IMiv 1 1 O c c y My play Br a y y1110115 or Pommcrn 1 ast wlrk 111 34 l23sl JJ JJJ J Trainar J S Middlcton Owner Coldstrcam Stud Stable StableMvlO30CD MvlO30CD 1fn IMSiVt siT 115 2 G G11 G11 FinncrtyR5 7 TSthnor llOClmrlot 102MakoIIastclOS O NWSOSUHow 1fe l4Gft 51f 108 5 10 loniO FieldsG 13 Vacatonl07Mtferratll2TipperryI1103 0 N6 272l5lJow litf lM7ft GO 101 S 8 G61 5 = 2 LclschnR 10 SdyFordl07PKsPridel01CnCorctrlOG A Nor2529IJow 3 l12ft 85 11213 9 9si 7 CatroncF 314 MoscowlOOThcTartar 114LadyMarle 114 O W192U = Uow i1 114 hyl9loril2 911 S GJ FronUW 12 ChattahoocheelOCKticIIdllSMissFire 111 O S nlS23lLvF 2 lHHft 20 109 7 G 5 5T JonesL J 0 FlasIrcrlp3Kijlamanl03lccssEdil05 A Starts 1st 2ndx3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 12 This year 1 St Ignatius IgnatiusLast Br c 4 by Torchbearer Lady Eacbel by Jim Gaffney Last work 139 0 1m 1mJIv2030CD l55m Trainer 0 A Bianchi Owner W W Williamson JIv2030CD 2 117 117Arr22303Lcx l17l y Gf 115 14 13 S11 7 ° LennieW 15 WhiskAwllOArlinoCnorllOBonoby 115 C Arr22303Lcx Iff e 147 147Sqi2l297Lex l47ft 34 112 7 6 6 C McCrsnC 7 PoganllSMonticellolOgjLadyClarcelOO C Sqi2l297Lex l297Lex 1 ITB B l 147 = ft 15 112 3 8 7 J 7 J FinertyR 8 Driilia 104 Goodman 107 Guide 107 C Eqxl729Lex 729Lex fc c 114 l14hy 5 108 8 S 7 C FinertyR 0 PeggvLcelOOKblaiKhan 113TliPllat 108 C 72jr Lat 1s 1 = 50 m 2910 110 6 5 5 5 i PascmaA 7 Vandal HSWooloracllOLltllapson 103 C i Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 This year 2 Madcap Marvin MarvinLast r 3 ky B Brigade Lady Madcap by Dick Finncll Last work 137 12 Trainor R Goose Owner Bracdalbano Stable Majrl9303CD 1J l5Dtn 9 lOGi 5 3 4 4 ° YcltonRt S RylSptllOMyllobbylllLyNancy IOC C 1fy 133 m 18 105 S 8 7 7 YeltonU 10 Lad Witt 107Pompon 105Miss Lee 108 C Scpl929 Lex EJ M0gJ 3C 11211 9 7 ° 7J PoolB I2 MargtSctll2GgerRcdll3RedRidcr 110 A 6epLl429 Lex BJ f lKH m 13 10G 8 9 775 G i ConnllyD U2 Justinall21U leLutherllSArteBelluml09 A JuL 329 Lat 3 l12gd 24 108 7 7 7 1 AllenCE 7 IadyPin LadyFingersllOTakeOff 113Wingo 107 C Junl729Lat 5J f 111 hy 9 J15 3 4 13 CrumpW 7 Zircon I I2nd I15Monnie 115Veruiiculite 115 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Start 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 51 51Miss 0 0 900 This year 2 Miss Elizabeth ElizabethLast I fin Ch r 3 M Mrlft by Peter Quince Dulcy by Light Brigade Last work 137 12 rlft LJJ Trainer T P Hayes Owner W S Dudley Dudley1J Majr20301CP l52liy 32 107 1 4 3 35 DellJ 1J 9 Minoll2irkSinioiil07StlilamlBcle 107 C CilP Maj lSOLex 145 ft 26 109 2 3 3s 3J XealP ilP 8 Upsedaisyll2TirtleJanl09Caraniel 111 C CvesG Apr29SOLex lfe 151 ft ftApn2230Lex 15 102J 3 G G3i G ReevesG1 vesG 12 SwtBrcezelOSRylBcatylOOBano 113 C CvcsG Apn2230Lex fc 110 ft ftFck2i30FG 48 101 7 7 7 7 ReevcsG vcsG 7 Scotland llSJonnK lOGMarysToy 108 C CmerR Fck2i30FG 2 l141 gd gdTA 149 107 9 10 1017 93 CramerR merR 12 RingTrue 111 Beekeeper 107 Jean 107 C TA G30FG 2 l13ft 123f 109 9 8 12 9 ° LoumanH 12 JoanK lOlMrsChoice 104MaePrice 101 C Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 13Honi This year 10 0 0 2 150 150mCh Honi Soit SoitLast mCh b 5 by Star and Garter Koningin by Ficton Last work 133 1m i Trainer D T Morris Owner Wildmore Stable JIa16307CD 1J 153 ft 73 103 2 4 5i G7 llainesF3 11 RnyRuilily 105Congo II lOoIreneT 103 C y j SSOLex 1J l321 ft 28 112 2 3 7 7 HainesF4 9 SourMash 112 Baritone 112 Sharon 112 C Hay l307Lex ljs 148 ft 75 112 4 3 33 3 HainosF 9 Monticello IOC Onup 107 Hold ast 107 C AT25303Lex fclll ft 9Jf 10G S 7 S5i 731 llainesF10 12 Bruno 110PaganLdiel071csZeIda 100 C Apc21301Lcx 30Lex fclll ft 93f 113 10 7 9 1 Sr2 llainesF 12 lUkFIyerllStVnsDautrlOOWingo 111 C Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 2 1