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1st Belmont WMcncr course Hillside Purse Purse 1000 2yearolds 4V Fur Claiming Orissa June 4 1928 51 2 119 119NOTE NOTE Claiming price 3000 if for 2750 allowed 3 pounds 2500 5 pounds AVelght 118 pounds Haidens allowed 4 pounds Horse Wt Rcc Shield Traitor Brandon Dare SI Bel 111 59m 59mXadia Xadia K M MIntractable Intractable Bel 11C 5973m 5973mMeek Meek M Bel 103 59 m mSister Sister Adele Bel 113 5914m 5914mMiss Miss Grace MBcl 100 5C im imMinus Minus One M MKaleidoscope Kaleidoscope M MCho Cho San Bel 111 50 50Williford Williford M Brighton MBcl 100 59im Horse Wt WtMadam Rec AWtHan Madam Queen II Bel 113 113Fuss Fuss Budget M Bel 109 111C90 Rising Star 105 C90 Madelon M 100 090 Itose Hogan M 10CG90 Scotch Lassie M 10CG90111C90 Bel 100 100Gabrielle 111C90 Gabrielle MBel 108 108 690 Kitty Hills M MTryon 100 690 Tryon M 109 690 Foxim Bel 112 112Corsage 108 690 690ioc Corsage M ioc coo The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record DisTime Tr Odds WtSt i StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Rac RacmB Shield ShieldI mB f 2 by St James Parasol by Trompe la Mort I ast work 137 12 50by Trainer A J Jovner Owner G D Wirlenfir iy S30Pim 4J f 55ft 1910 114 2 2 22 21 EabyJ1 0 MsDwcll9DnnsLadll4RyPoly 107iO 107iOMay May lSQtPim 41 f 55ft 2310 110 8 2 l ° t 33 EabyJ1 12 AbductionllGVoltabushlllInrnary 113 0 0Apr24302HdG Apr24302HdG 4i f 54ft 2710 112 7 1 I2 I4 EabyJ11 15 Zebra 112PrinceZeus 122SonnyFronkllG O OApr2230HdG Apr2230HdG 4J f 51ft 5f IOC 7 3 21 42 EabyJ19 15 Abduction 119MissCanopy lOOZebra 100 C CFcfc2530Mia Fcfc2530Mia g 35ft GO 115 8 742 43i EabyJ 12 Servitudell5LyIIoganl09BettyBet 107 A Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Wnn This year 5111 1300 1300Traitor Traitor 11 B c 2 by Runantell Orageuse by Wrack WrackLast Last work 140 5Sl044 5Sl044m m JJLO Trainer C Cafferelli Owner California Stable StableMayl2303Jam Mayl2303Jam g l0u ft lG5J 110 3 4 4H 4l SmithF3 7 Friar 112IIicaway IMGrndmaLapp 112 S SMay May C305Jam g l00ft 15 IIS 5 4 32 33 SmithF9 9 MorongollSWesternerllSMadCarecr 118 A AApr2930Jam Apr2930Jam p l00 ft G 110 8 9 7ci G7 KtsingerC 14 Morsliionll2 Measurcl07 SverCpyl22 S SApc2330Jam Apc2330Jam g l01ft 1310 115 3 2 21 I1 BurkeJH4 S Zinn 115 Westerner 115 Measure 107 C CAprll302Bow Aprll302Bow 5 47ft 2 122 3 2 31 321 GarnerM1 7 GoldenLegdll7StMarkll7Modnist 117 A AApr2530Jam Apr2530Jam 0 102 ft 28 113 G G 541 5 SmithF2 12 Tarpaulin 113 Glidelia 110 Smear 111 A 730JBow J 4S hy 11 113 9 7 715 G FerminA 11 Ecjuipoise lllGlidelia 110 Drydock 112 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 13 2 1 3 1860 Brandon Dare DareLast Br c 2 M by Wildair Bill and Coo by Helmet Last work 142 38 Trainer F M Bray Owner Brandon Stable JIajlG30Bel 4Jfwc 57m S 111 9 9 S3 4 ° BarncsE2 14 Cliosa 113Flamma lOSBlack Castle 109 O Mar 230Jam l00ft 7e 112 1 2 23 3J BarnesE 9 AVesternr lllJyJglc 114FussBget 115 O iio30Jam 103 ft lOe 103 5 8 942 73i FerminA 13 SverCapyll9JoanneE112B donSntlll S 930 = Bow 4S ift 6i 112 5 4 3 = S 21 BarnesE 12 MsDinwiddie 107FcrvidlllItosevolt IOC G Apn 330Bow 4Sm 7J 113 3 2 2 3 BarnesE 12 GarlicllS PressTellllO Marcheur 113 G Mar G303Mia J 4Sft 15 115 4 5 45i 33 BainesE 11 Jliang 115Unknown 117June Night 112 A Mae SSO Iia 49i sd 4J 110 6 7 75i 4J BarnesE11 12 KisStarl02SisMary HOJstaQueen 108 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd SrdThis This year 9 01 3 J AO Ch f 2 M by John P Grier Queen Apple by King James U O Trainer T Murphy Owner Miss M Crawford MijlOSOJam l01ft 20 107 1 2 41 3i KnightM1 S WeeDrop lllDeedie 115IrisbMaidcn 115 C CArrSOSOJam ArrSOSOJam g l01ft 5 112 G 8 75J C52 EllisG6 11 MySweetsll3jSisAdelell5Cbattey 113 O OArn2230Jam Arn2230Jam g 103 si 20 115 1 4 6s G1 WallsJ1 9 Brusiierll5HinScarum 115Teal ose 115 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 0 0 1 100 100Intractable Intractable 1 Q B Cl y Headstrong Arethusa by Broomstick BroomstickLast Last work 144 12 50gd JO Trainer A L Denny Owner Mendham Stable MajlGSOBel 4lfwc 57ra 8 116 3 5 3 = i 8s KelsayW3 14 Cliosa 113Flamma lOSBlack Castle 109 0 Ain2530Jam g 102 ft 7 115 4 4 75i 51 KnightM 8 Traitor 115 Zinn 115 Westerner 115 C i g l02i sl 5 115 4 1 3i 2i KnightMi 12 Zinn 115 One Grand 115 Saki 107 O c 830Mia S ft 20 11G 8 7 5i 5 = 1 McDottL1 S Friar 120 Donie 120 All Columbia 117 A Mai 430Mia J 48 ft 7 US 3 1 I1 1 WltmanU 11 Snap HSBlackStpckings lllLeader 111 A FiU2430 Mia i 33ft 10 113 4 2 23 KnightM 12 Traitor 113Jliaug 113BrandonUare 118 M nul330Mia g 3oft 6 117 1 3i 30 KnightM 9 Donie 122GeneraIKeepsll7Francock 122 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wor Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 30 1 2 1 1175 3ccfc 1 A Ch f 2 M by The Turk Humble by Maintenant MaintenantLast Last work 140 3S 3C7iby LUvJ Trainer J W Garth Owner Wm Garth GarthMajlG30Bel MajlG30Bel 4 wc 57m 15 10S 4 2 5 = ill10 StevensFS 14 Cliosa llSFlanima 108BIack Castle 109 0 May S30Pim 4J t 5oft 23 111 5 G 72 S1 FronkW 9 MissDwdiell9SliIeldll4DirrsLad 114 C Maj G303Pim 4J f 55ft 41f 119 4 4 35i 31 FronkW 11 BlindLane 119JollyKing 122Snooty 119 M May 1COPlm 4J f 55ft 2 f 109 4 8 7 2 7 J FronkW 12 AbductionllC Voltabusblll SliieldllO 0 Apr2S30sPim 4J t aa ft Se 113 12 12 121245 ODonllS 12 Utmost 111 Sustain 110 Alpine Girl 103 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 5 0 0 1 150 150Sister Sister Adcle 1 1 F Bt f z by Jim Gaffney Twin Sis by Celt CeltLast Last work 142 38 39ft ± tJ Trainer A Parnella Owner J Mandel MandelJlajlGSOBel JlajlGSOBel 4ifwc57m 7 113 2 3 GJ G1 CatroneF 14 Cliosa llSFlamma lOSBlack Castle 109 G May C303Jam g l00ft 30 115 324 710 CatroneF 9 Moronge 118 Westerner 118 Traitor 118 A Apr2930Jam g l01ft 30 115 5 1 I1 2nk CatroneF 11 MySwectsll3Cliattyll5FssBdget 112 0 2230Jam g l02sl 30 112 1 4 73J CatroneF1 12 Zinn 115 Intractable 115 OneGrand 115 O 2530StJ 50ft 14 117 7 8 Ssi Ssi MoonF1 8 PereNoellOSMterRosellSClilWinU 115A 115AIaEll303IIav IaEll303IIav 4Sft G 101 2 1 lh 1 GoodrichE3 8 Type HOFastLife llSEtliclKenyon 112o r dswiTftv J 49i ft 5 112 1 1 2 21 LongW3 9 Advertisr 11311lantoe 09MissSsan 11 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 12 1 2 1 1170 1170MlSS MlSS Grace 111 SyJ B f 2 M by Master Charlie First Attempt II by Sy J JL JL mington mingtonTrainer Trainer J H Stotler Owner Sagamore Stable StableMar2030cBel Mar2030cBel 4Jfwc 5G m 15 106i 5 3 331 5 = BejshalcJ = S Abdfnll4GdenLes dll71rtoinCldll4 C May l30 = Pim 4J f 55ft IS 113 1 7 61 5 1 BejshakJ1 12 Mate llS7loyalMysteryllSJollyKingll8 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 2IHillllS Chl c 2 M by Sun Pal Polly McWiBEles IHillllS One T HQ by light Brigade BrigadeLast Last work 125 3S 3fft V u Trainer H Garth Owner I Eosanberg EosanbergAPr3030 APr3030 = Pim 4 f 54ft 51 115 7 7 7 9 = ODonllS 9 ilidelia IMSptUivcr 115SnirDy H2 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year l lKaleidoscope Kaleidoscope 1 1 A B c 2 M by Golden Broom Pink and Yellow by Broom BroomLast Last work 137 12 51by 1 stick stickTrainer Trainer S P Harlan Owner Mrs W Mi Jeffords JeffordsMay May 2COPim 4J f 55Uft 1 112 8 5 432 4si AmbroseE1 11 AlpineGl lOSUlinsLd HOExplore 102 O Apr3030 = Pim 4J f 51ft 18 115 2 3 3s 45 AmbroscE2 0 Glidelia 114SptRivcr lloSinrDy 112 A Apr23305HdG 4J f 53 ft 2Se 117 S 10 1001019 AmbroseE 10 Vander Pool 122Up 117 Equipoise 122 S Apnl930IiaG 41 f 55 liy Uo llli 2 G G52 G92 AmbroscE3 13 Pennate 112 Glidelia 109 Hieaway 107 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wou This year 4 4CllO CllO Sail 110 Cll f 2 by CamPfire Chemulpo by Ben Strome StromeLast Last work 139 12 49sy Lv Trainer F A Gailor Owner H B Sxvope SxvopeMaj2130Bel Maj2130Bel 4Jfwc Mgd 7 111 12 14 141llls KelsayAV3 15 Novena 115 Marvella 109 Handover 101 C Apr2930Jam S l01ft 3J 118 3 3 3 = i So RoseG 11 MySweetsllSJSisAdelelloiCliattey 115 O OApr2330Jam Apr2330Jam g 103 ft 1S5 102 633 = 52 RoseG 13 SverCa pyll9JoanneE112BdonSntlll S SAprl730UH Aprl730UH J 47 sy 10 115 2 I1 I2 RoseG3 14 Zaidee 115Moonlit 115 Gallopette 115 il ilFib Fib OSOMia g 35ft 8 115 7 71 7 1 WknianR 12 CIiattcrvayll3PatsyCarterll3Early 109 O FtU 430Mia g 3GVift 30 110 7 G G3lRoseG 11 Unknnl05RegiilarFler llSBrdltell 110 C CJan2730Mia Jan2730Mia J 23J ft 10 114 8 C 10 RoseG9 12 JustBelieTell4Scrvitudell4Unkwn 114 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 7 1 0 0 700 Williford 1 AQ B c 2 M by Master Charlie Tea Room by Star Shoot ShootLast Last work 142 12 51 ft Trainer H C Riddle Owner J J Robinson M 530JP S t MlVft 175 110 1 2 31 G = MannF1 8 DMorrlsllOMIIalliganllOKCliarm 112 A AFtUH30FG FtUH30FG g 37i4ft 36 11G 4 3 31 2 LandoltC9 12 lceZensllCClMargiretll3Clielialis 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 2 0 1 0 150 UritrlltOIl 1 H B c 2 M by Allumeur Sea Mist by Fowlingpiece FowlingpieceLast UO Wilson Owner Walbri Farms Stable Last work 133 38 36ft Trainer W G MajicSOBcl 4Jfwc 57Jim 50 lOG 10 11 10 9si QnbushG1 14 Cliosa 113Flamma lOSBlack Castle 109 C May S30Pim 4J f 53 ift Co IOC 8 8 S11 G5J QnbusliG 9 MissDvdiell9SIiicldllJDirrsLad 114 O Jlay 5303Pim ft 49ft G 118 7 S 1011 3 = WkmanR8 12 XoisyMiss 118 Leader 113rolyPoIy 115 O May 2CO1 Pirn 4l t 3D14ft 43 10510 9 7 J 7 QnbushG10 11 AlpineGl lOSDlinsLd 110Ei Iore 102 O Apr2930Tim 4J f 51ft 4Gr 113 4 8 10 10 QnbusliG1 12 HappyScot 118 AllHail 113 Totem 113 A ApnlS30IItlG 4J f 57 in 13f 107 Gil 93 93 QnbusliG 12 AbductionllOJIiroadAlOIrlacklulalOC C Aprl230Bow J 47 ft llf US 10 10 ll ll = QnbushG4 11 Squab lI50vcrSIiadyll5MyEmlcrly 115 M Starts 1st 2nl rd Wen Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 10 Madam Queen former ran 108 B f 2 M by s anish nnce n Squeezeus by Zeus Zeusas as Sfllieejree JLVO Trainer T Eodrock Owner K E Hitt HittLast Last work 142 38 3Cft 3CftXvnSOBcl XvnSOBcl 4Jtwc 51sl 30 113 S 7 S S 2 WattersE 11 Rideaway HGCliicleaf HCForvor 110 M Starts Ibt 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1FUSS FUSS Budget TIT BroomstickJL B f 2 M ty St Gerraans Quarrel by Broomstick JL JL 1 Trainer T W Kelly Owner T W Kelly KellyJLy2l30Bel JLy2l30Bel 4Uwc 54gd 15 103 11 13 131112 LyonsDo 15 Novena 115 Marvella 109 Handover 101 C Jfcj 1030 Jam g l01ft 10 110 C 5 V 7 J BcthelJ 8 Wee Drop 111 Decdie 113 Nadia K 107 C CMay May 230Jam g l00ft 95 115 4 4 45i 4i GarnerMT 0 Westerner lllJyJingle 114BnDare 112 C Apr2930Jam g lQlft C 112 1 7 5 4 = 2 RobtsnA 11 MySwcetsll31SisAdelell5Chattey 115 C Starts 1st 2nd Sri Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 Rising Star SweepJLvO j Ap B f 2 by Crimper Fading Star by Sweep JLvO Trainer F Bycr Owner H A Creevy 30StJ 50 sy 96 110 8 7 7 J C2 VessollA 11 Donie 120 BlneBerry 112 PlayEm 112 A 30Mia 49 gd 12 102 4 2 2 1 RentckS 12 SisMaryllOJtaQueenlOSBdonDare 110 C 35ft 15 109 8 G J 9S GrwoodC 12 Chattcrwayll3PatsyCarterll3Early 109 C 3Shy 20 107 3 2 82 EabyJ1 12 RegularFellerllSGobi llOBloodltell 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 1 0 0 750 Dlndelon I A B f 2 M by Chatterton Inquisition by Wrack JL U O Trainer J Hotter Owner J N Hopkinson Apr 2230 Jam g 103 si 30 115 8 7 57J 7 QbaumC 9 BrusherlluIImScarum 115TeaRose 115 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1IlOSC IlOSC Hogail 1 Ofi Bn ff 2 M by Westy Hogan Eose Arch by Eock View ViewLast Last work 141 5Sl04gd U Trainer W H Fizer Owner W H Fizer MV 230Jam g l00ft 30 107 S 9 D 9 RoseG 9 Westerner lllJyJingle 114BnDare 112 C unni r 3 37 ft 73 113 i g 953 fli TalumboS 12 PceZeusllCWillifordllGCMargaret 113 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 Scotch Lassie 111 Chl f 2 M by Scotoh Broom Beth Stanley by Golden GoldenLast Last work 140 38 38hy Maxim MaximTrainer Trainer M Smart Owner E Eoss EossJkj2130Bel Jkj2130Bel 4Jfwc 54gd 8 10G 9 5 G 5 CatroneF 15 Novena 115 Marvella 109 Handover 101 C Apcl230Bow i 47ft 35 115 G 7 71 G BarnesE 11 Squab USOverShadyllSMyEnderly 115 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 2Gabrielle Gabrielle 108 Bt f 2 M by Dis Donc Miss Glittene by Eabelais EabelaisLast Last work 142 38 37ft 37ftiVO iVO Trainer H Tallman Owner Newtondale Stable MylG30Bel 4Jfwc 57m 40 IDS 13 10 11 10 RoseG 14 Chosa 113Flamma lOSBlack Castle 109 C CJLy JLy 730 Jam g l00ft 15 109 S 7 7 ° Gl ICsingerC 8 GrandmaLappll9JanieG114Aweless 111 C Apr2D30Jam i l01ft 00 112 P 11 1111 CollinsA 11 MySweetsll3jSisAdelell5Chattey 1150 Apc2230J m g l02V sl 20 112 3 9 103 9 RoseG 12 Zinn 115 Intractable 115 OneGrand 115 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 Kitty Hills 1 HorronLvU C B f 2 M by Xangdon Hills lady Winfrey by Horron LvU Trainer E Harris Owner W Smith SmithJUr2S30JAC JUr2S30JAC 4Sft GO 105 5 G 91310ts CallahanC 12 DiiaVivnl05MsJoanllOCrsdWiresl07 C 1L 123JAC 4 f 51ft 15 103 7 7 S1 S = CatroneF11 11 EvelenalOlRosevoltllSMaxieBinder 104 C JUc 530JAC J 4Ssy 2Sf 107 10 11 11 11 MayT 12 Sun B lOOGdenOriole 107Roscvolt 110 C CTcU TcU 730 AC i 35ft 15f 107 8 8211 OBrienR4 12 FalReadinglllSyVoltlllFairEster 111 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 5 5Tryon Tryon 1 OQ Br e 2 M ty Bacs Fail7 Legend by Ildrim IldrimLast Last work 140 58 l01m JVt Trainer J P Jones Owner J P Jones JonesApr2G305Jam Apr2G305Jam g l02ft G 110 7 3 4J 5i KenndyE 8 EddieBakerllOImageryllGBtkSht 118 C AprlSSOHdG 4 f 57 m 1C 109 8 5 4 5i McTagtJ1 12 AbdHctionllOBroadA104BlackLulalOG C Ape 130Bow J 47ft 3S US G 7 8 ° S McTagtJ 12 Sweep All 118 Gigantic 118 Up 118 M Mi i Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 Foxilll ShootJO I AQ Ch f 2 by Jim Gaffney Fox Trot by Star Shoot JO Trainer J P Jones Owner Morven Stud Stable StableMv2130Bel Mv2130Bel 4 fwc 54gd 7 112 2 11 ll il51J McTastJ 15 Novena 115 Marvella 109 Handover 101 C Apc2530Jam g 103 ft 5o 107 9 9 8 i 9i CatroneF 13 SverCapyll9JoauneE112BdouSntlll S Apt 230JBow 43ft G 111 1 1 1J 1 J McTagtJ 12 FastLifell3BroadA109NorConlon 111 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 1 0 0 850 850Corsage Corsage 1 Ofi Ch f 2 Mt by Wigstone Dusky Belle by Olambala OlambalaI I st work 141 38 37f t Trainer V Cnne Owner Wildrose Farm Stable StableMajr Majr 5COPim K 49tift 70 115 5 12 12 125 ODnellS1 12 NoisyMiss 118Leider 113RolyPoly 115 C 3COHdG 4Jf 55 ft 9f 115 12 11 11 11 ODnellSi 15 Broad A 115 Sedsie 114 NoisyMiss 115 C i Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2