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WEIGHTS FOR HENDRIE MEMORIAL HANDICAP TORONTO Ont May 22 Weights for the William Hendrie Memorial Handicap 5000 added one mile to be run Saturday were announced today Young Kitty will carry top weight of 125 pounds The weights fol ¬ low Horse HorseYoung Young Kitty Mr Gaiety Beau of the West WestKings Kings Way Attack Whale Oil Spear Head Shorelint Ichitaro Aymond Qnatra Bras Circulct Horse HorseKilling Killing 1erlapides Gay Parisian ParisianStar Star Crest Ever More Daisy Fairi FairiTroutlct Troutlct Vestip Miss Ganntley GanntleyTat Tat Gaiety rostville Catclioo Winners after publication of weights 5 pounds extra 1enalties accrue from 12 oclock noon Thursday May 22