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BELMONT PARK NEW YORK N Y THURSDAY MAY 22 1930 Belmont Park 1 12 miles 6 11 feet Seventh clay AVestchcHter Racing Association Spring nicotine of 23 days Weather clear Stewards of nicotine J 13 AVidener G II Bull and Win Woodward Steward representing the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association A II Higginson Judges E C Smith and C Coruelilsen Starter George Cassidy Racing Secretary V E Scbaumburg Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 1GO p in AV indicates whip S spurs 15 blinkers Fig tires in parentlieses following the distance of each race Indicate horse date track record age ot horse and weight carried Indicates 5 pounds allowance 7 pounds 10 pounds ATJIjr FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Widener course Orissa June 4 1928 51 2 119 rt 4 4 4 L Handspring Purse Purso 1000 2yearolds Claiming Net valua to winner winner31ay2230Bel 31ay2230Bel 7CO second 200 third 100 Claiming price 5COO if for 4500 allowed 3 3pounds pounds 1000 5 pounds Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S AVB 110 12 2 S1 Ill5 W KclsayHB Swope 2 1152 1 25 25OLD I OLD SPORT will 11 3 41 21 2l J Bejshak Mrs J Paige 1520 15 C 3 47053 JOLLY KING W 112 4 G Si CJ F Colletti II T Archibald 8 12 12 5 2i 47535 STAR BUTTON w 110 913 Z 3k 4l L Fator AV Ilogan C 7 C 21 75 7547COG 47COG SWEEP PAST AV 111 13 5 I1 4 i 51 J Inzelone W R Coo 12 12 12 G 3 3RONALD RONALD GREY AV 111 7 12 C1 73 Ci A Abel Eclair Std Sta 15 20 20 8 4 47378 PRIME AVB 111 6 1 5 = 5h 7 J McTagt Mtpelier Fms StlO 15 12 G 3 3FLY FLY GUY will 29 9l 91 S1 P Walls S P Harris 10 10 C 3 85 itu BLACK CASTLE w 107 10 8 10J10 = 9 A McKecc Donvood Sta C 7 7 21 75 10507 FOOLHARDY Avl07 5 4 71 SJ 10 J Bethel R L Gciry 7 S 83 85 47229 NOBLE SIR w 107 110 ll11 lli R AVoltonC T Grayson 15 20 20 8 4 47557 PLAYVOTE w 1C9 311 12 = 123 12 = E Walters 1C E Hitt 30 SO 30 12 G G47COC 47COC PRINELDA w 10G 87 13 13 13 G Rose Xcwtondale Sta 12 15 15 G 3 Tims 53Vs Track good Winner Ch f by Stimulus Blaze of Geld by St Floriau trained by W Knapp bred by Mr W S Tlirclkeld Winner cntcicd to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 235 AT P03T 2 minuts drivingAVEH Slart good and slow Won riddcji out second and third driving AVEH DROP responded gamely to urging wore tovn tha leaders in the final oightli and wars drawing away at the end OLD SPOUT came witlr a lusli at the end but tired in the final few yards JOILY KING finished fast on the inside and outlasted STAR BUTTON The latter showed a flaslj of early speed but quit suddenly Both RONALD GKEY and FLY GUV raced greenly FOOLHARDY showed a flash of early speed SAAEEl PAST qut badly Overweights Jolly King 1 pound Star Button 1 ArjJJP A SECOND RACE 1 Mile Cherry Pie Sept 3 1923 133 2 113 Blue Point TC dot TC Purse Purso 1000 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Net valuo May2230IJel valuoMay2230IJel to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index florscs AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys 0 U 0 P 4G923 = BIDE A AVEE w 3 101 1G 3 51 31 21 I1 H Quillen E R Bradley 15 20 20 47559 = MILKMAN AVB 3 112 12 5 Gnk 21 2yi 2 L McAtec Rolg Pis Sta 3 311151 12 12AVB 4131C HORNPIPE HORNPIPECRUCIFIXION AVB 3 112 14 1 I1 I1 11 33 3 J II BurkeWheatley Sta US 20 15 G 3 3WB CRUCIFIXION WB 3 112 1 17 17 17 111 5l 41 L Fator Lone Star Sta 31 4 421 421AVB 47559 BALMORAL AVB 3 112 4 7 21 G1 41 4 i 51 M Knight J E Widener J7 8 7 21 75 75AVB 4 7 055 CAPSTONE AVB 5 112 9 10 12i 71 c G G1 W Kelsay Greentree Sta G 87 21 75 47504 BROWN TRAP AVB 3 112 13 2 3 4 L SchacferT Calcina 8 12 7 3 85 47C04 NILE MAIDEN w 3 107 7 1C lll Si Sh 9nk Si D Lyons W R Coo 20 30 30 12 G 47009 WE DUN IT AVT 3 112 8 11 101 51 71 Si 9 F Catrone Mrs S Bennett 15 20 15 G 3 47100 CAMP MEADE w 3 112 17 12 131 9k10 10ilOi E Steffcn Catawba Sta 30 10010040 20 43C95 YARN w 3 112 5 G 41 10h 91 111 111 G Ellis A C Bostwlck 58842 43932 LUGGAGE AVIS 3 112 G 9 7 iUi 12 = 12 = 121 R LeischnW C Smith CO CO GO 20 10 10474C1 474C1 SIR RULEY w 3 112 3 13 9 12 13 131 131 A Abel Eclair Std Sta 15 20 15 G 3 347G05 47G05 BAGATELLE w 3 112 11 8 15 15 = 14 = 11 It J Bejshak J E Widener 7 S 7 21 75 7547G91 47G91 DESTINY BAY w 3 107 2 15 14 = II1 13 = 15 = 151 F Stevens J R Macomber 30 100 100 40 20 47234 BLACK ABBOTT WB 3 112 15 4 Si 131 1C5 1G 1G10 P Walls A C Schwartz 20 30 13 G 3 47302 EMILY OM WB 3 lOSilO 14 1C IGi 17 17 17 E KcnndyJ J Tighe GO 100 100 40 J0 fCoupled as Wheatley Stable and Belair Stud Stable entry J E Widener entry Time 23 48 113 140 Track good Winner Br f by Black Touey Doreid by Galloping Simon trained by H J Thompson bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm FarmWENT WENT TO POST 302 AT TOST C minutas minutasStart Start poor and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBIDE BIDE A WEE a factor throughout moved up fast on the outside entering the stretch withstood a drive gamely and outlasted MILKMAN in the final strides The latter close up from the start stood a long drive gamely and held on well HORNPIPE showed early speed saved ground and had no excuses CRUCIFIXION dwelt and propped at the start worked his way up on the outside and fin ¬ ished with a rush BALMOKAL raced close up throughout NILE MAIDEN showed a good performance CAMP MEADE saved ground YARN showed early speed Kill RULEV was on the inside CAPSTONE was in close quarters making the far turn WE DUN IT raced well BROWN TRAP quit under pressure BLACK ABBOTT quit after going threequarters threequartersScratched Scratched 1741G3Fred Whitham 169 169Overweight Overweight Emily OM 1 pounds THIRD RACE 34 Mile Main course Nusakan Sept 13 1929 110 4 120 Tenny Handicap SI 00 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1035 second 2CO third 1CO Index Horses Yt Str Fin Jockeys 37007 JACK HIGH WB 4 12G 7 G 3i 23 11 I3 L McAtce G D Widener G5 75 75 12 14 1447042THE 47042THE HEATHEN we G 111 1 1 1i ln 2i 2i J Bejshak C II Pierce 4552 45 43095 CARUSO w 3 115 5 5 41 31 3 = 3i J Inzelone W R Coo G 7 G 2 1 47503 = CHATFORD wn 4 107 S 8 5 41 4 = 4 D Lyons J L Johnson 10 15 12 5 2 2475053RAPID 475053RAPID TRANSIT WB 4 105 G 3 2nk 5 5J 51 M Knight Kilrane Stable 5 5 31 G5 35 V 47533 CAPTURE w 3 111 44 G Gl G C5 L Fator Rancocas Sta 20 20 15 G 3 344039SANDY 44039SANDY WB 7120 27 8 8 8 71 H ThurberRolg Plns Sta 30 30 3010 5 47533 EDDIE AHEARN w 5 103 32 71 7 711 S E Walters Catawba Sta 20 30 30 10 5 goodAVinner Timo 23 47 112 Track good AVinner Ch c by John P Crier 1riscilla by Star Shoot trained by A J Joyncr bred by Mr G I Widener WidenerWENT WENT TO POST 331 AT POST 2 minutes Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driving JACK HIGH moved up fast on the outside disposed of THE HEATHEN entering the stretch and drew away winning with speed in reserve THE HEATHEN broke fast showed high early speed saved ground and had no mishaps CARUSO showed a good performance under his weight and finished well CIIATFORD fractious at the start closed gamely RAPID TRANSIT had no mishaps CAP ¬ TURE was bumped and knocked back after the start startScratched Scratched 47 lGODunsauy 111 111Overweights Overweights Chatford 2 pounds Eddie Ahearn 3 FOURTH RACE 78 Milo Main course Roseben Oct 16 1906 122 5 126 Thirtieth Running SWIFT STAKES 2500 Added 3yearolds Allowances Net 3Iay2230ol Net3Iay2230ol value to winner 4725 second 700 third 300 Index Horses AWtPPSt ii ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners OH C 47198 POLYGAMOUS WB US 10 2 li 1 1 l 1i L Trimble G A Cochran t 10 1 910 25 1G 47G55LIMBUS WB US 9 4 71 G 2 21 21 L Fator Rancocas Sta G 8 7 21 1 4 74 00 = QUESTIONNAIRE WB IIS 1 8 91 S G 41 E Sande J Butler 5 G 5 S5 710 47354 SWINFIELD w US 4 9 S1 9 9 = Si 4h L SchaeferW J Salmon 8 12 12 5 21 40981 ERIN wn 113 3 11 11 11 11 11 5s J H BurkeWheatley Sta 15 15 15 6 3 47351 SUN FALCON wn 114 S 10 10 10 ° 10J 71 G F Colletti W S Kilmer 30 40 40 15 7 4C908TIIE BEASEL w 113 7 3 2i 2 1 51 G1 7h W Kelsay G A Cochran f910 1 910 25 16 47460 474GODUNSANY DUNSANY WSB 118 G 5 5i 51 4 51 S G Ellis Mr Pembroke 13 15 10 4 2 4 7504 AWAKE WB 114 2 7 Gi 7nk 7 91 9 = E Barnes J Butler 5 G 5 85710 47354 TETRARCIIAL w 118 5 G 3 4 k S1 10i 101 J Maiben Howe Stable 20 20 20 8 4 47198 WAR SAINT wn 121 11 1 4h 3h 3s Sill L McAtco G D Widcner S 12 12 5 21 fCoupled as G A Cochran entry JT Butler entry goodWinner Tims 23 47 112 125 Track good Winner Or c by Stefan the Great Polyantha by Broomstick trained by H McDaniel bred by Shandon Stud StudWENT WENT TO POST 406 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingPOLYGAMOUS POLYGAMOUS began fast on the outside displayed good speed drew away on the stretch turn and had something left at the end LIMBUS improved his position steadily and finished resolutely QUES ¬ TIONNAIRE came fast on the outside at the cud SWINFIELD gained ground WAR SAINT quit badly ERIN away in a tangle finished in the stretch SUN FALCON was on the outside all the way badlyScratched TETRARCIIAL showed early speed DUNSANY quit badly Scratched J705 Iahor 118 43118 The Spare 110 474GO Keep On 100 47G03 Taos Ill 47C04 Conclave 113 47504 Apple Cart 114 A FFFfrrFr FIFTH RACE 1 12 Furlongs Widener course Orissa June 4 1928 51 2 119 rt 6 a A 8 Yorkville Belle Purse Purse 1200 2yearolds Fillies Net value to winner 3Ihy2230lJcl winner3Ihy2230lJcl 300 second 200 third 100 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners 47189SYDKA w 115 74 1J 1 1 1 = E KcnndyJ S Elliott 2 21 21 3514 47501 1247417CHENE SUN PARCHED w 111 53 2 = 2 23 J Mann L Rosenberg 6 s 4 G5 12 out47C57 47417CHENE w 115 1 G G 41 3 L McAtce H P Whitney 1 G5 910 13 out 47C57 ROYAL PLEASURE w 111 G 7 31 3 4 = E Watters R Belmont 20 30 30 10 4 470G43ROSE PETAL we 112 4 2 4 5 i 5 G Ellis 75MOVING Mapleton Std St G 12 10 3 75 MOVING STAR will 21 5 G8 G II ThurberRolng Plns St 10 12 12 5 2 CHICLE BELLE w 111 3 5 7 7 7 A Collins L M Curtis 20 30 30 S 4 4Time Time 53 Track good AVinner goodAVinner Ch f by John P Grier Paygirl by Fayette trained by J P Jones bred by Mr L Collins CollinsWENT WENT minutsStart TO POST 429 AT POST 1 minuts Start good and slow AVon easily second and third the same SYDKA sameSYDKA displayed good speed from the start shook off opposition in the final eighth and drew away SUN PARCHED showed early speed and had no mishaps CIIEXE began well but had no early speed then finished fast on the inside ROYAL PLEASURE was close up throughout throughoutOverweight Overweight Rose Petal 1 pound A ryrjrrQ SIXTH RACE i 14 Miles WWEK 4t i d d O port Purse Purso 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to win winaiay223015eI aiay223015eI ner 700 second 200 third 100 Claiming price 6OCO if for less 3 pounds poundsallowed allowed for each 500 to 4500 Index Horses AWtPPSt 1 Str Fin Jocseys Owners O II U I1 S we G 111 1 4 4 31 I1 I3 li CJ Qlibush M A J Smith G5 7o 1110 14 out 47058 SUN FORWARDwB G 114 4 2 I1 lnk 2 2 2 A McKece Mrs V Emanuel 75 32 1310 14 out 47G01 SPANISH w 4 110 3 1 35 4 4 3 = 3 = A Collins E J Downing 10 15 12 21 out 47558 COMET WB 7 110 2 3 2nk 23 3 4 4 M Knight Mrs C Phillips G 10 10 S5 out outTimo Timo 24 J 49 113 139 206 Track good AVinner Ch li by Huoii Flying lib by Friar Rock trained by M A Smith bred by Mr j E Madden AVinuer entered to lie claimed for 0000 WENT TO POST 450 AT POST 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third easily BOOM far back in the early stages moved up fast on the far urn drew away into a5 safe lead Uitiffctlred at the end SUN FORWARD was rushed into command raced COMETihtodefeat and came ragalnunderpresstire ak tlie end SEAXISII iind no mishaps COMRT quit under pressure