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7th Long Branch Purse 1000 4ycarolds and upward Claiming 1 M 70 Yds Queen Towton Sept 7 1927 l135 5 103 3TQTE Claiming price 1500 If for less 2 pounds allowed for cadi 100 to 1200 3Tonwiiincrs of two races since May 1C Weight 118 pounds Jfonwlnncrs since May 1C allowed 1 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 48299 GCogwheel Dcv 107 143 7 10G725 48165 8 Paula L Emp 110 145 4 109 720 72048299s 48299s OFair Gold Jam 112 148 5 104X713 104X71348298s 48298s 11 Willingdon Ham 107 14G 4 106 710 48299 lRamona SAur 103 113 = 5 4 100X703 48110 2Jolm W Weber DOT 103 143 6103X700 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan472S4 472S4 3 Sun EockDev 111 145 G 103X093 48341 4Queenston Mia 110 117 5 100 695 48123 5 Plain DealerDcv 100 13014 7 105X690 47412 7 Grandma GLcx 106 l31m 4 98X690 46210 10Architcct Was 111 144 G 100X090 The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Cogwheel 1 CR B by Spanish Princa n Maczie by Caughnawaga CaughnawagaLast Last work 151 lml4Gft JJO Trainer F Garrett Owner C M Kelly KellyJun Jun 230Th lfs l49ft 21 110 1 5 Ci Cl McGinisP 9 FairBill 107 FairGod 103Celeritas 107 O OMaj2030Wdb Maj2030Wdb 1ft l54V4hy 8 113 6 8 8 81S PhlllipsG 8 Referdiiml07RufnUougelOStBillyIJnll2 C CM M y 730 Pim IJ l55ft 71 113 1 4 3i 41 EabyJ 8 BlueD rfrll6Ujuv ntnl20JHksryll8 O OIt It 330TPim 1J 150 f t G 109 1 2 2i 1 EabyJ1 9 Horaelikell4I5azfKC chllSLucieAnnlOO O OApr30303Pim Apr30303Pim 11 l55ft 81 118 6 5 G 5 EabyJ 7 Rojuvationl21FairArtllS15rzgCchl23 O OApn25305HdG Apn25305HdG 2 114 ft 2S 118 13 11 11 S WalIsP 15 CalsaryKayllSMissPat 102FairBob 112 O ONotlSSgPim NotlSSgPim 1 149 gd 21 115 8 EabyJ 11 FairGoldlOSMefrSpksllOHhPlayerlll 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won I Last year 17 5 4 0 S 4475 This year 6 1 0 0 900 Paula L 1 OQi ky Fennan Christophine by Plaudit PlauditLast Last work 133 1m 1 Jvt Trainer G Alexandra Jr Owner J E Smallznan SmallznanMajSO30Thf MajSO30Thf li l55f t 1S5 10S1 7 6 4s 4i ICtsingerC 8 DlinShowlOGCorposantlOSStestSonglOD 0 Maj 630 Jam 1 l15ft 185 112 7 6 6 G11 WholeyR 11 Pomfretll3Lakelandll2FrcisSeymrll2 C Aprl930 UH 1142 hy 30 112 2 8 8 8 ICsingerC1 9 Tf Writrll7JnCavgh llSpntft 102 O Ko1329sPlm 1fe 14 gd 5 112 5 WholcyR sll FairGoldlOSMefrSpksllOHhriayerlll O OKoi Koi 929Pim Ifg 148 ft 2310 110 8 3 2 WholeyR 12 MefrSparksl07BresardllGListerinell4 O Von C29Tpira Iff l49ft 12 113 11 10 G53 GJ KsingcrC S12 Vacatnl BgerFacellOGlnAnger 110 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 4 4 0 3400 This year 3 Fair Gold GoldLast B m 5 by Eternal Martigold by Martagon MartagonTrainer Last work 153 38 3 Trainer H G Bedwell Owner H G Bcdwell Jun 230Tl 1ff l49f 14110 103 6 2 2 2s CaiinonW 9 FairBill lOTCeleritas 107Privately 105 G Mav3030 Thf 1J l56ft 4 103 1 3 2 2JIaV2230sWdb 4J CannonW 9 Mainsheetl09PrairicGirl lOSSignola 103 C JIaV2230sWdb IfffUlSt ft 7 105 4 G 6 6Majl930Wdb 6 CannonW 8 Voyagel09Seabright 112LittleScout 102 O Majl930Wdb lfe l53sy 7J 103 1 1 3J 3JApr2S 3i 3 = 1 CannonW 9 Dolan 103 Fire Girl 99J Star 93 C Apr2S 30zPim 1 l4Gft 10 112 77 6 6Apc2530HdG 611 61S CannonW 9 Narlorl07FrcesStr107Shephdess 114 O Apc2530HdG Ifg l48ft 71 105 12 3 5 5i CannonW1 12 VillagcrllO FairThornlOS VoyagelOS 0 0Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 433 433Williiiffdon 42GO This year 20 144 1675 Williiiffdon flfiLast 1 flfi Br c 4 by Gauntley Wise by Bryn Mawr Last work 133 1 l8201ft 201ft J LVV LVVJun w Trainer J Me Mee Owner G E Elliott Elliott4J1 Jun 230 Th Ifa l50ft Gf 111 8 874 874Mv2930 7 41 4J1 3i LittlcII 12 GteRock 102EvcrMore lOlFairOil 104 0 Mv2930 Thf IJ209 gd 25 101 4 2 4 4Maj 1 45J RomanoT1 G LittlcScoutlOlThymonlOlRkCandy 105 O Maj 2030 Wdb ll54Hhy 91 119 3 7 7 7Oct 710 g LittleH 8 Gay Parisian 124 FairOil 112 Span 112 G Oct 329Duf 1fg l56ft 10 991 991Oct 2 HornG 5 Gainesvdl07RmonaS107iAmcnRallOiO Oct 229Duf Iff l55 ft 7 99 996cp2S23Wdb 21 HornG 7 AmenRalllWrackeenlOSllurnoose llli C 6cp2S23Wdb 12 303ft 17 108 7 4 4 RomanoT 7 Beau of theWestl20Attkl22Lindsy 103 S SStarts Starts 1st 2Yid 3rd 3rdLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 23 4 G 1 15 This year 3 f B by Jusquau Bout Landaulctto by Enthusiast Last work 132 58103ft 1 v Trainer A J Sansono Owner A T Sansone Jun 230Thf Ifg l49ft 8 1021 9 G 5CJ 5 1 RomanoT8 9 FairBill 107 FairGold 103Ccleritas 107 O Jtij2330JAur 1 l51hy 225 103 7 3 2l 25i RomanoT 9 RaydDale 103Referec 103Uontados 103 O Maj2030 Aur l lM hy 7 106 5 3 3 4 RomanoT 7 LuckyDf tl09loyisliKoblOGBfotGirl 109 0 Jty 1730 JAur l45Hft G 105 10 3 3J1 31 RomanoT 10 UuOnTimel03Bumpkinll3IlotGirl 105 C May 1330Aur Ifg l49ft 7 102 1 4 4 = 1 Gl RomanoT 8 Privately 107 Finnic 110 Bumpkin 110 O Jlaj S30 Aur 1 l43J4ft 245 108 3 3 3 21 RomanoT1 7 TangramlOSSrdyStcllalllKcnBabelOS 0 0Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 21 265 2965 This year 19 131 1005 John W Weber 1 f Q Ch n G by Gnonie Sarecna by The Gull GullLast Last work 148 1m l49ft LVD Trainer G B Poley Owner G B Foley FoleyM FoleyT2930Thf M T2930Thf 1J 209gd 31 lOli6 7 6 7 = ComptonC 8 Alloy 103 Imbros 109 Dolan 109 O Arcl930THdG 11 215 hy 18 105 2 8 P up RcnickS1 8 Tall Grass 110 Tempter lOSMuIatto 100 O APrl730 HdG G 10S 1 T 8 S1S RcnickS1 10 Tempter 114PlrIcGirl lOOFcstLore 103 O AI 830 ° Bow 1J l5Ssl 6 110 8 11 ll ll = = RcnickS 11 Mulatto 101 Laurie 107 Malnshcct 102 0 Apr 330Bow 1fg l50J ra 18 109 G 3 21 l k RenickS 13 SpurrlcrllJ Fire On 114 Kosciusko 115 O Hat2230StJ l lj j l51sy 33 111 9 8 8 1 S l GucrraJ 11 Kd Reese 109Patcrnnl lOGUowager 113 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 17 060 1150 This year 7 1 0 0 S50 S50Sllll Sllll Rock 1 1 Af B S 6 by Sun Briar Conference by Rock Sand JJO Trainer J Hoskins Owner J Hoskins Jt r 730TBcu 1 l49ft 5 105 8 8 Si 8 GuorraJ 9 AVarficld 105Antlquarnl03Isaac L 100 0 JIaj 230 = Bcu 5J f 110 ft 12 103 3 7 G = i 3 = 3 GucrraJ 10 SusicPul 115Antiiuarnl01StsDraftl07 0 FA 930Hav 1J l59hy 6 114 4 7 7 7 DohcrtyF1 8 CutliuslilllBetsyJaynclOlKkCandylll 0 Jan25303llav IJ l54ft 5 112 4 7 7 7 SnidcrJI 8 RkCandyl05JoeAaamsl05TryAgain 110 0 JanlC30Hav 1V l32sy G 115 2 1 I1 1 DouertyF G Fasciste HOBetsyJayne 107BilIyDnll5 0 JanlO30niav l lf f l47ft ii 110 2 2 2 21 EdwardsC1 8 SturdyStella 105Cano lOSFrankman 105 0 1 ° iv Ifg 147 ft 5 111 8 8 811 8 J BarreraA S Wrackecn lllParnell lllBHIrDoran 116 C Starts 1st 1stLast nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 4 4Qucenston 2 3 3210 This year 7 1 1 1 925 Qucenston B g 5 by Chicle Queen Tii by Meddler Trainer J P Maybcrry Owner J Arthur 87 105 5 7 7 = 7 AdamsA 7 FrtcliLassl07L pinackl05LittIeGyp 100 0 SO 99 2 10 10UO AdamsA 10 Sunvlr 119 Gerard 112 Red Briar 107 O Ape 92DBow 1fg l4Sft 8 112 3 4 8 S LeylandJ 9 Iraq 110 Polvo 112 Intrepid 115 O jr 2329KyP IJ 159 gd 6 110 1 1 1 1 LeylandJ t 8 Fire Under 109 Prig 101 By Gosh 109 0 Manl929 KyP lfe 152 gd 3 109 1 1 l it LeylandJ G SlicpotHillslOOMuelitalOlJCavlylOl O lUclG29JKyP 2 l17sd 12 100 4 fi 4 i5 LeylandJ Ml KyColoncl lOJRndczvs 109Byway 111 C C2nd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7 2 10 1450 This year 2 Plain Dealer 1 fi Br 7 ty Golasn Maxim Rustic lass by Collar CollarLast Last work 154 34 l19ft Trainer J Corcoran Owner J Corcoran CorcoranSee See yesterdays third Fairmount chart chartaLV3130 aLV3130 Thf 1ft la ft 62 100 10 10 10 9 PhilllpsC 10 Cudgler 101 Torch 108 Prince CarollOl C Oct 429 Duf 1ft l53ft 41 108 7 MundenW 8 MieCaiylOOCotgcBoylOSMdleTle 101 C CEcjx2729Wdb Ecjx2729Wdb 1J l57gd 42 107 9 7 6 7 HornG 9 AmcnRall3WgMinstrcl 113Carlino 102 C CE E Tx24293Wdb 1ft l49ft 11 10411 4 G G i RomarioT 11 Mnsheet 103MyMnt 107BsyJyne 100 C eqxli29Thf 1J l5i ft 38 107 3 10 lOUO3 GwynneJ 10 AlitaAllcn 107Genial 115PnceCarol 112 C B pl229 Thf 1J 2OSft 12 109 4 3 53J G 2 SeaboG 9 MissMyriidlOSClceLeBuslOoTrojis 102 C Bep 729Thf ljl54t ft 11 10710 7 81 7 2 McGinlsP 12 FrGIrl 98PrccCarol 104AssrChlicl02 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last WonLast year 20 200 1400 This year 1 Grandma G GM QO B f 4 by Omond Viola Elliott by Rorron IO Trainer J McGraw Owner H Eenak M ylO30 Beu life 204 ft ftMa 195 102 7 4 G i Ge2 ToaminoL 10 Smacker 105GineSccond HOSnsct 101J C Ma S30Beu 1ft l31ft l31ftMay 4 104 10 5 I1 1 J ToaminoL 10 Jasoncttc 105Coqnina 1041eterPrimllOJ G May G307Beu 1J 158 ft ftMay 51 305 S G 7 Gl GoodricliE 8 Otto IGDStorm Maiden 97Camp Lady 91 C May 230sBeu 1 ° l49 ft ftApcCGSOBeu 10 1021 8 S 73i ToaminoL 8 Hula 105PatOConnor 105NkolsBoy ICC C ApcCGSOBeu 1 210 ft ftApr24307Beu 31 05 5 5 5s 5 a McDottT3 7 SansTcrrc 105Donnatina 103 Hula 102 C Apr24307Beu 1ft 130 ft ftApc2230JBeu 910 10 1031 3 2 I3 I3 SandozJ 8 Rebeckl09KnsgtnLadl07QnEinmal05 C Apc2230JBeu 1 l49 ft 51 99 8 7 G 31 McDottT McDottT2nd 9 Warbler 105Cross Word 110 Itebcck 110 C 2nd 3rd Won n Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 21 1 This year 18 Architect ArchitectLast 1 00 St by rchac Madame Curie by Radium Last work 133 12 55ft JVV Trainer H Ueusteter Owner H ITeustcter M lS30cStJ 1ft 151 ft 9 113 12 9 9s 10 DupuyM 12 RedKobc llOKnltougcllOSaStripesllS C MaclO30StJ lftl49 ft 51 113 10 7 Gel G l DupuyM4 12 Congoll 118111kFriar 113Bcaumt 113 C Kac 330MIa 1ft l4Sgd 41 114 8 4 4 432 BarncsE 11 MrWlkerl PebsInst 109Kockhkll4 C Fit2730 Mia 1J 153 ft 8 107 4 7 GJ 51 DupuyM1 12 Serajevoll2Sunspecl07 MayrWalker 112 C Fcbll306Mia 1J 152 ft 40 107 11 11 ll3 DupuyM4 11 Punishment 105Clmm 107MaryDalc 112 C Starts 1st 1stLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 27 4 This year 8