2nd Fairmount, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-05

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2nd FairmOimt Purse 800 2yearolds 3riidens Claiming Candy Mile Queen June 2i 1926 100 2 101 101NOTE NOTE Claiming price 1500 If for more 2 pounds extra for each additional 250 Weight 10G pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rec Rec4S2S33 4S2S33 0 Molly HoganFP 112 102 10247930s 47930s 1 Amour FP 107 102 482831 3 Lexington Girl FP 112 102 47071 2 Atlas FP 103 103 48335 7Toan G FP 104 102 VS VS47081s 47081s 11 Thistle Dee FP 11G l07m 4S335 8 Bill OrangeFP 101 103 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtIIan 47851 GSethlettc FP 108 103 100 C90 48288 10 Phil ReutcrFl 115 100 10GG90 48283 12 White Spot FP 112 104 103 COO 48288 13 Drastic CeltFP 115 103 10GG90 48205 llCharlotte IICD 11G 103 112 GOO 4 Shasta Wolf 100 5 Napa Ill I 1 The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record recordDate Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFIn Jockey PPSU Uest Company Class of Race RaceMolly Molly IlOgan 107 B a M by Westy Hogan Molly Reach by Out of Reach ReachLast Last work 151 38 38ft I Trainer B B Rice Owner B B Rice Rice2303FP 2303FP g 102 ft 1350 112 1 1 1i 2 CavcnsJ 9 ShastaBroomll5LerGirl 112Bilson 115 M 2730FP l02ft 11 9G 3 2 Z 2 CallalianC 12 Lauhala 104 Atlas 103 Nervator 109 0 JIaj2330FP l02V ft 41 103 3 4 2 2 DuboisD 8 ShastaLoverll5Lauhalal03Crooning 104 O Jfcjrl930 = FP 5 lOGhy 135 101J 2 3 3 1 5i GoodrlchE 10 Nervator 107Atlas 115ThistleDee 11G O Uajl230FP 45 C 56ft 8 112 2 3 42 43 PonccC 11 IJdayGiftlluAtlasllSPrcessPosidel U Aptl730HdG 4J I 5GV hy 13 110 10 7 Q IZ RobtsonA 15 JIissDindIel07PnccAplollGLeadcr 109 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 18 0 5 0 650 Amour AmourLast Last work 150 38 38il02 Trainer G R Bryson Owner P M Burch Ma2630ITP il02 ft ftgl02 G 107 2 2 2 2 SerioJ 8 Broad A 100 Joan G 104 Galenia 107 O Mv22303FP gl02 ft ftJ 270 103 2 2 21 GH ScrioJ 8 AnnClaylOOMtrHallisanlluBrdAlOSi O J f 54ft 54ftX 63 111 9 10 1212 MorrisL 15 Shield 112 Zebra 112 Prince Zeus 122 O Apc2230lHdG X f 51ft 51ftg 20 109114 14 llnS MorrisL 15 Abduction 11JMissCanopy lOOZebra 100 O FebL2430FG g 36gd 91 1141 S 8 8 7J MorrlsL 12 BEdMaryllSDnpourllSSnyFronkllS M FebLl430FG 3 37 ft fti 21 114 9 5 GJ2 5 J MorrlsL 12 PccZeusliGWillifordllGCMargaret 113 O A 5COFG i 35Hgd 35HgdStarts 20f 11JJ10 11 8 8 ° MorrlsL MorrlsL2nd 12 Zebra 112 Broad A 112 Brett 115 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 8010 Lexington Girl 1 07 B f 2 M by Bunting Pitti by Plaudit PlauditJV7 JV7 I Trainer J E Mclntirb Owner J E Mclntire MclntireJon Jon 2S03FP 102 ft 32 112 7 4 3JX 3 = J GevingL 9 SliastaBrmll5MollyIIoganll2Bilsonll5 It JtijrlG30 = FP 4J f 51ft 81 101 5 5 5 5 = RoseM8 9 Sun B lOSXightFlash 112Nervator 111 0 0ApE23 ApE23 30 = Lex 4J f 54ft 76 109 9 6 5 8 DcPmaR 12 TanFacellSSlsterMarylOOArrowlikelOO O Aprl830sLex J 4DVift 80 1Q9 7 7 7s 7T1 DePrmaR 11 BE3Iaryll2BIoodltclll09lIaryCobb 112 A ll c2301JP 3J f 43 gd 13 109 10 8 912 MeycrC 12 T l ttdPcel21PpIeLadyll2Kervatorll2 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 5 0 0 1 i iAtlas Atlas 111 Bt c 2 M by BPanish P nce II Barstola by Sir Barton BartonLast Last work 137 12 51 sl JJLJL Trainer T Seremba Owner F Seremba SerembaJkj27303FP Jkj27303FP g l02ft 7 103 5 5 4s 331 GcvingL 12 Lauhala 1043IollyIIogan OGNervatorlOO O JU22303FP g 102 ft 2110 113 3 6 852 8to CimeraUG1 8 AnnClaylOOBItrHalliganllSBrdAlOSi O Mvl930FP 5 lOGhy2110 115 9 7 G3i 2J CiraerakG 10 Xervatorl07ThistleDeellGSethlette 109 O W 1230 = FP 4J f 5Gft 9 115 1 2 2ofc 2i JudyJ3 11 BdtyGiftll5PrPerosidell2MyHo nll2 M Aprl430HdG 4J 5tft J3 118 14 11 10 9 SteffcnE 14 Up 118 Pennate 118 JimmyJingle 118 M MacMSOUP 3J t 41V m 21 118 3 1 V 3 LcylandJ 12 TcaGreen 114LlttlePanll01Crooninglll O M Mc c 530 JP 3J t 41ft 45 110 G 8 G3 4 KnlghtM 8 DMorrisllOMHalliganllORCharm 112 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts ls 2nd Srd Won This year 7 Joan G Trainer R Scovillo Owner F Scoville ScovilleJun Jun 330JFP g l01ft 9 1031 3 5 4 = i 5 CimerakG 11 AnnClay lllNightFlash lOOBroadA 103 O M j2630JFP g 102 ft 43 104 3 5 4i 31 CimcraUG 8 Broad A 100 Amour 107 Galenia 107 O Maj22305FP i 102 ft 270 100 4 8 G 710 PcggC 8 AnnCIaylOOMtrHalliganllSBrdAlOSi O OI Jt j13 FP 45 f 5G ft 93 106 7 7 7 712 SwlgertT 11 Sun B 102 Nervator 108 Galenia 105 O Feb2530Mia 1 33ft 30 112 4 Gilll BarnesE 12 Servitudell5LyIIogaul09BettyBet 107 A FdUS30Mla 1 26liy GO 110 7 8 ° 10 LennleW8 10 AllCoIumbiaU4Servitudell5Unknnll4 Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won WonThis This year 7 0 0 1 5 5Thistle Thistle Dee 1 1 A B c 2 by GoWen Guinea Lucinda by Martinet MartinetLast Last work 155 12 53ft JJTb Trainer H B Hart Owner G Collins CollinsHajl930FP Hajl930FP lOGhy 4i 116 5 G 5 3J SharpeF1 10 Xervator 107 Atlas 115 Sethlette 109 0 MytfSO FP 4J f 5Gft 58 115 10 11 11 11 TliomasH 11 BdayGiftll5Atlasll5PrcessPoxidell2 M Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 00 1 50 50Bill Bill Orange 1 Ofi Ch ° c 2 by Peter ° uince Fair Be Dy Becamerone BecameroneLast Last work 152 12 51ft JVU Trainer J 0 Whitlow Owner C Clay ClayJan Jan 330 = FP i It01ft 52 104 4 2 31 8s MeyorsME 11 AnnClay lllNightFlasli lOOBroadA 108 O M y2330FP g l02if t 20 112 4 5 710 7 PonceC1 8 SliastaLverlloMyHoganlOSLauha 108 O OSlaj5030FP Slaj5030FP 4J f 53 hy G5 HOi G 8 S 7 PonceC 9 PcsPcrdel05LaXegyll2MsXoah 109 A Starts 1st 2nd Srd Wonv Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 3Sethlette Sethlette 100 Ch ff 2 M by Seth Minnolettc Dy Mindora MindoraLast Last work 151 38 3Gft UU Trainer E E Major Owner E E Major J30FP j l02i ft 115 103 2 2 3 5s RoseM5 8 SliastaLverllSMyHoganlOSLauha 103 O OJfarWSO JfarWSO FP g lOG hy 3G 109 4 1 1 J 4J GarrityP4 10 Xervator lOTAtlas 115ThistIeDee 11G O Jlarl330FP 4 f 5GV ft IGf 105 5 S 8 = 9 RoseM8 11 Sun B 102 Nervator 103 Galonia 105 O Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won This year 3 3Phil Phil Renter MorUJLUO 1 Ofi Ch B Z M by Pataud Iona Mahon by Trompe la MorU JLUO Trainer W Z Martin Owner Simmons Stock Farm Stable StableTB TB 230FP i 102 ft 33 115 2 3 G S ° JudyJ1 0 ShstaBmll5MollyIIanll2LerGirl 112 M Mj230FP j230FP 4J f 5Gft 23f 115 3 5 7J2 7 2 FowlerT 11 BdayGJftll5Atlasll5PrccssPoxidell2 M Apt2G301Tul 0 IOG si 2o 110 9 GrassIaC 10 EscobitillOLuckyProsperoll2loYo 109 A AMat Mat 430FG 8 3Gf t G 115 4 1 4 2 5J AnaersonA 11 RightNowll5MsCanopyll2ChehaIis 115 O FebLl230FG 3 35 ft 209 114 4 3 3 3i LandoltC0 12 ZebrallSSpwHawk llGReverberate 117 O Jim2030FG 3 37sl 3if 118 10 11 UlllI FinnrtyR5 12 PrceApollollSTeaGrnllSPceJmyUS M Starts 1st 2n3 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 7 0 0 1 75 75White White Spot 103 Blk f 2 M by Flyine Ebony zljony by Sajn SajnLast Last work 151 38 38ft JVO Trainer W Mitchell Owner J H Edwards Jun 2303FP 102 ft 10 112 98 8 7l HanfordB 9 ShstaBmll5MollyIIanll2LexGirl 112 H MajriD30 = FP lOG hy 21 100 1 5 7 ° i 8 MeycrsME 10 Nervator 107Atlas llSThistleDce 11G O Majrl230FP 4J f 5Gft 23f 112 11 8 8 i 5 ° J CimeraUG1 11 BdayGiftll5Atlasll5PrcessPoxidcll2 M MaE2G30St J 5 51 ft 30 105 9 8 8 7JS RoseM 11 Bep John 103 Getgoin 114 Bea 113 O Ifcu lSOSt J 5 50 ft 50 103 4 5 7 S S7i RoseM4 12 Justa Queen 113 Dea 111 Betty Bet 109 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 5 5Drastic Drastic Celt 1 Ofi Ch c 2 M by Drastic Gertrude B by Glencairn GlencairnJLUU JLUU Trainer J C Cahn Owner M E Casey Casey230FP 230FP g 102 ft 127 115 86 51 5 ArnoldG1 9 ShstaBmll5MollyIIanll2LesGirl 112 It g l02ft 49f 104 10 11 lis ll SchuttcH 12 LauLala 104 Molly Hogan 9G Atlas 108 O OStarts Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won This year 2 2Charlotte Charlotte II 119 KhayyamLX Ch f 2 M by CamPfire Hurry Home by Omar Khayyam LX j Trainer J R Carlock Owner H W Miller MillerJfajSlSOCD JfajSlSOCD 5ifl07 ft 50 112 7 7 7 i 6 LandG 7 JysEnd 112JIaryCobb 112RestEasy103 O 3 gl01gd 100 116 8 9 S S i SmithJo 12 OutburstllGRestEasy HGResalLadyllG M JLijrlSGOCD 45 f 55 m 2Gf 11G S 7 7 i 7 HardyL 12 HissChillallGOtbrstllGHhTmpr 110 M Starts 1st 2nd Srd XVon Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won This year 3 3Shasta Shasta Wolf 1 G Br c 2 M by Harmonique Margaret Ellen by Mart MartLast Last work 154 58105ft UU Santa SantaTrainer Trainer H W Hoag Owner Brown Shasta Stock Fm Estato Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won I Xapa 111 Ch f 2 M ty Keclusc Bonnie Valeat by Valeat ValeatI I L X J Trainer A J Pcrshall Owner Blue Star Stable StableStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060501/drf1930060501_7_2
Local Identifier: drf1930060501_7_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800