3rd Belmont, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-05

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3rd Belmont Pennant Pnrse Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Al 1 Mile lowances Jack High May 24 1930 135 4 110 Ind Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan 48137 KAI FKNGBcl 97 l3Sm 3 112 725 725478C2 478C2 Sun Mission Bel 102 130 4 107 715 48132 = Sepoy Bel 108 l3S4 7107X710 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan4827G 4827G Chicatic Bel 108 13 4 110 705 70548080s 48080s Kildare Bel 115 138 4112X700 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WLSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Kai Feng I I O Ch c 3 by KaiSang Dauntless by Pennant PennantLast Last work 155 12 48ft Trainer J Lowe Owner Rancocas Stable Stable3Iaj3020cBel 3Iaj3020cBel 1 l28hy 32 121 4 4 2t lh FatorL G Voltcar 11G Chatford 120 Chianti 11G H H3lv2430Bel 3lv2430Bel 2 llV f t 21 1081 8 8 53 4i FatorL 9 IyCapulet lllJustii llGAldcrshot 107i A AMiyl930Bcl Miyl930Bcl 1 13S m 10 97 5 3 3 2 HendrickF C BlkMajtyl07SwpOut HOIronsidesllO H jblC30Bel 1 142 m 4 110 3 2 3 SfJStcffenE1 4 BudBrooml21quterDckll2Sprhd 100 H Aug 729Sar 5J f 106 ft 20 117 5 10 10SlOl FatorL 13 GEcEggll5MrSpongell7DsrtLlghtll7 A Anj l295Sar 2 lll ft 15 112 777 7 FatorL 9 Whiclionell2DcstLightll2StarLsicl09 A JuL29295Sar 5i f 106 ft 13e 113 13 13 1212 FatorL 13 GallantFox 112 Caruso 125 HiJack 112 S jPlaced second through disqualification disqualificationStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 61 0 0 700 This year 4120 2190 Sun Mission MissionLast B c 4 by Sun Briar Missinaibi by Rochester Last work 154 58 Trainer H Jacobs Owner Dr I Jacobs Maj2430 Bel 1 137 ft 15 113 5 3 2 lnk FisherlU 3 SBewithasllSGeninostllSStHcnell 113 0 MajlSSOBel ll37m 41 109 3 7 G G15 BethelJ1 9 Perkins 109 Montferrat HOStorm 109 O Majl330Jam 110 144 ft 95 100 4 2 2 Z BcthelJ1 C Boom 110 Clean Play 120 AVu 111 H May 730 Jam 2 l12Jft 20 121 7 7 G 71 KelsayW 7 BronWizdll8RockDunl01InnScout 118 S Maj 3305Jam 2 l13ft 13 104 7 G 7 1 53 Bethel1 10 Cleanllay 112 Holiday lllBcstMan 112 O May 130 = Jam 21 = 12ft 20 120 G G G10 6 QbaumC4 C Starpatic 117Tuskegce 123Conclave 109 A AStarts Starts 1st 1stLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 This year 7 1 1 0 900 h 7 by Wrack Nadjy by Friar Rock 3laj3030 Bel IjV l49hy 85 113 2 4 4S 2 FatorL3 FatorL3Jttf2030JBel 6 FlyingMar 113FairBall 119Banrte IOC A Jttf2030JBel 1fg 148 m 115 112 2 3 Z 21 FatorL3 FatorL3Maj 4 Glossinll2QterDeckl02DestinyBayl02J A Maj G303Jam ljl53ft 4 118 1 2 21 2 FatorL FatorL5cixl4 5 SunFonvdllSBillieLnd 113DimRayll2 O 5cixl4 5cixl429eBel 29eBel 1 l37ft 31 108 7 6 6 51 FieldsG FieldsGAUB 10 BewitlmslOSSinCdado 103 UpsctLadl04 O AUB 229Sar 11 162 ft 3 106 1 4 4 4 RoseG 4 Arcturusl04Chicatiell2FairyMaiden 112 O Jul2729 Emp I1 l45ft 15 119 1 3 31 3i Burked BurkeJH 3 Healy 11G Valkyr 111 I Il JuUO29 Emp l l ft 8 100 1 5 4 J 4 Leisch LeischnR G PrcsTina lOSIronsides HSValykyr 108 H JuL 529Emp 1J 205ft 5 96 2 3 33 43 RoseG 5 SunEdwin llSRccrcation 104Sunfire 111 S Jul 229Aqu 1ft l46ft 1S5 103 1 5 2 2 RoseG 5 SunEdnl2GPrclaCtcrll2 Valorous 114 H Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 042 1450 This year 3 0 3 0 GOO Cliicatie CliicatieLast mB c 4 by Chicle Tahiti by Whisk Broom n Last work 155 12 3W7iil Trainsr A B Gordon Owner Fair Stable Jun 230 Bcl 1 l37ft l37ftOctlO29 31 122 Left at postRobtsnA8 9 Moinc 107CleanPlay llSStormyDn 124 H OctlO29 Jam 1ft 146 ft 115 114 7 4 631 6 WallsP 9 Annapolis lOGCliatovcr 103LovGear 111 S Ee7l529 Aqu 1ft 146 ft 13 108 4 4 3J in MaibenJ 4 LowGcar lOGPrisciliaCarter lOlDail 99 S Scnl2294Bel 1 l36 ft 12 103 8 5 43 2n MaibenJ 10 SofHonor 10GCIsfkeryllOHighStrfgl22 8 Ep 22D Bel 1 l37ft 6 111 4 S 3 1 21 FieldyG 4 lollan lllLowGcar 112BeauWrack 114 A AII An82729 Sar 1138 ft II 111 4 3 3J 33J FatorL 4 BeanWrkllGDbIePayl2GAgaCaltel02 H Hd Starts 1st 1stLast d 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Wont Last year 21 4 4Kildare t 5 7940 This year 1 Kildare Br gr 4 by Star Master Hibernia in by Irish Lad Mv2930 Bel l l53liy 5 112 1 1 11 21 MalleyT 5 SnnForward 109Host llGFlaming 1100 1100MajigSO MajigSO el 1 138 m 12 99 G 5 G G McKecheA2 G BlkMajestyl07KaiFeng 97SwpOut lib H HJIij JIij S30JJam I l44ft 95 115 3 4 43J 41 KsingcrC1 G Son oBattlel24Houssainll2ImlAir 114 H HApcSOSOJam ApcSOSOJam 1 l44ft 5 105 1 1 1J 21 KtsingerC1 7 Flag Day 115 Frumper 107 Panuco 117 S SApr23303Jam Apr23303Jam 1 l45f t 20 115 6 7 79 7 KtsingerC 7 SandvFordllCDesertLightl2GFrisiusl23 H HNot Not 229cUH ll39m 2 125 5 2 2 1 1 ° CollinsA 11 Chatfdl22SunMisnll8Flag ofFashn17 A AOct2329sEmp Oct2329sEmp l l44sl 1310 1041 2 2 1 lo KsingerC 4 5 TurfWriterl07Oknybeol07LowGcarll5 H HStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 21 562 5865 This year 5 0 2 0 5 7i

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060501/drf1930060501_19_2
Local Identifier: drf1930060501_19_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800