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4th FairmOimt prsc SOO Sycnroias and upward Claiming Helens 1116 Miles Ba ° Jllllc 1Gj 1928 311 5 M1 M1XOTK XOTK Clainung1 price 1COO if for less 3 pounds allowed for each 200 to 1200 3ye rolls and upward which have not Avon two races since 3Iay S 3yearolds 108 pounds older 118 pounds Tonwinners since 3Iay 9 allowed 3 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rcc Rcc4S15S1 AWtHin 4S15S1 S Ed Kccsc liar 107 1MC1J 1MC1J4S155 4 113X725 4S155 3Finland Bbg 101 140 48303 4Frank Fullen Haw 107 140 1404S43C 4S43C 2 Fasciste FP 118 149 Wt Rec AWtnan lKing at Arms FP 105 148 1 103X705 7 Delmonico Hav 103 14C 3 102 700 5 Panivana 3 103 093 C Lincoln Plant Aur 101 145 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey iPSts Best Company Class of Race El ItCCSe I 1 Q B S by Bunting Julicannc by Ormondale OrmondaleLast Last work ICO 34 l18ft JLJLO Trainer W Mitchell Owner J H Edwards EdwardsMij3030tFP Mij3030tFP ljffl47ft Ci 113 8 1 I1 I3 HanfordB 8 SwceiXetll3SiltitationllOnigliLifell3 0 3fojr2JSOFP lfe l171 ft 17 110 7 4 4J 5JJ PcggC S IJdIIillsll3StMandylOCiErntioriie113 C Cjr jr j2030FP 1 l53hy 10 IDS 7 4 48i 4 ° PeggC8 S FascistcllSICg atArnislOSIldCovr 110 O OMaylO307FP MaylO307FP l lff ff l4Sft SJ 112 6 7 7 7 = 3 GoodrichE1 8 HeadCoverll2TleSprayl03EtIielGerl07 C jl230FP 1J 150 ft 4710 110 7 4 2 S JIcyersME 7 Leninos 115 TrueHoy 110 TryAgain 107 O Oie2330StJ ie2330StJ 1J 210ft 15 113 4 C 7 7si BouclierJ 10 Spurrier HORockliawk 113FircOn 113 O Mae2230IStJ IjV l51sy 5J 109 11 10 4 1J PasseroJ 11 Paternal IOC Dowager 113 Laurie 111 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 19 623 4638 4638Finland Finland 1 1 Q Br E 8 by Tho Finn Komania by FeeP o1 Day DayLast Last work 159 lml459 ft LLO Trainer J Keller Owner J Keller Mv2030FP I7 l41ft 7 103 1 4 43 5ci PeggC1 8 Baritone 115Braggadocio 113Boarcry 97 0 3Iaj27306FP 17 144 ft 4J 112 2 S S32 5 i JudyJ 9 LkPiecel07SdyLadyl03LuckPicce 115 C Majr2230sFP l47ft 125 113 113 3H MeyersME 9 ThistleAriousllSUulalOSSandyLady 113 O M jl4307FP l47ft S5 107 3 1 1s 1 MyersME3 7 SgeSt kllOTryAgainl07Lasquenet 112 C JJaj10303FP l50ft 7 114 5 1 1i 2J HanfordB1 8 ThtleArioHslllForecastcrll4Masra 101 O Kae2S303JP 155 m 215 106 11 11 llll 3 SwigertT1 12 SperFelixlllGst ofIIorlOSColSetlill4 0 0irts Starts irts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 26 6 1 1 4 5 1550 This year 15 2 1 5 5 1825 Frank Flllleil 110 E h 5 by lucky Hour Rainbow Division by Stalwart StalwartLast Last work 1G1 12 49ft L L U Trainer C Graffagnini Owner C Graffagnini C30 FP l l45ft 75 112 7 7 7 1031 KernW 11 Billy DoranllGSwtMdyl05YourPlaylOS 0 0Jua Jua 3307FP 1ft l47ft 12 118 G 5 G Sl KernW1 S LcolnPIautllSKatArms 105Yargce 113 O OJLij3030 JLij3030 FP 1 l4ift 24 113 5 S S5 S = 7 KernW S Baritone 113Braggadocio 115Bearcry 97 C CMaj2G306FP Maj2G306FP l ° l44ft Glf 112 12 10 10J 93 CallahanC 12 MaryDalol07JackCrain HOPenarc 115 O OMaj2230FP Maj2230FP I70 l45ft 3t 114 7 7 7 ° i S16 DuboisD1 S MoroccollSItoylYman 10315alroma 109 O OSfclGCOFP SfclGCOFP I70 146 ft 10 115 1 6 7i 7I MartinL 7 Highway 103 Bozo 113 J A Weil 110 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last WonLast year 19 4 44 55250 This year 15 102 1025 1025FaSCJSte FaSCJSte 111 Ch g 7 by ta FariDa rioretta by Florizel II IITicf Ticf nrt lan 19 saUf i J L LTC TC Trainer W Huchcs Owner J J Conway Tun 5S07FP 1fg 148 ft 9J 113 7 S C i 6 PcggC5 8 AspinLakellOUnclcParkslOSEmpttel03 0 Iaj21307FP 1 l47Jsft 33 118 1 8 7SJ 6s FowlerG 8 BdllillsllSStMandylOCJBuntborne 113 O M j20305FP 1 l53hy 14 113 2 3 3si I3 FowlerG1 S Kg atArinslOSIldCoverllGEdnccse 108 O Majl930FP 21lliy 7S 11510 8 C7 43i FowlerG2 10 Brmoney HOCuevas HOGaineswood 115 O Apr21307HdG 1J l3CiSft 6 107 7 8 911 S DrakeV 10 Era 107 Cudgeller 110 Realtor 110 O Arr1930HdG lfs l51 ihy 45 103 4 3 43 4J DrakeV 7 PklyIItll2BisliBobl05RuiiRge 105 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W n Last year 43 10 10King This year 25 King at Arms I A JT Ch c 4 by Fair Play Rock Merry by Eock Sand JL U O Trainer F W Forstinir Owner R C Stable C30FP 17 l ft 13 103J 4 3 o7 51 EelyskiA 11 BillyDoranllGSvtirdj105YourPlaylOS O 3307FP IjV l47ft 175 103 1 1 2h 23 BclyskiA S LcolnllautllSYargcell3Lansquenetll2 0 9C03FP 2 I13y5ft 195 117 4 6 3 = J 37 OBrienR1 10 WrnIcessl07tMortanall2RobaSeth 107 O May23307FP 1ft l49ft 95 105 4 2 2J 23 BclyskiA2 8 EthelGgerl03RnaSethl05SwpNetllO C Ma OSO FP 1ft l53hy 143 103 3 2 21 2s BelyskiA7 S Fasciste 113IIeadCovcr llGEdRecse 108 O UajlO30FP 3 l15ft 75 112 6 4 31 3 = BelyskiA 12 TheMoonl01CirragLadyl07MatHterll2 O I 1330CFP 2 l14ft 11 112 8 4 4 37 OBrienR 12 ShaLadll2JkCrainl07FortteMann 107 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Last 3rdLast year 81205 5 1125 This year 9 0 3 4 V 500 500p Delmonico 102 102Jun p B g 3 by In Memoriam Leto by Uncle J Trainer S Buckland Owner Drillon Buckland Jun 730sFP 1J155 ft 18 103 1 1 Si 53 DayW3 9 Mascara 101 Chiz 98 True Boy 110 O Jun 4304FP 17 lttft 103 4 S S = GoodrhEi S Jack Crain 10S Bozo 113 Selection 107 O JIajlO305Tul I70 l53 sy CJ 102 2 GordonI 7 Caravanll4VolelllSinilingPrincess 110 U Ma 130Tul 1ff 157 si 910 103 J DyerP 8 Vole 109 Shasta Rock 107 Jim Bell 97 O ilan2306Hav I l44 ft 3J 102 5 2 I 1 GdrichEi 11 Alma Vita 92OnTrial 107LuekyMan 105 0 Mac C306IIav 1ft l4Gft 2J 103 311 lnt KoseM 10 Hula 109LadyAlnmeurl08FrCatch 102 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 5 300 This year 16 2 4 3 2310 Panivana PanivanaLast Br f 3 by Pagan Pan Ava R by Ivan the Terrible Last work 138 In J Trainer J L Wilson Owner J 1 Wilson 230 = FP 2 113 113Mv2730 l137sft SJ 110 4 5 G 61 KootT1 S SleepyBoy 112 Toltcc 110 TheMoon 110 0 Mv2730 51 2730 = FP 2 115 115Jby2430FP l15ft 5 109 9 6 3 li RootT10 12 George VanSlllPlezalllOoCtainCall 108 O Jby2430FP 2 113 113Jbj2030FP ft 12 lOSi 9 9 G 3 RootT6 10 TlieMoonl07BettyDeanl09TheImaL 103 O Jbj2030FP 2 119 119Mayl230FP l19hy 4J 110 8 2 33i 3i RootT 11 CiigLadylllTtleMartyl03KhGoId 110 G Mayl230FP 2 114 l14ft ISf 110 1 5 G ° G = RootT0 11 Nelson HSFigLeaf lOSThtleMarty 105 O Aog S29 Bbe 2 113 ft 6 102 6 6 4J 4 MyersME J 9 CurtnCl 102tTsDAmrlOSLargoLitl09 O Ans 129Bbs 5i f 107 ft 175 102J 1 7 CJ G KenlyH 8 BethlloganlOGPphyrylOGLEmblem 108 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won cn tt 1st o 2nd 3rd i Won Last year 19 1 This year 5 1 0 2 7i Lincoln Plant PlantLast J j O Ch g 6 by Flittergold Brynhild by The Curragh Last work 153 38 37f t L JL O Trainer H S Hart Owner G Collins Jun 730FP 1 l43ft 5 115 8 8 7 7 = SharpeF2 S Jem 118 MaryDale 105 Classy 112 O OJun Jun 3307FP l 1Ar r l47ft 83 118 7 3 1 I3 SharpeF S KatArmsl03Yargee HSLansauenet 112 O OJIaSO30FP JIaSO30FP ll41V ft G5 107 4 3 53 G7i HanfordB 8 Baritone 113Braggadocio IlSBcarcry 97 C CJby2730 Jby2730 FP I70 l44ft 5i 115 9 9 732 3 ThomasH8 9 LkPiecel07SdyLadyl05TheSwOff 110 O OJIaylGSOFP JIaylGSOFP I70 146 ft 225 IIS 2 o 413 4 J ThomasH1 7 Highway 103 Bozo 113 J A Weil 110 O OMajMSOFP MajMSOFP 1fe l473ft 310 114 3 6 C2 C7 ThomasH4 7 JlasterStar lOSMyScoop 103CaIome 08J 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won e oi I ast year 17 This year 20