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LONG BRANCH ENTRIES Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p in inFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordDick Dick Whittington Sept 5 1927 113 5 IOC IOCInd Ind PP Horse Wt Ree AWtIlan 48625 1 Pin Wheel LB 103 115 4 104 725 4S1232 7 Federal Reserve LB 10S 115 3 107 720 7204S057 4S057 10 Xoirette 4 107 715 48577 11 Support 5 115 710 48107 14 Kn Route Mia 109 113 3 98 705 48295 5 Star M JP 113 115 3 95 700 700478G3 478G3 2 Salta Pom 111 115 7 100x695 48517 3 Fire Girl Wdb 107 116 3 90 695 39929 8 Galopin Diamond CP 110 115 5 101 695 48512 9 Alice Hers M LB 104 118 4 101 695 48577 4 Coolebar M 5 101 690 48428 G Magdalcna AC 115 11414 4 103X690 47818 12 Grimrock M Wdb 112 116 4 101 690 48629 13Teeare MLB 104 115 3 99 690 6904G521 4G521 15 Evanston M 3 101 690 690Second Second Race 34 Mile Purse 1000 3yearolds ClaimingTrack and upward Claiming Track record recordDick Dick Whittington Sept 5 1927 113 5 100 1004S57S 4S57S 7Colonel SethLP 113 113 C 1040725 48512 S Billy Bozo LB 100 110 4 10G720 4S512 5 Sergeant Major Wdb 102 113 5103x715 48423 10 Benda M LB 101 114 3102X710 48407 1C Cape Fear LB 111 11 410G705 410G7054S4GC3 4S4GC3 1 Two Bills Hav 100 112 4100X700 4100X70048C30 48C30 2 Sunmeta CP 1O1 115 4 100 693 6934S512 4S512 3 Anne Uoleyn M HdG 111 115 3 102 605 4S423 4 Cliftons Lass Hav 100 114 11442S09 3 102 095 42S09 G OTrigger Dev 101 117 7 101 090 j 48424 9 Iteigh Shot Thf 112 113 C 101 G90 483123 llWandering Gold GoldM M Bow 10S 110 0 48407 12 Jim Dick M CP 101 110 5 101 C90 45512 13Surface HdG 102 117 4 101 090 45513 14Fine Lady Ham 100 115 4 100 690 4SG91 15 Bowie MHaw 112 110 110Third 4 106 690 Third Race 34 Mile Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Dick Whittington Sept 5 1927 113 1134S10S2 4S10S2 2 Gerard HdG 113 113 5 4SG29 S Elizabeth Bolla Haw 102 112 11248469s 48469s 1 Brother Rank Thf 102 113 1134S5S25 3 103 713 4S5S25 3Tittle Gyp Haw 97 112 4 102X710 48310 CEaer Play Lat 110 114 4 110X703 43613 7 Omarccn CP 111 114 4 114X700 4S4G9 5 Shan Tuns Lrl ll4 113 3 102 693 4 Meadow Tex 3 101 Fourth Race 78 Mile MileDon Don Purse PursePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds Maidens and Winners of One Race Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Cross Word Aug 22 1929 127 3 102 10248469s 48469s 2 Blimp LB 109 129 113 725 7254SG28 4SG28 1 Bag SmaslierThf 1111128 115 720 7204S691 4S691 10 Talky Thf 100 128 112715 11271548628s 48628s 3 Berber M Bow 112 129 105 710 48469 12 Dark Abbot M LB 101 130 102 703 47703s 70347703s 13 Cockey Captain 31 102 700 7004S161 4S161 4 Perfect Play M 103 093 4SC28 7 Dark Ayr M Thf 113 127 105 695 4S517 6954S517 9 Lcadgold Thf 100 130 115X095 48312s 5 Venarock 31 Thf 97123 100 690 47079 C Air Port M 103X690 4S042 8 Chimeras John JohnM M Thf 98133 95 690 48169 11 Aziz MBow 100 l2Sh 100X690 W L Brodla entry Dark Ayr Dark Abbot AbbotFifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles MilesShriners Shriners Handicap Purse 2300 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record King Basil Sept 3 1927 1 43 3 107 1074S3SO 4S3SO 3 Black Diamond ThM01 145 4 1117r 1117r4S5S03 4S5S03 1 Sir Harry Was 111 144 G 115 7 48168 4 Light View Lrl 113 146 7 103X715 103X7154S46SS 4S46SS S Wcllet FG 105i45h 5 100 710 7104S344 4S344 2 French lass Wdb 113 138 4102X705 4102X705j4S628 j4S628 7 Scared o Xothin 3 101X700 48582s C Nick CullopHam 90 141 5 99XC95 99XC954S1GS 4S1GS 3 Snelboc IldG 107 140 4 100XC90 100XC90Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Foaled in inCanada Canada Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordQueen Queen Towton Sept 7 1927 143 5 103 4S62G 3MAD MDLLAII LB 103 149 Oil Oil48626s 48626s 1 randoms 3 104 715 4S3793 7154S3793 10 Granite Rock 3109X7104S62G LB 1021140 3109X710 4S62G SPlaguer CP 115 145 0 101i705 486205 CWilhelmina Thf 107 147 5 102 700 4SC2C 4 Natures Darling Aur IOC 149 C 104X693 48579 3 Varsity LB 10S 151 3 103 693 4S020 6934S020 2 Sweetest SOUR Ham 104 140 3 104 690 6904SC2G 4SC2G 7 Twenty One OneShillings Shillings M 3 OS 690 6904SGSS 4SGSS 9 number Side 4106X690 4106X690Seventh Seventh Race 1 18 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Opperman Sept 5 1928 134 9 113 11348581s 48581s 3AHoy Aur 103 134 8104X723 48581 13 HeferendiimWdb 115 155 5109X720 5109X7204S429 4S429 5 Mainshect Hav 107 153 4 107X715 107X7154S3S1 4S3S1 1 Prairie Girl Dor 102 l36s 4 105X710 48517 14 West Wind FG 111 133 5 107X705 107X7054S5S1 4S5S1 13 Keydet AP 109 152 0107X700 0107X70048518s 48518s 2 Corposant Lrl 118 153 7 107X093 4S470 4Jolm W Weber Ken 101 135 C 103X693 103X69348630s 48630s S Daric Bow 111 158 510769 5107694S3473 4S3473 11 Signola Bbg 114 133 C 103X093 48381 C Lady Viola Hav 103 134 4 103X69Q 4S625 7 Dance M w4103C30 w4103C304S220 4S220 9Promandale 4 102 690 48514 10Plucky Pal 1 v 5 105X690 48030 12Fair Girl AC 97 153S 4 100X090 48381 ICMaxie Mia 11C 154 9104X690