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2nd Aqueduct prsc 1500 4yearoIds and upward Steeplechase Claim Ab 2 Miles ln Gasper July 5 1921 1023 130 130JTOTE JTOTE Claiming price 1000 if for less 1 pound allowed for each 100 to 2500 Xonwinners of three races in 1930 4ycarolds 150 pounds Sytarolds 157 nounds older 160 pounds Ind Horse Horse437G11 AWtHan 437G11 Autumn Bells 10 142X725 47GSSlStoney Lonesome 48599 Thomas Paine Rollicking Princess M The past performances ot the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record recordDate Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey tPSts Host Company Class of Race RaceAntUDin AntUDin BdlS 1 A O Br h lo br BallotAutumn II by St Frusquin Frusquin14fc 14fc Trainer J Healy Owner G Brooko III IIIXbt Xbt G29pim 2 359yft 1310 149 8 3 3 = i 3 BwkGMr S Author 147 Lizard 140 Saratof 133 0 0Oc Oc 2129 = Lrl a2i00ft 75 15010 2 2 BstkGMr Author 133 BriRUcU ISSOnonsSw rdl3C O OOetll29 Oetll29 = Lrl a 2 401 ft 710 13S 3 5 3 S = J SmootC 7 Itooney 13 Skedaddle 13G Darco 131 0 0Oct Oct 79Lrl a 2 4 ft 1910 131 4 1 1s I10 SmootC G Kooney 131 Barleycorn 131 NoonJoy 130 C Csi si siAqu Aqu a245 f 1110 Si 4 1 1 L LamberU C BdKnlght I37Skedaddle 142Nomad 142 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd on onLast Last year 6212 3100 BcrrillStoiiey T Lonesome t o f B m 5 by Huon Stone Chase by Bcrrill Stoiiey 130 Twiner J Hcaly Owner F A Clark Clarkjri jri 00 = Bel a2350m 4 133 3 3 3U 3 BwUMrGH5 8 XasIIall 138loldKnit 140Zcrmatt 132 0 Jl jlO30 Pim 2J 416 ft 3310e 130 1 5 4 5 WorrcllJ 9 Malvoisinel42WofUonorl40SIoholi 140 H JLV G30Plm 2 355ft 4110 133 Gil1 PuupWrelU 14 PtlirCrcekl43IIoeCakcl47GdcnGse 140 O KoTll29Pim 2 355 ft 7 133 4 2 2s 2I WorrellJ 8 Wayfalrll5OrionsSwordl39NoonJOyl37 0 Nor G29Pim 2 359 ft 7 131 5 Fell WorrellJ 1 8 Author 147Lizard 14GAntumnItclIs 149 C Koi 229UII a 2 351 m 40 133 2 2 3SS 4 WorrellJ 4 8 Valorous 135 Itooney 143Dcvil Kin 157 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7 1 2 05 1300 This year 3 fl 0 1 5 100 Thomas Paine PaineJun 1 I O Ch E 7 by Danger Bock Cattish by Melton jQ jQt t Trainer H Jacobs Owner B G Guth Jun 930Bel a 2 353 m mJan 10 139 2 5 4 45 HuntW 7 Infantl30ThcAccII13CD conaeVcrtul42 C Jan 430Bcl a 2 350ft 350ftJi 20 139 1 8 5 4 HuntW 11 KoadAgentl3GBoldKnightl40Infant 130 C Ji 23305Bel a 2J 45Gft 45GftJul 5 157 G 5 33 3 DisMrJVP 8 Clerdalel57UkofCliellG5Soyman 15C A Jul 427 = Atiu a2J4D9 ft ftJun 8 132 4 7 7 7 7o o SmootG7 7 ErncII 157AutmnBoIIs 140Lizard 135 S Jun 927Bel a 2i 449ft 449ftJun 4 133 5 2 3i 2 = SmootG3 S Xomad ISOThorndale 140Grcnhorn 138 S Jun 427 = Bel a 2340 ft 5 133 4 7 5 i a13 MaloneyW8 0 JlyUogcr IGOLizard 153AumnBelIs 149 S 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 0 01 5 200 Rollicking Princess PrincessLast 1 OO Ch f 4 M by Koyal Canopy Cross Dales by Ormondale Last work 143 1m l47ft JOO Trainer Wm Garth Owner S Ross Waj G30 = Pim 2 333ft 17 130 9 Fell WilHmsIl 14 FIarCrcckl45HoeCakel47GdenGsc 140 C Jo 529Pim 24004igd 1C 133 I L rider PsmoroW 5 C Snifter 140 Flavins 131 Raspberry 133 A Oct2329 = Lrl a 2 418 ft 2 3 21 25J WolkeE 3 1 Raspberry 13 Iirco 142 Tramar 130 M OcUS29Lrl a 2 405 ft G Bolted KleegcrB 3 9 Snifter 137lootland I33Fair Moss 133J A Bopi3029Aqu a 2 411 ft 555 5 = WolkeE 9 Humanist 135SiIvcrJay 133J Stalker 137 S 2S9 = Sar a 2 42C ft 2 L rider BaumenA II Polish l2Humanist 133StiffSlilrt 132 A Starts 1st 1stLast rd Won f Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis Last year 6 0 This year 1