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Win ,000 First1 TUT TWA /£ OWNF1H /Wh Pav Me L*£S l"L [ "U U" WUW/ilEk -Then — 1 licit lay Hit lnffl@J£zv N-JHasii- . r*i 1 «n r . and | Hfe 0ne at Churchill - One at Aurora [MglElMl P - u « of each ,000 win. All that is ffl»ytfffifcsa you necessary on your .» ■ 1"/.. "fc-ili I J I part is to make a win parlay when you receive I ■BmB # _ , , _ _ _ 1 I T 2£mM M *l ■ ■ _. - . — - — - — — — — my two horses- *C-SH / TA/Pl HORFl riAII Y / 3lIp-/ YESTERDAYS RELEASE: V pjjjjjjt * W V llVyIfcjUlJ Ly/AIJ-ll /■ » Vl / # FRANK LIGHT 3.12, WON g Xfl*f f Ann AlA 11 »1 11/ CHUCHU .30, WON V.., Jk |j»llV Ml W eCKlV XNJ-V «P*«1-OI1J . «P 1 Vf T T CCIV1JT MONDAYS RELEASE: CONNECTIONS! UBUSHE* TRANSCENDENT 4.58, WON my sweets $ 6.22, won Starting off with a •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦••♦♦♦••♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The Two Owners of- saturdays release: bang Saturday, The J Dl«Sw» TV,rT n. -a 1 1111 j-e S fered a free PREMIUM allenfern 9.92, won Tw0 Owners have ; DISUl IVlclllIllIlg ; SPECIAL to all play. ROYAL PANOPLY 1.20, WON . , , -U- Continued A. to SnOW • j! „, Blair ™ Manning, well ,i known v- betting commissioner, who t. * fur- T ers Subscribing u * to a TODAY— 0 TO WIN PARLAY wjnners to a steadily j nisned "rue3*818 premium special, itchu chu, .30, fu|| weeks service be- , , . i WON"W for The Two Owners, has been signed by Bagley A , , _.. • t j ■ 11 u 1 j n .u • •• ■ -w- — Two will be released Both long pr.ced winners today. grOWing C lente e. To . , , ,. , / TOre Tuesday. ThlS " « „ -u + -. -., t. ,4 and"" and wholesale distributors of turf to release 3 News Co., information, horses should positively win and pay the limit in a ;™ J J • c 1 win parlay. Receive ten releases free, pay us after protect the prices On it 0ne horse daily. Bagley News Co. will send you one Blair ► Premium opecial W3S you win. We invite only those with honest intentions, : horse for 0 service jj Chu Chu, which went th releases, we were Manning daily daily or weekly weekly ► who would appreciate reliable turf information, to re , - - . . . , ., , . . . . »• spond. our main object in releasing this information forced to refuse a few j consists of seven daily releases. over in the first race in this manner is to distribute the play on our horses, late One-day SUbscHp- O GUARANTEE: Blair Manning must give weekly sub- A at Churchill and paid A large wager made from a direct source will even J +;.„_ T H Sft ° scribers FOUR WINNERS or an additional weeks service will o 30 This is thp tVD« 11 u o e c ■ u a d v ~v "" ,a u,c tually find its way into the machines. We are trying x,ons ■ !• be sent free. Releases to one-day subscribers must win or J lS _.. . lJK« to avoid that and have decided on this plan for our, wire your subscription j| another release will be sent free. Wire subscription to Bagley U Ot Service you receive outlet. We acknowledge the fact that those inclined to early to insure receJV- News Co., at address below. jC from The TWO recognize turf information of the better sort will re|ease lift— ——————ill Owners. jn promptly. —————— 1 ■ tttftttf ft to r • ww-v-w-*"*" ■»-•"»"»»"»"»■ ■»-»▼ ■•■■▼■.■▼▼▼▼▼-» ■» ▼■»▼▼■»▼■» fulfill their obligations. Remittances must be made ■ to us promptly after ten daj3. The expenses incidental YESTERDAYS TWO RELEASES: gk. to obtaining the information are enormous. In order .yk. m andl. w. « p iti V W to help with same 1 require you to telegraph now, f s/S/s/fK. H _ 1. Xm — fl* Cl/j m M # . JT M which be deducted from / ///yV/ X itfl i OCTlr •¥! 7"! W fill MX amount may my share at the * fX *+ II T V/ll W til end of ten days. City clients call at office. Office ij Jand/ lWgCI Oj Vf "T«*//j T / wl |||[jj H W L open daily 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Fast rush telegrams] M /- §£sk5?! — • — __ lnll*llll/l nl* j _ V V T # I sent all subscriber: the very same day your sub- tXWyCk I B._ J_J 1 «-»«tm *-* -mm fl? I C t— *B W I f _JP-C» *C?Y % -*«--*-**- iB rittsburffner, andlo.oZ, Won/csi and duke morrissey M|j lliPII 145 W. 41st St.. Suite 712. Cor. Broadway, New York |rl fcl •■ m. T ill HMf .f I ANDYS BREAKERS-AII Stands. 50 Cents Daily WSfflf JOStfif 1CV 11 C lAf S VOITlDclllV Vfe»VL/ TODAY? CODED BREAKERS: YaHKslP 1 I Wilw «3 JT J 3fc*rF CHURCHILL— Wh.p-24-6-2. CHURCHILL— Cap 12 14 1. WHrM M .] !,;./ +r* 117 . miff l- C ■ /«1 * 111 AlD f "11 iW T„caFrF,,.2,, Jp 1 23 W est Madison bt, Chicago, 111. J? a»oy. i«w«it4iIs"*"eN50i™, N«y.rkc«, NewsdealeR Room 801 — Phone Randolph 2260-2261 player Nafiifal I rinirlo ■*""*»*~5 CHICAGO 1— S55 iNatural Law aw as qc a a Uuide , Dajly Telegraph lO IvSlCinff 0616Cl10I1S THE "P,NK SHEET" PRICE, 15 CENTS REGRENS PAY-OFF HORSE: By ROBERT BRANDON — - Thousands of Weekly Racing Guide Readers, who profited by reading "The Message I wama/Am#|am|- QL / A J iZ l-n W IIT lAlV** of the Racing Charts about a year ago, will welcome this new series of scientific turf 1 |/|||| HI||JH||| •TlT •lO If llll "Natural Law, as a Guide to Racing Selections" carries a number of Robert Bran- * dons observations that will help the player at this particular season of the year. No BASSETTS DOWNS PICK- *»vw ui. player who makes his own selections should miss this interesting and instructive series of articles. It begins in the May 9 issue of ■ - Wk 11 tfOr- // 1¥7 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE AlllC DellUm, yld.VV, TfOIl ~""-" ™ TWO FREE CODE SERVICES THAT WIN " MY SWEETS . $ 6.22 WON Americas Greatest Expert STRAIGHT PARLAY: Carmacs Release for Wednesday: Aurora — Flve-32-15. COI O STPP 5 * * 4 VOISI MY SWEETS WON The Man Who Catches Them Out of Line $ 6.22, Asa Powells Release for Wednesday: AURORA— One-30-36. cura v »pi »v ASA POWELLS TUESDAY RELEASE: »tiow rAKM*: labelotte .10, won ANTE BELLUM 5.90, WON FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF MAY 9 __. r-.-.Q MONDAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL WON WA A 1 h,K rUK rtrr»rr 1 $ tf» 6.16, r i n WON ur/MLi 42 Out of the Last 17 Have Won ANOTHER SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL SOON IF played straight this parlay was 39 to i WATCH FOR IT THREE H0RSES IN SATURDAYS SHOW PARLAY WON ARTHUR MILES RELEASES APPEAR EXCLUS.VELY IN ___ _ _ IF PLAYED STRAIGHT THEY PAID 66 TO 1 Vv mLEj IX JL Y 1% A.OIIN VI _ j U lLll _ Buy the "Pink Sheet" for Your Winning Plays Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly GET THE WINNING HABIT— THE "PINK SHEET" HABIT 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. On Sale at All Newsstands — Price, Twenty-Five Cents _ Hante? Ames, Inc. / : t 1674 Broadway, Corner 52nd St., New York, N. Y. / and§M~7/ 4??4 II won * jl 4*- s""";/- ODDS— 8 TO 1 k/* fe=_ /ff// Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction and, of course, the only hore advised, won easily *25and»b- 1 "S //// " HARVEY TRANSACTION TODAY Subscription, 00, in Advance, by Telegraph or in Person to decipher codes buy the telegraph— only 15 cents Connections have been working for some time on the details of the "Harvey Transaction scheduled for today, and we advise an investment with utmost confidence. PER MONTH BY FIRST CLASS MAIL The racing public knows our ads state facts, not illusions. To insure listing, subscribe early. »m mmmmmmmmmmmmm *- *w w * ■■■■■■■x htt With Past ParformaBMi 1J|-I IlJ A GO Left,ef ,Wlr!fJtfJ0 T,r*cM ~" TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Columbus 5-2428. 5-2422, 5-2415, 5-6760, 5-0995 — - Daily Telegraph Chicago Daily Telegraph «"""■""»"" ■=""« ■ - - " _ .««••«.• A-HALI.ENS SCALES— B CLUB HOUSE _ _ Oa K A 4- All IVT *-. . J s.l., t. Winniut: cont.ii.l.r-. mihI T.n.1 to For Sale on All Newsstand! 50c Per Copy v-w. ._.~ — — «. f §T £l 1 / T / I I INJ PXY/JCkll T1 ft k AVOID MAKING MANY LOSING BETS TODAY S FREE CODE: AE WlAlV A A.1 A Jll A. W* W Ok7vCAIlAk!7 Write for Result on r. Track* Siiue Mar.h 31. AUBOHA— Lime-12-7. CHUBCHILL— Cedent -20-3. E. HALLEN, 1044 Band McNally Bldg. Chicago. | MtylJ Jockey Code; AURORA— Go A13 22.