untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1931-05-19


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OCCASIONAL AND SPECIALS For Sale at All Newsstands LOOK! YESTERDAYS LONG SHOT: Pals Meadows 2.75, Won Reverberatine; over the eastern half of the United States is the YELP from the LAYERS, as they are digging; down to pay off on this choice morsel. Also, YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: CLEAR SKY, .20, WON Now, we are going to call your attention to TodaysOccasional A Smashing Filly That will be UNCOVERED today. Has shown nothing in public, and the price will be LIBERAL. Ask your newsdealer for the Master dockers Occasional FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS LOOK! YESTERDAYS ADVERTISED: Parlay Won BOTH SPECIALS WERE: Sun Teatime, .50, Won Knight Commander. .74, Won This was the parlay we called to your attention in yesterdays ad. Again, be sure and get Todays 10-1 Parlay Again both Specials come to us from an extremely reliable source, and we advise you to parlay win and place. For this parlay ask your newsdealer for the DAILY MASTER CLOCKER FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS HT Big Bargain Ofter ~V| Both Occasional and Sheet, sent one week, 0 Remit to MASTER CLOCKER 440 S. DEARBORN STREET. CHICAGO. ILL T. M. Ferguson RELEASING REAL TURF INFORMATION— STRICTLY TWO HORSES A DAY— PROMPT SERVICE TO ALL OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS EWT DAILY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES— DAILYIKS EVERYBODY RECEIVES THE SAME TWO HORSES SWTSUBSCRIBE FOR TODAYS BIG WIN PARLAY— 0 TO -1W Tuesdays two horses look like certain winners. Do not fail to get this parlay. Expect 0 to fL Subscribe today. Dont wait. Dont hesitate. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: JACK HOWE .90, WON CASH PLAY .10, .78, 3RD WIN OR LOSE, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY DAY NOTICE! BEWARE! We do not issue sheets or books for sale at newsstands. T. M. Ferguson information obtained from New York office only. Do not buy any sheets bearing the name "T. M. Ferguson." 5WDO NOT MISS TODAYS BIG LIMIT WIN PARLAYPS We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, assuring prompt and immediate attention. Out-of-town subscribers receive the advertised two horses the very same day their money is received. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. EWTWIRE IMMEDIATELY FOR TODAYS TWO HORSESPS Out-of-town clients, remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive service within an hour. No waiting. T. M. Ferguson 1476 BROADWAY, ROOM 1105 NEW YORK, N. Y. A. A. POST RELEASING BONA FIDE INFORMATION— TWO HORSES DAILY— BOTH AT AURORA DAILY— WITHIN REACH OF ALL— DAILY EVERYBODY RECEIVES THE SAME TWO HORSES GET THAT BIG LIMIT PARLAY GOING TODAY AT AURORA Nothing has been left undone to safeguard these two releases. All angles have been covered— all details well taken care of. No mistakes will be made. WILL GET YOU IN ON THIS MELON CUTTING OPPORTUNITY WHICH SHOULD WIN AND PAY SO TO WIRE IMMEDIATELY— DONT WAIT FOR RESULTS— PLAY THEM YESTERDAYS PARLAY RELEASED TO ALL: AMOUR 9.68, WON ESCOSTAR 3.76, WON MY HORSES ARE ADVERTISED REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THEY WIN OR LOSE DO NOT MISS TODAYS LIMIT WIN PARLAY AT AURORA Todays two releases look even better than anything turned in yet by these remarkable information experts. Connections advise nothing has looked better in a long time. Dont miss this opportunity. Wire your subscription at once, lay your bets as late as possible and forget your troubles. TERMS— ONLY DAILY lWIRE IMMEDIATELY FOR TODAYS TWO HORSES **■ Out-of-town clients, remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive service within an hour. No waiting. A. A. POST 1452 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY CLOCKER N. ROGERS For Sale at All Newsstands, 35 Cents YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: FEU FOLLET .86, WON SATURDAYS FREE CODE: DESERVE 0.55, WON FRIDAYS FREE CODE. BEST MAN $ 5.02, WON THURSDAYS FREE CODE: ALL HAIL $ 8.46, WON And Five Other Straight Free Code Winners at "Good Odds" Clocker N. Rogers followers are "CLEANING UP" with this FREE CODE "INFO." Players from coast to coast are sitting up and taking notice that in order to beat this game you must have a copy of CLOCKER N. ROGERS TURF WEEKLY, and all this costs you is 35 cents, and good for SIX DAYS, TODAYS FREE CODE: AURORA— Lookout-64-22-61 -99. This horse is "real good," and we know will win this race this afternoon easily. See page 2, Clocker N. Rogers Weekly for cipher code. WON AGAIN! YESTERDAYS 00 STABLE SECRET: ECOSTAR 3.76, WON SATURDAYS 00 STABLE SECRET: BLUE CLOUD 5.28, WON Here is a REAL BETTING PROPOSITION that will pay the LIMIT in price. A real good jockey will ride and no mistakes will be made. This Stable Secret and the next five Secrets are free to all readers taking advantage of our special offer below: SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Wire immediatelv and we will mail you TEN CONSECUTIVE ISSUES OF CLOCKER N. ROGERS TURF WEEKLY and. as a premium, send you, ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE, SIX CONSECUTIVE ADVERTISED 00 STABLE SECRETS. ROGERS PUBLISHING CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 316 New York City KODEFORM For Sale at Your Newsstand — 50 Cents Todays Kodeform Parlay: CHURCHILL— Dog-25-12-45-18 and CHURCHILL— Eagle-30-42-18-23. clockers review SUPREME FLASH 35 Cents — Sold on All Newsstands TURF WEEKLY established 1910 35 Cents— 10 Weeks, For Sale on All Newsstands 21 Years in Front of the Racing Public YESTERDAYS CANADIAN BOOK WINNER: ARE YOU SATISFIED TO WIN 50 WEEKLY? PALS MEADOW 2.75, WON A bet on ™y special every day would make YESTERDAYS KENTUCKY BOOK WINNER: you 50 or more weekly. RAy BLADES 5.94 WQN WOW! EIGHT IN A ROW! q m A ROW I tell you the Colonel sure is slamming them over . 0Q0 SpECIAL FREE CODE WINNERS these days. What a record-8 STRAIGHT and still SATURDAYS ,000 SPECIAL: ! Before the Colonel he going strong gets through Tarjcf ASV R ftS WOTtf should make it 15 STRAIGHT SPECIALS. *,b66 WEDNESDAYS SPECIAL- YESTERDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: HOWEE 0.40, WON WEE DROP 3.42, WON One thousand dollar special free codes are only udver- Used in ads when the occasion This CATTinnAVC rni matt- RDinv cpitpiai . our arises. is a inS SUL„ new free code service to all Supreme followers. HOWEB AUUtitL, fUSl Pf,«T .48, WUSS was tne first ji.ooo Special ami our RECORD stands FRIDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: 100 per cent. SCOTLANDS GLORY 2.02, WON ANOTHER ,000 SPECIAL FREE CODE THURSDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: GOES THURSDAY, MAY 21 PRINCESS A A 2 20, WON Should pay a mutual in four numbers and never leave WEDNESDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: "j, r,fis"1ti""bQtnr, F™ *£"? ilxT s,, ,lim 3o cents and Ket a opy of kUIREME FLASH. .-,,„ r«,.w T ,..1TTIll 1WYVW JUiAIM lirlllti b.4U, WUfl For cipher code see page 2. This "INFO" cost this TUESDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: organization ,000 and is your* for the cost of SU- CHU CHU .30. WON MUM" flash turf weekly. MONDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: SATURDAYS REGULAR FREE CODE: ANTE BELLUM 5.90, WON ANITAS PAL $ 7.10, WON SATURDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: TODAY S FREE CODE: JEAN LAFITTE .08, WON AURORA— July-18-11-9-1. For this "good thing" see page 2. Supreme Flash. TODAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL. SUPREME PARLAYS ARE THE TALK OF THE CHURCHILL— Orange-15-33. COUNTRY Will just be a matter of this good thing running These WIN PARLAYS A KB KNOCKING THOU- around the track, and no mistakes will be made. This SANDS ,0F BOOKMAKERS OUT OF THE BOX. La,- "" are hecommg Supreme Flash players. u u u • iu cm nwn c DrvT»r rv im Tr a ™,™xng °? EiS "ECJ°?DcUP- , WHOOPEE! ANOTHER WIN PARLAY! r, STRAIGHT. For Colonel Matt Brady s Special, see YESTERDAYS SUPREME PARLAY- page 11. Clockers Review SUp your newsie 35 cents amqUR 9.68, WON or a copy of AMERICA S GREATEST TURF WEEK- WEE DROP. ..., 3.42, WON LY for $ $ $ BIG WINNINGS $ $ $. SATURDAYS SUPREME PARLAY-TODAYS FREE CODE: FAY HAMILTON 2.22, WON AURORA— Pink-22-20. CHIMNEY SWEEP $ 9.30, WON For cipher code see page 2, Clockers Review. mS" lose when vou can win with a copy of SuPreme _ Flash. It will only cost you 35 cents to become a CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. SUCCESSFUL PLAYER 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City 49,000 COPIES SOLD WEEKLY— THERE MUST BE A REASON TURF ACE THURSDAYS SUPREME PARLAY: Smartest Turf Weekly-At All Stands, 50 Cents KING CHEROKEE 2.04, WON Todays Editors Code: MAY— New York-16-15. ALL HAIL $ 8.46, WON Todays Free Code: CHURCHILL-Purchase-46-13. - "** "?* day tweek after week- year after ?™r J Supreme followers keep on winning. There must be a ~ E reason. We are connected with Americas smartest rnnpias , . 7=7,;. .. turfmen. We get our information from them. How m t. „ ««. .*. .„ Today ■ Free Code: Bill-Grey-66-40-20-58. can you miss winning following these people? Todays I locker s odeBlueHal-62-48-16-48. * TODAYS SUPREME PARLAY: Red-Spur-26-28-46%o:V arGKy-°Blinkers-70.30-26-46. CHURCHILL— Yarn-22-24. AURORA— Thread-1 1-3. — If you desire this win parlay rush to your newsdealer irrMTIir I/X7 A S W a"d •*••!■ a coPT of Supreme Flash, 35 cents, and K.LIN 1 UCK.Y ACL then tarn to pin and SUPREME PUBLISHING CO., tohavs prfit rnnr DIAMDSKinHarn, ?" Br»*"» S»* g N" ™ Ci* I Advertise in Daily Racing Form Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1931051901/drf1931051901_22_1
Local Identifier: drf1931051901_22_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800