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3rd Bainbridge Purse 00. 2.Year-0,ds. Maidens. FiHies. Special 42 Furlongs Weights. Cloido, May 16, 1931— : 54%— 2— 111. Index To.-t f- Best at Distance— , Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance— , Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 590663 10 Lady NoyesTan 109 :55% 115X 5 Rufle 115.. 59066 8 Topsie H..Bbg 112 :55% 115.. 7 Clare Bee 115.. 58466 13 Sporting 58308 9 Scotland Miss. Maudic.Aur 111 :56% 115.. Lex 116 :57 115X 59009 15 .ild Kitty. Bbg 106 :56% 115.. 575462 11 Unstained .... 115.. 58424 14 Thrushway.Lex 113 :56% 115.. 57561 3 12 Dorothy Hicks 115.. 58424 6 Honey KateLex 113 :56% 115.. 59014 16 Tumble Home. 115.. 59009 1 Zanwell . Bbel08 :57% 115.. 58773 17 El Recreo 115X 57331 2 Obstinate Girl. 115.. 58424 18 Do Say 115.. 59162 3 Evelyn B..Bbg 110 :58%h 115.. J. V. Pons and Knebelkamp L Morris entry— Scot-4 Grand Princess 115. . land Miss, Unstained. Best time- shown above are from Jan. 1, 1930. *Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ®Sunerior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures a or *, 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Dat« Crs. Dis. Tim Tr. Odds Wt. St. »4Str. Fin Jockey P.P. CI Pee. St s. Best Company Lad "0J"eS X 11 B. f, 2 M. by Wigstone— Rachel Potter, by Pataud. J-J-O Trainer. M. E. Syufy. Owner. San Mateo Stock Farm Stable. Ma%18 313Bbg 4£ f :55 ft 39 lOf 100* 6 2 21 31 FageL9 1500 11 Marceletll2.M.N.Clanll2.DnaDearll2 Mayl2-31*Aur 4 f :58 m 18 107 9 2 331 3*1 JonesR10 1000 12 FtunaMial08,Th.Lassl09,Essential 116 Apr22 31Tan 4* f 54% ft 105 6 6 64i 66J DePesoG 1500 9 Pr.Vo]tal09.JohnBane97,DesertBoy 102 Aprl6 31Tan 4± f :54% ft 103 1 2 4* 32 DePesoG1 1500 11 Gallineta 109,GeeBee 103, Orinda 104 Apr.13 31Tan 4£ f :56% ft 107 11 9 8°1 551 DePesoG1" 1500 12 BankrSaml09,Dianamedell2,Orindal07 Apr 9-31Tan 4| f :54% ft 110 12 9 8° 6" DePesoG" ClAlIw 12 Gallineta 110,GeeBee 110,DontCry 110 . Stnrfs. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 10 0 0 3 $ 175 Topsie H. 1 1 K B. f, 2 M, by Cmlhowee— Teenie, by Paul Weidel. -L X O Trainer. H. Z. Murphy. Owner. J. B. Latta. Mavl8 313Bbg 4 f :55 ft 37-10 108 5 4 41 53i HardyL8 1500 11 Marceletll2,MsN.C]anll2,L.Noyes 100 Apr24 312Lex 4 f :55% gd 21-5 111 4 4 44i 2J TinkerH3 2500 9 Fl.oWhitell6,ChuChu 116,RosaW. 116 AprlB 313Lex $ :48% tt 10 116 9 6 6" 48 ReevesR5 Maid 12 MaMaterll6,I.Highone 116,HyPol!yll6 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record . . 3 0 1 0 $ 100 Sporting Mandie 1 1 K Ch. f, 2 M. by Raffles— Maudie. by The Commoner. Last work- 110—12 -49%" " J-J-tl Trainer, N. W. Burkhart. Owner, C. Morris. May 1 313Aur 4£ f :53%ft 17 111 11 10 IT* 813 SwigertT4 1500 12 AnitasPal 109,WiseCh,rl08,BegrLyl06 Feb.ll31*F.G 1 :35% ft llf 113 7 5 431 4;i SwigertT1 2000 12 Cloido 116,NoahsPridelll,MyMarie 113 / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record . 2 0 0 0 $ 25 Wild Kitty 11 Gr. f, 2 M, by Wilderness— Kitcat, by Fair Play. lAW Trainer. G. K. Bryson. Owner, E. K. Bryson. May 16 314Bbg 4£ f :54% ft 82 106 2 6 6DJ 71 DayW7 Allw 11 Cloido 111, Fred Almy 115, Tempus 111 Apr30-311Pim 4 f :54% ft 42 112 5 6 710 89 GuerraJ3 Allw 9 ElectnDayll5,Garvantierll5, Misty 114 Apr22 31HdG 4f :55% ft 50 11111 8 5° 671 LutherT" 2000 12 Hobnobll2,SoctyTalklll,BrushUp 114 Jaa26 3rF.G | :35% ft 19 115 2 4 7»J 813 SerioJ1 260010 OurGirl 118,EbaLand 115.M.. Mater 115 Jan.l2 3rF.G | :36%m 25 113 8 12 12" 12" SerioJ4 250012 AdelaideN.113.Escstarll6,Watauga 113 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 5 Tlirushway 11 Ch. f, 2 M. by Broadway Jones— Brown Thrush, by Thrush. Last work: 112—12 :53sy *•■*•* Trainer. F. Jeffers. Owner, G. Alexander. Apr29 312Lex 4i f :55% ft 37 113 8 9 99 95i RoseM10 4000 10 OhDavell6,Trtonell6,Pces Dthy 113 Apt24-31*Lex 4£ f :56% gd 57 116 5 5 7» 85 MurrayT9 2500 9 SansLassll6,H.Mloylll,L.Superr 116 Apnl8 31Lex i :48% ft 32 116 2 3 T9 614 MurrayT8 Maiol2 Piroguell6,ButyPridell6,ThleTeleell6 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record. . 3 Honey Kate 11 Blk- f- 2 M by Honeywood— Kate D.. by Cesarion. Last work: 139—12. :51%ft *XO Trainer, W. F. Median. Owner, Mrs. W. F. Meehan. Apt29 312Lex 4£ f :55% ft 60 113 4 6 6e 78 MuvayT4 4000 10 OhDavell6.Trtonell6.PcessDthy 113 Apr22 314Lex i :50% m 9J 110 7 6 88i 910 PoolE4 2500 11 HtyPlyll2,ScldMsllO,DomtStrl05 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 2 ZailWell 11 Ch. f, 2 M, by Atwell— Zante. by Thco. Bold. J- J- O Trainer, N. Ray. Owner, Mrs. N. Ray. layl6 314Bbg 4if :54%ft 50 108 11 11 II11 II3 DupuyM* Allw 11 Cloido 111, Fred Almy 115, Tempus 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-x , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 1 Obstinate Girl 11 Ch. f, a M, by Johren— Obstinate, by The Manager. Last work- 139 3 8 39ft J-J-v Trainer, R. Whitaker. Owner, Black Dot Stable. Mar 2-31J.P 3i f :43%m 13 115 8 6 b*l 64i GinelloniE* Maid 12 PcsJuIcpll5,Mag Materll5,EsaLd 115 Febl8 31J.P 3H :42% ft 41 114 9 5 4aJ 3*1 CramerR* Allw 12 Pr.FrthglHMgaMterlll.Escosr 114 Fetx 9-31F.G § :35% ft 19 112 8 8 6 66 GianelloniJ" 200012 Cloiradoll8,AdelaideN.115.Trueman 115 JaB26-31F.G i :35%ft 7 115 10 8 8" 711 LeylandJ8 10 OiirGriefllS.Es baLandm.Mna.Uaterm C y Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 6 0 0 1 $ 50 EelII B. 11 Br f- 2 M ty Hildur— Tush Tush, by Hastings. Last work- 139—3 8 :38%ft -L-LtJ Trainer, F. D. Meltzer. Owner, J. V. Taylor. Ma 20 313Bbg 4 f :55% sl 73 110 6 7 718 716 DewainS Allw 7 NoalisPridelll.F.Alm 118.Teiop. 112 Apr 6-31Bow i :49% gd 56 115 3 2 63J 75J MneyJD10 Maid 11 GnStornill8,Tarquinil8,MjrGenl 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 2 •rand PrinceSS 11 B. f. 2 M. by Baby Grand— Slim Princess, by Sempronius. X±tJ Trainer, W. H. Denham. Owner, Mrs. W. H. Denham. , Stints. l -t. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. Ml W«:n.- Kulle 1 "I PT Br. f. 2 M. by John P. Grier— Rumrle. by All Gold. Last work: 138—1-2. :52%" iXU Trainer, B. J. Durnell. Owner. O. H. Berz. z Starts. 1st. 2td. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- t lare Bee 11 B. f, 2 M. by St. Henry— Marjorie Mai. by Zeus. Last work 138 3 8... :37e l J-Xt/ Trainer, A. J. Pershall. Owner, Blue Stai Stable. / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. W«a.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. W— .. Scotland Miss X 11 B. f, 8 M, by Paicines — Miss Loula Long, by Blues. Last work- 138—12 -52sd XJL.U Trainer. J. V. Pons. Owner, Knebelkamp and Morris. Apr24-314Lex 4£ f :56%gd 3J 116 4 4 44 42 ODnellS3 2500 9 SansLassll6,H Mloylll.L.Superr 116 Api22 314Lex :50% m 33f 110 5 4 33 24 LandoltC5 2500 11 HastyPlyll2JLDomtStarl05.Prevcell3 Feb24-31A.C i :48.60 ft 24f 105 8 7 89» 8 RobleH 1000 12 Dianamede 110, Olca 114. Orinda 112 Hb20-313A.C i :49 ft 31f 105 12 11 8el 87i GreenbgS8 1000 12 PVessVoltal09,RainGod 108,Devoltalll , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Won — 1931 record.. 7 0 1 0 $ 100 Unstained 1 1 C B. f, a M, by Chantey or Dominant — Sans Tache, by Ethel- 11 0 bert. Trainer, J. V. Pons. Owner, J. Y. Pons. MarlO 31Hav £ :49% ft 2e 113 7 2 1* 2 SmithV10 Allw 12 Abstainll3,GoodFortunell3.Suranto 113 Man 6 31Hav I :48% sl 3 112 9 6 5 5*i SmithV* 1200 12 MiPyW-dl09.AtaOrn.tl07,GdFunel06 Feb26 31Hav i :49% ft 2* 112 10 9 7"* 54i McAulfeD" 120011 WteBasketll2.Pasadenall5,Abstain 112 Feb.20 31Hav $ :52 hy 5 109 4 3 48* 5° SmithV* Allw 8 ColdWave 118,Howee 118,Dr.Rogers 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 4 0 1 0 $ 125 Dorothy Hicks 11 Ch. f, « M, by Star Master— Naughty Nisba, by Tb« Last work: 141—3 8... :39iy H Manager. Trainer, W. F. Lutz. Owner, Mrs. D. Hicks. Marll 31J.P 3 f :41% ft 28 110J 6 3 38 3* LandoltC* 1500 12 LorneS.113.PanAna 112,LavrLady 104 Febl2 -31F.G | :36% ft 22f 115 3 8 7;1 64 MooreET9 Maid 12 WatgallS.MaMaterllS.LctHerPIay 115 Jan.26 31F.G g :35% ft 27f 115 5 10 10" 109 McDmtL" 2000 10OrGricfll8,EsbaLandll5,MaMater 115 / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. . 3 0 0 1 $ 50 Tumble Home 11 Ch. f. a ■ , by Trojan— Titina, by Star Shoot. ±XO Trainer. C. Middleton. Owner, Mrs. E. K. Moore. Mayl6 31Beu 4j f :57% ft 152 104 102 FrogtteDE 1500 10 ColdWavell4,W.Bricadelll.D.CheerllO / Stiitts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record.. 1 El Recreo X 11 Ch. f, 2 M, by Hallucination— Cynthia Dwyer. by Cunard. -L ± O Trainer, C. E. Hudson. Owner. C. E. Hudson. MayllSlBeu 4| f :58% hy43 10 llli 45 BurleyF 1300 10 L.H.Plavi08.KrzBab 109.SirtVote 106 May 8 31Beu 4 f 1:02% hy 49 112 3 J BurleyF 1000 10 Kranellal09:DbleCheer 112,Snooks 109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-v 1931 record.. 2 0 0 1 $ 40 Do Say "I "I PT Br. f, a M, by Dis Done— Clare, by Bannockburn. Last work: 132—12 50%sl H*J Trainer, J. W. Marr. Owner, J. W. Marr. Apr.29 312Lex 4 f :55% ft 15 113 10 Pulled up. AllenCE8 4000 10 OhDavell6.Trtonell6,PcessDthy 113 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 1