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EXPLANATION OF DAILY RACING FORM PAST PERFORMANCES | BEST COMPANY AND WEIGHT 1 * « S Position in Race , *MMM*I 2 „ I c and Lengths ., If finish *bows horse won, best com -j »S g £ c Behind Win- «; • pany la second, third and fourth horses. lews S V S Xv nlng Hone g It j U second, beet company is first, ] * 8 I « = 1 if Kq th!rd ,Ba f0Urtb horse»- •J tK *I a .! t 1 I "J ft 3 Z K third, best company la first, 1 "8 I I £SS.5S3 J?* ZHi I second and fourth horses. • « g p£ 111 I 35* J* * |1 liS I nnplaced. best company Is firat. O V. f-i Q fi O u £• es a m m £ Ch h u K second and third horses. Fehl3 31eF.G 14 l:55%ft 49 110 111 10" 10 HornG* 1500 12 HySchdrllO,CollCVsl05,SnSixty 105