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"""""""" ............ ? I; FAIR GROUNDS" 1 NEW ORLEANS, LA., MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1932. Fair Grounds 1 mile. First day. Louisiana Jockey Club. Winter meeting of 43 days. Bradley-Stewart Stall Gate used. Weather cloudy. Stewards, C. J. FikGcrald and J. B. Campbell. Judscs, W. II. Sliclley, C. J. McLennan and II. P. Conkling. Starter, V. Hamilton. Racing Secretary, J. McLennan. Racing starts at 2.-00 p. in. Chicago time, 2:00 p. in.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. EXPLANATION OF DAELY RACING FORM CHARTS t I a V! ! Foelttons tn Rnec and g Length A heart of 5 g O X gNext Following Horso , . K a -: a -a r I h 5 a 5? i .H I6727HICKEY wsb4110 5 3 21 24 21 2 11 LewisM G Martin 910100 CCItO FIRST RACE 3-8 Mile. Prince DAmour, March 3, 1930 :34$ 2 117. Nip and Tuck V ?r Purse. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second, Jan.-2a-32-F.G 50; third, 5; fourth. 5. Indei Horses Eot A Wt 11St Vi Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Oilils Strt MISS CAREFUL 113 6 5 Is l5 1 BurkeJII C Ponamsky 260 100 67825 JUSTICE LOGAN 119 5 2 3" 3s 2" AndersonA Gorham Bros U50-100 MISS BUNTING 113 8 4 6i 41 311 CorbettC J Marsch 7610 100 6307SMONKS BELA 115 13 25 2" 45 BurlovF Rainbow Stock Farm Stable 380100 SPANISH WAY - 116 4 7 74 85 5 LandoltC Knebclkamp and Morris 1420 100 GO EASY 113 9 10 5" 5" 6" RilevIIR H P Hcadloy 2360 100 CONQUEST 113 11 8 85 7" 71 WestH A Pelletcri 5340-100 SYM JACK 116 7 6 44 61 8" SmithJ Leader Stable U520 100 6807S BOSTON WATERS 116 3 11 9 9 94 GuerraJ Young Bros t JUDGEMENT 116 12 1 11 105 10s PoolE Keencland Stud Stable 2470 100 STATELY LADY 113 10 9 10l 11 11 PrgrassA J E Hughes t LA JUNTA 113 2 12 12 12 12 McycrC R C Thatcher 26340-100 iField. Coupled as Gorham Bros, and Young Bros, entry. Time, :24, Track slow. r-Sl CERTIFICATES PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , MISS CAREFUL $ 3.60 $ 1.70 $ 2.00 260100 70100 100100 GORHAM BROS. AND YOUNG BROS. ENTRY 1.30 1.10 30100 10100 MISS BUNTING 5.20 420100 Winner B. f, by Chance Play Meddlesome II., by Meddler trained by J. D. Mooney; bred by Mr. A. Pons. WENT TO POST 2:0S AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. MISS CAREFUL began well, was forced to race a trifle wide while working her way into the lead in the first eighth and. drawing away fast in the stretch, won easily. JUSTICE LOGAN began fast, lost ground, Lut held on resolutely. MISS BUNTING dropped out of it in the first eighth, but went to the outside in the stretch and closed fast. MONKS BELA showed speed, saved ground and tired. SPANISH WAY was on the inside throughout. GO EASY tired. BOSTON WATERS showed little. SYM JACK tired. JUDGMENT becan fast, but soon dropped out of it. Scratched 6S078 Capt. Jerrv, 116; 67909 Regren, 116; 67994 Evicted, 113; 67994 Madame B. C, 113; 67S25 Harold Jr., 116; Michigan Lad, 116; 67909 Politians Best, 113; 68078 Miss Delight, 113. QT KA SECOND RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Uluniu, March 4, 19301:514111. Purse ,000. OJLJ- 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, Jan.-2o-32-F.G 5 ; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt i i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqni v. Odds Strt 67742 ESSARE wb 6 110 8 6 35 2 2 Is 14 SmithJ R P Wratts 310-100 67560 SQUEEZE PLAY w 4 110 7 4 V 14 1" 2l 24 RileyHR J Goff 1220-100 67555DELMONICO w 5 113 6 2 2" 35 3 44 3" JamesE J Keller 1000100 67415 TIGER FLOWERS w 7 110 2 1 51 44 4 31 4" BurleyF Rainbow Stock Farm Stable 9510-100 67770:KLINGSTONE w 6 103 5 5 61 51 5s 51 5s ElstonG F S Page 220-100 66100 BOSKY. wb6110 4 7 7: 7 6s 64 6s DavW Mrs T Flippen 5450-100 67555SISTONY w5110 3 8 9 9 71 71 7l GarnerW J McPherson 430-100 67911sDRYDOCK w4103 1 3 4" 62 81 84 8 NeelJ Fitzcerald and OKeefe 490-100 65469 REJUVENATION wb9110 9 9 8 8J 9 9 9 PrerassA T.Coffey 7710-100. Time, :25J, :50, 1:17, 1:45, 1:59. Track slow. ,- CERTIFICATES PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . ESSARE $ 4.10 $ 3.10 $ 2.30 310100 210100 130100 SQUEEZE PLAY 6.10 4.70 510100 370100 DELMONICO 3.60 260100 Winner B. g, by Light Brigade Wistaria, by Ballot trained by R. P. Watts; bred by Mr. J. H. Gaines t. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:38i. AT POST 4 minutes. Start sood out of machine. Won ridden out; second and third driving. ESSARE, close up from the start and always under a strong hand ride, gradually wore down SQUEEZE PLAY 2nd drew away slowly in the Final eighth. SQUEEZE PLAY, taken into the lead, was well rated, withstood pressure, but could not hold the winner. DELMONICO, formidable throughout and hard urged, raced evenlv to outlast TIGER FLOWTERS. The latter moved up mildly near the final eighth, then tired. KLINGSTONE, under restraint until the final half mile, responded mildly. SISTONY was outrun. DRYDOCK had no mishaps. Scratched 68022 Ormontime, 105; 63109s Jack Berrv, 110; 679923Beleveitornot, 110; 68109 Auster-litz, 100; 67935 Shonna, 110; 57034 Burnt Brown, 103; 68031 Nim the Nymph, 103; 67810Shackelford, 105; 67810 Belen, 105; 68025 Star Flyer, 105; 67881 Tea Green, 105. Corrected weight Tiger Flowers, 110. rQ- ertT THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Top 0 th Morning, Feb. 9, 1918 1:11 6 116. Purse Oo JLtt ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; Jan.-25-32-F.G third, 5; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500. Index Horses BrjtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 67930DICK MORRIS wb 4 116 9 6 14 1 1 11 LandoltC Knebelkamp and Morris 90-100 CTSOSONY JOE wb 6 103 3 7 41 44 24 24 BattistaJ E B Carpenter 590-100 66495STONE MARTIN w4 103 6 3 8 8 6 3k ElstonG J H Houghland i4160-100 65922RUSTY w 4 103 2 8 5 54 4k 4 NeelJ W A Hanger 990-100 68023 ELIZABETH BOLLA w 6 103 10 1 3k 3k 5 5 GuerraJ Colgate Stable 910-100 63001 REPROOF wb 4 110 4 4 2l 24 3" 6 RemillardP F Sansone 4360-100 67448 WHAT HAVE YOU wb 4 113 5 9 71 T 7 T GarnerW J McPherson 400-100 67991OUTER HARBOR wb 5 113 3 5 64 6 8 8 AndersonA King Bruce Stable 5060-100 51393THE SHOW OFF w 7 103 1 2 9 9 9 9 HerndezJ Mrs A G Woodman i 57618 BELFRY wb 4 113 710 10 10 10 10 SmithJ A Herschficld 13280-100 fField. Time, :23, :48. 1:1 4. Track slow. ,-Sl CERTIFICATES PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DICK MORRIS $ 1.90 $ 1.30 $ 1.20 90100 30100 20100 TONY JOE 2.10 1.50 110100 50100 STONE MARTIN Field 2.70 170100 Winner Ch. g, by Midway Mammon, by Pennant trained by C. E. Gross; bred by Mr. W. F. Knebol-kainp. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 3:1 61. AT POST 6 minutes. Start good for all but Belfry out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. DICK MORRIS, fractious at the post and placed outside the machine, was away slowly, but rushed into the lead, drew clear near the turn, where he went to the inside and, holding on gamely, outlasted TONY JOE. Hie latter, close up from the start, saved ground entering the stretch and was wearing down the winner. STONE .MARTIN rallied well under urging and was going resolutely at the end. RUSTY had no mishaps. WHAT HAVE YOU, much used at the post, where he acted badly, lacked speed. BELFRY was away poorly. Scratched-1339,Tantivy, 103; 67476 High Foot, 113; 67392 Glidelia, 103; 68108My Hobby, 111; G75S5 limner L 113; G6361 Primeval, 103; 64607 Laughing Boy, 113. Overweight Reproof, 2 pounds. Corredcd, weight Elizabeth Bolla, 103. AGlTT? FOURTH nXcE 1MilerrDick Williams, Jan. 1, 1918 1:37 5 114. Old Town DOlOO Purje. Pune ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; j2n.-25-3Z-F.G iccond, 50; third, 5; fourth, S25. ""jjyjTr Jlor K-jtA WtlJHt A A Mr Iln Jockey Owner KmiiIv. Mn Hlrt EG51G JIMMY MOHAN w 5 116 4 13" 4 V V l4 ElstonG M Goldblatt 10100 G7938WOTA?f v4 114 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 IascumaA K Haughlon . 380-1 X 62426 PLAYTIME v51OT fi I 4 7 4 2 3 GarnerW Southland Stable 440-100 G7832GKTTIN EVEN w4107 2 2 1 V V 4" 44 NmIJ P 1 1 Krick 520100 mW FHUWm v S m Z f 6 6 6 G 54 OMallJ It II New 5950100 8079 WHO WIN w5 107 6 6 6 0 fj 6 6 Thomas!! J J Couijhlin 6400100 Time, :25, :49, 1:14, 1:11. Track ilov. r- CEUmICATI.H PAID-, , OFFICIAL HOOKING 01111 JIMMY M0 RAW $ 1.80 J 1,80 $ 1.10 80-100 110100 10-100 VOTAW 1.80 1.10 80-100 40-100 PLAYTIME 1.10 40-100 Vfier CU. h, hy Lucky JfoiirMewienlo, by Jcwianl trained by M, Goldblatt; bred by Xalapa Farm, VEHTTO POST 3:G0, AT POST 1 minutes. - t.irl awl wt of machine. Vfon easily; second and bird driving. JIMMY MOHAN, much the best and away fast, was taken under restraint, Impeded WOTAN mid flETTIN Continued on .thirteenth jmae. FAIR GROUNDS Continued from third page. EVEN when bearing in while racing around them on the far turn, but drew away and won with speed to spare. WOTAN, also quick to get going and rated along under light restraint for half a mile, met interference and tired after rallying mildly on the stretch turn. PLAYTIME showed early speed. GETTIN EVEN, taken into the lead, saved ground, was taken back slightly when the winner raced around him and quit badly after three-quarters. The others were always outrun. Scratched 62050 Bargello, 118; 662043Surf Board, 111. 6Q-f RTrT FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Top o th Morning, Feb. 9, 19181:116116. First Run-nr nin9 INAUGURAL HANDICAP. ,000 Added. 3-year-oids and upward. Net value to Jan.-25-32-F.G winner ,760; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 62876 SPANISH PLAY w 4 117 4 6 7 61 2" 1" LandoltC Knebelkamp and Morris 650-100 66204JSURF BOARD w 4 111 5 4 4" 31 11 2i RileyHR Greentree Stable 640-100 674483HYMAN wb 4 102 1 3 51 4h 4 31 PrgrassA Superior Stable 830-100 67644 SMEAR wb 4 103 3 7 61 7 5" 45 ElstonG C V Whitney 630-100 67812FLYING DON wb 3 105 2 5 11 l"" 31 5s PascumaA J J Robinson 310-100 68079CLICK w 6 110 7 2 21! 23 65 61 HerndezJ F Cammarata 190-100 663533SERGT. DONALDSON wb 4 103 6 1 3" 557 7 PichohL M F Dollard Jr 3560-100 Time, :23, :47, 1:14. Track slow. ,- CERTIFICATES: PAID-, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SPANISH PLAY $ 7.50 $ 3.10 $ 1.80 650100 210100 80100 SURF BOARD 3.20 2.00 220100 100100 HYMAN 2.10 110100 Winner B. c, by Spanish Prince II. Anna Horton, by Wrack trained by C. E. Gross; bred by Audley Farm. WENT TO POST 4:21. AT POST 1 minute. . Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. SPANISH PLAY, away slowly and under restraint until the final three-eighths, moved up on the stretch turn, came through on the inside in the stretch and, tiring, managed to hold SURF BOARD safe. The latter, restrained for half a mile, lost ground throughout, quickly worked his way into the lead on the outside in the stretch and, continuing well after being overtaken, vfas wearing down the winner at the end. HYMAN dropped back on the stretch turn, then closed well. SMEAR raced well. FLYING DONtbegan slowly, was rushed into the lead and, much used racing CLICK into defeat, quit badly in the closing eighth. CLICK showed speed, raced very wide and quit badly in the stretch. SERGT. DONALDSON quit. Scratched 67981Angry, 103; 67644Broad Meadows, 105; 66331 Pansy Walker, 114; 67644 Supremo Sweet, 103; 679813Etonardo, 102; 62640 Silverdale, 122; 680793Mine Sweeper, 96; 64339s Justinian, 104; 68079 Nyack, 100; 681563Playtime, 104; 68079 Bar Hunter, 104. Overweight Hyman, 2 pounds; Flying Don, 5. qTQ SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Quatrain, Feb. 7, 1925 1:44 3 105. Purse ,000. mc 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, Jan.-25-32-F.G 5; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,250; if for more, 2 pounds extra for each 50 to ,750. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 66607 PRINCE PEST wb 4 114 6 6 6s 64 63 2i 11 GarnerW J McPherson 1220-100 67715BILL LOONEY w5111 7 1 Ill1 l4 14 22 ElstonG E Haughton 60-100 666282BRASS MONKEY" wb 4 107 1 7 7 7 7 61! 31 CraigM A Hershfield 1820-100 715 MORSNUFF i 5 li2 5 2 3 31 21 33 44 RemillardP Mrs T Flippen 1250-100 67162BLACK MAMMY wb 5 104 3 3 41 41 31 4l 51 HerndezJ Mrs O Curtis 510-100 67505 COME ON wb.5 112 4 4 5s 52 51 5" 6" DayW W P Gaines 1110-100 67505CHOKOLOSKEE wb 4 112 2 5 21 2 4 7 7 MeyerC R C Thatcher 1790-100 Time, :25, :50, 1:16, 1:43, 1:51. Track slow. ,- CERTIFICATES PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , PRINCE PEST 3.20 .40 $ 2.20 1220100 240100 120100 BILL LOONEY 1.40 1.30 40100 30100 BRASS MONKEY 2.20 120100 Winner Br. g, by Prince of Umbria Bother, by Trap Rock trained by J. McPherson; bred by Messrs. C. E. McCarthy and J. McPherson. Winner entered to be claimed for ,750. WENT TO POST 4:53. AT POSTU minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. PRINCE PEST, allowed to drop out of it and far back the first three-quarters, improved liis position -rapidly thereafter and, heading BILL LOONEY a sixteenth out, stalled him off thereafter. The latter, taken to the lead and rated under strong restraint for a half mile, quickly increased his advantage at the second turn and faltered briefly entering the final eighth, but was going resolutely at the end. BRASS MONKEY, badly outrun for three-quarters, closed with a rush. MORSNUFF, under steadying restraint for five-eighths, weakened after offering a mild bid. BLACK MAMMY tired. COME ON saved much ground. CHOKOLOSKEE tired. Q- f"TQ SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Uluniu, March 4, 19301:514111. Purse ,000. O XtPCF 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, 5; Jan.-25-32-F.G fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses EqtA AVtPP St U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 678 532SPANFLOW w 5 108 5 7 8 7 51 31 11 HerndezJ Mrs D Levy 650-100 67855 HAL RILEY wb 5 113 2 2 l1! I3 ll lh 21 RobleH J Marsch 3320-100 67936JUNIOR C. w 6 105 8 4 3" 31 21 21 3" MartinTP C R Miller 3210-100 67687 OH YEAH wb 4 105 7 6 41 2s 6 61 41 ThomasH J J Coughlin 9480-100 67940DEVON wb 9 108 4 5 71 5" 7 7 5" NeelJ J J Greely 660-100 67594VANQUISH w 6 108 1 1 5l 4h 31 41 6h TinkerH Mrs S H Orr 630-100 67881GERTRUDE READE wb 4 104 3 8 6s 61 4" 5" 7 BattistaJ R Dohle 1080-100 68023STEPHANITE w5 108 6 3 2 Lost rider. ElstonG E Haughton 80-100 Time, :25, :50, 1:17, 1:45, 1:59. Track slow. ,- CERTIFICATES PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , SPANFLOW $ 7.50 $ 2.70 $ 2.60 650100 170100 160100 HAL RILEY 16.20 5.70 1520100 470100 JUNIOR C 3.80 280100 Winner B. g, by Spanish Prince II. Flower Shop, by Jim Gaffnoy trained by G. R. Allen; bred by Mr. D. D. Canfield. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:25. AT POST minute. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. SPANFLOW, outrun for five-eighths, improved his position gradually while racing wide thereafter and, wearing down the leaders, won drawing out. HAL RILEY, suddenly improved, showed speed from the start, impeded STEPHANITE while forcing him wide on the first turn, withstood a long drive and, shaking off JUNIOR C, was unable to withstand the winner. JUNIOR C, close up from the start, held on well until the closing seventy yards. OH YEAH raced very wide in the last half mile. VANQUISH quit. STEPHANITE began fast, was sharply impeded by HAL RILEY on the first turn, then quit suddenly when he broke down, unseating his rider. Scratched 67415 Herendeen, 113; 68022 Vole, 110; 67770 Starch, 113; 67940 Standard Bearer, 110; 68108 Peace Lady, 103; 67911Play Bird, 103; 680773The Duke, 110; 66798 Strongheart, 110; 67810 Lady Bienville, 105; 66375 Grey Coat, 110; 66395 Pollywog, 105; 66415 Aviator, 110. Overweight Gertrude Reade, 1 pound.