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TWELVE NAMED FOR FASHION Dr. Freeland, Reveille Boy and Marine Among the Probable Starters Next Sunday. AGUA CALIENTE, Mexico, Feb. 23. Twelve select routers stand named for the Fashion Stakes, ,500 added, Agua Calientes racing ornament for the program of Sunday, February 28. The Fashion, one year ago, served to introduce Sun Beau to western audiences. The Kilmer star made a big success of his venture that day. In the second renewal Dr. Freeland may be a starter. His handlers considered him a trifle short for the George Washington, mud having hampered him in mid-week, so he was ordered scratched. He worked instead, going a mile in 1:45 at a pace his trainer required. Dr. Freeland will have jockey L. Cunningham in the saddle if he starts in the Fashion. Reveille Boy, reported on the mend after a short illness, is another likely contestant, while trainer Bill Finnegan admits Alexander Fantages has responded so nicely to his training tasks that he may be seen under silks for the first time this season. Durango, George Washington victor, returns to action again next Sunday, as does Joe Flores, his arch enemy, while Marine, Canadian champion, which many agree was the best horse in the George Washington, also is a nominee. A complete list of the Fashion Stakes eligibles, with their owners, follows: Horse. Owner. Durango . James Emery Bahamas Oak Tree Stable Whipper Cracker Benny Creech Dr. Freeland .Benny Creech Seths Hope. James A. Parsons Alexander Pantages A. Pantages Good and Hot J. Toplitzky Night Patrol .S. McNaughton Marine Kenneth Dawes Reveille Boy James A. Best Joe Flores S. H. Lee Cabezo Mrs. W. T. Anderson