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I TROPICAL PARK TURF NOTES . J. T. Taylor shipped Cathop and the other horses he was handling to C. C. Middleton. Riddle shipped the Robinson pair, Lucky Tom and Renaissance, to New Orleans and Vincent Powers sent five of the Greentree horses he was handling; to C. C. Middleton. The W. S. Kilmer stable shipped direct to Pimlico. There is some question as to whether Jack Whyte will continue as trainer of the Kilmer establishment. In the event of him severing his connection with the Binghamton sportsman he will race a stable of his own on the Maryland circuit. Major Reynolds shipped a dozen stallions he purchased for the Remount Service to Front Royal, Va. Wednesday evening the Hialeah division of J. E. Wideners stable was shipped to Kentucky. Jockey Critchfield, who suffered painful injuries as a result of a fall at Oriental Park a few weeks, back, was at the course, this afternoon hobbling about on crutches. Critchfield is improving, but it will be some time before he is seen in action again. J. Reynolds has severed his connection as trainer with the C. A. Grande stable.