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j ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES I TROPICAL PARK FRIDAY, MARCH 4 1 SPercentaKe of Winning Favorites in 1931 .68WI Starts frorti VVaite Stall Gate Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bureau . - and as at press time indicated: ... . . WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST Racing: starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. . 1st Tropical Purse 00. 2-Year-Olds. Allowances. Lady Sunbeam, Mile March 1, 1932 :362 2 113. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claiif Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Gain No. Pos Horse. Track. Wt. Time, AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. -AgeToday Prict 68972 3 Helios Hia 125 :34 124.. 9 Miney Myerson 68915 16 Fretwork ..Hia 119 :34 118.. M 110.. 688842 6 Mintogee M.. 68882 10 Trystrck M.. Hia 115 :35s 107X Hia 115 :36s 110.. 68972 13 Dry Ridge .Hia 125 :35 121.. 12 Lonesome Pine 689403 15 Modesto ...Hia ll4 :35 121.. M.. ....... 110.. 688843 11 Jesting MHia 115 :35s 107.. 68520 14 Merriman C. 68912 1 Tee Off M Hia 115 :37 110.. M.. 110.. 68912 2 Friscoville M. 68792 17 Swagger Stick.. ....Hia 110 :40h 110.. Hia 122 :35 " 121.. 689402 4 Ipral Hia 118 :35h 121X and8940 18 Gertie R. M. 111 107" 68698 5 Platinum Blonde IV-VVm AR70A iq mldb 19 Jackknife t u:, no .7Q in7 M. M at .....Hia 112 :38 107.. 110?. .Hia 117 :36 68826 7 Jane Boggess 68940 20 Mike Reynolds. M Hia 117 :36 107.. Hia U8 :37i5h 12D 68747s 8 Dusky DameHia 119 :35 118. . Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets . won last start- figures 1 or 2nd or 3rd last start: apprentice allowance. Scratches are trhown in Past Performances, but in all cases only the latest with drawal being indicated. Indicates horses nominated for Kentucky Derby. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work-" out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt.. St Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company IlellOS " OA B. e, 2, Tjy Diomedes Merville, by Myram. Work: Mar. 13-8.. -36fand J--" Trainer. J. Kennath. Owner. D. J. Ely. Fch27-324Hia 1 :34 ft 39-10 125 3 2" 11 WorkmanR1 Allw 9 Meany 128, Maeantic 125, Bracer 115 Feh20-323Hia g :34 ft 8 122 1 31 41! WorkmanR2 Stks 16 Okapil22,Meanyl22,JohnDavenport 122 Feb. 6-323Hia 2 f :29 ft 39-10 122 2 65 43J WallsP7 Alhv 13 LucilleK. 124, Okapi 122. Shavings 114 Jaa30-32JHia i :23 ft 13-10 118 4 34 2Ji KummerE14 Allw 17 Okapi 113, Dry Ridge 118, Ipral 113 Jan.25-32JHia :22 ft 11-5 118 8 11 T! KummerE1 Maid 14 Wocoll8.Flv.Drae.on HR.W.Thorn 118 Janl9-32Hia i :23 sy 17-5 117 6 51 51 KummerE8 Maid 12 M.ReynIdsllH.Rockl.R.Venie 117. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932iecord.. 6 2 1 0 $ 1,800 Fretwork 118 Ch 2 ty Peter Pan Skylight, by Chicle. Work Mar 2 3-8 35ft J-J-O Trainer, J. A. Healy. Owner, C. V. "Whitney. Feb.25-325Hia :34sy2r-10 119 3 3J1 45J RobtsonA4 Stks 9 WiseAnnell9,Mintwinall9,DkLove 119 Febl5-323Hia :34 ft 17 20 119 1 Is l5 RobtsnA3 Maid 17 Shavgsll9,L.BracdaIell9,Abslutnll9 Feb. 8-323Hia 2k f :28 ft 14-5 119 7 541 34 RobtsnA18 Maid 18 Mintwina 119,Modesto 119,Fouirip 119 , Starts."- 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 3 1 0 1 $ 950 3Iillt0gee 107 B. f, 2 M, by Mint Briar Sun o Chen, by Sun Briar. Work Mar " 1 3-8 -37ft Trainer, H. Hoseacher. Owner, H. Koseacher. Feb.24-323Hia :35 si 41-10 115 3 21 21 McGinnisP3 Maid 13 FoulTip 115,Jesting 115,Adorland 115 Feb.l8-32JHia :35 ft 71 111 15 6s 641 McGinsP9 2500 18 Modestoll7,ViaAppialll,DkyDame 117 , Starts. -1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won., 1932 record.. 2 0 1 0 $ 150 Dry Hid SO 1 0l B. g, 2, by Peter Hastings Play well, by Atwell. Work- Mar 1 3-8 38ft J-"-L Trainer. H. Wells. Owner. H. Oots. FebL27-324Hia. :34ft" 17 125 5 51! 53 McGinnisP1 Allw 9 Helios 125, Meany 128, Maeantic 125 Feb20-325Hia :34 ft 19 122 8 41 541 McGinnisP" Stksl6 Okapil22,Meanyl22,JohnDavenport 122 Fehll-325Hia i :35 ft 2 122 6 l2 2 Mann J" 3000 16 Ipral 122,SwaggerStick 122,Dome 122 Feb. 3-322Hia 2"s f :29 ft 21 122 8 21 21 MannJ8 Allw 16 Meany 122,Chiltenny 122,GayAttire 117 Jaa30-322Hia i :23 ft 32 118 2 21! 321 MannJ9 Allw 17 Okapi 113, Helios 118, Ipral 113 Jan.27-322Hia 4 :23 ft 55 1101 3 11 VI MannJ3 2500 12 SttJcketl09,M.RnoIdsll8,SkeCrd 109 Jao21 322Hia i :23 ft 230 113 11 841 631 MannJ 3000 14 ChuckB.118,Revonhll3.SttJacket 113 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 8 1 2 1 $ 1,150 MoflCStO 11 Br" f 2 by Easter Bells Bunerva, by Eunnymede. Trainer, S. F, Murphy. Owner, Mrs. S. F. Murphy. Feh26-322Hia :34 hy 3 117 3 35 331 LcylandJ10 3250 15 BilliesOrphan llIpral 118,NutIet 111 Febl8-322Hia :35 ft 19-5 117 4 23 l" LcylandJ4 250018 ViaAppialll.DskyDame 117,BunD.lll Fehl2-322Hia :35 ft 51 114 2 23 1" LeylandJ12 2500 16 DkyDamell9,DrkWarll4,Animate 114 Feb. 8-323Hia 2 f :28 ft 418 119 4 431 23 LeylandJ11 Maid 18 Mintwina 119,Fretwork 119,FoulTip 119 Feb 2-322Hia 2 f :29 ft 24 111 5 1514 14J LeylandJ5 2500 18 M.Driftlll.L.Bcadalolll.S.Precus 112 Jan26-322Hia i :23 ft 18 115 12 1413 13i LeylandJ13 Maid 18 JesemoIan5,R.Purchaseli5,SwtVa 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 6 2 1 1 1,750 Jesting 107 B. f, 2 M, by Snob II. Juvencscecce, by Junior. Work- Mar 23-8.. :37ft Trainer, F. White. Owner, P. S. P. Randolph. Feb27-324Hia g :34 ft 112 SCRATCHED. Post P. 4 Allw 9 Helios 125, Meany 128, Maeantic 125 Feb24-323Hia :35 si 55 115 11 64i 32 DeCamsE4 Maid 13 FoulTip 115,Mintogee 115,Adorland 115 , Starts.. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 1 0 0 1 $ 100 Tee Off 110 Ch. c, 2 M, by Star Master Courcelles, by Macdonald II. Work- Mar 23-8 -38ft Trainer, J. Morris. Owner, Mrs. H. Deture. Feb25-322Hia - :36hy 7lf 110 14 1513 1418 RenickS11 250018 HerndollO,Ptponemt HO.FgVicw 110 Febl3-32!Hia :34 ft 204 115 13 14" 1413 EIstonH Allw 14 Lucille K. 125, Lcvaal 125, Okapi 125 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record.. 2 FrisCOTllIe 110 B B 2 M ly Pennant Ship of "War, by Man o War. Work- Feb 24 3-8 -39sl Trainer, X. W. Johnson. Owner, I. W. Johnson. Man l-STrp :36ft 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 15 2500 12 LadySunmll3,DkWarll3,Wderoo 116 Feb25-325Hia :36 hy 408 110 16 16" 161D FowlerG13 .250018 HerndollO.Ptponemt HO.FgView 110 Feb 9-322Hia 21. f :29 ft 926 113 18 18" 1812 WilliamsG" 2500 18 SwgrStkllS.OldJgellS.StrtJkt 113 -t Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record.. 2 Ipral 191 B. c, 2, by Dozer Our Carrie, by Huon. Work-Feb 29 1-2 -50ft Trainer, J. Kahn. Owner, F. Kahn. Feh26-32JHia :34hy 14 118 2 24 23 KummerE12 3000 15 BilliesOrphanll5,Modestoll7,NutIet 111 Feb20-32sHia :34 ft 37 122 9 1614 16" KummerE8 Stks 16 Okapil22,Meanyl22,JohnDavenport 122 Febll-322Hia g :35 ft 34 122 3 2s V KummerE13 3000 16 DryRidgel22,SwagrStickl22,Domc 122 Feb. 6-323Hia 2i-f :29 ft 43 117 6 55 71 MalleyT5 Allw 13 LucilleK. 124, Okapi 122, Shavings 114 Jaa30-322Hia " :23 ft 413 113 3 4!J 41 MalleyT12 Allw 17 Okapi 113, Helios 118, Dry Ridge 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 5 1 1 0 $ .900 Platinum Blonde 107 B f 2 M ly Blondin Mica- Fair PIay- Work- Feb 12 3-8 -37 Trainer, L. Bennett. Owner, Mrs. S. H. Fairbanks. Febl6-32:Hia g :35"ft "l06 11216 1712 17" SmithD" 250018 MsBroomllJnBrwnin.NunsWyll? Jan28-32:Hia 4 :22 ft 117 10114 1218 11" SmithD1 3500 14 LucilleK.114,Meanyll3,DskyDame 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 2 Jniie BoggeSS 107 B. f, 2 M, -by TJpset Mammy, by Sempronlus. J-v I Trainer, J. Howard. Owner, J. Howard. Feh22-322Hia g :36 ft 14-5f 119 5 98 7s CorbettC15 Maid 18 BunD.119,Shavingsll9,RlPurchase 119 Febl6-322Hia g :35 ft 51 11712 12:i 84i CorbettC1 250018 MsBroomll7,JnBrwnll7,NunsWyll7 FeblO-322Hia 2i f :29 ft 11 114 4 32 631 CorbettC1 2500 18 M.Driftll9,L.Bcadalell4,Os.Prics 114 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 3 Dusky Dame X 118 Br. f, 2, by Single Foot Prolific, by Maintenant. Work: Jan. 143-8. :36ft J-J-O Trainer, J. P. Kabrich. Owner, H. C. Eagan. FeU8-32Hia i :35 ft 19-20f 117 1 1 31 AllenCE1 2500 18 Modesto 117, Via Appia lll.Bun D. Ill Febl2-32!Hia g :35 ft 23-10 119 3 1" 2s ElstonH4 2500 16 Modesto 114,DarkWarll4,Animate 114 Jan28-322Hia i :22 ft 3 110 7 34 34 ElstonH1 3500 14 LucilleK. 114,Meany 113.DarkVVar 110 Jaa22-322Hia A :22 ft 21-10f 113 7 31 2i ElstonH" 2750 18 Transenlll,Roy.Prcessll3,EdithA. 112 JaiLlTrp ai 21 si 9f 113 2 1 14 ElstonH4 Maid 13 ChuckB. 116,BeSiIentll3,HiId.Rock 116 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- - Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 5 1 2 2$ 1,250 Minej MyerSOn 11H B" g 2 M 17 Aml,eriack Marinette, by Campfire. JLJLU Trainer, I. Perlstein. Owner, B. B. Stable. Fch25-325Hia g :36 hy 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 550018 Herndoll0,Ptponemt.ll0,FgView 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, iTrystick 110 Ch f 2 ty Tryster Salubria, by Broomstick. Work: Mar 13-8 . -36ft J--1-" Trainer, H. Goldberg. Owner, H. link. Feb24-32,Hia :35 si 21 115 9 85i 8s! ElstonH4 Maid 14 Beetle 115, Shavings 115, Tussle 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record., 1 lonesome Pine 110 Ch. c, 2 M, by Pot au Feu Forest Nymph, by luke Kcluke. J. J.V Trainer, A. Ayers. Owner, J. O. Keene. See chart of yesterdays first race. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- DIerrininn C. "11 0 Bf c 2 M toy-Ultmidge -Tire dAile, to Fauche le Vent. Work- Mar 1 3-8 -39 ft i--i-V Trainer, J. S. Healy. Owner, Mrs. S. C. Hildreth. Feb. 9-322Hia 2 f :29 ft 12f 113 9 104 104 SniderA14 250018 SwgrStkllS.OldJgellS.StrtJkt 113 Feb. l-32JHia 2i t :28 ft 68 11712 1310 114 SniderA" Maid 18 Aleany 117, Lovaal 117,Gay Attire 117 Jan21-322Hia i :23 ft 21 109 8 54 5s SniderA19 2500 14 ChuckB.118.Revonhll3.SttJackct 113 Janl6-322Hia :23 ft 19 11312 74 951 SniderA8 Allwl4 TrySw!tll3,SttJacketll3,Boottn 113 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1932 record. . 4 Swagger Stick 1 Ol -cb c, 2, by Mad Hatter Silk Stockings, by Upset. Work- Mar " 3 3-8 -36ft Trainer, A. G. Robertson. Owner, Maemere Farm Stable. - Feh25-325Hia :36"hy 117 SCRATCHED. Post P. 24 250018 HerndollO,PtponemtllO,FgView 110 Feb20-32:Hia :34 ft 17-5f 122 5 75i 74 ClellaridO14 Stksl6 Okapil22,Meanyl22,JohnDavenport 122 Febll-322Hia i :35 ft 8-5 122 2 3 31 BejshakJ14 3000 16 Ipral 122, Dry Ridge 122, Dome 122 Feb. 9-325Hia 2 f :29 ft 3 113 1 1J l1, BejshakJ 2500 18 01dJdgell3,StrtJktll3,Pponmtll3 Feb. 5-32!Hia 2 f :28 ft 14-5 122 11 94 8" BejshakJ10 Maid 18 Levaal 122, Maeantic 122. Pancoast. 122 Jaa27-32Hia :23 ft 29 11311 94 94 BejshakJ 3000 12DyRiaSellOStJketl09,M.Ro!ds 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 5 1 0 1 $ 850 Gertie R. 1 07 Ch. f, 2 M, by Chilhowee Yvonda, by War Cloud. Work- Feb 11 3-8 -38ft " Trainer, J. Snedecor. Owner, W. F. Smith. Feh26-322Hia :34hy" 92 11114 15iJ 15" AmbroseE4 3000 15 BillicsOrDhanll5,IpraI 118,Modesto 117 Feb24-32Hia :35 si 130 11511 124 ll10 AmbroseE10 Maid 14 Beetle 115, Shavings 115, Tussle 115 Febl8-32:Hia I :35 ft 404 111 13 13u 124 AmbrseE12 2500 18 ModestoirViaAppialll.DkyDamc 117 Febl5-32Hia - 34 ft 210 11915 1618 16 McGinsP1 Maid 17 Fretwkll9,Shavgsll9,L.Bracadle 119 , ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record. . 4 Jackknife 1 1 O Clu 2 M 1,7 John B Grier Bencraft, by Ambassador IV. Work-Feb 283-8 -37 ft Trainer W. J. McKnight. Owner. E. L. Gerry. Feh25-32Hia" :36"hy " 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 22 250018 HorndollO.Ptponemt 110,FgView 110 Febl7-324lia g :35 ft 14f 117 10 ll4 114 LongJ16 2500 18 J.Davptll7,BlyCastlell7,Rovonahll7 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record.. 1 Mike Reynolds X 1 9 1 B. c, 2, by Hildur Mary Rose, by luke McLuke. Work- Feb 23 3-8 -37 " ft Trainer, A. Meeker. Owner, Meeker and Treeful. Feh26-322Hia :34hy 30 118 7 74 9"FronkW 3000 15 BilliesOrphanll5,Ipral 118,Modesto 117 Feb. 9-322Hia 2 f :29 ft 16 118 4 74 154 FronkW1 2500 18 SwgrStkll3,01dJgell3,StrtJkt 113 Feb. 3-32Hia 2 f 29 ft -76 122 9 74 971 FronkW10 Allw 16 Meany 122,DryRidge 122,Chiltenny 122 Jaa30 32riia . i :23 ft 6!f 118 10 81 910 FronkW18 Allw 17 Okapi 113, Helios 118, Dry Ridge 118 Jaa27-32Hia i :23 ft 18 118 5 2i 3i FronkW" 300012 DyRidgellOStJcketlOg.SkeCl 109 Jao21-32Hia i :23 ft 10 11814 13" 14" FronkW 3000 14 ChuckB.llS.RevonhllS.SttJacket 113 Janl9-32;Hia i :23 sy 33 117 2 li li FronkW11 Maid 12 Hil.Rockll7,R.Venniell7,BlkAndy 117 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record.. 11 111 $ 1,000 2nd Tropical Purse 00 3. Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Song 5V2 Furlongs Hit- Jan- 6 19321 :05 3 111. NOTE Claiming price, ,500. Non-winners since January 13. 3-year-olds, 108 pounds; older, 118 pounds Non-winners of two races since December 25 allowed 4 pounds; one race, 7 pounds. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 69023s 8 Estin Hav 109 1:07 9 118X 1500 68746 5Evelyn Barr 585341 3 Princeton .Aur 105 M6 6 111X 1500 M.....Trp 1011:09 3 91.. 1500 69097 9Orkin ....Trp 111 1:06 4 104X 1500 69024 7 Black Stockings 69023 15Dedicate ..Hia 107 1:05 5 106X 1500 .D.P 109 l:10h 4 114X 1500 69072 6Patrick Calla- 69071 10 Bogan ....Trp 116 1:07 7 114 X 1500 ban Trp 107 1:06 4 109X 1500 68082 llHarum Scarum 68746 16Chiefs Camille M 4 101.. 1500 M Trp 95 1:06 3 91.. 1500 69067 12Big Slam M 68165 1 Precede .. .L.F 112 1:08 3 103X 1500 Trp 99 1:08 3 94.. 1500 69039 2 Tom M .Jam 109 1:07 3 101X 1500 68454 13SPunky ...Hia 112 1:08 3 96X 1500 69024 4Nonana ...Jam 111 1:07 3 94.. 1500 69023 14 Shasta LoverTrp 111 1:07 4 111X1500 Best times snown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures 1 or . 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. D!. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Pin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Estin X 11R B. , 9, by Westy Hogan Veracity, by Golden Maxim. Work- Feb 27 1-2 -50sl -- J- O Trainer, C. A. Bidencope. Owner, C, A. Bidencope . FebfigTrp" 3 1:13 "ft" 8 118 2 9 54 2" AllenCE" 1500 14 Light Nun 108,Timourll3,SourMashll8 Febl5-324Hav 2 1:12 ft 2i 114 5 3 34 3J FischerR 1000 8 Imp.Airl09.JgcDixonll4,Dianamede 93 Feb. 6-323Hav g 1:12 ft 6 115 5 7 7 7i HardyL1 1500 7 VIadimirllO,BrightSpane;lell2,Film 110 Jao31-32Hav 5 f 1K6 ft 10 109 6 5 44 44 HardyL8 1600 7 BlueDayllO.Justina 108.M.Windsor 103 Janl6-32.I.P g 1:16 si 22-5 117 3 5 34 44 GevingL8 1750 10 Hippias 113,Overboard 117,Alamae 105 Jan.l3-325J.P 21:16 hy 5 115 6 3 2" 1 GevingL5 2000 8 Overbrdll5,MyHobby HO.B.OrangcllO Staits. 1st. tnd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .27 10 4 1 $ 7.114 1932 record. .8 1 1 1 S 750 Princeton X 111 0j1, e 6 liSht Brigade Paris Queen, by McGee. Work- Feb 27 5-8... lK3sl Trainer. R. Pollard. Owner. Mrs. E. Pollard. May 4-3iJAur" 5H1:06 ft 8-5 115 1 1 24 21 HanfordB1 2500 8 La Belotte 102, Film 110, Lanier 109 May l-314Aur 5 f 1:06 ft 19-10 105 4 3 51 44HanfordBs Hdcp 12 GoldStepll0,T.S.Jordanl05,CelticPr.l04 tPIaced third through disqualification. Aprl7-31JHdG 3 1:13 ft 11-10 ?18 11 l1 W HanfordB" 250012AHanah 108,Bocaratonell3,OurSis 113 Aprl0-3153ow 3 1:13 ft 12-5 118 3 1 1 2 HanfordB 3000 14 ChloBoy 118,SirByron 105, Wicker 103 Mar25 314St.J 1 1:01 ft 4 112 1 1 14 l1 HanfordB 800 10 Zaidee 106,Fed. Reserve 115.Perkins 115 Macl4 315St.J 5i f 1:08 ft 23-5 108 1 1 14 1 HanfordB4 2500 8 Minerlogistl09i.Vacillate 102.Estin 110 Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .11 2 6 2 2.135 Orkin X 1 01 Br e HJffh Cost Janice Boberts, by General Boberts. Work: Feb. 28 5-8 1:03ft --U Trainer, J. A. Hall. Owner, Miss I. Hall. See chart of vesterdays second race Man l-32JTrp 5 f 1:06 ft 25 10712 9 45 44 OsborneH8 150014 Lawyer 113,JkHowell4,BobBburn 109 Jan.l3-32:Trp 5 f 16 ft 23 118 4 5 4T 34 BerryH1 1500 10 P.Gaffneyll8,CsCamle 95,B.SpringU8 Jan--STrp 5 f 1:05 ft 12 113 3 5 5 54 MgomyR5 1500 8 PnellBndll8,DVgBoy 106,Mtime 113 JaollTrp 5 f 1:05 ft 49 111 5 6 44 44 BerryH4 1500 8 Please lll.Dunellen lll.Mortime 106 Jan. 8-32Trp g 1:27 ft 18 106 5 1 21 34 MillsH9 1500 9 L.Concordl08,T.Crackrll3,Ne.Kay 113 Jan. 6-32JTrp 3 1:12 ft 13 106 4 4 4 54 MillsH 1500 10 H.Gumbsld8,Drfieldl08,B.Stocks 111 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. J:rd. Won., 1931 record. .27 3 4 4 $ 2,310 1932 record. . 8 0 0 2 $ 250 Dedicate X 1 df Br St 5 17 Dofle n Time, by High Time. Work- Feb 241-2 . -51sl --UU Trainer. S. W. Ward. Owner Ward and Burton. FebSgTrp 3 1:13 ft 19-20 113 6 2 2 54 FronkW" 1500 14 Light Nun 108, Estin 118, Timour 113 Feh26-321Hia 3 1:15 hy 13-5 105 2 1 2s 21 LewisM4 2500 8 Fervid 113,ParnollBound 113, Tom 100 Febl7-32Hia 1 1:40 ft 7i 116 2 1 11 44 FronkW9 2000 9 Matadi lll,Sir Byron lll.Rocktor 105 Feb. 5-324lia 3 1:11 ft 44 110J 5 8 84 10s! AllenCE 2500 11 GeneralA.llO.KnoltonllO.CnPIay 113 Jan27-324fia 31:12 ft 14 112 3 3 41 510 FronkW 2500 7 KnowltonllO,P.Boundll2,DeHeart 117 Jaa20-32JHia g 1:26 m 3-10 112 1 1 2s 44 FronkW 2500 4 Coady 108,BragdociollO,Torealong 112 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won; . 1931 record.. 17 3 3 4 $ 3,600 1932 record.. 7 0 1 0 S 150 Patrick Callahan X 1 OQ Ch. g, 4, by Sir Barton Ballet Dancer JX, by Sweep. Work- Feb 28 3-8 39ft Trainer, J. P. Mayberry. Owner, J. C. Fletcher. Mac 2-328Trp 5k f 1:06 ft 54 103 9 10 10" 10" ArthurV2 1500 10 M.Wdsorl03,Whayll3,P.inRevv 114 Feh29-325Trp :59 ft 248 107 6 8 89 9" ArthurV10 2500 10 Pan.Lopezl00,FrJack 112,Claremt 109 Jaa20-32Hia 3 1:12 m 32 110 4 6 7" 719 ArthurV8 2500 9 Glenside lll,AngryPlumel05,Batty 105 Jaal2-32sTrp 5 f 1:05 ft 16 107 1 2 31 3s ArthurV2 1500 7 C.Kay 114,Lawyer 107,MretParker 102 JanIl-324TrP 3 112 ft 7i 107 2 1 24 44 ArthurV 1500 7 Chatvrl08,Tanz,g114.HlGimbrts 109 Jan. 9-32 5 f 1:06 ft 91 1131 1 lk 2" ArthurV1 1500 9 Charliell3, Priory 118, Chianti 108 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .31 3 4 6 2.605 1932 record. , 7 0 2 1 $ 400 ClliePs Camille Q" Br- f 3 M, by Little Chief Camilla Muller, by The Elector. Work: Mar. 33-8.. -37" " Trainer. G. Arvin. Owner, G. Arvin. FcblBHia 5ifl:07ft 18-5 105 1 1 24 54 MgomyR1 250012 FgnPlayl05,M.AIongll5,F.Blanc"he 105 Feb. 5-323 5 f 1:06 ft 82 110 7 5 6 71 MontgyR" 2500 12 MaeSwpll5.L.OfringllO.S.Tctime 115 Jan.30-32Hia 1 1:25 ft 15 97 3 3 51 5 MontgyR5 . 2500 15 L.ofFirell5,JesRiverl03.Am.Queen 108 Janl3-32Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 3-4 95 5 2 2 2 MillsH1 1500 10 P.Gaffney 118,Orkin 118,BigSpring 118 Jaa 9-32Trp 5ifl:08ft 3-2 1115 12 3 RileyG 1500 10 OnLeave lll.F.Fellow 116,L.Press 106 JaiuTTrp 3 1-11 ft 13-5 106 1111 2" RileyG 1500 9 SpanfairlOS.ElizhFoxllO.PeSvveep 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 8 0 0 1 100 1932 record. . b 0 2 1 $ 375 Precede X 1 OQ ch 3 ty Supremus Eyes of Youth, by Uncle, Work- Jan 23 3-4 l-17ft -L-O Trainer, S. F. Murphy. Owner, S. F. Murphy. Jao25-32Hia f 1:24 ft 93 108 5 6 71 718LeylandJ 3000 7 TrmbonellO,Southcoll3,FrBmows 108 DeclO Slan scl:ll J 112 3 3 34 2 LeylandJ 2500 6 HandeBelIel07,AtcinesllO,Padrone 109. Dec 7-31Tan sc 1:1Q ft 112 4 6 84 ?i LeylandJ 3000 9 LemonHills 112,Chepera 112,Ogy3ia 103. Nov 6-31Tan sc 1:10 ft 113 11 9 9" 8" LeylandJ 3000 12 Viteonl09,Gallinetall3,HsoeBelle 109 Oct30-31Haw 3 1:14 ft 20 1111 5 2. 2 64 LeylandJ1 3000 10Switchl05.RaIRiot 107,SpleSinger 114. 0ct23-31Haw 3 1:14 ft 51 108 6 3 1 V LeylandJ 2500 12 BodBrbon.PceTmylfjg.Rrtine 99 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .21 2 2 3 $ 2,425 1932 record.. 1 Tom X 101 Ch. c, 3 M, by Snn Charmer Water Baby, by Sea Bock. Work- Feb 21 3-4 117ft Trainer, W. J. Norton. Owner, W. J. Norton. Mac l-32Trp 5 f l:06ft 17-10f 104 2 3 6 81 RenickS" 150014 Lawyer 113, JkHowell4,BobBburn 109 Feh26-32Hia 31:15 hy 88 100 3 5 419 4" RenickJ 2500 8 Fervid 113,Dedicatel05,PellBound 113 Fch23-32"Hia 3 1:13 ft 40 115 1 4 54 510EabyJ4 Allw 6 EvenUpU5,DornochU5,W.-in-Chy 115 Febl7-324Hia 54 f 1K6 ft 282 107 91010" 9 RenickS4 300011 lyPchaselOJbalyallS.BytDayslM Feb. 6-3213 5i f 16 ft 19 112 3 3 74 64LutherT 2500 12 ZevarllO,NorwalkllO,WiseAdvocate 112. Feb. 3-3213 3 1:12 ft 55 115 5 4 4s 54 HorvathK Maid 13 Fatalistll3.BlkSignal 115,Sansaricall5 . Stnrts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-x 1931 record. .12 0 1 1 $ 400 1932 record. . 6 No nana CkA CJr f 3 to Waygood Crystal ftueen, y High Cloud. Work- Feb 22 3-4 l-16?ft " vx Trainer, I. Perlstein. Owner, G. Crawford. Feh29-32Trp 31:12 ft 10 102 2 2 l1 44 LongJ" 1500 13 Hieoverl08,M,sAvdale97,M.Windsorl03 FcblSHia 31:13 ft 19 103 2 3 74 814 LongJ 2500 8 Cootsll6,CalgyKayll4,SunTeatime 100 Jaa28-324Hia 3 1:12 ft 22 102 5- 4 4 44 ArthurV 2500 6L.Offerg98,M.Sweepl03,PtHarlem" 110 Jan. 9-32Trp 3 1:13 ft 1 106 4 11" 24 ArthurV 1500 8 Preparelll.B.Supinetlll.Danc.Boy 108 Jan. 6-32 5i f 1:05 ft 19-20 102 4 5 5" 514 MillsH 3000 8 SohgHitlll,DonPablol07.CaptnEd 112 Dec30-31Trp 3 1:13 ft 7-20 103 1 1 Is Is MUsH 1000 8. Lapidary 108, Vblcry 106, Delude 106i . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Ton.-, 1931 record.. 8 2 0 2 $ 1,650 1932 record.. 5 0 1 0 $ 175 ETelyn Barr Q1 Br f 3 by Purchase Onyx, by The Finn. Work- Feb 27 1 2 :52s! Trainer, O. E. Pons. Owner, G. E. Moore. Feb29-Z21TTp 3 1:13" ft 92 SCRATCHED. Post P. 7 1500 14 Light Nun 108, Estin 118, Timour 113 FeblSHia 5r f 1:07 ft 346" 1051111 94 84 LantzJ5 2500 12 FgnPlayl05,M.AIongll5,F.Blanche 105 Feb. 4-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 49 110 5 6 5" 6" EabyJ 2000 8 Discobolusll5,Ir.Czarll0,Sweepmar 115 Jaa21-32Hia 3 1:12 ft 448 104 9 9 9" 64 LantzJ4 2500 11 MaeSwpl07.L.Ofring 107,DianaD. 102 Janl3-32Trp 5iflK6ft 70 1011 6 8 8" 814 DeCalasE 1500 10 P.Gaffney 118,CfsCamilIe 95,Orkinll8 Jan. 2-322Trp 5i f 1:09 gd 8 99 1 4 74 7" OsborneH9 1500 7 M.Runtll 108,S.Kayl06,MtLYne 94 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-N : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 10 0 1 1 $ 280 1932 record. . 5 Black Stockings X 1 1 A e 17 Ormont Clock Stockings, by ataud. Work-Feb 25 lm l-45ft Trainer, O. Johnson. Owner. J. C. Ellis. Fcb29-Z2rTrp 3 1:12 "ft 53 118 6 6 54 64 CarrollW10 1500 13 Hieoverl08,MsAvdaIe97,M.Windsorl08 FeblOHia 1 1:39 ft 4 119 7 4 54 6" CarrollW4 2000 7 BlueCld 115,BlhDineenll0,Algara 115 Jan. 8-32Trp J 1:27 ft 41 113 7 7 44 l1 CarrollW 1500 7 MarslNeyll3,BigSpringll3,LitAir 103 Jan. 6-32Trp 3 1:12 ft 42 111 9 8 54 3, CarrollW4 1500 10 HlGumbtsl08,Derfieldl08,Please 113 Jan. 2-324Trp 3 1:14 gd 43 111 3 5 3 3 CarrollVV 1500 8 Deemster 116,BarnDance 108,Orkin 111 DecSl-SPTrp 3 1:13 ft 85 109 6 6 64 54 CarrollW 1500 8 Mrboul09,HlGmbtsl08,M.ChiIIa 109 , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., Starts. 1st. Ml. Krd. Won.-, 1931 record. .20 1 2 1 $ 985 1932 record. . 5 1 0 2 00 Bogan X 111 B. g, 7, by Trojan Salvestra,. by Watervale. Work- Feb 23 3 8 -39sy Trainer, A. E. Van Bee. Owner, Falls City Stable. Mar 2-321-1? 5 f 1:06 "ft" 105 116 7 6 7 44 HanfordB9 1500 10 JkHowe 113,PnellBound 117,Essie 106 Jan21-326J.P 31:14 ft 3-2 113 1 3 3 34ElstonGT 1000 11 Beige 119, Harass 113, Wildolive 118 Janl5-32J.P 31:17 hy 4 111 2 2 21 14 ElstonG9 100012 Harasslll,WiIdoIivell6,NbleWrack 114 Jan. 2-32M.P 3 1:14 ft 16 10911 8 6" 64 WimmerM 1250 12 ShackelfH107,BceVanl07,P.Clare 110 Decl7-312J.P 31:17 si 129 110 1 2 2 64.DayW 1250 12 Polyfonl05,SilverWvel07,Runmaid -102 . : Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . "tarts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .27 4 3 2 $ 3,050 1932 record. . 4 1 0 1 $ 500 Harnm Scanilll 101 Cl1 f ty Maa Hatter"YasIimat to Broomstick. Work- Feb 28 3-4 - 144ft - Trainer, J. W. Johnson.. Owner, I. Glasscock. Jan-SHia 1 l:38ft" 112 1111 3 7 8" 8M SmithV1 Allw 10 Torealongll5,SansaricallO,L.AtteptllO Api-SWam 31:14gd 8 107 15 14 10s 11" MalleyT4 3000 16 Panguitch U7,Greensl06,HighMetal 119 Aug 4-30Sar 5i f 1:06 ft 6e 110 13 12 9 T EabyJ Allw 13 LadyMiellO.AHezVitellS.DkMnet-110 Jun23-305Aqu 3 1:14 ft 4 105 4 4 34 3 LeischnR Hdcp 4 Beguile 124,Condescend 114,LillicD. 110 Starts. 1st, -nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 1 1932 record. . 1 Big Slam Q1 B. g, 3 M, by Coventry little Tee, by Galvestoa. Work Feb 193-4 l-l7ft Trainer. V. B. Campbell. Owner, E. A. Igleheart. Mas 2-32-Trp 31:14 ft 288 119 8 7 64 10S1 SouthG11 Allw 14 MakeSpeed 122,Sultry 126,LadyAra 121 Feb.. 3.32-Hia 3 1:12 ft 1117 110 9 12 12M 1231 RileyG" Maid 13 Fatalistll3,BrkSignal 115,Sansaricall5 Jan. 7-32Trp 31:13 ft 47 105 9 9 914 9M SouthG9 1500 9 Spanfairl05,CsCamillel06,Eliz.Fox 110 Jan.2-32JTrp 5ifl:09 gd 25 99 6 2 34 4T SouthG 1500 7 M.Runtll 108.S.Kayl06,MtLVne 94 Dec31-3rTrp 5i f 1:07 ft 118 99 6 2 24 54 MontgyR4 1500 9 Bckfirell8.PnceSwp 106i.OnLve 107 Dec30-314Trp 3 1:12 ft 74 103 j6 5 5 6" MontgyR 2000 6 CaptainEdlll.Spanflow 103,Felaxe 113 -Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .11 1932 record.. 4 0 0 0 $ 25 Spunky X Q K B e 3 17 Stm cliarmer Chateaugay, by Bapid Water. Work- Feb 28 5-8 1:06ft Trainer, J. M. Black. Owner, Mrs. J. M. Black. Feb. 6-323 s f 1-06 "ft" 129 11010 9 84 8s RobtsonA10 2500 12 ZevarllO.NonvalkllO.WiseAdvocate 112 Jan.23-32-Hia 3 1:13 gd 148 107 7 6 8 104 MillsH" 2500 14 L.ofFirell6,Rabblell6,MyPurchase 115 Novl2-31aPim 1" 1:45 ft 51 104 6 5 7" 8" LewisM2 2500 12 SpgSisterl01,Southcol04,JgIeBoy 109 Nov. 4-31Pim l10 1:43 ft 9f 112 1 11 1059 10M KsingerC 2000 12 Shiva 118,Tr.Threatll2,Sandwrack 113 07-311 3 1:13 ft 55 108 10 9 9" 9s KsingerC1 2500 11 Cambttyll0,Polycronl04,BtyBride 109 Octl3-3rLrl 3 1:13 ft 39 108 11 10 84 7i KsingerC4 2500 12 SmeKnightlll,Line ofFirell2,ShivallQ , : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . . -Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .14 2 1 1 $ 745 1932 record. . 2 Sliasta Lover X 111 B. g, 4, by Bistouri loveliest, by Allumeur. Work-Feb 213-4 1-18t --. Trainer, N. J. McClure. Owner, N. J. McClure. Feb-STrp 3 1:13" "ft" 35 1131311114 84WilliamsGu 1500 14 Light Nun 108, Estin 118, Timour 113 Jao29-32Hia 11:39 ft 61 112 4 2 34 44 MillsH 2500 14 WarSaint 112.Partisan 112,Mr.Dick 112 Janll-324Trp 3 1-12 ft 12 101 4 3 44 54 MillsH 1500 7 Chatvrl08,Tanzgll4,HlGmbrts 109 Jan. 5-32!Trp 3 1:13 ft 78 112 4 6 64 4 WliamsG 1500 7 MsChillal08,BigSpringll4,LhtAir 104 Jaa lTrp J 1:30 si 67 111 1 3 64 7" WliamsG1 1500 8 B.ofPrey 118,FairBiIlows 99,I.aftar 113 Dec30:312Trp 5i f 1:07 ft 13 111 7 6 54 34 WliamsG4 1500 7 P.Calhnn3,Tus.Knitlll-,M.Pkr 103 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .20 0 1 5 $ 400 . 1932 record.. 5 0 0 0 $ 25 3rd Tropical Purse 0o. 3-Year-Olcfs and Upward. Claiming. Song 5V2 Furlongs Hit Jan- 6 19321 :05 3 111. NOTE Claiming price, ,500. Non-vinners since January 13. 3-year-olds, 108 pounds; older, 118 pounds-. Non-winners of two races since December 25 allowed 4 pounds; one race, 7 pounds. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post r-Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 69038 14Mortime . .Trp 106 1:06 4 106X 1500 69038 8 Mont Jule M 69024 15Miss Avondale. ..Trp 97 109 3 96.. 1500 Trp 102 1:06 3 94.. 1500 68681 9 Tuskegee 7 111X1500 67831 16 McTinkle .Trp 112 1:06 9 114X 1500 68181 10 Miss Runantell 69072 5Common ..Sar 108 1:06 3 96X 1500 .Trp 102 1: 08 4 109.. 1500 67944 2 Noajoyce ..Trp 1101:05 4 114X 1500 68790 11 Barn Dance .. 69072 6 Talky .....Trp 106 1:07 5 111 1500 ...Trp 111 1:07 5 111.. 1500 69023 Card. 5 106;. 1500 mentMTrp 97 1:07 3 99.. 1500 Winning 69071 3Mordrom .Trp 106 1:08 6 104X 1500 68054 13Brilliant Bud.. 391X1500 63349 4 Weatherproof . 4 111.. 1500 67720 17BIue Nile M 69068 7 Highest Point - .. Trp i02il:09 3 96. . 1500 Sar 117 1:08 3 101.. 1500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or . 2nd or 3rd last start; "apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together witl latest work out and racing record for this and previous year: . Date Or. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Mortime X 1 ff Blk s 4 by Morvlch High View, by Bock View.. Work: Feb. 271-2 :51ft J-vU Trainer, I. Williams. Owner, Mrs. B. Carfano. Man l-322Trp 5fl:06 ft 8-5 109 1 1 14 3s MillsH 1500 14 Gan Lee 99, Nonvalk 99, Parties 98 Janl2-321Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 16-5 1132 1 2l 34 MillsH 1500 8 PnellBndll8,DcgBoyl06,Bounderll3 Jan.ll-32Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 19-10 106 111 31 MillsH2 1500 8 Please 111. Dunellen 111, Orkin 111 Jan. 7-322Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 2 106 2 1 11 21 MillsH 1500 8 Lawyer lll.GayPal 116,StbrdLightl09 Jan. l-32!Trp 5 f 1:09 si 13-20 111 2 1 1 34 DeCalasE 1500 7 PlayFuruslll.CaptsGirl lOl.G.Pal 118 Dec29-314Trp 5 f 1K7 ft 7-10 111 1 1 Is 44 DeCalasE 1500 6Mi-Tinkle 112, Orkin 116, Meek 109 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 9 2 2 0 $ 1,775 1932 record . , 5 0 1 4 $ 425 Miss Avondale Ql Ch. f, 3, by Purchase leila, by Lucullite. Work: Feb. 26 3-4. .l:18ed -t Trainer. F. Hastings. Owner. J. Biches. Feh29-322Trp 3 1:12 ft 21-10f 97 5 3 44 24 MontgyR8 1500 13 Hieoverl08,MyWindsorl08,Nonana 102 Febl8-3241ia 3 1:12 ft 12 98 1 2 3 2 MgomyR 2500 8 Sil.Lake 116,BkDove 116,Haytime 116 Fcbl5-32Hia 31:13 ft 30 104 1 3 41 44 MgomyR 2500 13 F.oVhitel08,SnTtimel06,Morden 106 Jaa21-321Hia 3 1:12 ft 18 107 2 5 41 44 ArthurV1 2500 11 MaeSwP107.L.Ofring 107,DianaD. 102 Janl2-32JTrp 5 f 1:06 ft 8 102 5 3 2" 14 DePmaR 1500 7 SirBarlev 118,StarRoyal lOO.Ignite 113 Jan. 9-32Trp 3 1:13 ft 136 109 5 3 44 5T HornF 1500 8 Prepareill,Nonanal06,BrnSupinet 111 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .11 2 0 0 $ 1,240 1932 record. . 6 12 0 ,025 McTinkle X 1 1 A B. e. 9. by McGee Tinkle, by Xoved One. Work: Mar. 25-8 1.03ft J-Li: Trainer. L. W. Johnson. Owner. W. L. Johnson. Jan.l2-32JTrp 5H 1:05 ft 40 112 7 7 74 64 GelloniJ 1500 7 C.kayli4,Lawyer 107,PatCallahan 107 Jan. 8-32Trp 3 1:11 ft 13 113 3 4 412 419 BauerH 2000 4 Traitorlil.BlkWachlll.AryPlme 103 Dec29-314Trp 5i f 107 ft 41-10 112 5 4 3 V WliamsG 1500 6 Orkin ll6, Meek 109, Mortime 111 Dec8-31J.P 31:19 m 29 109 2 7 71 8" BauerH 1250 9 OverboardU4,Aganthusl09.Chianti 117 Decl-31J.P 3 1:20 m 29 108 2 8 718 714 BauerH1 1500 12 VladimirlOa.SmlderinglOS.D.Simon 108 OcaPRP 3 1:16 si 14f 110 61010 911 GelloniJ 1000 12 Maraboul09,Soldergl05,L.Vartine 110 r -SrtS St 2nd frd SSr Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1 1931 record. .14 3 0 1 $ 2,350 1932 record. . 2 0 0 0 $ 25 Common X Qfi B. p, 3, by 8t. James Comsora, by The Commoner. Work: Mar 1 3-4 l-21ft Trainer, W. Hinphy. Owner, "W. Hinphy, Mac2-32Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 17-10 99 8 8 6 SULewisM1 1500 10 M.Wdsorl03,Whayll3,P.inRevw 114i Feb23-323Hia 3.1:13 ft 7 107 6 8 81 53 SmithD3 250014 ZevarllO,FgnPlayl05,LovoOffering 105 Fchl9-32Hia g 103 ft 3 96 2 2 21 21 SmithD8 2500 9 EWcell3,TheGenlll,Pass inReview 111 FcU7-324Hia 5fl:06ft 13 102 4 4 64 5s SmithD3 3000 11 MyPchasel09,Jbal,yall8,By,tDaysll4 Feb, 8-32Hia g 1:12 ft 81 111 4 2 4s 72 SmithD 3500 9 Jbalayall6,Lc ofFiroll4,MyPhase 116 Jaa28-324lia 1 1:24. ft 22-5 109 1 1 4 4" SmithD8 4000 7 Nansen 112, Miss Tulsa 109, Shiva 117 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Hrd. Won.-, 1931 record. .18 3 3 1 $ 2,800 1932 record. .7 0 1 0 $ 150 IfoajOJCe X 1 1 A B. 4, by Noah Joyce, by Sweep. Work- Mar 2 3-4 1-18 Trainer, J. Hammerschmitt. Owner, J. C. Treat. Jaal6-324lia g 1:12 ft 10 111 1 2 3s 64 MadeleyF8 2500 8 SgleStarl06,Chatover 114,Prioross 110 JaattTrp 52 f 1:05 ft 3-2 118 3 11 l3 MadeleyF3 1500 7 T.Spanirdll8,GayPaI 113,R.Tournat96 Jan. 9-324Trp g 1:12 ft 29 108 2 3 44 6" MadeleyF4 2750 6 JazAgollO,Tomborcaull2,Si:gleStar 109 Jaa 5-325Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 51 107 2 2 2s 2s MadeleyF5 2250 6 Tombeaul07,CgyKayll8,JkHowe 107 Sept 7-31Dor g 1:14 gd 8 109 4 2 21 54 CraverL3 2000 5 Banjo 102, Kopeck 110, Mintmagi 106 Sep 4-31B.B g 1:16 hy 10 115 4 4 6n 618 FodenN4 2500 6 Voltear 112,Circulet lll.Castaway 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .18 3 13 $ 2,270 1932 record. . 4 1 1-0 $ 900 Talfty k 111 B. g, 5, by Chatterton Jane Straith, by Dalhousie. Work-Feb 28 5-8 l-02t -L-L-L Trainer, R. Arbique.. Owner, Mrs. R. Arbique. Man 2-326Trp 5A f 1:06 ft 46 113 2 4 9B 9" FieldsG1 1500 10 M.Wdsorl03,Whayll3,P.inRevw 114- Jaal3-32Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 18 118 1 4 51! 51 AlIenCE8 1500 10 P.Gaffney 118,CfsCamille 95,Orkinll8 Jaall-32Trp 1 1:40 ft 36 112 1 4 4s! 6" PhillipsC3 1500 7 MissChillal09,SunMskl09,WgGold 112 Jan. 8-32:Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 29 112 1 1 34 361 PhillipsC5 1500 6 Priory 112, Please 112, Sir Barley 112 Jan. 7-32Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 10 111 1 3 55 64 PhillipsC1 1500 8 MetParkerlOl.Priorylll.Bounder 108 Jan. 5-32Trp g 1:12 ft 4 109 2 5 64 66J MontgyR 1500 8 LhtNunl02,BarnDcell4,CtleRck 114 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .37 3 5 2 1,710 1932 record. . 6 0 0 1 $ 75 Rose Tournament QQ B. f, 3 M, by Tournament II. Ponte Eosa, by Bridge of Work: Feb. 28-1-2.. :49 yy Canny. Trainer, M. J. Daly, Jr. Owner, M. J. Daly. Man 2-325Trp 5- f 1:06 ft 158 97 4 3 34 54 Stout J10 1500 10 JkHowe 113,PnellBound 117,Essie 106 Feb. 5-32Hia 5 f 1:06 ft 265 115 4 6 114 11" MannJ3 2500 12 MaeSvvpil5,L.OfringllO,S.Tetime 115 Jaal3-32Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 152 96 2 3 35 4" Stout Js 1500 7 Noajoycell8,T.Spaniard HS.GayPal 113 OctlO-31L.B g 1:14 gd 33e 100 7 4 713 7" RidgayA4 Alhv 7 Rubridge 110,Hobnob 118,DarkCelt 100 Jul.23 31Kgs 5 f 1:09 ft 27 103 7." MitchellM 1000 10 Logwoodl07,GdenSeat 105,Deserve 115 JuL16-314Del 1:03 ft 30 109 8" RoseF 1200 8 Logwoodl08,WhiteBsktl09,Surantol06 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. . 3 1932 record. . 3 0 0 0 25 Jlordrom X 1 0L Ch e 6 ty Morvich Dromore, by Hippodrome, Work Mar 1 3-4 l-182ift -LUt: Trainer, D. E. McDaniel. Owner, Mrs. F. A. Allen. Mar. 2-325Trp5if l:06ft 44 106 8 8 913 912 GrantJ5 1500 10 JkHowe 113,PnellBound 117,Essie 106 Jaal9-32lHia 3 1:12 sy 12 106 2 2 31 3,s GrantJ2 2500 5 PopGaffneyl03,Pleaselll,DrssShip 108 Jan.l5-32-Hia g 1:11 ft 84 109 7 9 913 918 GrantJ5 2500 9 D.Heartll4,J.CampbelI 114,W.Saintll4 Sep24-313HdG g 1:14 gd 15 111 8 5 54 41 DemaneV4 2500 12 MySis 108,CalgryKay 116,Perkins 116 Sep.l7-31JHag a6f 1:24 ft 14-5 114 l8 SmithE 900 8 B.AIaskall4,MdoftheVyll6,P.Calnll4 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .16 6 1 2 $ 2,545 1932 record. . 3 0 0 1 $ 130 Weatherproof 111 Ch g "5y Sunfcrence Winburn, by Fayette, Work- Mar 2 5-8 l04ft -L-LJ. Trainer, M. Simmons. Owner, 0. A. Simmons. Aug.26-3i5Sar g 1:12 "ft 15 107 8 7 94 75 JamesE9 6500 9 OnTapll5,TheHthenl09,Condescd 111 Au520-315Sar g 1:12 ft 20 105 8 7 541 4i JamesE3 4000 14 SgleStrllO,BkTyrnellO,Mrshion 100 JuL24-314Emp 5 f 1:10 ft 25 11010 7 74 44 LeischnR7 5000 12 Morshion 108,Quorum lll.JohnF. 114 Apr24-313Jam i 1:13 m 20 115 10 9 9U 8" BakerF1 Alhv 11 ALaCarte 115, Camper 116, Sims 115 Mac 6-31sMia g 1:11 ft 13 110 5 2 2" 3-i KtsingerC3 5250 6 Kengtonl04,Occurcel05,Bl,ckDove 112 Man 3-315Mia l10 1:45 hy 19-10 97 4 3 33 4 PasseroJ4 5000 4 BronTrapl05,PlayfsDrml04,Lahor 109 y Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .8 0 0 1 5 150 Highest Point 101 B. e, 3, by Supremus Country Princess, by Brown Prince H. Work- Mar 1 3-8 -36ft -L Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, C. A. Grande. Mac 2-323Trp g 1:27 ftl3-10 108 4 2 21 2nk CatroneF10 150010 MedicineBovvll6,Preparclll,Parties 101 Febl6-324Hia g 1:12 ft 155 106 3 5 64 6s! CatroneF1 Alhv 7 BayAngonl09,JasRiverl06,Thsday 110 Nov27-314Bow V 1:45 si 17 111 4 4 8" 8" RobtsonA 2500 12 TpleThreat 106,NitVintagelll,Meal08 Novl2-31Pim l70 1:44 ft 20 109 9 6 44 43 CatroneF3 2-500 12 Sdwrackll3,StareliusllO,B.Beauty 101 Nov 2-313Pim 1" 1:44 ft 23 114 6 7 5s! 61 EllisG10 3000 12 Busted 115,B.Damsel HO.N.Vitage 109 Oct30-313Lrl 1" 1:48 m 13 113 8 9 818 819 RoehmE10 2900 12 Fife 108, Shiva 113, NightVintage 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1931 record. .12 1 0 0 5 900 1932 record. .2 0 1 0 $ 125 3Tont Jllle Qi ch- f 3 W. fcy.Montalvo Juledon, by Berrilldon. Work: Feb. 273-4 1:19" SJ Trainer, H. E. A. West. Owner, Montalvo Stud Stable. Mar. l-32;Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 297 9710 10 ll10 111! StoutJ5 150014 Gan Lee 99, Norwalk 99, Mortime 109 JuL 4-31Rkm f 1:01 ft 99 10n StoutJ Alhv 10 Parties HO.EHen D.107,SocietyTalk 109 MarI2-31-St.J :36 ft 20 103 6 65 6s! StoutJ3 Alhv 9 BterBeansl21,DkCeltl06,PnceFox 108 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 2 1932 record.. 1 TllSkegee X 111 B. h, 7, by Black Toney Humanity, by Voter, Work- Feb 28 1-2 -50ft J- J. Trainer, F, E. Kraft. Owner, B. Spreckels. FebLlSHia i l:li ft 31-10 109 1 4 7s 714 LongJ3 2500 7 Traitor 107,WarSaint 109,Haytime 107 Nov: 9-3FPim f 1:11 ft 9 115 2 5 79 810 KelsayW3 4500 8 Vaciltel09,FtunateYth 112,Smear 108 Oct28-31Emp 5g f 1:10 ft 11-10 115 3 3 3J1 54 KelsayW4 6000 6 Brz.Thrull2,Squeakyll5,H.D.DdlellO Oct 6-315Jam 1 1:12 ft 9-5 135 1111 l" KelsayW3 Hdcp 5 SunMissionl40,Chatfdl24,Avarics 124 May21-313Bel wc 1:11 ft 5 120 3 6 731 810 KelsayW3 6500 8 Jamison 107, Harlem 106, Hibala 110 Mayl4-31-Jam g 1:13 sy 3-2 116 3 2 25 31 KelsayW4 Alhv 5 Nyack 110, Shawnee 112, Oncora 116 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. ?on. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 5 10 1 1,045 1932 record. . 1 MlSS Rnnantell 1 HQ B" f 4 ty Eunante11- Miss Package, by Transvaal, Work: Mar. 1 5-8. .l:01ft - Trainer, D. Jones. Owner, H. V. Stevens. Jaa26-32-Hia g 1:12 ft 232 110 10 10 1015 10" LeylandJ8 2500 10 Fervid 108,P.HarlemllO,MriesDearl08 Jaal2-323Trp 5i f 1:05 ft 282 102 5 5 6s 7" MgomyR7 1500 7 C.Kayll4,Lawyer 107,PatCallahan 107 Jan. 9-32Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 84 113 6 8 94 910 StoutJ3 1500 9 Charliell3,Pat.Callahan 113,Priory 118 Jaa 2-32sTrP 5 f 1:09 gd 7 108 2 1 l3 1" MontgyR1 1500 7 SgIeKayl06,MtLrrne94,BigSIam 99 Dec30-31JTrp 5 f 1:07 ft 91 108 5 5 6 7n HanfordB8 1500 7 P.Calhnll3,Tus.Knitlll,SaLovr 111 Dec28-31-Trp g 1:13 ft 135 1061 3 5 61 b" HanfordB 1500 8 CyKayllO.S.BrigdelllH.Gberts 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. . 5 1932 record.. 4 1 0 0 $ 750 Bam Dance 111 B. gr, 5, by Tryster Minuet, by Olambala. Work: Mar. 23-4 1:16" J-J--L Trainer, W. A. Shea. Owner, M. Shea. Frfx20-323Hia g 1:13 ft 65 114 4 1 11 1291 McGinnisP1 250013 M.ofHorl09,S.Ttime lOOB.Fther 114 Jaall-OTrp 5 f 1:05 ft 5 111 4 2 810 84CorbettC3 1500 8 Please lll.Dunellen lll.Mortime 106 Jaa 5-323Trp g 1:12 ft 23-10 114 1 2 24 24 CorbettC8 1500 8 LightNunl02,CastIeRockll4,Orkin 112 Jaa 2-324Trp g 1:14 gd 7 108 6 2 21 24MillsH5 1500 8 Deemsterll6,BkStckingslll,Orkin 111 Dec30-31Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 24-5 111 6 6 65 64 CatroneF8 1500 9 CrackPlay 103,DeerfieId 106,Talky 118 Dec26-31lTrp g 1:14 ft 22-5 116 3 2 63 84 CatroneF3 1500 14 BrwnSupinet96,LigtNunll0,Orkin 114 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .15 0 2 3 5 540 1932 record. . 4 0 2 0 300 Winning Card 1 O Bn e 6 ly -ueens Guild Trump Card, by Von Tromp. Work: Feb. 211-2 :53ft J- U U Trainer. F. Dunn. Owner, I. J. Sandrock. KhlBTrp g 1:13 ft llf 10910 12 124 12" BuckE9 1500 14 Light Nun 108, Estin 118, Timour 113 OctlO-31F.P g 1:14 ft 12 110 6 2 2" 21 BuckE13 1000 12 NinottellO,CaptainJ.S.108,S.Arnd 115 Sepl8-313Crd fc 1:11 gd 6-5 113 33 BuckE 700 7 TopCloudll8,Venarockll5,ChgChrsllO Sepll-31cBbg g 1:12 ft 9 108 4 2 21 21 HemdezJ4 1250 7 MissPeggyl08,FigLafll3,GIadEffort 109 Sep 8-315Bbg g 1:12 ft 38f 112 10 9 84 84 HardyL5 1000 11 Lassa 108, Captain J. S. 107, Finir 111 Aus24-314Tdn g 1:12 ft 7 111 2 1 1 2l LutherT3 1000 12 AsFairl07,SstaLove 102,Forefather 107 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .11 1 3 1 $ 980 1932 record. . 1 Brilliant Bud X Q 1 B. f, 3, by Bud lerner Brenda, by Johren. Work: Jan. 203-8. :38hy " Trainer, G. X. Arvin. Owner, G. L. Arvin. Jaa21-321Hia g 1:12 ft 71 107 7 10 10" 105J MontgyR3 2500 11 MaeSwP107,L.Ofring 107,DianaD. 102 JuL21-31Emp 1 1.-02 m 31 1021 1 l1 l1 LongJ1 2500 11 Zondal07,DollarPrincessl03,T.Wrakl06 JuL 7-313Aqu f 1:00 m 3-2 109 111 l4ThurberH4 2500 12 AnnaV.L.109,VrStarl02,CsCmiIle 111 Jua25-31Aqu 4i f . :56 ft 8 111 7 2 l1 2h ThurberH18 1200 18 Nimbly 109,Linguht llO.Dollydee 109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. . 3 2 10 1,600 1932 record. . 1 Bine Nile Qi Br- s, 3 M, by Bondage Freezy Sneezy, by lovetle. Work- Mar. 33-8 -37ft Trainer, J. P. Mayberry. Owner, J. Arthur. JaalSTrp 5 f 1:05 ft 100 SCRATCHED. Post P. 7 1500 7 Noajoyccll8,T.Spaniard 118,GayPal 113 Jaa 7-324Trp g 1:13 ft 84 105 5 4 5" 615 ArthurV3 1500 9 FrBillowsllO.S.Royal 113,SgleKayllO Jaa 2-323Trp 5fl:09gd 40 1021 7 4 44 44 ArthurV4 1500 8 Reservn99,StrRyl 107,TcnKnt 118 Dec29-313Trp 5 f 1:08 ft 20 102 4 4 54 64 ArthurV3 1500 8 Felaxe lll.Deserve HO.DancingBoylll NOV19.3PBOW g 1:13 sy lOf 116 6 10 ll33 ll38 ArthurV3 Maid 12 LdTmntll6,GyPartyll6,JgIeBoy 116 NovJl-3PPim g 1:12 ft 90f 108 8 9 10,s 10:o ArthurV1 Alhv 12 M Frumpll5,Fredrickll8,HihProof 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. . 4 1932 record. . 2 0 0 0 $ 25 4th Tropical Jupiter City Purse. Purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and Up- ward. Claiming. Prince Tokalon, Jan. 8, 1932 Mile 1 :25y5 5 1 03. NOTE Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 3 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,500. Non-winners since February 28. Weight, 118 pounds. Non-winners of three races since December 25 allowed 3 pounds; two races, 6 pounds; one race, 9 pounds. Index Post -BestatDistance- Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance-- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Pric 69025 lEllice Hia 107 1:25 5 99X 2500 68749s 4 Glcnside ..Hia 118 1:24 4 118X 3000 68970 9 Polygamous .. 68604 3 Inferno LadHia 112 1:26 4 106.. 2750 Hia 115 1:25 5 109X 2500 688303 5Konsington Hia 1081:25 4 - 98X 3000 68681 2Traitor 4 107X 2500 690253 8Claremont .Hia 105 l:27m 4 101X 2750 687491 6 Salisbury .Bow 108 1:27 4 112X 3000 69025 10 Silver LakeHia 112 1:26 4 106X 2500 .68941 7 Fervid ....Hia 111 1:25 4 110X 3000 68751 11 Coots Hia 112 1:25 6 106.. 2500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures 3 or , 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered In thLj lace, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: S Bate Ors. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Ellice X QQ B. m, 6, by Black Bervan Five Aces, by BisguUe. Work-Feb 8 3 8 -35ft JJ Trainer, O. Johnson. Owner. J. O. Ellis. Feh29-323Trp f :59ft 70 110 1 4 44 41 CarrollW8 2500 10 Pan.LopezlOO.FrJack 112,Claremt 109 Feb.22-32Hia 5 f 1:06 ft 8 113 6 6 54 53 CarrollW3 2500 7 Mem.DerlOS.P.HrlemlOSsingtn 108 Feb.l9-32Hia g 1:13 ft 17-10 113 1111 li CarrollW3 2500 9 Common96,TheGenlll,Ps inRcvw 111 Feb.l6-323Hia 1 1:25 ft 3-2 107 4 3 2" l" CarrollW1 250012 Kensgtonl08i,Brksiel02,MiesDcarl07 Febl3-323Hia g 1:12 ft 17-10 108 3 3 35 S4tCarrollW3 2500 6 L.Amcal08,P.Harleml08,M.ofHonorl08. fPlaced second through disqualification. Feb.l0-324lia g 1:11 ft 8 109 2 3 34 41 CarrollW 3000 7 SgleStar 108,Tobereaull6,Salisby 111 . . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .22 0 9 5 $ 2,305 1932 record. .12 2 2 1 $ 1,940 Polygamous X 1 " HQ Or. B, 5, by Stefan the Great Polyantha, by Broomstick. J- 7 Work- Mar 3 3 8 -35f " t Trainer, J. Edwards. Owner, J. Edwards. FebL29-325Trp" J 1:26 ft 111 SCRATCHED. Post P. 10 2000 8 CalyKayHBtrgOnl.BbsPlay 106 Feh27-322Hia 1 1:37 ft 3 113 1 1 14 l1 AlIenCE1 2000 7 ScotFreel08,KnowIton lll.T.Crker 108 Feh24-324Hia 1 1:27 m 51 117 4 6 6" 48 AlIenCE1 3000 7 LleAmcal00,GayBdU2,Claremont 105 FcbieHia 11:37 ft 81 113 4 5 510 513 KtsingerC4 3500 5 JkCpbell 115,GayBirdll3,Negopoli 113 Febll-323Hia 1 1:25 ff 21-10 115 3 2 2" 14 KtsingerC 2500 8 Brooksiel05,ErFaithful 106,JeMoonllQ Feb. 8-324lia g 1:11 ft 15 111 8 7 71 7" KtsingerC 4000 8 JazAge 116,MissTulsa 104,Jamison 107 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .14 113 $ 1,350 1932 record. . 5 2 0 0 1,500 Traitor X 107 B. e, 4, by Eunantell Orageuse, by Wrack. 1 Work- Mar 2 3-4 1-15t Trainer, C. Cafarelli. Owner. Mrs. C. Carfano. Feb.26-323Hia gl:15"hy 113 SCRATCHED. Post P. 8 2500 8 Fervid 113,Dedicatel05,PelIBound 113 Feb,15-32cHia g 1:11 ft 3-4 107 2 2 11 14 MillsH1 2500 7 WarSaintl09,Haytimel07,Knwlton 112 Febl2-324Hia g 1:11 ft 6-5 114 3 4 2" 2" ElstonH5 2500 8 Jaffa94,MemoriesDearl07.WarSaint 113 Feb. 8-323 g 1:11 ft 3-5 115 3 12" 33 ElstonH4 2500 8 SalisburyllO.Hamilton 112,Hieovor 114 Jaa 8-323Trp g 1:11 ft 3-10 111 2 11" Is MillsH3 2000 4 Bl.Wchlll,AgryPrmel08,McTkle 113 Jaa 4-324Trp g 1:12 ft 13-20 115 4 2 21 2! ElstonH3 2500 7 JazAgel08,MatadillO,GrciousGift 105 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wmi , 1931 record.. 20 6 2 2 $ 5,025 1932 record. . 5 2 2 J. S 1.900 Salisbury X 119 Ch e 4 ly Sir GreysteelKitty Mount, by Mount William. Work- Mar 2 3-4 l-14ft " J-J--" Trainer, L. X. Lycan. Owner, L. L. Lycan. Feb.l8-324Hia 11:38 ft 51 111 5 4 23 24 ArthurV4 3000 8 Please 109,Glenside 116,Aldershot 115 Feb,10-324lia g 1:11 ft 7-5 111 6 4 44 31 MontgyR8 3000 7 SingleStar 108,Tombereaull6,Ellice .109 Feb. 8-323 g 1:11 ft 21-5 110 1 3 1" Is PollardJ8 2500 8 Hamilton 112,Traitor 115,Hieover 114 Feh. 5-323Hia g 1:11 ft 17 103 6 7 54 44 MontgyR3 2500 11 GeneralA.llO.KnoltonllO.CnPIay 113 Nod8-316Bow 1A 1:47 ft 7 1021 5 5 44 55 MarinelliJ9 3000 10 JohnF. 109. Polydorus 105. Rubio 111 Nov.l2-315Pim ls 1:46 ft 19-10 108 1 3 21 2 NertneyW3 3500 12 AnneArundel 107,Kadiak 115, Mud 110 . Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .22 7 5 1 $ 6,330 1932 record .. 4 111 ,000 Fervid X 1 1 Q B. f, 4, by Dunlin Parade, by Trap Bock. Work- Mar 2 7-8 l-29ft J--LVJ Trainer, J. M. Black. Owner, Mrs. J. M. Franklin. Febi26-323Hia gl:15"hy 31 113 6 2 1" l3 RobtsonA7 2500 8 Dedicate 105,PnellBound 113,Tom 100 Febll-SHia 1 1:24 ft 14 111 3 4 44 44 LeischnR3 3000 5 J.Campbell HS.DeHcartlie.CnPlayllS Feb. 5-32cHia 1 1:24 ft 30 111 7 6 64 54 LeischnR1 3500 10 DeHeartlll.J.Campbell 114,Tarnishl06 Jaa26-32,Hia g 1:12 ft 17 108 5 3 14 14 LeischnR1 2500 10 P.HarlemllO,MsDearl08.AyPlume 110 Jaa20-321Hia g 1:12 m 19-5 110 5 3 5 4 LeischnR3 2500 9 Glenside lll,AngryPIumel05,Batty 105 Jaal5-321Hia g 1:11 ft 85 111 3 3 44 44 RobtsonA7 2500 9 D.Heartll4,J.Campbell 114,W.Saintll4. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .25 6 3 6 $ 6,170 1932 record. .6 2 0 0 $ 1,500 Glenside X 1 1 B. g, 4, by Eternal The Gleamer, by Master Bobert. Work- Feb 23 1-2 .53ft J- O Trainer, S. F, Murphy. Owner, S. F. Murphy. Feb.l8-324Hia 11:38 ft 8 116 4 2 33 34 LeylandJ3 3000 8 Please 109,Salisbury lll.Aldershot 115 FeblO-324Hia J 1:24 ft 23-10 118 12 1" 1" MalleyT8 2500 11 Please 116, Knowlton 118, Donie 107 Feb. 3-32Hia 1 1:38 ft 5 117 2 2 14 Is WallsP8 2500 14 Braggadocioll0,Battyl07,Negopoli 110 Jaa29-321Hia g 1:11 ft 29-10 119 12 1" 23 WallsP1 2500 7 D.Heartll6,B.Watchlll,CgaryKay 113 Jaa25-323Hia g 1:11 ft 33-10 116 3 2 22 24 WallsP 2500 10 Tombrull6,BobsPlayll2,S.Presto 111 JaaHia g 1:12 m 29-10 111 1118 l8 WallsP3 2500 9 AngryPlume 105,Batty 105,Fervid HQ Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Wnr. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. . 8 12 3 $ 1,400 1932 record. . 7 3 2 1 ,650 Infemo Lad 1 fZ Ch- 4 to Dunlin Inferno Queen, by Star Shoot. Work- Feb 29 3-8 -37ft O Trainer, J. F. Patterson. Owner. A. C. Jones. Feh25-324Hia ll:42"hy 109 SCRATCHED. Post P. 2 2000 6 Brooksie99,CockRobin 104,T.Prince 104 Feb.l2-321Hia 1 1:25 ft 61 112 6 8 94 94 ClellandO1 2500 15 NealonKayll2,BlkDovellO,Westko 110 Feb. 5-32cHia 1 1:24 ft 54 112 1 9 9" 9" BejshakJ1 3250 10 DeHeartlll.J.Campbell 114,Tarnishl05 Feb. 2-32Hia 1 1:25 ft 7-5 112 2 2 23 34 BejshakJ3 2750 5 GeneralA.112Felaxel01.B.Business 107 Nov27-316Bow lg 1:48 si 41 109 5 4 84 88 BarnesE8 3500 9 Polydorus 116, Matadi 109. Rubio 111 Nov21-31Bovv 1:47 ft 20 109 4 5 74 84 BarnesE1 4500 9 DonPedroll3,Gigticl08,W.Crackr 107, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. , 1931 record. .14 114 $ 1,700 1932 record.. 3 0 0 1 $ 100 Kensington X Cil 4 ty ro5rinelian Champ dOr, by Mont dOr II. Work- Feb 28 3-8 -35 " ft JO Trainer, W. H. Travers. Owner, Mrs. V. M. Duncan. Feh26-323Hia gl:15 hy 100 2500 8 Fervid 113.Dedicatel05,PellBound 113 Feh22-326Hia 5 f 1:06 ft 8 108 7 3 34 34 HanfordB1 2500 7 Mem.Dcarl08,P.Harleml08,Flossine 108 Fcbl6-323Hia 1 1:25 ft 13 1081 1 2 lh 2 MalleyT13 250012 EHicel07,Brksie 102,MmoriesDear 107 Febll-324Hia 1 1:39 ft 16 109 4 5 24 34 HanfordB3 2500 6 StarLassiell5,Essiel06,ChigoGirl 110 Feb. 6-323Hia 1 1:39 ft 5 108 8 1 23 45 HanfordB1 2000 9 MySisl09,PyPnnyl09,H.Gmberts 109 Jaa30-32Hia g 1:11 ft 36 108 7 5 64 63 HanfordB 2500 8 P.Harleml05,MesDearl08,MsChla 113 , Starts. 1st. 2nd: 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. v-n. 1931 record.. 17 4 10 $ 5,300 1932 record. . 8 0 1 2 $ 350 ClareillOnt X 101 B. g, 4, by Chatterton Bourbon Girl, by Helmet. Work-Feb 235-8 l-04ft --V-L Trainer, G. E. Phillips. Owner, Pegasus Stable. Fetx29-323Trp" 9 ft 1 109 4 3 34 31 FicldsG5 2500 10 Pan.Lopez 100,Fair Jack 112, Ellice 110 Feb24-324Hia 1 1:27 m 43-10 105 7 2 23 33 LevvisM1 3000 7 LleAmcalOO,GayBdfl2,Pygamousll7 Febl9-324Hia g 1:11 ft 51 100 2 1 l1 48 MillsH5 350O 6 Gen.A.113.DbleHeartll3, Jamison 107 Feb. 8-325Hia g 1:11 ft 41 111 4 6 64 68 SmithW1 4000 8 JazAge 116,MissTulsa 104,Jamison 107 Feb. 2-325Hia g 1:11 ft 55 104 6 1 55 6n StevensF1 Alhv 6 BnWisdml20,VrPool 118,FhLass 103 Oct21-313Em. 5 f 1:10 ft 11-10 115 1 1 11 lnk DeCamsE4 2500 9 Chatoverl22,TmyLadl22,SgleStar 119 Staits. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. 1931 record. .13 4 2 3 $ 3,650 1932 record. . 5 0 0 2 $ 150 Silver Lake X 1 Ofi Ch. c, 4, by Wise Counsellor English Esther, by lord Esters Work: Feb. 28 1-2.. :50t -"" Trainer. S. W, Ward. Owner, Ward and Burton. ling. Feh29-323Trp f :59 ft 47 112 8 7 71 74FronkWT 25C0 10 Pan.Lopezl00,FrJack 112,Claremt 103 Fehl8-323Hia g 1:12 ft 16 116 3 3 21 l3 FronkW8 2500 8 MissAvdle98,BkDovell6,Hytime 116 FebJ2-32Hia 1 1:25 ft 36 112 2 10 104 104 FronkW" 2500 15 NealonKayll2,BlkDovellO,Westko 110 Febl0-324lia g 1:11 ft 47 110 4 7 713 713 AlIenCE1 2500 7 SgleStar 108,Tobereaull6,Salisby 111 Feb. l-324Hia 3 1:11 ft 99 111 7 8 89 810 AlIenCE1 3000 8 SunMemyll3,Bcioccoll3,D.Heart 113 Jaa26-326Hia J 1:24 ft 10 114 6 5 813 8" FronkW8 3000 8 CleanPlay 112, Please 114, Tarnish 111 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-, 1931 record. .20 5 3 3 $ 5,525 1932 record. . 6 1 0 0 $ 750 CoOtS I fZ B. g, 6, by Broomstick Pigeon Wing, by Hamburg. Work- Feb 27 3-8 -38sl Trainer, H. S. Hart. Owner, Mrs. B. C. Hart. FeblS-SHia g 1:13 "ft 5 116 5 4 34 lh MannJ4 2500 8 Cal.Kay 114,S.Teatime 100,Prioress 111 Febl2-321Hia 1 1:25 ft 49-10 112 1 3 3 4 64 MannJ15 2500 15 NealonKayll2,BlkDovellO,Westko 110 Feb. 5-323Hia g 1:11 ft 84 110 9 11 ll13 94 MannJ8 2500 11 GeneralA.UO.KnoltonllO.CnPiay 113 JanSgHia g 1:11 ft 62 116 6 7 7,D 6" MannJ3 2500 7 DbleHrtll6,GIensidell9,B.Watch 111 - Jaa25-323Hia g 1:11 ft 138 111 .2 4 59 84 MannJ3 2500 10 Tomberull6,Glensidoll6,BobsPlay 112 Jaal5-323Hia g 1:10 ft 294 114 2 9 1020 10,s MannJ7 2500 12 Bacciocoll3,Tbereaull4,Knvlton 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record.. 3 0 1 0 $ 200 1932 record. . 6 1 0 0 $ 750 5th Tropical purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Prince Mile Tokalon, Jan. 8, 1932 1:25J45 103. NOTE Claiming price, ,500. Weight, 108 pounds. Winners since January 13, 4 pounds extra for each race won. Non-winners since that date allowed 3 pounds. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post Best at Distance . Wt. Clairri No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AeeToday Price 69039 12LAWYER .... 5 107X 1500 68945 5 Stretcher .Aqu 122 1:26 7 105X 1500 69039 4Pretty Penny. 69023 6 Sour Mash.Trp 113 1:27 7 105X 1500 L.F 98 l:31h 4 93X 1500 69072 7Donny Johnny. 69024 lHieover 5 107.. 1500 Hia 114 1:29m 4 100X 1500 69072 2Merry Windsor 6 102X 1500 69038 8Marabou 7 100X 1500 68975 9War Saint. Hia 115 1:24 5 111.. 1500 69024 10Wandering Gold 690293 14 Braggodocio . . Tip 113 1:27 5 100X 1500 ..Hia 114 1:25 6 105X 1500 69029 11 Enro 4 105.. 1500 69028 3Bird of Prey.. 68970 13 My Sis 6 111X1500 Trp 118 1:27 7 100X 1500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1. 1931. Fair mud runner. ;:Good mild runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start: figures 3 or . 2nd or 3rd laat start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Pin. Jockey P.P.Cl.rce.Sts. Best Company Lawyer X 1 07 1 ryset Entanglement, by Hire aux Larmes. Work- Feb 29 3-4 1-16" Trainer, B. B. Williams. Owner. E. X. Kent. Mac l-323Trp 5- f 1:06 ft 11-10 113 7 4 33 Is MontgyR8 1500 14 JackHowe 114,BobBburnl09,Orkin 107 JanSSHia g 1:12 ft 13 111 5 2 33 54 LcwisM 2500 8 Hamiltonlll.Par.Bnd lll.Cal.Kay 116 Jaal2-323Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 11-10 107 3 1 2h 2" MillsH5 1500 7 CalgaryKayll4,P.CalIahanl07,M.Pr 102 Jaa 7-32sTrp 5 f 1:06 ft 3-4 111 3 2 2i l1 HanfordB3 1500 8 Mortimel06,GayPal 116,StbdLightl09 Jaa 4-323Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 5 108 2 1 1" 31 HanfordB5 1500 6 Whlwayll2,Deemsterll5,CrkPly 105 Oct30-313Haw 6 f 1:19 ft 61 116 3 2 3s 8ie BogskiW9 2500 12 Tony Joe 114,HotTime lll.Curtsey 108 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 8 0 2 0 $ 400 1932 record. . 5 2 1 1. ,575 Pretty Penny X QQ Br tX Dress Parado Scramble, by Lo Helior. Work: Jan. 31 5-8. .1:02" - Trainer, H. Van. Owner, li. TJngar. Man 1-32Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 17-lOf 10811 12 12" 11" LavisM 150014 Lawyer 113,JkHowell4,BobBburn 109 ! Febl9-327Hia 1 1:54 ft 47-10 105 1 2 44 64TurnerC 2000 10 BenBIairllO,BndingDeepll2,BigBo 107 Fobl3-327Hia 1 1:39 ft 13 101 3 1 15 21 TurnerC10 2000 14 FtDerbnlOSirByrnlOSi.Dnrock 107 Feb. 9-32THia 1 1:53 ft 17-5 111 3 2 3 44 TurnerC5 2000 7 SletBgadelll.Wklesslll.Morocco 116 Fcb.6-32!Hia 1 1:39 ft 22 109 3 5 5i 24 CarrollW9 2000 9 MvSisl09.H.Gbertsl09,Knsington 108 Feb. 2-32Hia 1J 1:52 ft 14 107 1 4 44 54 CarrollW 2000 8 Fetish 112, Putter 102, Fair Bill 112 Marts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. ;23 6 2 1 J 5.875 1932 record. .12 12 1 ,175 pleOTer t Ar7 Br, h, 6, by High Time Precious Pearl, by, Zeus. Work: Mar. 31-2.. 49ft J-V I Trainer, X. V. Bellew. Owner, Hrs. L. V. Eellew. Fek29-32:Trp g 1:12 "ft 6-5 108 11 8 2 14 MillsH1 1500 13 MsAvdale97,M.Windsorl08,Nonanal02 Feb20-323Hia g 1:13 ft 6 11312 11104 54 TurnerC" 250013 M.ofHorl09,S.Ttime 100,,B.Fther 114 FeblO-32Hia 1 1:38 ft 21-10 115 5 1 6 64 MalleyT1 2500 8 Bosafabo 115,Parties98,PhtomRock 104 Feb. 8-32Hia g 1:11 ft 235 114 6 5 4 44 MallcyT 2500 8 Salisbury llO.Hamilton 112,Traitor 115 Jaa28-32"Hav g 1:11 ft 4 114 2 3 5 74 FryeJW 800 7 Valley 109, Scatter 114, Fairyman 114 Janl4-324Iav g 1:13 ft 7-5 111 5 5 44 54 FryeJW 1200 8 Lanier 109,HoId HO.HogansDance 110 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. . . starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 7 2 0 0 $ 1,575 1932 record. . 6 1 0 0 $ 600 Merry Windsor X 109 B. m, 6, by Black Servant Windsor, by North Star m. Work: Feb. 251-2.. :52m Trainer. J. J. Keith. Owner, J T. Ireland. Man 2-32Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 11-5 1031 1 1 Is MontgyR10 1500 10 WJiwayll3,P.inRovvll4i,H.Hoverlll Feb29-32:Trp g 1:12 ft 81 108 4 1 3s 34 LowisM1 1500 13 Hieoverl08.MissAvondaIe97,Nonana 102 Fchl7-325Hav 1 1:12 ft 5 103 3 6 6i 44 GaitherA1 1500 9 TransIuctl04,Gunfirel08,MyShine 108 Feb. 6-325Hav g 1:12 ft . 6 105 3 3 6 64 MartinR5 1500 7 VladimirllO,BrightSpariglell2,Film 110 Jan.31-326Hav 54. f 1:06 ft 3 103 1 3 34 35 MartinR 1800 7 Blue Day 110, Justina 108, Estin 109 Jan.24-324Hav 54, f 1:05 ft 6 109 3 4 54 44 MartinR 1750 8 Lanier 114, Justina 109, Scatter 111 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record.. 31 10 5 1 $ 7,145 1932 record. . 9 2 0 2 ,375 3Tar Saint 111 B. , 5, by St. James War Goddess, by Star Shoot. Work: Mar. 3 3-8.. 37ft 1--L Trainer, I. Perlstein. Owner, B. B. Stable. Man 2-324Trp Ifo 1:45 ft 112 SCRATCHED. Post P. 3 2500 9 Batty 107, Skrip 109, Please 112 Feb27-327Hia 1 1:38 ft 12-5 106 4 3 4 4 WinfreyW 2000 9 S.Shadowl08,Bosafabolll,NonKay 103 Feb23-32-IIia 1 1:54 sy 2 1111 1 2l 2 SmithD 2000 5 Partisan lll.Griffin lll.TopHattie 108 Fch20-32Hia 1 1:38 ft 17-20 104 1 1 1 Is SmithD5 2000 8 NlonKay 104,Starb.Light 116,MySis 107 Feb.l5-32sHia g 1:11 ft 25 109 3 1 25 24 SmithD1 2500 7 Traitor 107,Haytime 107,Knowlton 112 FcbHia 3 1:11 ft 20 113 6 3 4s 4s SmithD1 2500 8 Jaffa 94,Traitor 114,MemoriesDear 107 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record.. 1 O 1 0 $ 200 1932 record. .10 2 2 2 ,000 "Braggadocio X 10 Br. r, 6, by Black Toney Flametta. by Rock Sand. Work: Feb. 25 3-4.... 1:22m J-VtJ Trainer. L. W. Johnson. Owner. W. L. Johnson. Feb29-327Trp 1 1:40 ft 12-5 111 5 3 21 21 FowIerG5 1500 12 Muff 106, Big Bo 106, Bo Ballot 106 Febl7-323Hia 1 1:38 ft 30 109 8 7 610 6" Fo-vlerG5 2500 9 Hamtonl09,CnPIayll4,TeaCracker 109 Febl0-324ia g 1:24 ft 209 114 9 8 74 55 FowlerG 2500 11 Glenside 118. Please 116, Knowlton 118 Feb. 3-32Hia 1 1:38 ft 36 110 6 7 34 2" FowlerG4 2500 14 Glenside 117, Batty 107, Negopoli 110 Jan27-323Hia g 1:12 ft 68 112 7 7 7" 71 GielloniJ" 2500 7 KnowltonllO,P.Boundll2,DeHeart 117 Jan20-323Hia 1 1:26 m 9 110 4 2 1" - 2 WliamsG1 2500 4 Coady 108,ToreaIong 112,Diicate 112 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. 1931 record. .20 2 1 1 $ 1,495 1932 record. . 9 0 3 0 $ 540 Bird Of Prey X 100 Ch e 7 ty Star Hawk War Goddess, by Star Shoot. Work: Mar. 2 3-4. . . il :17ft J-vV " Trainer, C. K. Moore. Owner. C. K. Finch. Feh29-32sTrv 11:40 ft 10 116 Left at post. HorvathK" 1500 13 SirBvronl06,Ttalizg lll.Tig.Price 111 Feb.2-326Hia 1 1:52 ft 50 114 10 8 84 84 McKnieA 2000 10 BatgOnlW.StarbdLightllGriffin 117 Jan.27-327Hia U 1:52 ft 46 118 7 1 15 44 HanfordB11 2000 15 Torealong 118,Outburst 106,Griffin 118 Jan.21-327Hia 1 1:52 ft 44 1173 6 3 419 6" McKnieA 2000 7 ShowDown lll.Griffin 116,FairBiH 111 Janl2-325Trp 11:39 ft 37 117 6 5 5 44McKecieA1 1500 7 Fair Bill 112, Tack 104, Griffin 117 Jan. 7-325Trp 1 1:39 ft 6i 119 6 5 5 515 RileyG 1500 6 FairBill il2,SctBrigell7,Tanlizig 109 Starts. 1st. 2rd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. -5t. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .39 2 4 7 $ 2.790 1932 record. .8 2 0 0 $ 1.525 Stretcher X 10 Ch 7 by Sir Martin War Stories, by Spanish Prince n. Work: Jan. 30 lm 1:48ft J-v-1 Trainer, P. Greco. Owner, Mrs. M. Segal. Feb29-327Trp 1 1:40 ft 111 SCRATCHED. Post P. 12 1500 12 Muff 106, Braggadocio 111, BigBo 106 Feb26-327Hia 14 1:55 hy 61 104 2 6 84 810 DiliddoA 2000 8 GlHnst lll.SteInoval04,Chas Cke 104 Feb25-323Hia 1 1:41 hy 11 109 1 3 33 24 RenickS 2000 7 R.Antelope 109,GsChce 107.Chicsu 105 Feb22-327Hia 1 1:53 ft 27 109 4 6 6 6" RenickS 2000 6 FtDbornl09.Bafabol09,NlonKay 106 Fcbll-327Hia 1 12 ft 54 106 1 3 44 51 StudleyW1 2000 10 Skrip 109, Mr. Dick 106. Oaten 110 Feb. 9-32Hia 1 1:53 ft 15 112 2 1 54 54 CallahanH4 2000 7 S,letBgadelll,WkIesslll,Morocco 116 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .40 6 6 5 $ 4,905 1932 record. . 8 0 1 0 $ 150 Soiir Mash X 10 Ch B 7 by Sir Martin Harridan, bj Friar Bock. Work: Mar. 31-2 :51ft yjtJ Trainer. L. 1 lycan. Owner. L. X.. Lycan. Feh29-327Trp gl:13 ft 50 118 12 6 3s 44 HanfordB 1500 14 Light Nun 108, Estin 118,-Timour 113 Fehl8-32"Hia 1:13 ft 71 114 7 7 54 54ArthurV8 2500 8 Cootsll6,CalgyKayll4,SunTeatirne 100 ,Jan27-327Hia li 1:52 ft 51 113 1 7 9i 104 ArthurV1 2000 15 Torealong 118,Outburst 106,Griffin 118 Jan21-326Hia 1$ 1:52 ft 7 108 6 6 71 7s MillsH3 2000 10 Tack 105, Typhoon 111, Ben Blair 108 Taal4.327Hia 1and 1:53 ft 47 115 7 7 64 41 ArthurV 2000 14 Outburstll3, Vacationl20.BattlcOn 120 Jan.9-328Trp lft 1:45 ft 22-5 109 4 4 43 51 MillsH 1500 7 BattlingOn 114,Tack 107,GoldMint 114 , To18- oSt in1- T- s,arts- lst- Jnd- Won. 1931 record. .18 2 3 4 $ 2.125 1932 record. .8 0 1 1 e 250 Donny Johnny X 100 B e 4 by Cherotee-rSunshine, by Tchad. Work: Feb. 293-8... :39ft yjJ Traine , A. Songer. Owner, H. A. Coulson. Mar 2-325Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 9 113 7 7 V 64 WellsL1 1500 10 M.Vdsorl03,Whayll3,P inRevw 114 1 Feb24-32Hia i 1:27 m 57 114 1 3 5" 5 WellsLs 3000 7 LleAmcal00.GayBdll2,Claremont 105 Febl5-32eHia 3 1:11 ft 27 102 6 7 6 6s TurnerC5 2500 7 Traitor 107,WarSaint lM.Haytim 107 Au5 l-313Ken g 1:15 m 18-5 109 7 6 51 54 WellsL 2500 8 R.Chm99,Dr.L:Hmn 102A Maxm 106 JuU8-31Dev g 1:13 si 41 101 6 4 44 55 CooperR 3200 7 FairJackll2,B.PatricialOO,Q.Towton 98 JuL16-315Dev . g 1:11 ft 8 100 7 6 64 54 CooperR Hdcp 7 Wacket 106, St. Marco 1041 Solace 120 . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . -Starts lst "nd nl w 1931 record.. 28 2 3 5 $ 2,585 1932 record 3 Harahon X 100 B. g. 7, by Hourless Mirabelle, by Fair Play. Work: Feb. 285-8 1.-03" J-VKJ Trainer. B. Holloway. Owner, B. F. Coppage. i!tuc,Hrrp 51:06, ft , 13 113 4 7 8" 8"MontgyRs 150014 Gan Lee 99. Norwalk 99, Mortime 109 Jaall-32Trp 1 1:40 ft 17-5 1122 2 1" li MillsH1 1500 9 GsChce 117, J W.eL.104.CtIe K 112 Jan. 7-326Trp 1 1:39 ft 23 110 3 4 4 410 MontgyR9 1500 6 FairBiH112,SctBrieell7 Tanlizisr 109 Jan. 4-323Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 14 110 1 5 4 54 MontgyR" 1500 6 Whileawayli2.Deemsterll5,Lawycr 108 SiH i" Jf J? J??: i 2 1 MontgyR 1500 8 HIGmberts 108,M.ChiIla 109,Orkin 109 Dec28-31-Trp g 1:13 ft 11 113 6 6 64 34 MgomyR3 1500 9 Traitor 116, Meek 1L Chianti 118 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . . Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd Wnn 1931 record. .32 7 7 7 $ 5,060 1932 record .. 4 1 0 0 $ 775 Gold X TOO b S 6 by Tho "Wanderer Golden Bantam, byvStar Shoot. rilVaildering Work: Mar. 33-8 :37ft J-Vyj Trainer. J. P. Mayberry. Owner. 3. Arthur. Trp 31d? ft 61 IK 10 12 10" 10" ArthurV 1500 13 Hieoverl08.MsAvdale97,M.W3ndsorl08 Fcb26 323Hia g 1:15 hy 68 108 8 8 87 8 ArthurV 2500 8 Fervid 113,Dedicatel05 PeriBon?113 Janl32Trp g 1:12 ft 53 109 4 7 7 43 ArthurV" 1500 7 Pleasell2,M.Carey 112,AngryPIume 107 Janll-32Trp 1 1:40 ft 71 112 2 5 5 34 ArthurV 1500 7 MissChilla lOSunMask 109 P ioTy 114 Jan. 6.32Trp g 127 ft 20 113 4 3 3 41 ArthurV3 1500 11 B.ofPreyll8,GVsChcell8 SrMash 113 Jan.2.32Trp 1 1:47 gd 8 112 3 3 31 34 ArthurV 1500 8 SctBrigdeli7,NnKayllC I GdMint 117 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn . . Starts lst nd rd w, n 1931 record.. 37 8 7 5 $ 5,805 1932 record, 6 "o" 0 2 $ 20o"" Enro 1 O P. S, 4, by Dodge Pompano Girl, by Sweep. Work: Feb. 273-8 :40sl xKJtJ Trainer, M. Xowenstein. Owner, M. lowenstein. Feb.29-327TrP 1 1:40 ft 13 112 9 12 11" ll" FronkW 1500 12 Muff 106, Braggadocio 111 BieBo 106 Jaal9.32Hia g 1:12 sy 15 103 4 5 5" 5s CallahanH" 2500 5 PopGaffney loI.Pleaselll Mordrom 106 Jan.l5 32Hia g 1:11 ft 203 112 5 8 8 8 CallahanH 2500 9 D.Heartll4,J Campbell 114 W Salntll4 Nov.5-31Pim r-l:46 ft 22 115 2 3 2 1" WallsP 4000 6 Tus.KnitllO,wSwi5 Oct28 31Lat 1 1:53 m 9if 112510 6 4 4 MorsonR" 2000 12 LooP106.MWyllaS Oct2Q.31Lat l" l:44 ft 41f 111 10 12 12-12 LandoltC" 2000 12 DLxfeKing QooWwSklTp SI - btarts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won . stnrto it o.j ., , 1931 record.. 9 1 0 1 $ 1,000 1932 record.! 3 WD My SiS X 111 ch- m- e- b? Tryster Gurgling Water, by Kapid Water. Work: Feb. 19 5-8..1:05ft X--L-J- Trainer, J. J, Conway. Owner, J, p, Musgrave Feb27-32Hia 1 1:37 ft 20 103 2 6 6" 7M SmithD 2000 7 Polvgamsll3 Sc FroelOS Knnwlfnn in Feb20-32Hia 1 1:38 ft 16 107 2 2 23 44 HooperC 2000 8 WaSSSISSSS S FebJl-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 27-10 114 1 3 51 5 HooperC 2500 6 StrLassieli5i EsXS FeU6-o2Hia 1 1:39 ft 17-5 109 4 2 1 14 HooperC 2000 9 P.Pnyl09 JanO-32Hia g 1:11 ft 17 110 4 3 3 4 HooperC 2500 8 P.Harlemi05ycsDear108 SlSla 113 Jan25.32Hia 1 MO ft 9-5 113 3 IP 3 LewisM 2000 7 Batty 108, itt- r r- r- $ ssr mi.t1- 2,st- ond- r- ? 6th Tropical Purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 1 Mile Uluniu, Feb. 29, 1932 1:3.8J5 110. . NOTE Claiming price, ,500. Non-winners of one race at one mile or over since January 13. Weight, 116 pounds. Non-winners since that date allowed 5 pounds. Index Post -Best at Distance-- Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance Wt Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AeeTodav Price 69028 7TantaliZing .Hia 109 1:38 4 106X 1500 68970 2 Gold Mint..A.P 110 1-39 IlllX 1500 69073 6Putter TrP 107 1:39 6 101X 1500 69024 lMiss ChilIa..Trp 109 140 4 101X1500 68834 4AIfayeB....L.F 108 1:39 4 106X 1500 69073 3 Chattahoochee 69028 5 PrinceHia 117 1:40 4 111X 1500 H;V Tiger " Ha 110 1in i-aou. 1M a 6 mfiv 105X mnn 1500 69029 8Yargee . . . .D.P 105 1:40 7 106. . 1500 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race, together with latest work out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Cra. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company. Tantalizing X 1 OR Br. g, 4, by Baffling Hose Taorn, by TroutbecK. Work: Feb. 233-8.. :37ft lu Trainer. M. Simmons. Owner, O. A. Simmons. . Feli29-320Trp 1 1:40 ft 21-5 111 112 25 MontgyR5 1500 13 SirByronl06,Tig.Princelll,L.Concdlll Feb. 4-327Hia 1 1:51 ft 8i 111 2 4 51 64 McLIinEM1 2000 7 Tancred 116,LionHearted 114,Tack 111 Jaa28-323Hia 1 1:38 ft 8i 109 4 4 4 34 MontgyR1 2000 8 Bobs Play 109, Athol 111, Muff 104 Jaa25-325Hia 3 1:11 ft 13 116 7 6 619 64 AllenCE9 2500 10 Tomberull6,GIcnsidell6.BobsPlay 112 Janl6-32Hia $ 1:11 ft 16 112 4 3 34 31 LewisM 2500 7 TtHarlem 106,Please 114,GIenside 111 Jaall.324Trp 21:12 ft 9 114 6 4 34 2 AllenCE 1500 7 Chatvrl08,HlGumtsl09,P.Carhn 107 -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. .. Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .23 5 4 1 $ 4,725 1932 record. . 9 0 2 3 $ 575 ! Putter X " 1 fl Cb m Sl uttenden Carhnllea. by Sundridge. Work Jan 27 11-4 2-10ft -VJL Trainer, W. Short. Owner, A. D. Hubbard. Mar 2-327Trp 11:46 ft 14-5 106 4 5 3 510 PrainA 1500 7 Timour 106,LnHearted 116,BigBo 106 Febl2-32Hia 14 2:06 ft 13 100 8 8 9 9" DiliddoAT 2000 9 StardLightl09,FairBill 108,SanPto 111 Febl0-327Hia li 1:52 ft 15 10411 11 8IS 6" DiliddoA11 2000 11 Partisan 110,Brushl04,LionHearted 114 Feb, 5-327Hia li 1:52 ft 9-5 106 6 4 6" 64 ArthurV4- 2000 8 SanPrestoll4,Brush 106,MikeCarey 111 Feb. 2-32Hia 1and 1-52 ft 23-5 102 3 3 34 2 MontgyR 2000 8 Fetish 112,FairBill 112,Mike Carey 112 Jaa29-32Hia 1 1:52 ft 21-5 106 7 6 6" 6n PriorW 2200 7 Coady 118, Batty 110, Typhoon 118 Stnrta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .15 4 2 1 $ 4,325 1932 record. . 9 0 2 1 $ 400 Alfaye B. X 1 Hfi B. f, 4, by Supremus Margaret O., by Marathon. Work Feb 13 3-8 36ft -- Trainer, C. A. Bidencope. Owner, J. Marsch. FebL22-323Hav g 1:13 ft 8 102 4 2 24 1 GilbertJ7 10C0 8 Cmationl05,JgeDixonll4,DlCrm 105 Feb.l9-325Hav g 1:13 ft 8 104 6 4 5 54 GilbertJ 800 10 MgrEversll4,AIgol 114,CapsDatrl09 Febl5-32:Hav g 1:13 ft 15 108 5 7 64 6" FischerR 800 12 BkdAlskall4.MorYnll4,PereNoel 112 Feb. 7-322Hav g 1:13 ft 15 103 5 5 104 94 McLarenJ8 800 10 PhiDeltal07,B.Learyll2,Darkayress 105" Jaa31-32Hav 1 1:12 ft 5 108 8 8 74 74 HardyL 800 9 Jean 102,ManagerEvers 112,Roger 112 Jan29-32Hav 5 f 1:06 ft 15 101 3 7 7 7" RoseG 1200 9 Vladimir 115,HighColor 112,Nelson 110 . -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .14 114 $ 1,250 1932 record.. 8 1 0 0 $ 625 Tiffer Prince X 111 B. g, 4, by Prince Pal Fluzey, by Fair Play. Work: Feb 151-2 . . -50ft -L Trainer. J. Spencer. Owner. J. Spencer. Febi29-32iTrp 11:40 ft 33-10f 111 4 4 3 3" FowlerG3 150013 SirByronl06,Tntaiizglll,L.Concd 111 Feb25-324Hia 11:42 hy 7 104 5 4 44 34 LewisM 2000 6 Brooksie99,CkRobinl04, June Moon 104 Febl8-327Hia 14 1:53 ft 24-5 110 8 6 7" 7" TurnerC 2000 9 PhmRocklOS.ByLightslOSiBrsie 108 Febl6-327Hia 1 1:53 ft 60 105 5 3 5 7l TurnerC 20C0 12 Griffin 109, Tack 109, Tancred 114 Feb. 8-323Hia li 1:52 ft 22-5 108 5 3 4s 48 StevensF9 2000 9 StbdLitllO,Partisanl08,NTnKay 111 Feb. 5-324Hia 11:52 ft 5i 109 4 2 3 4 StevensF 2000 9 ValourlI.116,FairAlbcrt lll.Cabildo 111 . : Starts, lst 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .11 0 12 $ 550 1932 record. . 9 0 0 2 ? 150 Yargee 1 f Z Ch. g, 7, by Towton Field Thistle Etta, by Knight the Thistle. Work: Jan. 29 3-4.1:18ft -LvD Trainer. E. Holloway. Owner, E. F. Coppage. FebL29-327Trp 11:40 ft 40 111 8 6 5 64 MontgyR5 1500 12 Muff 106, Braggadocio 111, BigBo 106 Febl9-323Hia 1 1:53 ft 59 110 8 9 74 63 BuckE 2000 10 EIPumal04.LionHrtdll2,B.Southm 97 Febl2-327Hia li 2:06 ft 39 105 4 4 74 7" MontgyR 2000 9 StardLightl09,FairBiIl 108,SanPto 111 Jaa30-323Hia li 2:06 ft 71 105 2 5 54 54 MontgyR 2500 8 Sho.DownllO,L.Hcartdl08,Drugst 108 Jan-Trp 11:39 ft 134 107 7 7 71 7" South i 1500 7 Fair Bill 112, Tack 104, Griffin 117 Jan. 5-32Trp a li 2:05 ft 11 103 4 2 2" 1 MontgyR 1500 6 SourMashll3,CabiIdol08,PtyPenny 102 Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn., 1931 record. .38 2 1 9 $ 1,886 1932 record. . 6 1 0 0 $ 750 Gold Mint X 111 B. g, 8, by Golden Broom Netie K., by St. Martin. . Work Mar 23-4 l-18ft ------ Trainer, J. Parmalee. Owner, M. S. Ingloright. Feb27-323Hia 1 l:37ft 28 110 5 7 718 61 HanfordB 2000 7 PoIygamsll3,Sc.Freel08,Knowlton 111 Feh25-324Hia 11:42 hy 6 112 6 6 6" 51 HanfordB5 2000 6 Brooksie99,CockRobin 104,T.Prince 104 Jan. 9-328Trp 1and 1:45 ft 27-10 114 6 3 31 34 HanfordB5 1500 7 BattligOnll4,Tackl07,Braggadocio 110 Jan. 7-32!Trp 1 1:41 ft 10 115 5 3 34 2 HanfordB1 1500 8 Chancellorll2.Deemstcrll3.CkPlay 102 Jan. 2-32-Trp 1 1:47 gd 17-10 117 5 5 54 44 HanfordB5 1500 8 SctBrigdell7,NnKayllO,WgGold 112 Dec30-31TTrp 11:41 ft 5 114 3 3 34 P HanfordB 1500 6 SorMashl09.BlueCloudll4,OurPal 109 ; Startg. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won-. 1931 record. .25 5 3 2 $ 4,225 1932 record. . 5 0 1 1 $ 250 MlSS Chilla X 101 B f 4 by In Memoriam Chilla, by Alvescot. Work: Feb 151-2.... -51ft 11 Trainer. B. F. Seheffel. Owner. C. W. Greene. Feh29-32Trp 2 1:12 ft 30 113 3 5 89 94 ClellandO" 1500 13 Hieoverl08,MsAvdaIe97,M.Windsorl08 Feb.l6-323Hia 1:25 ft 40 112 5 6 64 81S ClellandO9 2500 12 Ellicel07,Kensington lOSf.Brooksie 102 Feb. 6-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 22-5 112 2 6 64 8" ClellandO 2000 3 MySisl09,PyPnnyl09,H.Gmberts 109 Jaa30-32Hia 3 1:11 ft 89 113 5 4 44 3 ClellandO 2500 8 PrtHarleml05,Mem.Dcarl08,MySis 110 Jaa26-32Hia 3 1:12 ft 103 113 9 8 94 914 ClellandO 2500 10 Fervid 108,P.HarlemllO.MriesDearl08 Jao21-325Hia 1 1:40 ft 8 117 2 2 2 2 ClellandO 2000 9 My Sis 113, Brush 108, Meek 113 .. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .19 14 4 $ 1,544 1932 record. . 8 2 1 1 $ 1,750 CiiattallOOCllCe X 1 0f Ch. in, 6, by Chatterton Blaze o Gold, by St. Florian. Work: Feb. 293-8. -37ft -l-vU Trainer, H. Goldberg. Owner, Mrs. F. Mercier. Man 2-327Trp 11:46 ft 98 106 3 4 64 6" HicksS 1500 7 Timour 106,LnHoarted 116.BigBo 106 Feh22-32iHia 5 f 1:06 ft 90 108 4 7 7i 74 HicksS1 2500 7 Mem.DerlOS.P.HrlemlOS.Ksingtn 108 FebL20-32Hia 1:13 ft 375 109 11 12 1210 114 HicksS19 250013 M.ofHorl09,S.Ttime lOOB.Fther 114 FeblO-323Hia 1 1:38 ft 279 110 3 8 815 8,s HicksS 2500 8 Bosafabo 115,Parties98,PhtomRock 104 Feb. 8-32Hia 1 1:52 ft 396 103 2 7 7" 819 HicksS 2000 .9 StbdLitllO,Partisanl08,NlnKay 111 Jaal3-323Trp 5i f 1:05 ft 38 113 5 4 64 64 HicksS 1500 8 SunnySusan96,GanLee 100,Deerfieldll3 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .11 2 13 $ 1,425 1932 record.. 9 0 0 1 $ 75 7th Tropical pLIrse 00i 3Year-Olds and Upward. Maidens. Claim-1 Mile ng. Uluniu, Feb. 29, 1932 1 :38356 110. NOTE Claiming price, ,500. 3-year-olds, 108 pounds; older, 118 pounds. Index Post r-Best at Distance Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance-. Wt. Claini No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Prica 69069 6 Iron Czar.. Hia 110 1:39 3 108.. 1500 68883 10 Afridi 3 108.. 1500 68883 5 Single KayHia 115 1:39 3 108.. 1500 69067 11 Delude ....Hia 110 1:43 3 103.. 1500 69029 9 Montgomery 68942 12 Sancroft ..Hia 102 l:44h 3 103.. 1500 Maid Hia 109 1:39 4 113X 1500 69028 13 Ultramarine .. 68883 19 Jungle BoyHia 115 1:41 3 108X 1500 . Hia 110 1:42 4 113... 1500 69068 lHome Work 68883 14 Tim Shine. Hia 110 1:41 3 108.: 1500 CM Hia 103 1:41 3 103.. 1500 69029 15 Bo Ballot.. Trp 106 1:41 5 118.. 1500 S ?ST - I5"?S! 16 Just Even M 4 113.. 1500 68825 3Strategy ..Hia K-alS?J:SI 95 1:42 3 98.. 1500 , . 68746 ,7c., 17Sldesh no 1cnn 68788 4Tom Mac. Hia 115 1:42 4 113.. 1500 3 98.. 1500 68638 7Borealis .Hia 107 1:46 4 111.. 1500 69024 18Winnie C.Hia 99 l:41h 3 96X 1500 69038 8 Castle Rock... 68606 20 Lapidary ..Hia 115 1:40 3 108.. 1500 .Bbg 100 1:40 5 118.. 1500 The past performances or the horses entered in this race, together with laust workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. " Best Company Iron Czar 1 Q Ch. c, 3 M, by Pillory Carinya, by William the Third, Work: Feb. 29 3-4.1 :15ft luo Trainer. G. H. Strate. Owner. G. H. Strate. Mar:2-323Trp 1 1:27 ft 8 10310 9 8" 74 McLIinEM5 1500 11 Spanfair lll.Herkimer 116,MissIda 101 Feh24-327Hia 1 155 m 7 98 2 3 3s 3s MillsH8 2000 9 BlkFtherll2,BndgDcep 112,Bozo 112 Febl8-327Hia 1 1:53 ft 11 100 7 4 4s 44 MillsH 2000 9 PhmRockl05.ByLightsl08i,Brsie 108 Feb.l5-32!Hia 1 1:39 ft 9-5 10312 10 64 4s TurnerC13 2000 15 SrtStory98,S-vpmarl08.Tum.G!ass 109 Febl2-323Hia 1 1:39 ft 7-5 11011 6 24 iTurnerC1 2000 13 ManassasllO.ByLights HS.LyJack llfl Feb.4-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 31 110 6 2 2s 24 ArthurV1 2000 8 Discoblusll5,Swcepmarll5,F.Swing 11 starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- Starts." 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn-, 1931 record. .11 0 1 0 $ 200 1932 record. .11 0 1 2 $ 350 Single Kay 1 OR Ch. o, 3 M, by Single Foot Ina Kay, by Nasturtium. Work: Mar. 1 3-4. .l:18ft J-VO Trainer, B. E. Chapman. Owner, Mrs. B. E. Chapman. Feh24-32!Hia 1 1:28 si 9 108 12 11 84 64 HornF 2500 13 FairBlche 98,JgleBoyl08,BoBalIot 115 Feb. 4-32Hia 1 1:40 ft 61 115 9 6 6 54 AllenCE8 2000 10 BuoytDays 115,BaaI 112,Manassas 11G Feb. 2-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 35 115 7 5 4 4 4 AllenCE5 2000 14 JsRiver HO.ElPuma 115.MeSpeed 115 Janll-323Trp 1 1:13 ft 18-5 111 11 9 58 44 ElstonH10 1500 12 BokieB.105,ErbethFoxl06i,DeIude 100 Jan.7-32Trp 1 1:13 ft 33-10 110 8 5 34 3 HornF 1500 9 F.BillowsllO.S.Royal HS.J.CoppagelOS Jan. 5-326Trp 1 1:41 ft 31 109 1 2 24 24 HornF 1500 7 Dcservel07,JaneMcl04,PcessItalia 107 . Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Stnrts. lst. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn-, 1931 record.. 5 0 0 1 $ 75 1932 record.. 7 0 2 1 $ 400 Montgomery Maid 1 1 9 B. f, 4 M, by Pagan Pan Oseetah, by Ornament. Work: Feb. 283-8.. :36t X -L- Trainer, J. F. Patterson. Owner, J. F. Patterson. Feb29-327Trp 11:40 ft lOf 106 2 5 121G 12 RenickS9 1500 12 Muff 106, Braggadocio 111, BigBo 106 Feh24-32Hia 11:28 si 14 1111 4 7 ll75 11" BejshakJ 2500 13 FairBlche 98,JgleBoyl08,BoBallot 115 Feb2-32Hia 1 1:38 ft 16 1111 4 7 71! 815 BejshakJ7 200011 Mike Carey 115; Cholla 95, Chicsu 110 Feb.l5-32JHia 11:39 ft. 3-2 111 6 2 54 ll18 BejshakJ11 2000 15 S!rtStory98,Swpmarl08.Tum Glass 109 Feb. 6-32Hia 1 1:38 ft 42 109 3 2 2" 44 BeishakJ8 2000 8 Batty 109,StarLassie 109 Brooksie 107 Jaa30-326Hia 3 1:11 " 33 111 8 8 84 7" BejshakJ1 2500 8 P.Harleml05.McsDearl08,MsChla 113 Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-s Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 9 0 1 2 $ 450 1932 record . . 6 Jnngle Boy X 1 OR Ch. gr, 3 M, by Wilderness Miss Belle, by Ballot. Work: Mar. 33-8 :38ft -"-VO Trainer, It. A. Smith. Owner, A. Barklie. Feh24-32-Hia 1 1:28 si 23-10 108 10 5 4 4 2" RenickS8 2500 13 FairBlchegS.BoBIotUS HmeWk 110- FebOHia 1 1:13 ft 51 109 12 5 54 54 MannJ8 2000 12 LkyJackl04,HoeWorkl09,B.SignaI id Feb.2-323Hia 31:12 ft 167 110 5 5 54 64 MannJ8 2500 6 Sobieha 111, Strategy 98. Zogora 1054 Janl5-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 100 115 4 5 59 64 MannJ Alhv 10 Bkmockll5,ByLightsll5,L Atmnt 115 Nov28-311Bow l79 1:47 si 7 110 2 2 21 34 MeadeD 2500 12 Chos.Pal llO.L.AttemptllO.J Sutro 115 NovSS-Sl-Bow l70 1:45 ft 8 110 2 7 610 610 MeadeD 3000 12 MerrilyOnllO,Habaneroll5 F Storm 105 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Stfrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. w,.n 1931 record. .13 0 0 3 $ 400 1932 record.. 4 0 1 0 $ 150 Home "Work 103 Ch B 3 M by Broomstiok Marchesa II., by Rabelais. Work :Feb. 9 lm 1:47ft J-VO Trainer, F. E. Moore. Owner, F. E. Moore. MaC2-32Trp 1 1:27 ft 14 103 7 9 915 9" MillsH3 150010 McineBowll6,Hi.Point 108,Prepare 111 Feb.25-321Hia 1 1:4? hy 35 117 6 8 84 815 LeischnR5 2000 9 Dunrode 112. Cholla 107. Swecptnar 112 Feh24-32Hia 11:28 si 81 110111 4 54 44 RobtsonA7 250013 FairBlche 98,JgIeBoyl08,BoBaIIot 115 Feh20-327Hia 3 1:13 ft 41 109 7 6 44 2i RobtsonA 200012 LkyJkl04, Febl5-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 83 103 7 4 45 7" SmithD 2000 15 SrtStory98SwPmarl08.Tum.GIass 109 Feb!2-323Hia 1 1:39 ft 123 11013 13 114 11" SmithD" 2000 13 ManassasllO.ByLightslandCzar , Starts, lst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record. .11 0 10 $ 150 Darter QO B. f, 3 M, by Dodge Azurita, by Hessian. Work: Feb. 143-8.. :36ft yo Trainer, S. W. Ward. Owner. Ward and Burton. Febl8-32,Hia 5- f 1:07 ft 26 111110 8 84 7 FronkW8 250012 FgnPlayl05,M.AIongll5,F.Blanche 105 Feb.l-327Hia 1 1:52 ft 88 103110 9 109 10 PhillipsC 2000 13 DonTskrl02,FrBlOWsl67 Rbridse 107 nn1?Sa U5 H i?o I I T! 6ltLnsJS 2500 15 LtAttemPtl07,ElPumal07 Playbill liS nnd SaW 8 ll ? I ll l ?rnkW 2500 12PenNamell5,Bot.Brbonll5,GoIdTiP115 S qIvS J Sf.y 37 5 J S 5 5-JamcsE 200012CsinJudyl03,HrGirll09,BtySecretl08 Oct9-317Haw 51:08 ft 7 115 4 7 44 34 JamesE Maid 12 BoobyBirdll5,JennieGal 115,Imeldall5 Vi Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .13 0 1 1 $ 400 1932 record. . 3 Continued on fourteenth vage. Tropical Park Entries and Past Performances Continued from eleventh page. Strategy QQ Br. f, 3 M, by Light Brigade Sister, by Uncle. Work: Mar. 33-8.. :37ft Trainer, T. P. Mills. Owner, T. P. Mills. Feb22-32Hia 3 1:13 ft 11 110 1 4 4s 441 MillsH1 " Allw 5 Span.Flirt 110,LdyAra 110.Nat.Wit 110 FebTZHia 1 1:40 ft 11 95 9 7 814 810 MillsH1 2000 9 Matadi lll.Sir Byron lll.Rocktor 105 Fehl5-32Hia 3 1:13 ft 13 10111 11 10" 1011 MillsH1 2500 13 F.oWhitolOS.SnTtimelOMIordon 106 Feb. 9-32Hia 3 1:12 ft 13 102 6 6 66i 610 LongJ1 3000 " 6 Shivall2,W.Advocatell2,S.Teatime 107 Feb. 2-32JHia 3 1:12 ft 15 98 6 4 4!1 25 MillsH 2500 6 Sobieha lll.Zegora 105i,OilQueen 107 Jaa28-324Hia 3 1:12 ft 13 98 6 6 6s! 5i MillsH6 2500 6 L.Offerg98,M.Sweepl03,PtHarIem 110 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn ! 1931 record.. 11 0 1 1 $ 300 1932 record. . 6 0 1 0 $ 172 Tom Mac "1 1 Q ch 4 M y Prince Philip Move On, by Golden Maxim. Work Mar 3 1-2 52ft O Trainer, J. S. Healy. Owner, W. Bauchsbaum. FeU20.32Hia 3 l:13ft 258 116 10 12 11" 11" SniderA1 2000 12 LkyJackl04,HoeWorkl09,B.Signal 109 Feb. 8-32Hia 1:53 ft 152 103 8 7 7,s 7" SmithD8 2000 9 Negopoli lll.Oaten 108,DrcssShip 111 Jaa27-32"Hia 1 1:39 ft 166 115 8 10 10" 10" SniderA8 2500 15 LtAttcmptl07,ElPumal07,PIaybill 115 Nrc4-316Bel 1and 1:46 ft 60 103 10 12 10" , 8" HobertS 1500 14 Dunrockll2,Glensidel05,B.ofPrey 113i Octl7-31Jam 3 1:14 m 40 120 6 6 51 8" RenickS1 Maid 11 HattoraslOg.SpanfairlOSiVVtysFox 108 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 2 1932 record. . 3 Borealls 111 . S, 4 M, by Thunderstorm Florsain, by Sain, Work Mar 1 3-4 l16t Trainer, A. Harned. Owner, A. Harned. Man l-323Trp 52 f 1:06 ft 109 SCRATCHED. Post P. 11 150014 Lawyer 113,JkHowell4,BobBburn 109 Feb.l3-327Hia 11:39 ft 369 107 7 12 13: 14" EabyJ3 2000 14 FtDerbnl07,PyPnyl01,SirByrn 103 Jan.29-323Hia 1 1:39 ft 158 117 3 12 1429 14" ClellandO5 2500 14 WarSaint 112,Partisan 112,Mr.Dick 112 Jan. 6-32iTrp 3 i:12 ft 128 111 5 9 9" 9" BogskiW1 1500 10 H.GumbslOS.DrfieldlOS.B.Stocks 111 Jan.2-32!Trp 54 f 1:09 gd 23-5 113 4 7 68i 5s MillsH1 1500 7 M.Runtll lOS.S.KaylOe.MtLrne 94 Dec31-31-Trp 5 f 1:07 ft 83 118 1 3 451 6S1 ClellandO9 1500 9 Bckfircll8,PnceSwp 106i,OnLve 107 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 8 1932 record. . 4 Castle Rock 118 " M, y -rar Bock Ziamballe, by Polymelia. Work Jan 19 3-8 41m Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, J. Bofstettcr. Mar 1-32-Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 227 11711311 9" 7" LutherT9 150014 Gan Lee 99, Nonvalk 99, Mortime 109 Feh20-32:Hia 1 2:07 ft 115 114 4 8 8 917 SniderA1 2000 9 Garlic lll.GenialHost 113,Druggist 113 Feb.l5-32IHia 1 1:39 ft 1507 115 13 14 11" 61 SniderA8 2000 15 SrtStory98,Swpmarl08,Tum.GIass 109 Feb. 5-32Hia 1 1:52 ft 196 111 3 9 919 9" SniderA5 2000 9 ValourII.116.FaifAlbert lll.Cabildo 111 Feb. 2-32Hia g 1:25 ft 110 112 4 5 5" 5" SniderA8 2750 5 GeneralA.112,Folaxol01,InfernoLad 112 JaiL29-32sHia 1 1:39 ft 199 117 10 8 81 7" SniderA4 2500 14 WarSaint 112,Partisan 112,Mr.Dick 112 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .25 0 1 1 $ 200 1932 record. .11 0 0 1 S 125 Afridl I AO Br. c, 3 M, by Black Bervant Homily, by St. Martin. Work Mar 1 1-2 49ft -i-vO Trainer, R. A. Forsha. Owner, lee and Forsha. Feh24-32JHia g 1:28" si 19 103 7 9 10" 8" MillsH1 2500 13 FairBlche 98, JgIeBoyl08,BoBalIot 115 Febl8-323Hia 3 1:12 ft 16 100 5 6 6" 79 MillsH2 2500 8 Sil.Lakell6,M.Avndalo98,BrkDove 116 Feb.l6-32-Hia 1:26 ft 43 105 4 4 41 31 MillsH0 2500 6 Rubridgcll2,NorwkllO,PhtomRockllO Junl6-31-Aqu l:00sy 40ell2 1 6 51 51 KelsayW2 3000 11 Altmark 122, Moa 10, Outguess 112 Junl2-31-Bel 1 wc :59 gd 40 110 11 4 6s 6" KelsayW" 4000 11 Morushll9,Contribte 119,FrancesD. 116 Jun. 8-31-Bel wc 1:00 sy 50 111 7 9 9" 8" KelsayW 4000 13 Morush 115,Altmark lll.TeachMe 110 , Starts, 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 6 1932 record.. 3 0 0 1 f 100 . DelndO "I AO Br. f, 3 M, by Kai-Sang Drina, by ChlclB. Work Feb 28 3-8 35ft and Trainer, "W. Livingston. Owner, 8. Xouii. Man 2-32Trp 1:14 ft 70 117 4 10 710 919 HanfordB7 Allw 14 MakeSpeed 122,Sultry 126,LadyAra 121 Febi24-32-Hia g 1:28 si 43 98 5 6 91 915 MontgyR.5 2500 13 FairBlche 98,JgleBoyl08,BoBal!ot 115 FeblSHia 5 f 1:07 ft 211 105 9 9 71 4 ArthurV8 250012 FgnPIayl05,M.Alongll5,F.BIanche 105 Febll-32Hia 3 1:13 ft 134 112 Left at post. AlIenCE7 Allw 8 Exhilarate 115,MoveAl!gU5,K.Brucell5 Feb. 4-328Hia 1 1:39 ft 63 110 8 8 6" 5" LeischnR 2000 8 DiscoboIusll5,Ir.C2arll0,Sweepmar 115 Janl8-323Hia 3-1:13 ft 34 114 8 8 8" 8" CatroneF Allw 8 Zegora 114,EbethFox 114,LadyAra 114 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 16 0 0 0 $ 75 1932 record. . 9 0 0 1 $ 100 Sancroft 10 B" B 3 M 17 Sand Kole Kennniare by Ballot. Work Feb 20 lm l49sl ---J, Trainer, A. Ayers. Owner, J. 0. Keene. Macl-32GTrp 11:40 ft 101 SCRATCHED. Post P. 4 2500 9 F.oWhitel06,PhmRk 116,Rubdge 111 Febi26-32-Hia 1 1:41 hy 147 102 2 6 7" 6" LewisM1 2000 8 BillSoutham 102,WinnieC.99,Zegora 110 JuL 2-31Bbg 5i f 1:07 ft 33f 109 9 9 68 6s LeeE9 1000 11 LetHerPIay 108, T.Dick 114,D.Doar 115 Jua26-318Bbg 5i f 1:09 sy 24 10912 11 8s 6s FrogteDE" 1000 12 Duplic:tylQ9,DonnaDoar 115,Usurp 111 Jual6-3rBbg 4i f :53 ft 16f 10910 10 81 PrgrassA" 1000 12 N.Kuh!manl05,GnSunl04,Logwood 10 Feb. 5-31JMia 2 f -28 gd 119 108 10 9s 11s MadelcyF9 2500 13 Chinkeell3,MyPchascll6,DkThorn 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 5 1932 record. . 1 Ultramarine "11- B. f, 4 M, by Haste Ethereal Blue, by Wrack. Work Feb 9 lm l42ft J-J-O Trainer, J. Fairbanks. Owner, J. Fairbanks. FebL29-32Trp 1 1:40 "ft33-10f 106 3 9 121S 12 RenickS4 150013 SirByronl06,Ttalizglll,Tig.Price 111 Feb22-32sHia 1 1:38 ft 103 110 8 11 11" 115 CallahanH3 2000 11 Mike Carey 115, Cholla 95, Chicsu 110 Fehl5-322Hia 1 1:39 ft 16 110 10 8 99 914 CalhanH" 2000 15 SrtStorv98,Swpmarl08,Tum.Glass 109 Feb. 3-328Hia 1J 1:53 ft 51 109 3 4 67i 715 CallahanH 2000 8 Silvery HO.PrinceToy 109,Partisan 114 Janl6-32Hia 3 1:11 ft 3027 106 7 7 7U 7i0 CalhanH1 2500 7 PtHarleml06,PIeasell4,Tantalizg 112 May 6-314Pim 1 1:45 ft 38f 104111 4 48 4Ti CchficldC Maid 11 IroncladlllHurryBye 1U, V.Forge 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. . 5 1932 record. . 5 Tllll SllinC 1 fJQ B. c, 3 M, by Traumer Olga Virginia, by Celt. Work Mar 1 3-4 118 -"0 Trainer, D. E, McDaniel. Owner, J. L. Eoberts. Febi24-322Hia 1 128 si 447 112J 9 12 12:s 12" FronkW2 2500 13 FairBlche 98, JgleBoylOS.BoBallot 115 Feb.l5-322Hia 1 1:39 ft 341 10414 15 13" 13" MnclliJ9 2000 15 SrtStory93,Swpmarl08,Tutri.Glass 109 Febl2-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 612 110 8 8 8? 8ci MarinelliJ8 2000 13 ManassasllO,ByLightsll5,IrnCzar 110 Feb. 2-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 513 110 11 10 10" 10" MontgyR" 2000 14 JsRiver llO.ElPuma 115,MeSpeed 115 Jan.30-32Hia 1 1:25 ft 1438 107 15 15 1522 1523 DcmaneY" 2500 15 L.ofFirell5,JesRiverl03,Am.Queen 108 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record. . 5 Bo Ballot 1 "J Q Ch. g, 5 M, by Ballot Hasty Maid, by Hastings. Work Mar 33-8 37ft J-i-O Trainer. W. A. Shea. Owner, W. M. Duffy. Feh29-32;Trp 11:40 ft lOf 106 7 4 44 48 LewisM" 1500 12 Muff 106, Braggadocio 111, BigBo 105 Feb24-322Hia 11:28 si 80 115 8 3 321 3 McGinnisP4 2500 13 FairBlche98,JgleBoyl08,HeWork 110 Feb20-32,Hia 2 1:13 ft 113 116 9 4 32i 62 McGinnisP2 2000 12 LkyJackl04,HoeWorkl09,B.Signal 109 Febl5-322Hia 1 1:39 ft 30 115 11 12 12" 12" WkmanR" 2000 15 SrtStory9S,SwpmarlQ8,Tum.GIass 109 JaiL29-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 1151 117 13 13 13" 1324 CatroneF" 2500 14 WarSaint 112,Partisan 112,Mr.Dick 112 Marl6 315St.J lis 1:50 ft 60 110 7 7 7" 7" EamesC 1500 7 FlorianllO,LdonRockl08,SunMdler 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record.. 8 0 1 0 $ 195 1932 record.. 5 0 0 1 $ 125 JllSt Even 11-? B. c, 4 M, by Altawood Brimful, by Sir John Johnson, Work: Feb. 27 5-8. .. .1:06ft J---" Trainer, R. Arbique. Owner, D. C. Powell. , Starts." 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . SidesllOW QQ -Br f 3 Bunting Spectacle, by Johren, Work: Mar. 13-4. .1:15" Trainer, K. Scully. Owner, E. Statler. Febl8-32Hia 5 f 1:07 ft 9 112 8 10 102 9s GarncrW" 25C012 FgnPlayl05,M.AIongll5,F.BIanche 105 Feb. 5-32Hia 5 f 1:06 ft 27 115 8 8 9s 8s GarnerM5 2500 12 MaeSwpll5,L.OfringllO,S.Tetime 115 Jaa28-32!Hia 3 1:13 ft 5 110 3 3 2i 33 GarnerM3 Allw 11 DianaD.112,KyBmcellO,Gal.Dess 115 Feb28-314Mia a :33 ft 4 114 2 4i 63i GarnerM3 Stks 15 Pink 114,Seasaint 114,Flying Home 114 , Starts. 1st. 2n-l. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. Jst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1931 record.. 1 1932 record. . 3 0 0 1 S 100 lYiimie C. Qf Ch 3 by General Xee Parthia, by Omar Khayyam. Work: Feb. 221-2. :50ft Trainer, J. Evans. Owner, J. Evans. Feh29-322Trp 3 1:12 ft 21-10f 97 13 10 67 5J StoutJ2 1500 13 Hieoverl08,MsAvdale97,M.Windsorl08 Feb26-324Hia 1 1:41 hy 33 99 7 3 23 2i StoutJ2 2000 8 BillStham 102,Zegora 110,RubridgellO Febl5-322Hia 1 1:39 ft 29 103 4 6 8i 8" StoutJ3 2000 15 SrtStory93,Swpmarl08,Tum.Glass 109 Janl3-323Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 24 102 8 8 Th PhillipsC8 1500 8 SunnySusan96,GanLoo 100,Deerfieldll3 Jan. 9-32Trp 5 f 1:08 ft 17 111 8 9 85i 8" GordonP 1500. 10 OnLeavelll,F.Fellowll6,C.Camille 111 Jan. 7-323Trp 3 1:13 ft 55 105 8 5 55 541 DeCaIasE2 1500 9 Spanfairl05,CsCamillel06,Eliz.Fox 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 3 1932 record. . 7 0 1 0 . $ 175 Lapidandry 1 OR B. e, 3 M, by Azenstcin Fair Vision, by Von Tromp. Work Mar 1 1-2 49ft -"-"O Trainer. D. S. Fountain. Owner. Miss K. Sullivan. Feh29-52lTrp 3 1:13 ft 102 SCRATCHED. Post P. 19 1500 14 Light Nun 108, Estin 118, Timour 113 Febl2-323Hia 1 1:39 ft 19 115 3 2 31 53i AIIenCE8 2000 13 ManassasllO,ByLightsll5.IrnCzar 110 v .- 2Hia 11:40 ft 16 115 5 8 7s 71 LongJ5 2000 10 BuoytDays 115,Baal 112,Manassas 110 jx -.-w-Hia 1139 ft 44 111 7 7 681 69 AllenCE7 2000 8 F.Billowsl07,D.Taskerll0,WysFox 105 Jac 14-31 Hia 1 1:39 ft 39 112 4 11 11" 11" HanfordB4 2750 12 Southcoll2,N.Edition 113,D.Tasker 112 DccZO 3 sTrp g 1:13 ft 23-5 108 5 2 2s 2s HanfordB8 1000 8 Nonana 103, Volcry 106, Delude 106 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . 193-: record.. 12 0 2 0 $ 350 1932 record. . 4