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THORNCLIFFE PARK The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the First and Third Races I at Thorncliffe Monday Paid 20.95 for ! TORONTO, ONT., MONDAY, MAY 30, 1932—Thorncliffe Park 1 mile. First day. Thorncliffe Park Racing and Breeding Association. First summer meeting of 7 days. Marshall Cassidy Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Stewards, D. S. Gillies and J. P. Turner. Judges, W. A. Hewitt, E. Allan and VV. G. Kelly. Starter, M. Cassidy. Racing Secretary, J. P. Turner. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. *Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. *7"1 2S"1 FIRST RACE— 12 Mile- Easter Hatter, May 15. 1931— :48%— 2— 116. Debutante Purse. o JT. T" Purso 51.000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Foaled in Canada. Special weights. Net May-30-32-Tnf va|uc t0 wjnner 00; second, 75; third, 00; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bquiv. Odds Strt HIDDEN CITY w 115 7 2 2* 21 l* BattistaJ Thorncliffe Stable 1 1421 100 ACAJOU wb 115 5 4 33 3*1 21 RileyG D Raymond 175-1100 71145 OLD FASHIONED w 115 8 3 l1 1 32 MadeleF J C Fletcher 1520-100 70971 HOLLANDAISE w 115 4 1 44 44 44 QnbushG J Cattarinich 2955-100 711453BY THE SEA W 115 3 6 54 52 52 AimersT Thorncliffe Stable t 71215 ATTIC BIRD w 115 6 5 61 64 61 RallsC Riverdale Stable 990-100 SPOT CREST w 115 2 8 71 7" 71 WellsL J P White 605-100 FAIRBROOM w 115 1 7 8 8 8 ConveyJ Harber Stable 2420-100 tCoupled as Thorncliffe Stable entrv. Time. :23%, :49%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS— v THORNCLIFFE STABLE ENTRY ....$ 4.85 .60 .20 142J— 100 30—100 10—100 ACAJOU 3.15 2.75 67J — 100 37—100 OLD FASHIONED 2.90 45—100 Winner — Ch. f, by Oil Man — Rockady, bv Trap Rock trained by J. F. Hynes; bred by Thorncliffe Stable. WENT TO POST— 2:33. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. HIDDEN CITY, quick to get going, followed close to OLD FASHIONED and, finishing gamely, wore down the pacemaker in the closing eighth, but had to be hard ridden to withstand ACAJOU. The latter, badly impeded by HIDDEN CITY midway of the turn and forced to take up sharply, was placed to punishment and finished with a belated rush. OLD FASHIONED, rushed into the lead, saved ground throughout, but tired in the last eighth. HOLLANDAISE could not improve her position. BY THE SEA was outrun. The others were unable to reach the leaders. Scratched— 71113 Die Cast, 115; 71113 Jeanville. 115. T1 8 SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. Queensway, Sept. 18, 1931—1:00—2—112. Mimico Purse. 4 J-oA Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 35; third, May-30-32-Thf 5: fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for more, 3 pounds extra for each 50 to ,000. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 71029 TOY TOWN wb 112 1 1 14 14 l2 1" WellsL H A Coulson 780-100 70778SKIPSEA w 108 11 3 2" 21 21 22 TremneR Pasadena Stable 770-100 SINNER wb106 3 6 4"1 3" 3,k 31 CraverL Wm Garth 11785-100 70977MOE MACAW wb 105 4 7 51 A* 45 44 CowlevJ Mrs J McGraw 675-100 71029 BROWN TORCH w 111110 9 81 71 64 5" RoseF Sunnyside Stable 1420-100 70901 LUCY MENIFEE w 108 6 5 61 61 52 6* Peakell J Hoskins 800 100 71180 LONESOME GLORY w 107 8 11 ll3 103 71 74 BakerFJ B S Michell 430 -100 69913 WESTYS TWINKLE w 106 5 2 34 51 8l 8" BattistaJ H T Archibald 1780 100 DOWNFALL w 109 2 10 102 93 93 93 CanfieldL E James + 71113 LERABLE wb 1101 7 8 94 81 ll2 lO" RemilrdP J Cattarinich 12040100 RUSTIC LAD w 104112 12 12 12 101 ll1 ObertW G B Foley t 710703PRINCE WKSTEND w 117 9 4 T 11412 12 LesereE H Neusteter 230 100 tMutuel field. Time, :23%. :48%. 1:0125. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . TOY TOWN 7.60 0.30 .20 780—100 415—100 310—100 SKIPSEA 11.40 6.45 470—100 2221—100 SINNER Field 7.10 255—100 Winner — Br. f. by St. James — Fribble, by Sundridge trained by A. Songer; bred by Messrs. E. G. Drake and G. D. Widener. Winner entered to bo claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:06L AT POST— 2 minutes. Start eood out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. TOY TOWN becan quickly and. hard urged while saving ground, responded gamely for the final drive and held on resolutely. SKIPSEA. a factor from the start, was wearing down the winner. SINNER, prominent and showing good speed, held on gamely. JOE MACAW challenged entering the stretch. LUCY MENIFEE was unable to threaten the leaders. PRINCE WESTEND began slowly and was shuffled back on the turn. Scratched— 71113 Bald Crest. 104; 71029 Fair Clark, 109; 70977 Fair Mole, 106: 71148 Good Guess, 104; 70602 3 Sinking Heart, 106; 71027 Busy Ike. 106. Overweight — Toy Town, 5 pounds; Brown Torch, 2; Lucy Menifee, 1; LErable, 4£; Rustic Lad, 1£. Corrected weight — Prince Westend, 117. ■ ■ ■ 1 rj-i 009 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. French Lass, Sept. 14, 1931— 1:11%— 4— 115. Hamilton Purse. 4 J-«00 Purse SI. 000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, May-30-32-Thf 75; third, S100; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000; if for more, 2 pounds extra for each S250 to ,000. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt % *A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 71217FAIR JACK wb 5 117 7 1 4nk S 44 lh ConvevJ H G Bedwcll 745 100 712202*PENNATE wb 4 108 9 8 8" 54 2h 24 BattistaJ C V Whitney 215 100 710713MEXICO w 3 112 5 6 7" 7"k 51 54 BurkeJH S W Labrot 280 100 71150 BOSCOBEL v. 3 103 2 7 2 22 6* 4" PhillipsC J E Smallman 670100 694933McGONIGLE w 6 113 3 10 10* 94 74 54 BakerFJ M W Buck tl305-100 69478-SONG HIT wb 3 114 6 3 l2 11 lh 6" SerioJ J Madonia + 71115IMA QUEEN w 5 111 4 5 6" 84 61 7"k DohertyF R Pending 655-100 G6347 0MAREEN wb 6 120 8 11 111110 83 PeakeH C N Mooney 8535 100 70138 HIEAWAY wb 4 111 11 2 51 4" 83 91 MaenerW W L Brodie 14295 100 70684SCHOONER w 4 111 10 9 glO4 9" 1C TremneR Pasadena Stable 4650 100 71115 BLACK BOARD wb 3 107 14 3" 6111 11 RallsC M Lowenstein 1360100 tMutuel field. Time, :232. :47%. 1:13. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , —OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS— . FAIR JACK 6.90 .55 .30 745—100 2271—100 115—100 PENNATE 4.20 2.85 110—100 421—100 MEXICO 3.00 50—100 Winner — Ch. g, by Fair Gain or Thunderstorm — Rani, by Peter Quince trained by H. G. Bedwell ; bred by Mr. H. G. Bedwell. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:39J. AT POST— 1J minutes. Start poor out of machine. Won drivins ; second and third the same. FAIR JACK, starting fast and beating the barrier, was outpaced for half a mile, then worked his way up and, closing gamely, wore down the leaders, but just lasted to withstand PENNATE. The latter, away slowly and forced to race on the outside, responded to punishment and was wearing down the winner. MEXICO finished resolutely on the inside. BOSCOBEL was used up racing with SONG HIT. McGONIGLE closed a big gap. SONG HIT tired hadlv after five eishths. IMA QUEEN had no excuses. OMAREEN finished fast from a slow start. BLACK BOARD quit. Scratched— 712203Gay Party, 114; 66694 Hobnob, 106. Overweight — Boscobel, 2 pounds; Black Board, 1. Corrected weight— Pcnnato, 103. 712S4 FOURTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. Star Crest. Sept. 1271931-1:25%— 4— 108. Danforth Purse. * *JjO*i Purse S1.500. 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Allowances. Net value to May-30-32-Thf winner ,050; second, S250; third, 50; fourth, 0. Index norses EqtA WtTPSt V* % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 59558FROTH BLOWER w 4 121 5 5 4" 4Dk 3 3s ll MannF R W R Cowie +971 100 712183YOUNG KITTY w 7 103 4 2 21 11 11 l" 22 PhillipsC Seagram Stable 155 100 71218 AYMOND wb 5 113 2 3 31 34 23 21 3h OMallevJ R H New 1040 100 67944 STAR CREST wb5 113 7 7 62 64 6" 43 4,! SchaeferL Hastings Stable 590100 711822KINGSWAY wsb 5 113 3 4 51 51 5" 55 51 TonrowR R W R Cowie + 63682 GOLADER w 4 105 1 1 1" 2" 41 6s 610 CraverL H Walker 19775100 71182 CAMBRIDGE w 10 105 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 DohertyF F J Davis 17850100 tCoupled as R. W. R. Cowie entry. Time, :23. :46%, 1:13%. 1:27. Track fast. , S2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS— R. W. R. COWIE ENTRY .95 .20 .10 97J— 100 10—100 5—100 YOUNG KITTY 2.35 2.35 17—100 17—100 AYMOND 260 30—100 Winner — Br. c, by Cudgel — Chrysobcril, by Yerdun trained by H. Giddings; bred by Mr. R. W. R. Cowie . , WENT TO POST— 4:13. AT POST— 1 minute. Start eood cut of machine. Won driving: second and third the same. FROTH BLOWER, rated along for five-eighths, was kept on the outside, wore down YOUNG KITTY in the last sixteenth and won under urging. The latter shook off GOLADER in the first three-eighths, withstood challenges from AYMOND. but was not good enough for FROTH BLOWER. AYMOND. hard ridden from the start, tired after drawing up on practically even terms with the early pacemaker. STAR CREST, forced wide earlv. finished gamelv. KINGSWAY tired. The others were outrun. Scratched— 71218Shady Well. 101; 71218 Fragrant Gift, 98. TOQer FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Khorasan, Sept. 12, 1931— 1:44%— 3— 107. Guelph Purse. u QnMTir Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, Wlay-3u-3Z-Tnf 5200 ; third, 00: fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for more, 3 pounds extra for each 00 to S5.000. 1ik1»t Horses BqtA WtPPSt j V, %£tr Fin Jo.-keya Owners Kgniv. Ortrts Strt 712192FRUMPER wb 5 115 5 4 4nk 4" 3k 33 1» OMalleyJ R H New 160-100 71116BRODWAY LIGHTS w 3 105 1 2 2 21 21 21 2 DohertvF T McCarthy 2195 -100 71149 RUBIO wb 4 110 2 1 1* 14 14 11 32 BurkeJH Geneseo Stable 550 100 710712HAPPEN wb 3 100 6 5 5" 520 41 42 A* WallN Mrs G Fox 1815 100 711492ULUNIU w 6 110 3 3 3" 31 5" 512 5* RilevG Mrs R Pollard 145 100 71110LOLTS MERRYMAN w 3 109 4666 66 6 MagnerW Mrs W L Brodie 1005100 Time, :23%, :48, 1:13%, 1:4024, 1:47. Track fast. - « , S3 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS—, FRUMPER .20 .45 .60 166—100 72*— 100 36—160 BROADWAY LIGHTS 10.75 4.05 437* — 100 102*— 100 RUBIO 3.65 82*— 10t Winner — B. g, by Pennant — Frumpery, by Chicle trained by W. G. Wilson; bred by Mr. H. P. Whitney. Winner tntered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:44*. OFF AT ONCE. Start good out of machine. Won driving ; second and third the same. FRUMPER came through on the inside near the stretch and, closing fast, wore down the leaders in th« final strides. BROADWAY LIGHTS, a factor and saving ground early, went to the outside for the closing-test and fought it out stubbornly. RUBIO, taken under light restraint when taking command, tired in th« closing eighth. HAPPEN tired. ULUNTU was through after three quarters. LOUIS MERRYMAN had no chance with the start. Overweight — Broadway Lights, 3 pounds. Corrected weight — Uluniu, 110. ry-| OQD SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Khorasan, Sept. 12, 1931— 1:44%— 3— 107. Orillia Purse. * lOO Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, May-30-32-Thf 35; tnjrd 1932.sh5 ; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 71116 SWEET SENTIMENT w 5 113 1 2 V 1* l3 la 1" DohertyF Mayfair Stable +1125-100 71073MARGARET MC. w 4 113 9 10 91 5k A* 34 2» MannF J C Cremen 475-100 70976 GUIDE RIGHT wb 5 113 11 11 10" 3" 31 22 3" ClancyM Mrs R Pollard 1465-100 71151 THE DOCTOR w 6 115 3 8 5" 4" 6* 5* 4* RallsC C J Patchett 725-100 66463 DARK NUN wb 4 109 8 12 12 12 12 74 54 FatorE A Gibson + 711842BURNSIDE wb 3 103 7 5 2* 2* 2* A* 6* PhillipsC J J Moran 240-100 71116 PRLY ATTENTION wb 7 1131 6 3 8"k 74 54 6* T LegereE G Thompson 495-100 71185 DARKSINT wb 4 110 10 9 71 8" 81 81 81 FisherRJ Mrs J Badame 2700-100 71220*BUD BROOM wb 5 106 2 1 41 61 74 91 9k TremneR Pasadena Stable 830-100 71071 HORATIA w 3 100 4 4 6,kll* ll1 ll1 101 WallN J J Burns 1495-100 71030 TRAMAUGNE w 4 112 12 7 5k 94 9* 104 114 ConveyJ Harber Stable 3405-100 69801 REDIVIVUS w 4 113 5 6 ll4 101 101 12 12 SchaeferL G W Campbell + tMutuel field. Time, :24, :48%, 1:14%, 1:40%, 1:47%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 *. SWEET SENTIMENT Field 4.50 .25 .20 1125—100 312*— 100 110—100 MARGARET Mc 5.70 4.75 185—100 137*— 100 GUIDE RIGHT 8.30 315—100 Winner — Ch. h, by Mackenzie II. — Heart String, by Flint Rock trained by G. May; bred by Messrs. Morris and Walden. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:14. AT POST— 4J- minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. SWEET SENTIMENT shook off BURNSIDE and, drawing clear on the last turn, had to be hard urged to hold MARGARET Mc. The latter went to the outside after working her way up on the stretch turn, but was wearing down the winner with every stride. GUIDE RIGHT improved his position fast and finished well. THE DOCTOR was well placed throughout. DARK NUN closed a big gap. BURNSIDE tired badly in the drive. PRINCELY ATTENTION had no excuses. HORATIA quit. Scratched— 71185General Toy, 118; 69618 Montana™, 110; 71115 Yankee Doodle, 113; 70035 Jorico, 105; 70750 Bokie B., 96; 71185 Baltimore, 110. Overweight — Dark Nun, 1 pound; Burnside, 5; Princely Attention, 3*; Bud Broom, 1; Horatia, 2; Traumagne, 2; Redivivus, 3. * m- OO7 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Hand to Hand, Sept. 19, 1931—1:52—4—99. Bronte • -i-O 4 Purse. Purse S800. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner May-30-32-Thf 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,300; if for ,500, 8 pounds extra. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt 71151SILYERY w 5 112 12 5 2" 3" 3k 14 14 OMalleyJ J E Smallman 140-100 71116 FETISH wb5114 9 2 31 7* 6* 41 2* RallsC M Lowenstein 585-100 71185 FLYING ZENO wb 4 111 5 10 94 61 4a 31 3" PhillipsC Power City Stable 5750-100 71221*TOP HATT1E w 5 104 7 11 101 102 10* 8k 44 ClancyM Mrs R Pollard 740-100 70906 MOON PHASE w 6 111 11 7 4k 91 91 7k 51 FatorE W D Hendley 3910-100 71151 PARSNIP wb4114 3 4 l2 1" 5Bk 54 61 ArnoldG Geneseo Stable 1180-100 711512HOMELIKE wb 6 114 2 1 74 8k 8" 9* 7J CanfieldL J C Kirkpatrick 1035-100 71185 GEORGE DE MAR w 10 114 10 8 6" 4" l" 6" 8" DohertyF Mayfair Stable 1715-100 71151 TOREALONG wb 5 111 6 6 81 51 2" 2" 9* BakerFJ G Preece 565-100 661793BOLD BENDIGO w 4 112 8 9 51 21 T 104 10 AimersT J McElroy t2335-100 71221 CELERITAS w 6 111 1 3 12 12 111 ll3 11* FodenN D Garrity + 71151 RIENZI wb4111 4 12 11" ll1 12 12 12 AbelA Mrs J C Hamilton + tMutuel field. Time, :234s, :49, 1:14%, 1:40%. 1:54J5. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS— , SILVERY .80 .80 .40 140—100 90—100 70—100 FETISH 6.00 5.10 200—100 155—100 FLYING ZENO 13.45 572*— 100 Winner— Ch. m. by Silver Image — Last Love, by Ultimus trained by G. Alexandra; bred by Messrs. Dale and Dalzicl. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 5:57*. AT POST— 2* minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. SILVERY went to the outside entering the stretch and, disposing of the pacemakers, was kept under pressure to withstand FETISH. The latter, shuffled back early, came through in the final half mile and finished gamelv. FLYING ZENO, hard ridden and a factor in the late stages, held on well. TOP HATTIE finished fast. MOON PHASE closed a gap. PARSNIP, BOLD BENDIGO and GEORGE DE MAR were used up making the pace. HOMELIKE was messed about all the wav. TOREALONG quit fast in the stretch. Scratched— 70974 Billy Baughn, 100; 70940 Diodoro, 111; 70699 Isostasy, 111; 69662 Star, 106; 71073* Mainsheet. 109; 70122 Friar Cliff, 111. Overweight — Bold Bendigo, 1 pound. Corrected weight — Parsnip, 114. : a OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT THORNCLIFFE PARK Monday — 3 Races, 17.30; 5 Races, 62.55; 7 Races, 54.80 ._ ■. — ■