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y -2 4th Bainbridge Purse 00 3_Year-Olds. Claiming. Prometheus, % Mile June 22, 1931— 1:11— 4— 115. NOTE— Claiming price, ,000. Weight, 115 pounds. Winners since May 20, 3 pounds extra. Non-winners since April 1 allowed 4 pounds; in 1932, 6 pounds. IIII c« J. Index Post — Best at Distance— Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 71157* 7*Donday ...Hav 115 1:13% 106X1000 70589* 12 Irish Spree F.P 105 1:14% 109.. 1000 71118 15 Curry Girl D.P 115 1:14% 104 X 1000 71118 17 Flying Silk Lat 106 1:15% 104 X 1OO0 70516 16*Dorothy Hicks. Tdn 115 1:15% 101.. 1000 70992 2 Jaipur ....Trp 97 1:15 109X1000 71035 1 Butch M Bbg 116 1:15% 109.. 1000 71080 3 Minnie Gage .. M 104.. 1000 64364 4*Edna GraccM 99.. 1000 71037 5*Miss BurkeM Haw 108il:18% 99.. 1000 Index Post Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70985 6*Peges Lassie M Lrl 105 1:15% 99.. 1000 70872 8 Jessie Coppaee M Trp 105 1:16 104.. 1000 71080 9*Abcs Pal M. CD 113 1:15% 104.. 1000 71080 10 Captain T..M 109.. 1000 70899 11 Brisht Moon .. Ml Lat 115 1:15 104X 1000 64794 13 Fire M 109X1000 71035 14 Just a Hug M Bbg 11341:16% 104.. 1000 71009 Poetic License. HI St. J 98 l-mt 99.. 100Q The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work j out and racing record for this and previous year: Data Cra. Ola. Time Tr. Odd* Wt. St *Str. rin. Jockey P.P.C1 Pce.Sts. Beit Company j Honda J X 1 fC B. c, 3, by Donnacona — Little Peep, by Peep o Day. J Work- Mav 23 3-4 117%ft -*■"- Trainer. C. A. Marone. Owner. C. A. Harona. i [%26-32*Bbg 31:14%gd 24 5 108*10 5 3*1 31 LaneJ 1000 12 Consumatnll3,N.Weisslll,PetcrG.113 Apr27-32*Lex fc 1:12% si 3 113 5 5 4*1 2" RileyHR* 1000 8 VellHeerdl08,SilkoIinell5.AbesPal 113 Ape23 32Lex fc 1:11% ft 28f 109 12 9 81 6s RoseM* 1000 12 AquaVitae 117,Twill 116,Aristocrat 115 Ape20 32*Lex fc 1:11% ft 13 113 10 7 6" 61 McCrosnC* 1000 12 Madelon 110. Red Vest 113. Dorita 110 . Had3 321Hav 31:20%hy 8 107*6 7 61 5" MaierF* 1000 7 CryToml09,Dnamedel04,HyPoi!y 105 Marll32sHav 31:17%hy 15 106 6 o 31 3i MeadeD" 100012 S.Wshipll3,This.Teleel06,RlRock 107 • Mat 4 32Hav 1*° 1:43% ft 5 107*10 9 11* 11" McLarenJ" 80012 Excurs-nl07,BobUp 109.Flyin.aA torn 107 , 1 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. I«t. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1931 record.. 9 0 2 0 $ 350 1932 record. .15 2 4 2 ,750 Irish Spree 1 OQ B. g, 3, by Defiance — Three Sheets, by Tredennis. Work Mav 1 3 4 117ft -*-"* Trainer, J. P. White. Owner. J. P. White. , MaylO-32Tan j 1:15% ft 10811 5 2 21 MolterW 800 12 Sycamorel03.Marechal 107,Setright 107 May 5-32*Tan J 1:14% ft 112 5 7 61 6 MolterW 1000 12 PrawkKK.LaWanda 107,Syc,more 102 Mav- 3-324Tan 3 1:15 ft 111 5 4 5* 7i MolterW 1200 8 V.Crofton99.B.McGeel09.S.Princs 101 Apc21-32*Tan J 1:15 ft 112 5 3 5* 51 MolterW 1800 8 RodDmd 107,SirS,tinll2,C,rmarch 107 Aprl9 32*Tan sc 1:11% ft 111 1 1 4*1 61 MolterW* 1600 12 B.RoselOO.R.Diamondll5,H.Fellow 110 Apcll-32*Tan sc 1:11 ft 112 5 9 1218 12"* WarrenW 2000 12 MissChnellO.K.atArms 113,Napamul04 Dec l-3PTan sc 1:10% ft 109 1 1 ll ll JonesR" 2000 12 Padrone 109.Ogygial06,MonksGlide 101 starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , St.irts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 recoid. .11 1 0 1 $ 725 1931 record. . 6 0 1 0 $ 150 Curry Girl X 1 CA B f 8 by chief Curr"— K«rr7 Girl- by Mont dOr il. Work: Mav 30—3 8.. :38%ft -»-"** Trainer. O. Johnson. Owner. J. C. Ellis. Mav28 32*Bbg 11:40 ft 102 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 1250 12 Graphite 110,K.uvcral06,Sh.Padraic 104 May25-32"Bbg 31:16%sy 12f 107 8 9 9" 910 WimmerM* 1250 12 EllenD. Ill, Zean 114, HastvPollv 102 Octl4 31Lat i 1:15% m 24f 107*12 12 8* 8U HooverT10 2500 12 NellKhlmnl03,DlivYdll3,BnHiil 111 Sep.7-31DP 5ifl06%ft 7 102*6 610" 91 MontgyR* 1500 12 Pmeditatel07,OurGrief 105,AnteB 105 Sep 3 31D.P 54 f 1:10% hy 13 108* 6 7 51 2* HooverT4 1200 12 M.Upsetl05.C.Rogersll2,Patangon 112 Sep. 1-31D.P 3 1:13% ft 60 115 7 7 681 471 GriffinS1 1500 9 CottnTimell7,P.Meganl07,Essentl 115 Aue;27 31*D.P g 100% gd 11 113 12 6 51 78 GriffinS10 1400 12 Chutney 108,YinonaLady 108.Lohi 110 , Start3. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.— 1931 record.. 9 1 1 0 $ 750 1932 record. . 1 Flying Silk X 1 04. Blk* f 3 by Fyins" Ebony— Silk Lady, by Ormondale. Work- Mav 28 3 4 119ft ■*■"* Trainer. L. K. Rogers. Owner, G. J. Mandcl. May25-32:Bbg J l:16%s 93 107 11 11 11" 11" ChthamR1 1250 12 EllenD. 111. ** — HastvPolIy 102 Apr-WLex fc 1:10% .t 108e 106 4 7 7" 920 JamesE* Allw 10 AdobePostlll.BerJoell3,WalterD. Ill Oct26 31Lat 3 1:14% gd 23f 106 7 10 8s 8" CheatmR4 250012 LoctMoss 101,Vonniel09,OurCcote 107 Octl4-31Lat 3 1:15% m 63 1111 7 9 122* 12» GevingL* 2500 12 NellKhlmnlOS.DlivYdllS.B-nHill 111 Sep 3 31*D.P 1 1:02% hy 11 109 4 2 3* 41 ChthamR* Allw 8 O.Chrycotell5.Chiconl08,LstMoss 109 Aug28-31SD.P 54 f 1:10% m 15 112 4 12 11" 11" GriffinS1 250012 AbeFurstll3,Chiconll0,Barashkova 110 Aug22-31,D.P g 1:02% si 18-5 114 5 1 11 1* ChthamR" 2500 12 MksFox 114,StellaF. 109,PtiSing 109 Augl9 3rD.P 5 f 1:07% ft 12 107 6 1 11 31 CheatmR" 300012 Essential Hl.MonksFoxl09,Teedup 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record. .11 1 0 2 $ 874 1932 record. . 2 Dorothy Hicks 101 Ch f 3 by Star Master_ NauSnty Nisba. by The Manager. Work Mav 29 1-2 -52ft •*-"-*• Trainer. W F. Lutz. Owner. Mrs. D. Hicks. May 9-32:.ur 3 1:15 "ft 39 109 7 9 10"i 9:i MongtyR 1200 12 Anne L. 115,Monde 115,GonLight 109 Marl5 32:F.G 3 1:14% ft 28f 105 7 11 11" 11" HladJ1 1500 12 K.Russell llO.Elkhart HO.Marlene 110 Man2 32F.G 31:14 ft 19f 110 7 9 9U 918 SmithJ8 150011 Marlcnell0,MissN.Conlanl05,Drury 115 Feb. 9-32=F.G 3 1:14% ft 15f 103* 5 10 11" 11" MartinTP* 2000 12 Gr.Wavell3,ChuChul06,D*ysBaby 108 Jan22-32J.P 3 1:14% ft 16 111*9 3 6T 81 HladJ" 100012 Analystll4,B,garLady 104,Chilhoma 114 Jan.l5-32M P 3 1:18% hy 22 108 5 4 48 51 HladJ1 1000 12 Dianame HO.BigBlue lll.Marcelet 104 JanJ3-325J.P 31:16 hy 23 94* 2 4 51 6" MartinTP* 2000 8 Estin 115,Overboard 115.MyIlobby 110 Jan.ll-32*J.P 3 1:16% gd 19 103*4 2 11 11 NeelJ8 1000 12 Piecemeal 103,MsUpsetl08,Elkhart 113 i Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— Sttirts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — 1931 record. .11 2 0 1 | 1.150 1932 record .. 8 1 0 0 $ 425 Jaipur X 1 OQ B. g. 3. by Volta— Ida, by Peep o Day. Av/«/ Trainer. V. Gigliotti. Owner, T. M. Brank. May21-32Spt a 1 :59% ft 5 110 6" RemillardP Allw 10 MarthaD. Ill, GanLee 113, NickD. 107 Mayl6-32*Spt a 1 1:00% ft 51 106 3* RemillardP 1000 10 Semesterll3,GeorgeK.101,BatgBill 106 MaylO-32°Spt a g 1:03 hy 10 1101 3" MooreET 1000 8 Preferred 110, Itso 120, Venarock 110 May 5-32Spt a g 1:00% ft 37-10 110 8" MooreET 800 8 Peralta Ul.Kukui 1144.AdaEpinanll04 May 3-32Spt agl:01%gd 7 111 24 MooreET 800 10 Diaquri 111, Banjo 115, Vandion 115 Feb29 32Trp 3 1:13 ft llf 97* 13 9"! II10 MontgyR" 1500 14 Light Nun 108, Estin 118, Timour 113 Feb26 32*Hia 31:15 hy 18 95*1 4 7" 718 MontgyR* 2500 8 Fervid 113,Dedicatel05,PellBound 113 JJan.l8 32Hia 3 1:12% ft 67 115 2 11 10" 10" QnbushG* 2500 14 Rabble llO.Fair Billows IlO.Slash 105 . 3 arts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record.. 23 4 8 5 | 4.715 1932 record. . 9 0 1 2 $ 170 Butch 1 OQ Ch. g. 3 M, by Crimper— Georgia W., by Paul We. del. WorV Mav 28—3 4 122ft ■*-"* Trainer. F. Morris. Owner, Weil Sc Morris. May23-32"Bbg 31:13% ft 45 11612 5 8" 10" GoolcrW 1250 12 Tricycle 116,NinasBaby lll.Kuveralll , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— v 1932 record.. 1 Minnie Gage 1 LK,L± fA Br. f, 3 M, by Sporting Blood— Lady Mildred, by Dick Work: Mav 28-3-4. .. ,1:18ft Welles. Trainer. J. M. Hukill. Owner, W. F. Strauss. Hay27-32*Bbg 31:15 ft 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 17 Maid 12 JstaBtyll0,NthnSirll5,B.oRosesll0 May24-32«Bbg 11:41 ft 108 110 6 7 8" 9M HardyL* 1250 9 DunesllO.St.Nazaire HO.Discobolus 115 JM14 31Lat 54 f 1:07% ft 73 115 8 7 6* 6T HardyDO* Maid 12 L.Offeringll5,Parfaitll5,AnneteB. 115 JuL 7-31Lat 54 f 1:08 ft 54 115 6 7 61 5" HardyDO* 2500 12 FryLassllS.ElizabhW.llO.AnneteB.llS , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won— . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record. . 2 1932 record. . 1 Edna Grace QQ B. f, 3 M, by Chilhowee— Florabella, by Spanish Prince JX *7e7 Trainer, L. H. Silver. Owner, E. O. Bonsteel. May27-32*Bbg 31:15 ft 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 18 Maid 12 JstaBtyllO,NthnSirll5,B.o-RosesllO Sepll-31Beu 54 f 1:09% ft 11 109 510 MajesticJ Allw 8 Noels Dress 109,Kitty F. 109,Penn 112 Sep 7-31Beu 54 f 1:10% gd 20 109 6» MajesticJ 148010 Alcove 102,FirstRate 105,GnSandalsl07 4un.ll 31*Bbg g 1:00% ft 34f 105 12 12 12" 12" OMallevJ* 175012 MissKnal09,Marmitinal01,L.HerPy 97 May27 31aBbg g 1:00% ft 25f 107 12 12 11" 11" PowersC* Allw 12 TempusllS.FdAlmylOS.NoahsPride 115 Apr29 31,Beu 44 f :57% ft 39 104 91 SullivanA Allw 9 MdyMissl08,M.Montezl05,L.HerPlayll3 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record. . 5 MISS Burke QQ ch f 3 "*• by Altawood— Easter Flower, by Free Lanoe. Work- Mav 11 1-2 -52%ft Trainer. D. Lchan. Owner, D. Lehan. Mjy23-324Bbg 1 l:4l" ft 14 5f 110 10 12 12" 12" NealE" Maid 12 KittyOVVayl07,WilIiamJ.116,Ed L. Ill May 9-326C.D l 1:49% ft 84 f 111 3 11 11s* ll18 MeyerC8 150011 Flyingl05,JustOrrnontll3,Epidemic 113 May 2-32"C.D 1 1:49 ft 101 108 4 7 91 9" TurnerC* 1500 9 Jorettal04,P,cessA.O.108,P,ceM,gan 113 Oct28-31Haw 54 f 1:09 si 13f 110 9 11 11" 10" WatsonR8 2500 12 Uma 105, Hour Girl 110, Fill In 110 Oct20 31Haw 3 1:15 ft 31f 1084 6 10 10" 11" LeylandJ* 2500 12 MarthaD.102,GolnStatel08,Parties 106 ■ Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— . Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record.. 3 1932 record. . 3 FeggS Lassie QQ Cn f 3 M- by Thunderstorm— Peggy L., by Von Tromp. %V Trainer, A. Bordeau. Owner, W. J. Alford. May25 32;Bbg 3 1:16% sy 102 SCRATCHED. Post P. 14 1250 12 EllenD. 111. 7*j* 114. HastvPolIy 102 May 21-32 Bbg 3 1:13% ft 70 109 7 9 10" 10" FerminA1 1500 12 Indicative 105,Deja 105,Sky High 110 Apn4 323Bow 31:13 ft 113f 105 1 8 10" 1020 PecgC" 2500 11 CalgaryKay 112,FairJack 112,Jaffa 105 NovlO-SPPim 1" 1:45% ft 152 100 6 8 8" 8" RenickJ1 2000 9 F.Follylll.JusticiaryllO.Anpolitan 113 Oct31 31Lrl 1 1:42% si 217 109 11 12 12" 12" SniderA" Maid 12 MyFgusll2,GntSir 112,Byzantine 1134 Oct26 31Lrl 3 1:14% ft 179 1051010 51 5* MeadeD* 2000 10 Jaffa 109.Lillybet lll.TulachArd 115 Oct21 31Lrl 54 f 1:07% ft 106f 115 12 9 10" 9" PeggC9 Maid 12 Boscobel 115,BigAmcall5,DonneIla 115 , Starts. 1st. :nd. 3rd. Won.— . Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record. .6 1932 record. . 2 Jessie Coppage 1 " 04 B. f, 3 M, by Cloister — Joyce Hoffman, by Prince Hermes. Work: Mav 12—1-2 -57hv Trainer. R. Holloway. Owner, R. F. Coppage. May21-32Spt a g :59% ft 102 SCRATCHED. Post P. 13 Allw 10 MarthaD. Ill, GanLee 113, NickD. 107 Mayl8-32Spt a g :59% ft 20 103 51 SeaboG 800 10 HotTimell3,D.Wthtnll3,Van.Casel05 Mayl3-32*Spt a g 1:00% ft 43 105 5AHenR 1000 10 Venarock 110,Toltecll5,VanityCase 108 May6 32Spt a g 1:01% ft 29 1101 8" SnyderJM Maid 9 CWshipll5,RedNotell5,ThistleDkll5 Jan.ll-321Trp 3 1:13 ft 12 105 1 6 9" 11" CarrollW 1500 12 BokieB 105.ErbethFoxl064,Delude 100 fen.9-32Trp 54 f 1:08% ft 53 111 2 5 71 61 CarrollW 1500 10 OnLeavelll.F.Fellowll6,C.Camille 111 San. 7 32*Trp j ld3% ft 69 105 2 3 4* 4" CarrollW 1500 9 FrBillowsllO.S. Royal 113,SgleKayll0 , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.— , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record.. 1 1932 record .. 7 0 0 0 $ 25 Abes Pal "I A A B. g, 3 M, by Westy Hogan— Boja, by Handsel. Work: Mav 7— lm. . .145%ft -*-v1 Trainer, H. Wells. Owner. H. Oots. Maj-24-32«Bbg 11:41 ft 72 110*9 9 9" 7" RoussellV1 1250 9 DunesllO.St.Nazaire HO.Discobolus 115 Mayl6-32*C.D 64f 1:21% ft 44e 1091 7 9 9" 8" MeyerC" Maid 12 DeIvenl08.BlovFlyl04.Maj.Lanphr 112 Mayl3 32TC.D Its 1:49% ft 7 113 9 12 10" 8" RoseM* 1500 12 Pr.Singl08,BlowFlyl03,Mas.McGee 108 Mayl0 32*C.D 3 1:13% ft 74 113 12 12 10" 10" RoseM1 200012 PlBoundl21,B.Looneyl22,Br.Down 108 Apc27-32*Lex fc 1:12% si 4 113 8 7 71 45 RoseM5 1000 8 WellHeeled 108,Dondayll3,Silkoline 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1932 record.. 5 Captain T. 1 OQ B. c, 3 M, by St. Henry— Rounella, by Rouleau, Work- Mav 27 3-8 :37%ft J-Ut/ Trainer, T. I. Pierce. Owner, T. L. Pierce. May24 32*Bbg ll:4l ft "59 115 2 6 61 6" MorrisonR8 1250 9 DunesllO.St.Nazaire HO.Discobolus 115 Mayl8 32sC.D lrVl:49%ft 34 113 6 3 31 3* AHenCE1 1500 10 ByScretllO.Fireflh 109,Discoblus 113 AprI9 32*Lex fc 1:10% ft 98 110 2 5 4* 5" EllswthW Maid 12 BnyMaureen 105, I Pass HO.Votan 110 1 JuL 2 31Lat 54 f 1:09% si 5-2f 115 4 6 8" 9"CorbettCe 2500 12 O.Jfersonll5,GrdUnionll5,P.Rock 115 • Jun.ll-31Was 54f 1K» ft 18 115 5 9 9" 10" RoseM* 2500 12 Durango 115, Minton 115, Delven 110 fm 5-313* §1:00% ft 33 10810 9 81 61 RoseM* 4000 12 SunsSonlll.OhDavelll.AnitaOrmtlOe *m.33lWas g 101% ft 17 116 7 8 51 51 RoseM" Maid 12 BandTimell6,MrMcGeell6,B,llyhooll6 . Starts, lat. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record. .10 0 0 1 | 100 1932 record .. 3 0 0 1 $ 50 Bright Moon X 1 A Blk f 3 M5, by Busy American — Invasion, by Colonel Vennle. Work: Mav 14 — 3-8 36ft -*-"** Trainer, C. H. Trotter. Owner, J. B. Respess. Mayl9 32:C.D l 1:46% ft 42 105* 3 6 71 7" HauptJ8 2000 8 ElPumall5,Sandwrkll5,BrhDown 110 Mayl6 32*C.D 64 f 1:21% ft 8e 108 2 3 5» 6" HauptJ1 Maid 12 Delvenl08,BlowFlyl04.Maj.Lanphr 112 Octl9-31Lat 3 1:15 ft 33 104 9 8 61 61 HauptJ* 2500 11 Memndmll5,Lonell 112,I.Highone 112 ! Sep22-31HdG 3 1:14% ft 40 113 11 8 10*1 101 MeyerC" 2500 12 Playgll3,Dustof» 114,Line ot Fire 116 ■ JuL31-31*Lat 3 1:14% ft 51 112 7 1 11 2* MeyerC 2500 12 Chicon 112,Maridel 112, Del Dixi 115 Jul20-31Lat 54 f 109% m 71 115 7 4 5* 61 MeyerC* Maid 12 BeautyBridell5,Dizzyllt,,WinonaLyll5 i fuL14 31Lat 54 f 107% ft 51 115 9 8 7" 7* MurrayT* Maid 12 L.Offeringll5,Parfaitll5,AnneteB. 115 * . Starts. lBt. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starta. lit. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record. . 7 0 1 -1 | 300 1932 record. . 2 * * j j J i . • , Fire X 1 OQ B. o, » M, by BUzes— Cobbler Lass, by Charles Edward. 1 J U Trainer, T. Headdlee. Owner, F. Headdlee. Sepl8 31Hag a § :59% ft 21 119 7" HollandR Maid 8 Rl Pastlig.HagtnlW.MinsCrey 119 Sep 4 31Mar 54 f 1:10% si 51102 7*1 SmithE 1000 8 Chinkeel02.Spunky 107,Hagerstown 116 p 1-31Mar 54f 1:09 ft 41 10 114 Lost rider. OMalleyJ 1500 8 Step.Sisterlll,Jkstaffl22.T.Threat 111 Aug28 3rc.F agl:01%m 21 105 2" HainesR 1800 8 GteelGirl 106,L.Nipperl06,FgM*enll2-, Aug25 31C.F | 37% ft 15 117 5*1 HollandR Allw 8 GrandRox 117.Radial 114,Spunky 112 j Starts. 1st. 2nd. .".rd. Won.-, , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record.. 10 0 2 0 $ 195 Justa Hug 1 Ozl B. f, 3 M, by Spanish Prince II.— Squeeteus, by Zens. Work: Mav 22—3 8 39%ft *""* Trainer. E. Albright. Owner. J. J. Nesbitt. May23-32!Bbg 3 1:13% ft 143 113111 12 11" ll11 BarrW* 1250 12 Tricycle 116,NinasBaby lll.Kuveralll Oct23-31Lrl 54 f 108% ft 130 110 11 12 12=° 12" RenickJ11 2000 12 Playaround HO.Firade lll.Facchina 113 1 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— . Starta 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— » 1931 record.. 1 1932 record. . 1 Poetic License QQ B. f, 3 M, by NectnrnaJ— Hyperbole, by Jack Atkia. W Trainer. J. McNally. Owner. F. Gabriele. May21-321Hag a | 101% ft 20 109 8" ShawT 1100 8 BI.Dreamsll5,Remedy 119,B.Berry 109 Man25 32sSt.J 3 1:15% ft 17f 99 7 14 14;l 142* StoutJ1 1000 14 HvpoIuxol09,LtleGyplll,Preferred 111 Mar21-32*St J 54 f 108% ft 13f 99 3 9 10" 12" StoutJ1 1000 13 W.ToplM.ChtahcheelOg.Wrproof 108 Feb.18 32Hia 54 1 107% ft 762 110 12 12 12!* 12" BoleseT* 250012 FgnPlayl05,M.Alongll5.F.Blanche 105 Oct30 31Emp 54 11:09% m 100 118 12" BolneseT* Maid 12 MsCarol 118,Exhilaratell8,Patheticll8 Oct22 31,Emp 54f 108 ft 60 115 12 12 12" 12** GrnwoodC* 2500 12 Southcoll8.L Attempt 118.Strategy 115 Octl6 31*Jam |102%sy 100 116 8 8 71 7" GrnwoodC4 Maid 10 WysQunll6,Pheticll6.TMneLass 116 — Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts, lat. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 laoi record. recora.. . 9 s 1932 a.yo;2 record. record. . . 4 *