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DAILY RACING FORM VOLV-fE XXXVIII. N tJMBEH 130 FOUNDED IH 1894 Entered aa second -cUbs matter, April _, 18SM, at tbe pout office at Chicago. llliLoia. under Act of March 3, 1*79. DAIL- EXCE1T SUNDAY A €allj reflection of Uie American turf by telegraph Pubinned hy PAILI RAC1NU FORM PUBLISHING CO. Ml PLYMOUTH COUHT CHICAGO. -LI. US FOUBTH AVEHUE, 5ETB YOKE CITY, H. Y. M EICH_OK_ 8TKEEI. EA81, TORONTO. 0_T. _** 387 DECATDH 8TEEET, NEW ORLEANB. LA. •014 SQlb MIAMI COUET. N. V. MIAMI. IXA. lBI.KlfJoNB nw HABUISON For OuaJDeaa aod circulation pnrpoaea only. Thla telephone baa no connection with tbe news or editorial frpartmecta and cannot be used to communicate wlt_ them For Free Phone Keeulta Call Wabash 7000. SUBSCRIPTION HY FIKSI I. ASS MAIL: 50 1EK MONTH PAVAHLK IN ADVANCE BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL. 26 CKNT3 EACH Address all communlcstions, make all remittances and send all manuscripts to DAILY RACING F0FM FUBLISHINQ CO. 441 Plymouth Court Chicago. HI. To be considered and answered, all queriea tu Dally Racing Form must be aent over tbe fnll name and with the address of writer. Tbe names and addresses are euhjeot to a local and foreign directory teat. 67555 is First Index of 1932