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workouts! 1 Date at left of bones name Is last workout of horse. Letters following time j j Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; a, eased up. I FRIDAY, JUNE 10 WASHINGTON PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6 9 Andora :38 h 6 6 Pietro :35%h 6-7 Blies Orphan :35 h 6-4 Rol Blunder. :37%h 6 8 Chicsu :38%h 6-5 Supre Sweet :35%h Dark Winter. :37 b 5-18 Suffolk :37%h Dark Conqut :37 b 6-8 Scots Glory. :36 h 5-17 Flv. Cherkee :36 h 6-2 Typhoon .... :38 h 5-31 Miss Spkling :36%h 5 31 Va Carrndo. :38 h 5 31Mastr Bruce :37%h 6 5 Volta Maid.. :38 b 5 31 Oslo :36%h One-Half Mile. 6 8 Broad Bill... :48%h 5 29 Flvg Home.. :47%h 6 5 Brains :51%h 6 3 Gold Tip.... :48%h 6-8 Belle Weidel. :54 b 6-7 Kincsen :51%b 5-28 Cousin Judy. :52%b 6 2 Levaal :49%h 6 8 Dunny Boy.. :48 h 5-26 Ly Broadct. :49%h 6 8 Ervast :47%d 6 6 Red Roamer. :48%h 6 7 Elise :50%h Five-EighthsMUe. 5-8 Bob Dozer... 1:04 h 5-29 Mtie Hardiesl:03 h 6 6 Bill Loonoy..l:02%h 6-6 Monks Dude.l:02%h 6-5 Beau Cavlierl:03%h 6-8 Mr. Joe l:03%h 531Bimini l:01%h 5-29 Missive 1:03 h 6-9 Cp Douglas. 1:05 b 6 6 Meloy l:03%h 6 8 Chauvenot ..1:05 b Orge Plume.l:02 h 6 8 Chatwink . .l:03%h 6 8 Speed Witch. 1:05 b 6-5 Charley O...l:02%h 6-9 Sweet Flag.. 1:05 b 5 29Daudet 1:00 d 5-28 Scod Beautyl:04 h 6 5 Frky Workerl:05 b 6 9 Tea Tax 1:05 b 6-8 Higher l:03%h 5-16 Vennie H...l:02%h 69 Jge Prirose.l:00%h 6-7 Waywd Ladl:02y5h 6-5 Mt. Washn.l:04%b 3 8 Wise Ann...l:00%h 6-5 Miss Kid....l:04%b Three-Quarters Mile. 5 3 Bster Twist.l:18 h 6-5 Peter Peter.. 1:20 b 5 17 Captain Ed.. 1:15 h 6-3 Priccss Ivre.l:15 h 6 4 Dug In 1:18 b 6 8 Prince Volta. l:17%h 6 8 F. Grabner..l:17%h 6 4 Rol Guinea. l:15%h 6 9 Gift of Rosesl:15 u 6-9 Rough Riderl:18 d 6 5 Galt Knight.l:15%b 6-6 Spot Pot. . . .l:16%h 6 3 Half Day... .1:21 h 6 8 Suitor l:18%h 6 9 Hvannisport 1:16 h 5 24 Shaker Lady.l:14%h hB8 I Say 1:18 b 5-21 Tombereau .l:15%h 6 7 Ladv Teddv.l:17%h 6-6 Triassic ....1:16 h 69 Next Call...l:17%b 6-9 Tweeny ....l:17%b 6-4 Olive Sabath.l:19%b 6-7 Tonow 1:19 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 68 Curtsey ....l:30%h 68 Irene T 1:32 h One Mile. ■6-5 Brush Down.l:45 h 6-7 Jack B 1:43 h 6 5 Btering Raml:44 b 6 6 K. Russell.. .1:43 h 6-8 Chokoloskce l:38%h 6-6 Ono 1:44 h 6 7 Darwin . ...l:42%h 6-4 Playaround .l:43%h 6 8 Economic . ..l:43%b 6 6 Parfait 1:45 b 6 9 Evergold . ..l:42%h 6-7 Riff Raff. . ..l:46%h 6 6 Inheritor ...l:45y5h 6 9 Squall 1:45 h One and One-Eiqhth Miles. 6 2 Big Beau 1:58 h 6-3 Mintou l:59%h LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather clear; track fast — -Three-Eighths Mile. 4 22 Annan :40 b 6 8 Noels First. :39%b 6 3 Doramelia .. :37%h 6-8 Polvdorous . :36%b 5-7 Jackknife .. :37%h 5-5 Sergnt Hill. :37 h 5-18 Lion Hrtcd. :37 h 6-3 Tiverton . . . :36%h 6 8 Monks Bela. :35%h 61 Venetian Girl :36%h One-Half Mile. 5 9 Bright Bird. :50 h 5-31 Ruane :52%b 5 6 Eveline F.... :49%h 6-7 Salisbury . . :50 b 5 26 Kentckv Ace :48%h 6-1 Sand Boot..:52%h 5 13 La Gondrina :51%h 6 6 Worthy Polly :49 h 6 8 Lapidary ... :49%h Five-Eighths Mile. 6 4 Buds Pal.... l:04%d 6-7 Pr. Suliemanl:02 h 6-8 Golden Sun.l:02%h 6-5 Red Vamp. .1:04 %h 6-8 Hyklas . ...l:02%d Three-Quarters Mile. 3-26 B. of Prev..l:16 h 5-31 Master Ace. .1:21 b 6 9 Cutecloi ....1:19 b 6-7 My Dandy. .1.17%b 6-6 Con Amore.l:18 b Rolling Sea.l:16%h 6 8 Hot Shot... 1:18 b 6-8 Sobieha ....1:18 b 6 4 Jack Pulpit. l:15%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 6 9 Kensington .1:30 h 6-4 Our Grief.. .1:31 h One Mile 6 7 Deemster ...1:46 h 6-7 Seths Ballotl:53 b 6-6 Jack Collins. l:44%b 6-8 Sophist ....1:46 b Kentucky Ace showed good speed. Con Amore and My Dandy are both training - well. BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6 8 Coots :38 b 6 8 Noahs Pride. :36%h Crooning . . . :40 h 6 2 Rose O :37%d 5 29 Greg Ormont :37%h 5-17 Stampdalo ... :39 b 5-16 Masma :39 h 6 2 Sunny Sideup :41 b One-Half Mile. 5-27 Aurebon . . . :52 b 6-5 Mynheer . . . :51 h 6 4 Bright Flag.. :51 h 6-7 Master Dbar :49 h 6-4 Beauty Bride :51 h 6-7 Merrily On.. :50%h 5-28 Butch :49%d 61 Oberon .... :50%d 6 6 Crooner .... :52%b 6-7 Purlie :51%h 6-6 Ftunate Mn :51 h 6-5 Royal Lassie :53 b 6 8 Frnd Charley :52 h 5-31 Sir Michael.. :51%h 6-7 Lucky Pal... :52 h 6 7 Torchfire ... :50%d I Five-Eighths Mile. 6-7 Al Hour 1:04 d 69 Emma June.. 1:03 d 6-6 Crucial Test. 1:06 h 6-1 El Recreo. . .l:04%d I 6-7 Downpour ..l:05%h 5-10 Little Toots. 1:05 b 6-7 Doubtless ...1:03 d 5-22 Marion T.. . .1:02 d 6-7 Duplicitv . . .1 :08 b 5-30 Paul T 1 :04%h 6-7 Doris B l:06%h 6-8 Wandrel . ...l:03%d Three-Quarters Mile. 6-8 Drury l:16%d 6-7 Orestes II... 1:16 d i 6-8 Dick Morris. 1:14 d 6-3 Sydka 1:17 d 6 7 French Maid. 1:26 b 6-7 Thistle Dukel:19%h 6-8 Irish Music. l:16%d 5 29 Upsweep ...l:15%d 1 6-5 Madwind ...l:15%h 6-7 Yes Yes.... 1:22 b 1 One Mile. 5-5 Jack Berry.. 1:45 h 6-6 Sporting Ldyl:44 d 6 7 Kitty 0Way.l:46 h CONNAUGHT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Deduce :38% 6 2 Make Believe. :37% 6-1 Darienzo .... :39 Song of Songs :38 Free Hold.... :38 Sorcery :38% Mad Mullah.. :39 6-9 West Drift... :38 One Half Mile 6-4 Light Nun... :51% Washout .... :51% Pcess Allana. :51 Worldly Wise. :51 5 18 Precede :52% Wood God.... :54 Scarlet :51 - I I BELMONT PAKR. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6 8 Bubble Up.. :35%h 6-7 Flying Mtes :36%h 6-2 Charleigh .. :36%b False Lady.. :36%h 6 9 Charon .... :37%b Queenly Way :36%h 6 7 Dynastic ... :35%h 5 30 Waterway. . . :34%h 5 31 Delicacy ... :35%h 1-13 Zosara :36%h One-Half Mile. All Ablaze.. :52 b 5 30 Microphone :52 b 6 4 Chatter Foil. :49 h 6-7 Noon Whle. :49 h 5 24 Fourteen ... :49%h 5-30 Rob. Crusoe. :49 b 6-9 Gusto :49 h 6 2 Wahoo :49 h 6-7 Mr. Sponge. :49 b Five-Eighths Mile. Bold Lover.. l:01%h 6-7 Cree 1:06 b 6-8 Crack Fiver. 1:03 b 6-8 Cry the Nsl:02 h 6-7 Clock Towerl:06 b 6 7 Emcv Aid.. 1:04 b 6 8 Burgoo Kingl:00%h 6 8 Moralist ...1:03 b 6-3 Blsed Eventl:01%h 6 7 Screech ....l:02%h 6 8 Boy Crazy.. l:01%h 6 6 Wary l:02%h 6-9 Blona Pete. 1:01 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6 6 Mocker 1:21 b 5 14 Pompeius ..1:15 h 66 Miscalculate 1:21 b 6-8 Rabbit Skinl:17%b 61 Inception ...1:18 b 5 31 Royal Stone.l:17 h 6 7 Iago 1:17 b On* Mile. 67 Bk Jacket. 1:43 b 68 Stepenfett .1:44 b 5 25 Boatswain .l:40%h 6-7 Tug o War. .1:43 b Gdtime Saml:43%b 5 28 White Cr Hl:40%h 6 9 Gd Te Waltl:43 b : I JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast — . Three-Eighths Mile. 6-8 Axmatic ... :36%d 6 8 Volette . . . . :39 b [ Nightie :39%b One-Half Mile. 6 8 Aldershot . . :51 b 6 8 Disdainful .. :48%b 2-1 Allenfern ... :57%b 6 9 Gallop Along :50%b 6 8 Croyden .... :51%b Five Eighths Mile. 6 3 Boocap ....l*4%b 6 2 Gly Jumperl:07%b 6-8 Catino 1:04 h 6 8 Ptom Legionl:03%b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-7 Capt. Jerry. 1:20 h 5 31 Short Apch.l:18 b 6 7 General A... 1:15 b 6 4 Single Star.. 1:15 h 6-7 Improvise ..l:16%h 6 7 Wild West.. 1:18 b 6-7 Pulis 1:18 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 6 8 Equipoise . ..l:31%b 6 5 Negopoli ....1:35 b One Mile. 6 6 Chicatic ...1:48 b 6 8 Regal Flag.. 1:48 b Disdainful was well in hand. Equipoise had an easy trial. Single Star went handily. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Bel Tempo.. :37%h 6-1 Sea Rocket.. :37 h 6-8 Friscoville . . :37 h 6-8 Sarada :38%h 5-21 Mint Paragon :40 b 6-8 Unwritn Lw :38 h 6 8 Margie W.... :37%h 5 27 Via Appia... :38 h 6-5 Mamas Chce :39 b One-Half Mile. 6-7 Device :50 d 6-3 Haggerson . . :51 h 6-7 Dark Amber. :53 b 6-7 Happy Gal.. :53 b 6-5 Easter Herald :52 h 6-4 OurSallie... :49 h 5 21 Gault :49 h 6 5 Wrench . . . . :56 b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-7 Blue Joan... 1:05 h 6-7 Dark Secret. l:01%h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-7 Cane Heart.. 1:17 h 6-7 Rummond ..1:18 h 6 7 Merry Chterl:18 h 6-7 Tuskegee ...1:17 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 6 6 Cocked Hat.. 1:31 h 6-4 Optimus ...l:30%d 5-3 Deferred ....l!31 h 6-9 Upturn . ...l:32%h One Mile. 6 8 A La Carte.. 1:43 h 6 5 Charlie 1:44 h 6 7 Air Minded.. 1:44 d 6 5 Dancing Boyl:45 d 68 Captn Dickl:44 d 68 Sh. Grafton.l:45%h LONG BRANCH. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5 27 Bubbling Out :37 h 5-19 Soil Gills... :37 h 6 8 Cupboard . . :39 b 5-26 Solace :37 b I 6 9 Granite Rock :38 b 6 7 Shorelint ... :39 b 6 8 Patrick Cln :38 b 5 23 Tea Gown... :35%h 6 4 Reflecting .. :38%b One Half Mile. 1-10 Black Cloud. :51 b 5-19 Live On :53 d 4 30 Dr. Yates... :50%h 6-9 Mintmagi ... :52 b Gay Day.... :502/5b 6 4 Miss Puray.. :49%h 3-10Gayola :52 b 6-1 Poppin Crer :50 h 6-8 Izetta :51%h 5-13 The Doctor.. :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-8 Fire Brigade. 1:05 b 3 3 Maximum ..1:03 h 6 8 Gav Parisian.l:08 b 6 8 Roseman ...l:04%h 5 9 Medwav ....1:07 h 6 7 Raysol 1:03 h 5-18 Moon Phase.-1:04 h 5 28 Tinge l:04%h Three-Quarters Mile. 5 24 Bold Bendigol:18 b 5 27 Nelson l:17%h 5 27 Bronze ....1:17 d Staccato ...1:18 d 5 26 Fair Orb 1:20 d Snitch l:16%h 6-1 Gay Spirit... 1:18 d 6 9 Sph. of Betyl:21%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-17 Upset Lad. .1:31 h One Mile. 66 Bckwdsmn l:45%d Indian Dancel:45%d • ♦