untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-09-30


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For Years a "Menace" to the "Bookies" Ask Any "Old Timer" Hell Tell You SWT HONESTY .IS THE BEST- POLICY My releases are always advertised WIN OR LOSE! Thats why thousands of clients stick with me year in and year out YOU CANT WIN THEM ALL, BUT MY ADVER-AGE ALWAYS SHOWS A HUGE PROFIT. Thursdays Parlay: SMEAR .74, WON MARSE CHAN .94, .76, 2ND Wednesdays Parlay: STAR LASSIE, .90, WON POTENTATE, .90, LOST But How Did You Like Tuesdays Parlay? TADCASTER, 5.54, WON MARTIE FLYNN, 0.34, WON Parlay Paid Over 40 to 1 Not up to standard this week, but Im not ashamed neither are my clients discouragedthey know Ill more than make good before the week is over I ALWAYS DO! ! gXP-FRlDAY AN "OLD-FASH-- IONED" CLEAN UP AT T LINCOLN FIELDS Two Limit Priced Winners That Will Prove a Revelation "SHOOT THE WORKS" TODAY IM WARNING YOU AGAIN I NEVER WAS MORE POSITIVE IN MY LIFE DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS DAILY TERMS CHICAGO CLIENTS, Call In Person or gjgr Phone Franklin 0596 PB Cor messenger service no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Service sent by fast telegram. JACK FIELD 85 South Dearborn, Boom 703, Chicago, HI. NEW WEEKLY OUT 35 CENTS FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS FREE CODES: LINCOLN FIELDS: Erie-Spot-Year-Star-Year. HAVRE DE GRACE: Cape-Year-Jewel-Hard-Ring. LOOK! YESTERDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: Pce Sulieman 2.28, Won AND, NOW, . Today Under no consideration fail to get the prospective Master Long Shol 8n page 4 of the NEW ISSUE. This trick is read; S step to town. Ask your newsdealer for the WEEKLY MASTER CL0CKER 35 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS CLOCKERS REVIEW 35 Cents a Copy Sold at All Newsstands Todays Free Code: LINCOLN Pink-29-22. For key to code, see page 2, Clockers Review. SENSATIONAL Col. Matt Bradys One Horse Daily is TAKING THE ? COUNTRY BY STORM. Winner after winner is just t what all followers are getting. YESTERDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: PRINCE SULIEMAN, 2.28, WON WEDNESDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: HABANERO, 9.26, WON i Todays Brady Special: LINCOLN Pod-8-2. Go get this one TODAY FOR A BANNER DAY. For Colonel Matt Bradys Specials, see page 11, C Clockers Review. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: QUICKLY, 2.30, WON HASTY PETER, 3.48, WON DONT MISS TODAYS 50-1 PARLAY TERMS, , BY TELEGRAPH OR IN PERSON For SPECIAL PROPOSITION, see page 4, Clockers Review. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City y HASTY PETER, 3.48, WON DEPRESSION, $ 7.82, WON ij- WAS THURSDAYS DAILY TWO-HORSE WIRE TERMS FOR 6 DAYS 614 Congress Bank Bldg. Chicago, III. Notice! Chance of a lifetime. An income from racing. See our free offer elsewhere in this paper. Secor Publishing Co. T. RILEY, President J. CANNON, Secretary T. McPHERSON, Treasurer General Turf Agency Authorized Turf Commissioners, Established 1918 The racing game cannot bo beaten by guesswork. You must have legitimate information. Stop being fooled. Protect your money. Dont be misled. We are affiliated with a number of horsemen who are furnishing us with the most sensational turf information ever released to the public. Our terms are within the reach of the smallest as well as biggest player. SHT DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY -H , Everybody positively receives the same two horses no exceptions. You receive exactly what you pay for when you subscribe to this office. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: PRINCE SULIEMAN, . 2.28, WON HASTY PETER, 3.48, WON Our Two Horses Are Advertised Every Day, Win or Lose THE TRUTH AT ALL TIMES EST" TODAY TWO BIG WINNERS TODAY PSS Do Not Fail ;to Get Todays Parlay Subscribe Two Winners j Remit three dollars immediately for todays two advertised horses. All releases sent by fast wire. Our office open every day from 8 a. m. to 6 p.m. GENERAL TURF AGENCY 1452 BROADWAY, SUITE 509 NEW YORK, N. Y. 26 YEARS OF ACTUAL TURF EXPERIENCE "Darky" Bob Williams YESTERDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: MONKS DUDE, .18, LOST CAMP BOSS, .80, WON WEDNESDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY; STAR LASSIE, .90, WON PANCHIO, .10, WON TUESDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: HER GRACE, .70, WON STANDOUT, LOST MONDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: CHATWINK, 0.00, WON HIGHER, 5.00, WON Another 11th Hour Win Parlay Today Connections have gone through a tremendous expense in preparing both horses today. This outfit has been laying back up to this time waiting. It is nearing getaway time and they must get theirs over now at LIMIT PRICES TODAY to enable them to get shipping expenses. Therefore, they have elected today as being the day. Folks, if you really want to cash a good sized wager, just be sure and get this parlay TODAY AND YOU SHOULD 8TGET PAID OFF BY YOUR BOOK-"W MAKER TODAY "W TERMS FOR 11TH HOUR PARLAY PER DAY YESTERDAYS DAILY DOUBLE: BRIGHT BEAUTY, .42, LOST CHATWINK, Withdrawn Another Daily Double Parlay Goes Today W- THE SEASONS GREATEST H CLEANUP IS IN FOR TODAY Dont fail to get this DAILY DOUBLE TODAY and get the best proposition ever offered in TURFDOM. DONT HESITATE, but be sure to take advantage of this exceptional proposition. ALL RACE PLAYERS will find the most extraordinary INDUCEMENT for a profitable day. The unfortunate TURF FOLLOWERS should buy this DAILY DOUBLE. IT ONLY COSTS YOU 50 CENTS AT YOUR NEAREST NEWSSTAND DETROIT PLAYERS I Sold at DUNNS NEWSSTAND, Michigan and Shelby Streets Be sure you try it today. Get your copy immediately. Dont hesitate. Get me? "Enuff sed." If unable to get it at your newsdealer, send for k six 6 days service, which will be sent to reach you the first mail in the morning. 9TSTART AND MAKE BIG MONEY" W BEATING YOUR BOOK- "W ST MAKER TODAY You may have this information wired you daily if you desire. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Make all remittances payable to i BOB WILLIAMS 123 W. MADISON ST. SUITE 600 CHICAGO, ILL. ? t i C y WITH MY COMPLIMENTS FREE TODAY GO THE LIMIT, WIN ONLY GALLOP ALONG 7th Race Havre de Grace Jockey S. Coucci is scheduled to ride this three-year-old colt today and an easy win is in stpre. I have a limit parlay going TOMORROW Satur-day. DONT MISS IT. TERMS, ?3, BY TELEGRAPH Make all remittances to Jockey Arthur Mortenson 1672 Broadway 9th Fl., New York y ij- III. .Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Experts CARMACS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: LINCOLN FIELDS Four-14-28 ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: LINCOLN FIELDS Eight-38-10. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF SEPTEMBER 24 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL "Americas Premier Turf Ace" t PARTINGTON 118 JOCKEY WEST 44th ST. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE MANY WINNERS I HAVE RIDDEN: FEU DE J0IE, J197.60. Won; ROCK SUGAR. 40.40, Won; MANDY. SP9.00, Won; DANDYBRUSH, 0.60, Won; SYMPATHY, 2.20, Won; CERES. 8.90, Won; JEAN CREST, 1.20, Won; MERULINA, 5.30, Won YESTERDAYS PARLAY: PLUCKY GIRL, See 6th Race Lincoln Fields LADY GIBSON, See 7th Race Lincoln Fields STRICTLY THE ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED YESTERDAY Todays transactions are two of the biggest deals I have had the good fortune to participate in during the past five years. So important are these affairs that every detail concerning them has been kept in the dark and even the horses, concerned are stable secrets. The public will not have the slightest idea of what is going on, and I have been advised that each horse may pay a 0 mutuel. Every client is advised to take advantage of this unusual offer by playing them as a straight parlay only. Strictly the only two horses to be released from this office today. I play every horse I send out. I never made a promise that I did not make good ask your racing associates about my ridine record. Do you need further proof of my reliability? Ill prove to the most skeptical that I never misrepresent or resort to subterfuge. If you want to get in on the ground floor if you want real inside information if you want to join hands with a reliable turf connection dont hesitate. RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAY. TERMS A DAY JUDGE THE FUTURE BY T.HE PAST. My record is an open book investigate it. My office Is open every day between 10 and 4. Come in with me today and convince yourself. Send your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph to JOCKEY PARTINGTON, 118 W. 44th Street, New York, N. Y. Daj lv ft Lc RPH The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents CONSWATER, 8.75, WON REGREN gave three Woodbine winners Wednesday, including Conswater. The other two were pointed out in Regrens Pay-Off and Standout columns. One of Regrens Lincoln Field3 winners was PANCHIO, .10, the "Pink Sheets" Best Bet S" If You Make Only a Few Select Plays a Day, Follow Regrens EMPHASIZED Horses FRIDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: LINCOLN FIELDS roor-ll-28-oO. FAIRMOUNT PARK Rich-28-33-34. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail r CASH ON A WIN PARLAY TODAY These Two Horses Should Win Easily BPF" CANRON Fifth Race mr FLAG TRICK Sixth Race DONT BE AFRAD3 TO BET ON THESE TWO HORSES WIN PARLAY-STRAIGHT ONLY BOB MITCHELL, Baltimore, Md. Americas Premier Clocker RAY PAXON INVITES COMPARISON Six Straight Winners for Fifty Cents Best Service Ever Offered Two Horses Daily 50 CENTS WEEKLY TODAYS TWO HORSES: LINCOLN FIELDS Eddie-6-1-25-3. LINCOLN FIELDS Pat-26-9-24-3. RAY PAXON , 320 East Third St. Suite 401 Cincinnati, Ohio X IW If TV TV Tx DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR FRIDAY: FAIRMOUNT PARK A-1 2-6-24-20. LINCOLN FIELDS A-22-24-12-24. j WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILL,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932093001/drf1932093001_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1932093001_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800