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DAILY RACING FORM! VOLUME XXXVIII. NUMBEE 263 FOUHBED IS 1M4 Entered aa aecond-clas matter, April 2, J 806, at the jeat office at Chicago, Jlllnoia, under Act ot Ifarcb S, JS7I. DAILY EXCEIT SUKTJA3 A flallj refteetten f Xtaa- American turf by telegraph PoUUfcad fcy JkandLY RACING FORM PUBLISHIHG CO. 4H PLYMOUTH COUHX CHICAGO. OX. . AVENTJE. KFW SOU COT. . X. M JtlCHKOND STREET, EAIX. TObOJITQ. OXZ. . .9M-3C7 DECATUH STKECT. XEV OE1EAJW. LA. MH-201S JUAJO COUBT. H. W. MXAXI. IXA. TCE1.EPUONB 7608 HARRISON ror twaineaa and circulation purpose only. Hila tefeiibane bas no runneello wltb fbe oewa cr editorial dejmrtnentB and can not e Tiscd to com-snunicat -with tbesa. Tor Tree Phone JUaulta Coll Waasah 7000. EUBSCEIITJON HI F1KST-CLASS HAIL: .50 PEIl 110KTB PAYABLE IN ADVANCE .BACK NUMBEES BX MAIL. SO CENTS EACH Addresa all oommuandicatieai. make all remlttanoaa as end all saajiuicrijrU to SAILS RACING POKM PUBLIfiHIMQ CO. 441 Plyouth Court Chicafff. IU. To be eoDBldered and answered, all queriea to Dally Bnciog Form moat ba aent oxer the all nam and with the addresa of writer. The namea and addresa ea are subject to a local and foreign directory teat. 67555 is First Index of 1932